
peermanI'm having trouble logging into the latest live CD. It propts me for a username and I've tried ubuntu, root, xubuntu, etc and a various passwords. I can't find the information on the forums. What is the default username and password for the live CD?01:05
likemindeadHmm... I've never been prompted to login to the Live CD.01:06
peermanall of the other TTYs say "authentication failure"01:06
knomeubuntu:ubuntu should work, but if you are prompted for credentials, the cd is most possibly broken01:07
knomesay no more, say no more01:11
[Steven_M]Hi all, I presume you can use a xubuntu-10.10-desktop CD to install xubuntu on a USB stick?08:30
moetunessure you can08:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:32
[Steven_M]moetunes: thanks :)08:33
moetunesnp :)08:33
meadlinmJust a quick question (hopefully). Is evolution entrenched in xubuntu as far as it is ubuntu? Or can it be completely removed?09:00
meadlinmGuess no one is here to field the question. No prob. 'Night.09:10
leoquantmeadlinm, moment09:11
leoquantimo evoltion is part of the ubuntu desktop09:11
leoquantsome parts of it should be untouched09:12
leoquantmoment gaian09:12
leoquantagain sorry09:12
nicofsis there a comprehensive list of software specifically written for X?09:13
meadlinmleoquant, Thanks.09:13
leoquantevolution-data-server(-common) should be untouched meadlinm09:13
meadlinmI can understand for the generic ubuntu desktop, but is that the same for xubuntu since it is using xfce vs gnome?09:14
leoquantbut that is the gnome part of the story09:14
leoquantmeadlinm, not sure bout that meadlinm09:15
meadlinmok. I'll play around with it a little and see what I can get away with.09:16
meadlinmthanks for the help09:16
leoquanttake care bye09:16
Sysievolution-data-server != evolution09:17
leoquantSysi, part of indeed...?09:20
Sysii guess09:20
Sysibut you shouldn't say "you can't copletely remove evolution from gnome"09:21
leoquantits a vital part of the ubuntudesktop09:21
leoquantnot evolution "an sich"09:21
leoquanti its afaik a metapackage09:22
leoquantSysi, if you compl. remove evolution from the ubuntu desktop your in trouble09:23
leoquantubuntu is not xubuntu i know...09:23
Sysiwell, i don't question reasons for not using gnome ;)09:24
leoquanti use the all flavours09:24
Sysii'm mixing kde and xfce. *box is not nice to configure, neither is gnome09:25
knomeerr, #xubuntu-offtopic09:26
leoquantindeed ツ09:26
nicofsI'm sorry if i'm repetitious, but is there a list of x-software?09:31
nicofs(not x-rated, though^^)09:31
knomedo you mean "xubuntu"-software?09:38
nicofswell... anything written for x(fce)  - and not gnome or kde...09:41
nicofsi just created a launcher for synaptics in my panel. how do i get it to start with administrator privileges?11:15
TheSheepgksu synaptic11:15
nicofsah... can you explain the difference between gksudo and sudo in that case?11:16
TheSheepnicofs: gk* displays a window with the password prompt11:16
nicofsTheSheep: i see. and yet again a bit wiser... thanks!11:17
TheSheepit also sets some environment variables needed by gui apps11:17
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ultimakillzhi. i was wondering if i could ask a question here?16:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:43
ultimakillzeasy enough. i recently installed xubuntu 10.10 onto my low spec laptop. everything is working great except my wireless network card. the card i have is a broadcom 4306 rev02. as far as i can tell there are two issues: i cannot install the propriety driver (i receive a installArchives() failed error) and i cannot or have not installed firmware for the card. i was wondering if anyone had any advice. ive tried just about everything16:48
ultimakillzi could find on message boards, forums, etc.16:48
ultimakillzalso, i think in order to install the firmware i need to run this command: "sudo b43-fwcutter b43legacy", but i was wondering if i could get some verification on that16:51
ultimakillzand no, i do not have the laptop with me at the moment, sorry :\16:51
Freddy-PSPhi. i was wondering if i could ask a question here?16:54
Freddy-PSPhi. i was wondering if i could ask a question here?16:54
some1sup bitches, can I ask teh questionz on herz?16:55
charlie-tca@comment 35650 language and signoff message obscene17:09
charlie-tca@comment 35651 language and signoff message obscene17:09
cody-somervilleultimakillz, Hey17:13
cody-somervilleultimakillz, What wireless card do you have?17:13
ultimakillzbroadcom 4306 rev0217:13
cody-somervilleultimakillz, Are you familiar with running commands in the terminal?17:19
ultimakillzyes, to an extent17:19
Sysii fixed jockey problem with reinstall..17:20
cody-somervilleultimakillz, Can you pastebin the output of the following command?: lspci -vnn | grep 14e417:21
ultimakillzcody-somerville: as i said before, i do not have the laptop with me at this moment. if you are still here in about 1.5 hours i will have it with me. sorry.17:23
cody-somervilleultimakillz, Oh, sorry. Missed that.17:26
cody-somervilleultimakillz, My recommendation is to use jockey ie. Applications > System > Hardware Drivers17:26
cody-somervilleultimakillz, It should take care of it for you.17:26
Sysi18:48:37 <ultimakillz> (i receive a installArchives() failed error)17:27
ultimakillzcody-somerville: i am not familiar with jockey ie.17:29
ultimakillzSysi: yes, that is the error i receive when trying to install the b43 propriety driver17:32
charlie-tcaultimakillz: are you installing using Applications > System > Hardware Drivers17:32
ultimakillzcharlie-tca: yes, i attempted to install the driver that way17:33
charlie-tcathen you need to have the computer with you to go further17:33
ultimakillzcharlie-tca: agreed. i will have the computer in about an hour.17:40
ultimakillzthanks to everyone that has helped so far. i am going to get the laptop now. i will join again when i have it. thanks again.17:58
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 30 minutes, agenda is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Mettings18:31
charlie-tcaWell the agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings18:32
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now19:00
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