
jimlovell777Is there anything other than my competency and coding skill keeping me from altering u1 so before a file is sent it's encrypted using a password from the keyring? Is it against ToS that I've overlooked?01:00
beunojimlovell777, you can totally do that01:17
beunoyou won't be able to do anything useful with that file from the web ui01:18
beunobut it's not against the TOS at all01:18
jimlovell777beuno: Nice. Well All I would want out of the web UI is the ability to re-download the file should I lose the local version or need it remotely. I would decrypt it manually. I'm after automatically backing up my files but not having them "out there".01:19
beunojimlovell777, I'd love to see such a "plugin"01:20
jimlovell777beuno: One more thing. UbuntuOne doesn't seem to have a re-create or restore feature. Does one exist? Say I need to re-install or something trashes my hard drive, it seems like I should be able to enter my u1 credentials and have the u1 folder re-created locally from the files on the server.01:21
beunojimlovell777, if you re-install, or plain delete the u1 metadata01:23
beunoit will bring everything back down01:23
jimlovell777beuno: Oh, that's never happened, I've always had to bring the folder on a new install current myself. Maybe I don't wait long enough for all of that to occur.01:24
Lunar_LampI have my contacts syncing between Evolution and my iPhone.  However, the contacts are in quite a mess (not the fault of teh app - they were in a mess before I started).10:12
Lunar_LampWhat's the easiest way to tidy them up.10:12
Lunar_Lampe.g. deleting contacts, taking info from several contacts and merging into one etc/10:13
Lunar_LampThe web interface is pretty shoddy for that.10:13
Lunar_Lamp(hundreds of contacts to tidy, so want something nice and snappy)10:13
Lunar_LampOr, specifically, if I delete contacts in Evolution, will they be synced to my iphone with all the deletions etc? (this is what I want)10:20
andreasnThe Ubuntu One music store partner is 7Digital, right?11:10
andreasnI really, really want to give you money11:11
andreasnso I'm trying to get hold of the new Daft Punk album, Tron Legacy Soundtrack11:11
pmjdebruijnI'm not from canonical11:11
pmjdebruijnandreasn: check the faq, there are limitation for some regions11:11
* pmjdebruijn has to run11:12
andreasnso the funny thing is that I can find it in the regular 7digital store, but not in the ubuntu one store11:12
andreasneven the swedish 7digital store11:12
andreasnhm, I wonder if something can be up with my locale or something like that11:13
karnihi everybody!11:15
karniandreasn: that's a known issue among users. try in few hours if you can, more devs should be around11:15
karniLunar_Lamp: can you sync iPhone with gmail? (do you use gmail?)11:15
andreasnwhat's the known issue? not being able to find the album or that there might be a locale issue?11:16
karniLunar_Lamp: when I was going for a new HTC phone (Android), I wrote all my contacts into Contacts under GMAil in the webUI (450+), and then synced down to the phone11:16
Lunar_Lampkarni: I do use gmail for somet things, yes.11:16
karniLunar_Lamp: then, I think you could cleanly sync that with evolution11:16
karniLunar_Lamp: and then, up to U111:16
Lunar_LampEvolution can sync directly with U1...11:17
karniLunar_Lamp: but I'm not sure if it's the best option. it's how I cleaned up my contacts when moved from sony ericcson to HTC11:17
karniLunar_Lamp: correct11:17
karniLunar_Lamp: so what I mean is GMail contacts (<-> ? ) -> Evolution <-> U111:17
Lunar_LampAh, I understand now - you're saying that the gmail contacts UI is pretty good for playing around with contacts?11:17
Lunar_LampI shall go and invstigate!11:18
karniLunar_Lamp: however, it recently changed a bit, and I don't like the changes I must say..11:18
karniLunar_Lamp: but you can check it out on your own11:18
karniLunar_Lamp: just make sure before you start typing that manually, that you can easily sync Evol. contacts with GMail (I'm 95% sure)11:18
karniandreasn: locale issue11:18
andreasnok, thanks!11:19
karniandreasn: 7th digital store is based on regions11:19
karniandreasn: and ppl suffer from that11:19
karniandreasn: but that's the policy. I don't think much will change any time soon.11:19
