
mhall119is the xubuntu iso currently >700MB also?12:14
charlie-tcaGood morning12:39
mhall119morning charlie-tca 13:17
mhall119is the xubuntu iso currently >700MB also?13:18
mhall119any idea what's causing that?  Or is this typical for alpha1 isos?13:18
charlie-tcaAlternate is about the right size, but the desktop is oversize13:18
charlie-tcatypical about this time13:18
charlie-tcacaused by stuff from Ubuntu13:18
mhall119I got the latest daily downloaded last night, so I'm going to try my xdg-launcher on it13:19
charlie-tcadid it install?13:19
mhall119I haven't tried it yet13:19
charlie-tcaI can't log in today. GDM is broken13:19
mhall119I'll let you know when I do13:20
mhall119not a good thing to have broken13:20
mhall119can you at least ctrl+alt+f1, login as yourself, then startx?13:20
charlie-tcatrue, but only if you plan to use Nagtty13:20
mhall119or xtartxfce413:20
charlie-tcastartx will work with sudo, but starts the xfce session instead of xubuntu13:20
charlie-tcaI dropped down to maverick13:21
mhall119oh right, I think you just need to change the XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_DIRS env variables to make it use the Xubuntu defaults13:21
charlie-tcaI keep the latest release and the development release up to date until beta or rc13:21
charlie-tcaIf the development release breaks too bad for me, I just drop back to the stable release13:25
charlie-tca<pitti> sudo rm -r /etc/X11/Xsession.d/52libcanberra-gtk3-module_add-to-gtk-modules/15:07
charlie-tca<pitti> that's actually the proper fix :-) 15:07
charlie-tcaheh, and that makes gdm work again15:08
charlie-tcawhew! back in natty again15:26
charlie-tcaochosi: did you get the screenshots above?15:27
scott-workhi, i'm scott lavender, the lead for ubuntu studio, i am presuming that xubuntu will be using gnome2 as the default session, can someone help me determine how i can do this for the ubuntu studio images?15:28
charlie-tcamr_pouit: how do create the session for Xubuntu ? ^ ^ 15:28
charlie-tcascott-work: actually, we use xfce, but it means a different session15:29
scott-workcharlie-tca: DOH!15:31
scott-worki actually knew that, but am multi-tasking coupled with i'm a dough head sometimes :P15:31
charlie-tcamr_pouit or cody-somerville will know how to do what you want, though. 15:36
micahg_netbookcharlie-tca: good morning16:00
charlie-tcaGood morning, micahg_netbook 16:01
charlie-tcaHow are things looking today?16:01
micahg_netbookcharlie-tca: ok, I have some weird things with xubuntu on my netbook with ubuntu-desktop  installed16:01
micahg_netbooknot sure what would happen w/out ubuntu-desktop16:02
charlie-tcaIt's a meta-package, it is safe to remove it16:02
micahg_netbookcharlie-tca: I meant w/out the GNOME  components ;)16:02
charlie-tcahm, that can be problematic16:03
micahg_netbookas in a pure xubuntu install16:03
charlie-tcaDid you choose the xubuntu-session at GDM?16:03
charlie-tcawhat kind of weird things?16:03
micahg_netbookwell, multiple don't show this message when connecting to wireless networks16:04
micahg_netbookapplications menu is squished like it should be the XFCE icon16:04
* micahg_netbook needs to file some bugs16:04
charlie-tcado you have both xfce-notifyd and gnome notifications installed?16:04
* micahg_netbook checks16:04
charlie-tcaapplications menu might have replaced gnome's menu16:05
micahg_netbookcharlie-tca: neither actually16:05
charlie-tcaThat's different16:05
micahg_netbooknotifications seem to work, this is maverick BTW16:06
charlie-tcastill got to use something to display those notices16:07
charlie-tcaWith gnome changes, it gets harder and harder to get things to work right when adding ubuntu-desktop to xubuntu or Xubuntu-desktop to ubuntu16:08
charlie-tcanotify-osd should be generating those16:09
micahg_netbookcharlie-tca: yep16:09
charlie-tcaHard to do anything with the multiples, though16:09
mhall119/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service should tell you what program is providing the notifications service 17:33
mhall119woot, xdg-launcher mostly works in Xubuntu18:03
mhall119it runs anyway, but still not using the menu data I want it to be using18:04
mhall119still, it's progress18:04
ochosihey charlie-tca 18:17
ochosiyes, got the screenshots18:17
ochosito be honest i don't see any problems there... :/18:17
ochosithe text is not black though, the color is 3C3C3C, if you like we can test black there18:22
ochosicharlie-tca: bbl18:28
charlie-tcaochosi: Please, let's test black text if we can18:28