karniandreasn: you are welcome. you might find some more info on wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne11:20
andreasnthe odd thing as that I can get to it through the web browser, the album is available in Sweden and all11:20
karniandreasn: but thourh 7th digital page, or some U1 page ?11:20
andreasn7digital page11:20
karniandreasn: isn't the store in Rhythmbox etc11:20
karniandreasn: ah, that's the thing. it's probably U1/region matter.11:21
karniandreasn: you can ping beuno or ask rye about that in few hours11:21
andreasnwill do!11:21
ryekarni: ?11:23
karniandreasn: fire your question11:23
* rye has the backlog, reading the one11:23
karnirye: question about regions and music availability in U1 music store11:23
karnijust above11:23
andreasnrye, my selection of albums seems different between U1Store and web 7digital store11:24
karnialbum on 7th digital page not visible under U1 music store form the same region. I said it's probably U1/regions related, but felt you might have something better to say.11:24
andreasnto add complexty to the issue, I'm running it under Banshee11:25
andreasnlooking if RB is any different11:28
ryeandreasn: ok, trying to recall how to check what store you are in... And how many stores we have11:29
andreasna funny thing is that I can see the tron legacy cover as Daft Punks logo when I search for Daft Punk. So it feels really close ;)11:30
andreasnare there different selections in different stores? ie. is the U1 store and regular 7Digital store different if I'm in, say UK?11:32
ryeandreasn: could you please tell me your IP address?11:46
andreasnlets see, how do I figure that out?11:47
* rye believes it can be done in irrsi but don't know how yet11:47
ryeandreasn: you can navigate to http://whatismyipv6.com/ which will show you your ipv4 address in case ipv6 is not present11:48
ryeno longer like whatismyip.com after it added a ton of useful info to the page11:49
ryeandreasn: ok, confirming, this is Sweden (fwiw, geoiplookup from geoip-bin package)11:52
karnirye: in irssi, /whois andreasn returns info with visible ip address (at least, what I know, it's the same what he just wrote ;) )11:55
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ryeandreasn: ok, could you please provide the url from 7d store and I will poke 7digital to see why we got no Daft Punk album12:04
ryeandreasn: http://7digital.com/artists/daft-punk/tron-legacy/ ?12:05
andreasnyes, or http://se.7digital.com/artists/daft-punk/tron-legacy/12:06
rye:-/ my evolution is broken in a very strange way, mailto: links do not work, and this is weird that I can't send mail within a mail client :-/12:09
karnirye: o_O12:09
* karni is happily using mailto: links with in-browser gmail :>12:10
ryekarni: it's just the mailto: links are sent to org.gtk.vfs.MountTracker, nice, huh?12:16
karnirye: not really sure. is that bad :D?12:20
karniit sounds bad12:20
ryekarni: basically it translates to 'mount mailto:email@example.com somewhere'12:23
karnirye: hahahahahh12:23
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
ryeandreasn: i wrote a message to 7d asking them about the album, unfortunately I don't have the ETA for this issue.13:43
mandel1nessita: we do have an stand up now, right?13:59
nessitamandel1: thanks14:00
nessitaalecu, dobey, thisfred, ralsina?14:01
mandel1nessita: is you or thisfred the one that goes after me?14:03
nessitamandel1: I go after you14:03
nessitamandel1: go!14:03
mandel1DONE: Holidays. Work on IPC with WCF and COm so that it can be accesses by python clients.14:04
mandel1TODO: finish POC to ensure that IPC is stable. Work on file system notifications if I have time.Find why not admin users cannot sync on windows.14:04
mandel1BLOCKED: no, yet the code is hard to do.14:04
mandel1/me looks at the  boss, nessita14:04
mandel1lame, copy paste14:04
mandel1nessita: go14:04
nessitaDONE: reviews, epiphanies, bug #673670, bug tracking, some user support14:04
nessitaTODO: more bug #673670, bug #671023, fix review comments for Dbus wiki doc14:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:04
nessitaNEXT: thisfred_14:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 673670 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Contact syncdaemon dbus service from backend (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67367014:04
thisfred_DONE: some reviews some more bindwood exploration/testing TODO: bindwood BLOCKED: feel I'm getting sick, so if I'm not feeling better after the weekly meeting, I might head to bed14:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 671023 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Volume info with None as the free space causes syncdaemon to emit QuotaExceeded (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67102314:04
thisfred_alecu: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO14:04
alecuDONE: a branch for Share events is up for reviews, working on File Synchronization events (still bug #674252)14:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 173)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67425214:04
alecuTODO: more zg14:04
alecuBLOCKED: no14:04
nessitaalecu: I have to do your review!14:05
nessitaalecu: link please? :-)14:05
nessitadobey: stand up?14:05
nessitaok, eom for now!14:05
alecunessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/ziggy-for-syncdaemon/+merge/4298014:06
dobeyλ DONE: stable 686647, 686036 workaround, started lucid backports work14:06
dobeyλ TODO: 683351, backports14:06
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:06
nessitapeople, today is weekly call in 1 hour 10 minutes14:06
mandel1nessita: ok, cu then :)14:08
=== thisfred_ is now known as thisfred
ryerodrigo_: ping, were you able to find out what's happening to the couchdb-glib/evolution/json-glib ?14:20
andreasnrye, ETA?14:24
ryeandreasn: Estimated Time to Arrival (as far as I remember). Since no response was received so far the only thing I have to suggest is to try purchasing the album from 7d directly :(14:25
andreasnmaybe I can send some spare coins in an envelope to the London office14:30
nessitadobey: do you understand what pitti is requesting here? bug #62108414:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 621084 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "gir1.0-syncdaemon-1.0 should depend on gir1.0-dbus-1.0 (affects: 2) (heat: 40)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62108414:55
dobeynessita: that we make sure the bugs are already fixed in the narwhal package15:00
nessitadobey: can you please reply to that comment in particular for the gir issue?15:01
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
nessitadobey: thanks!15:08
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
alecudobey, nessita, Chipaca: I need to make zeitgeist a dependency. How should we go about it?15:59
alecuit either needs to be a developer dependency or a ubuntuone-client dependency, but I'm not completely sure which.15:59
alecuthe fact is that it's nice to have zeitgeist installed for ubuntuone-client, but it's not mandatory16:00
alecuit is mandatory to run the tests, though.16:00
dobeymake it a dependency of what?16:03
dobeyif without having zg installed, it just doesn't log the events, but everythng else works fine, then we will make it a Recommends16:03
dobeyalecu: it's already a Build-Depends in the nightlies for running the tests, and we'll add it as a Recommends to i guess python-ubuntuone-client, since the bits that use zg are in there16:04
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
alecudobey, nice. Lucio had some issues with nightlies, I'll ask him about that.16:08
dobeyyes the nightlies are broken at the moment, because the tests are failing in them16:09
nessitadobey, alecu: a Recommends sounds great to me16:09
dobeyi think i will disable running the tests in nightlies for the moment16:09
dobeyso they will build16:10
mterryaquarius, what's the status of the u1-remote-storage put/get api?16:11
karnimterry: what API is that which you mentioned?16:26
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karnimterry: something not related to u1-storageprotocol ?16:26
mterrykarni, maybe it is?16:26
mterrykarni, there was going to be a library for storing things in u1 just (i.e. not syncing)16:27
karnimterry: aha. I'd like to hear about that, too :)16:33
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
karnibeuno: nice! I like the mobile Ubuntu SSO web page. I think I haven't seen it before.17:53