charlie-tcaI am looking at accessibility as much as everything else. I want to be able to say we got it right for everyone18:29
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 30 minutes, agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Mettings 18:31
charlie-tcaWell the agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:32
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now19:00
charlie-tcacody-somerville: ^ ^ ^  19:01
mr_pouitmicahg: the main work is already "roughly" done in pkg-xfce's svn repo19:13
micahgmr_pouit: ok, idk how to grab packages from there19:13
mr_pouitit probably needs a bit of polishing (e.g. delete autogenerated autotools files), but you don't need to coordinate with debian for that19:13
mr_pouitand I can push your changes if really needed19:14
mr_pouitmicahg: you can grab the full repo with 'svn co svn://anonymous@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-xfce/'19:14
mr_pouit(more on http://pkg-xfce.alioth.debian.org/)19:15
micahgmr_pouit: ok, so I do that, then test and upload?  then update the wiki by moving to uploaded w/the ver #?19:16
mr_pouitfor panel plugins, the version is not really useful, you can simply put it with the upload date, below the table yeah :)19:16
micahgwill try to do at least a couple this weekend19:19
micahgmr_pouit: why is xfce4 using 3.0 (native) instead of 3.0 (quilt)?19:45
mr_pouitit's a native metapackage, so 3.0 (quilt) isn't very useful19:45
micahgoh, hmm, I guess I misunderstood what it was :-/19:46
mr_pouitmicahg: it's a metapackage to install the mandatory packages for a basic xfce4 desktop19:46
micahgmr_pouit: right, that makes sense now19:46
mr_pouit(but we have xubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, so it's only useful when you want a very minimal install)19:47
micahgor if people don't want the xubuntu branding19:50
mr_pouitdinner time, bbl19:52
charlie-tcamicahg: are we asking testing for thunderbird, or did you say to disregard that part/21:41
micahgcharlie-tca: well, it'll probably be pushed to Lucid today or tomorrow, so idk if it's worth putting out a call for testing, you can mention it as an update if you like that TB in Lucid is being upgraded to 3.1.721:42
micahgcharlie-tca: I'll make sure to coordinate with you for the next major update21:43
charlie-tcaWorks for me. 21:44
ochosicharlie-tca: may i ask you a few things about the screenshot again?22:45
ochosithe "gray text in liferea" screenshot, where's readability the worst for you?22:45
charlie-tcaThe text area below the titles22:46
ochosii mean the tree on the left showing your subscriptions should be fine, right?22:46
ochosibelow what titles?22:46
charlie-tcaYes, that is okay, I don't have to see it often22:46
charlie-tcaThe main body of text22:46
ochosiyou mean the "radioweather writes..." stuff?22:47
ochosii see22:47
charlie-tcathat appears to be a grey text, and it blurs after a little bit22:47
ochosihm, well, it isn't black as stated earlier22:48
ochosiwould you mind quickly testing the black?22:48
charlie-tcaHappy to try it22:48
charlie-tcaWhat happens is too many grays begin to blend together22:49
ochosiif you could edit your /usr/share/themes/greybird/gtk-2.0/gtkrc line 7 and make the "text_color:#000000"22:49
ochosisince it's only this one value involved it's easiest if you just try it22:49
ochosithen you have to reload the theme, meaning switching back and forth22:50
charlie-tcaThat changed the feeds to black22:52
charlie-tcaand the titles above the text box22:53
ochosiyeah, it should in fact change all the text to black22:53
charlie-tcaMaybe it did22:53
ochosiunless liferea doesn't adhere to the gtk-standards22:53
ochosicould you just post another comparable screenshot?22:53
charlie-tcaMy eyes are clouding again, makes it harder to see, but I like that22:53
charlie-tcaDoes it help if I say I can read it easier?22:56
ochosihehe, sure22:56
ochosii mean it's just more contrasty22:56
charlie-tcaSometimes that matters on the monitor22:57
micahgcharlie-tca: TB 3.1.7 was just published to -security22:57
charlie-tcathanks, micahg 22:57
ochosihm, something doesn't work with the link you just posted... (404)22:57
charlie-tcaWell, I have to go to a piano recital now. I will be back later. Thanks for trying, though22:58
charlie-tcaThat second link worked, right?22:58
ochosiyep, i'll try it for a while myself and then push the change to the mercurial repository22:58
charlie-tcaThank you22:59
ochosino problem22:59
ochosihappy we're talking about stuff like this early enough22:59

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