beunokarni, \o/17:54
beunotooks us a while to get it right17:54
beunobut jblount nailed it17:54
karni=) he did!17:54
karnijblount: nice work on the mobile SSO page17:54
jblountkarni: Thanks very much, it was fun to work on :)17:54
* jblount goes back to trying to nail one.ubuntu.com with some mobile loving17:57
* karni adds OAuth stuff to new ubuntuone-files17:57
karninice, that was easy having written AU1 before17:59
tarpoonhello everybody18:08
tarpoonI've got a problem with ubuntu one: I moved a 3 files from my desktop to the ubuntu one folder, waited till U1 said that it is syncronized and disconnected it18:10
tarpoonI then connected another pc to U1 and only 2 of the files got transferred18:10
tarpoonafter that I reconnected the first one and U1 deleted the third file instead of loading it up18:11
tarpoonis there a way to recover that file on my local drive?18:12
duanedesignhello tarpoon18:12
duanedesigntarpoon: that is odd. When you say you reconnected the first computer, does that mean you opened the Ubuntu One Preferences Panel and clicked 'Connect'?18:14
duanedesignrye: tarpoon has lost a file and needs help recovering it.18:15
tarpoonI used the Ubuntu One Indicator applet, but as far as I understand it does nothing else then u1sdtool -d and u1sdtoll -c18:16
tarpoon*u1sdtool -c18:16
tarpooncurrently I am running "sudo foremost -t zip -i /dev/sda1 -o /recovery/foremost", as it is an open office file18:19
tarpoonbut so far nothing seems to happen except for a lot of cryptic symbols18:21
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tarpoonwould be nice if Ubuntu One had a "move to trash" option ;)18:39
CardinalFangbeuno, karni, jblount, thisfred, if this music-app candidate works for you, I'll release on Market in a few hours.  Please play a few tunes.18:43
* jblount plays18:43
thisfredCardinalFang: neat! will do18:44
karniCardinalFang: checking18:44
jblountThis is a convenient time for testing since my wife is using our Rdio account.18:44
thisfredMy wife has ceded all claims to control of music in our prenup18:45
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
jblountShe's soothing our kid with meta (\o/) so in this case I'll allow it :)18:46
beunoCardinalFang, installin'18:47
CardinalFangDon't click thisfred's link.  It's a snow-crash.18:48
thisfredI have the music player installed in my wetware now18:50
thisfredCardinalFang: looking good, working fine. Anything in particular you'd like me to try?18:51
beunoCardinalFang, everything seems to work AFAICT18:51
CardinalFangSearch.  Play "Unknown" songs, more than one.18:52
thisfredI have only one song, and it's known. Bordering on played to death even.18:53
karniCardinalFang: installed, logged in, listed albums, but mu current HSDPA link has too weak signal to test music (it's hardly streaming data fast enough, it's a link issue, not the app)18:54
karniCardinalFang: all looks good18:54
jblountCardinalFang: Everything is golden for me18:55
karniCardinalFang: I can check more when I'm back home in 1 hour or so18:55
beunosearch works18:56
CardinalFangOkay.  Good enough.  Thank you all.18:57
beunoCardinalFang, can we change the text for searching?18:57
CardinalFangbeuno, Dang!18:57
beunorather than "Click to search" "Tap to search"18:57
beunoor just "Search"18:58
CardinalFangAh.  Clicking is silly.18:58
beunothank you18:58
karniCardinalFang: I'm sorry I can't be of more help at the moment.18:58
CardinalFangkarni, it's all good!18:59
CardinalFangokay, rc7.  beuno, others?  Try that searching.19:19
* beuno grabs19:20
CardinalFangI added some hackery to automatically jump to searching the system.19:20
karniCardinalFang: i found it on the market, and see: Version: 1.0-2a19:20
* jblount installs19:20
CardinalFangkarni, no, that URL above.  I'll push to the Market if no one finds a problem.19:21
karniaaa right19:21
karniCardinalFang: right, I got it ^ ^ sorry19:21
karniCardinalFang: I'm still coding u1f in a cosy club, my HSDPA is not so good here.19:22
karniCardinalFang: anyhow, good luck with U1 Music :) I'll test it today when I'm back home19:22
jblountCardinalFang: WFM yo19:22
beunoCardinalFang, looks good to me19:22
ryetarpoon: could you please send me your e-mail address so that i could look up your record? I will need to recover all deleted files in 'Recovered' folders in your Ubuntu One folders19:26
ChipacaI could use y'awl's help on this q/a (upvotes, mostly): http://askubuntu.com/q/16592/71119:26
tarpoonrye: tarpoon@gmx.de but I canceled the foremost process and shut the notebook down, as the output folder remained empty during the whole process19:28
tarpoonI am currently downloading the ubuntu one rescue remix and want to try out TestDisk from ann usb-stick19:29
karniChipaca: nice post19:29
Chipacakarni: :) thanks19:30
tarpoonthought that if I don't know what I'm doing it might be better not to do it while the harddrive containing the deleted file is active ;)19:31
ryetarpoon: ok, ping me if you definitely want to recover all removed files19:54
tarpoonrye: I'm using a webchat, how do you ping you?19:57
* karni is on the way home19:57
ryetarpoon: :), just tell me that it is ok to recover :)19:58
tarpoonit is ok19:58
tarpoonI've started the netbook with the lost file with ubuntu rescue remix on usb and started foremost again, seems to work better now from what I can see in the output19:59
ryetarpoon: started the recovery process, you should see "Recovered" folders in your https://one.ubuntu.com/files/19:59
tarpoonlogging in...20:00
nessitaalecu: would you be able to review a u1cp branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/add-file-sync-status/+merge/4326420:03
tarpoonthe file is there!20:06
tarpoonthank you so much20:06
tarpoonit is even the latest version, the one which got deleted from my netbook20:08
CardinalFangEh, uh oh.  beuno, I now need a "512w x 512h icon" for this app.  New requirement for upload.20:08
* CardinalFang dives into the Gimp.20:08
* CardinalFang adds a picture of his cat.20:09
CardinalFangThere!  Done.20:09
beunocan't fail!20:09
beunoCardinalFang, I have the svg20:10
beunoyou wants?20:10
CardinalFangOoo.  I can use that.20:10
beunoCardinalFang, sent20:10
CardinalFangI Can Has Vektor file?20:10
tarpoonso something like this must have happened: "Netbook: Hello Server, 3 new files here", "Server: thank you", "Notebook: hey server, any new files?", "Server: yes, these three", "Notebook: thanks, I take those 2, but delete the third one", "Server: Ok", "Netbook: hey server, anything new", "Server: yes, the third file got deleted, delete it too!", "Netbook: ok, deleting it..."20:13
tarpoonare there any logs on my local drives which could show why the third file got deleted, which I could pack into a bug report?20:14
duanedesigntarpoon: the logs are in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/20:19
tarpoonthanks, found the logs...20:28
tarpoon2010-12-09 15:37:39,248 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - T:SERVER:F 0c8c5a2b-1f5c-4dae-8b33-5d58d42a6ee9 ['root'::'da87699f-fc5d-4e69-8026-63e5d5f6688f'] ''Ubuntu One/05 WS0111/GPM/protokoll_Vorlesung_10.odt'' | Calling commit_file (got AQ_DOWNLOAD_FINISHED:{'hash_eq_local_hash': 'F', 'hash_eq_server_hash': 'T'})20:29
tarpoon2010-12-09 15:37:39,252 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - INFO - T:NONE:F 0c8c5a2b-1f5c-4dae-8b33-5d58d42a6ee9 ['root'::'da87699f-fc5d-4e69-8026-63e5d5f6688f'] ''Ubuntu One/05 WS0111/GPM/protokoll_Vorlesung_10.odt'' | Called commit_file (In: T:SERVER:F)20:29
tarpoon2010-12-09 18:26:29,447 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - INFO - push_event: FS_FILE_DELETE, args:('/home/christian/Ubuntu One/05 WS0111/GPM/protokolle/protokoll_Vorlesung_10.odt',), kw:{}20:29
tarpoon"push_event: FS_FILE_DELETE" does this mean that the file got deleted on my filesystem and U1 wantes to synch that to the server?20:30
CardinalFangbeuno, karni, okay, image hax0red and new version is in the Market.20:33
alecudobey, ping20:44
alecudobey, otto is complaining that it cant find a proposal for a prerequisite branch:20:44
alecudobey, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/ziggy-for-syncdaemon/+merge/4298020:44
alecudobey, any ideas?20:45
dobeyalecu: one second20:51
nessitaalecu: did you got my review request, if possible?20:51
dobeyalecu: hrmm, i think launchpad lies sometimes20:51
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alecunessita, yup, I got it. I won't be able to do it today, sorry. :-(20:52
nessitaalecu: no prob20:52
karniCardinalFang: yay ^ ^ gonna check it out!21:01
karniCardinalFang: works flawlessly :)21:04
CardinalFangAh, good.21:05
CardinalFangkarni, now, about files.  We have several plans, I'm sure, and fortunately we have bzr and Launchpad, so we can work on several things at once, in different places and merge them together as they mature.21:06
CardinalFangI'm about to start on synch of photos.21:06
CardinalFangkarni, should I branch the current trunk?21:07
karniCardinalFang: I'll be back in few minutes, just finishing cooking late lunch  ^ ^` !21:08
karniCardinalFang: ok. no, you shouldn't - I was waiting for your reply of beuno's question where should I push it. plus, I dug it a bit today so if you want it today, I'll clean up and push wherever you guys feel suitable.21:24
karniCardinalFang: also, I'd like to know what do you mean by sync of photos?21:24
karniCardinalFang: would you want to automatically sync the gallery? if so, all of it? one way to the servers? hit me up with some details so we can brainstorm a little bit and I can introduce you to how things work21:25
beunokarni, exactly21:26
CardinalFangkarni, you can always push to  lp:~karni/ubuntuone-android-files/something-something21:26
beunokarni, one-way to the servers, all the pictures in the gallery21:26
karnibeuno: on any network connection?21:26
beunokarni, yeah, when enabled21:27
* karni takes a minute to think21:28
CardinalFangkarni, I think it will take another service.  Maybe an intent receiver to catch Camera announcements that it stored something, if it actually does that.21:29
karniCardinalFang: beuno: aha, so this is basically what AU1 had with the Menu -> Upload -> Picture thing, but fetching all gallery content21:29
karniCardinalFang: I see21:29
beunokarni, right, automagically21:30
CardinalFangkarni, if the user selects 'keep photos on Ubuntu One' then it should upload all new ones as they're taken, and all old ones opportunistically.21:30
karniCardinalFang: so it'd be an option in settings to sync the gallery up to servers, and when checked - all current and any further pictures would be sent to U121:30
* CardinalFang nods.21:30
karniok then21:30
karni1 moment21:30
* karni still eating, brainstorming a little bit21:32
CardinalFangkarni, so for branches, we should keep some stable-ish trunk, and when we have an idea, branch from it, hack, then push it back up to LP in our accounts, referring to the project.  Propose it for merge to whatever should get it (almost always, trunk), and ping someone to take a look.21:33
karniCardinalFang: you only need to know the URI of the picture (easy) and the path you want to uplad it to (easy), so it'll be a piece of cake for you :)21:33
karniCardinalFang: correct, I know the drill ^ ^ was just curious about the main current push. but as always, thanks for valuable details!21:34
* CardinalFang likes cake.21:34
karniCardinalFang: I'd like to work 1-2 hours more on the source if that's ok with you21:34
karniCardinalFang: =D21:34
CardinalFangkarni, okay.21:34
CardinalFangkarni, I can start in your mid-day tomorrow.21:35
CardinalFangOr, later, if you don't have time between now and then.21:35
karniCardinalFang: which would be your morning I presume :) ?21:35
CardinalFangYeah, I think I'm +6 hours from you.21:35
karniCardinalFang: I want to be clear where we are, and though I wished to wrap some major things during this weekend, I won't keep the sources secret any longer.21:36
karniCardinalFang: you mean -6 hours21:36
karniyou're -6 from me21:36
CardinalFangEr, right.21:36
karniCardinalFang: I'll leave you a message on IRC with the branch21:37
karniCardinalFang: I have a feeling I should let you know what's not / what's working, as this is still some seriously dug up code ;D21:38
karniCardinalFang: I'll try implementing upload today, as that's what you'll be using.21:38
karnihaving AU1, such things go quite smoothly21:38
* karni will gladly accept a spare LCD21:48
CardinalFangLater, all.22:02
karnii'm falling asleep ( CardinalFang: I'll push tomorrow )22:23
karninight guys22:23
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
PeDorhi, i got a problem with changing a folder name, if i change it, it stop sync23:56

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