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rbnswartz | Newbie question: If a branch is started to fix a bug is started and fixes the bug does that mean the bug is fixed? | 01:05 |
rbnswartz | And no other development is needed for it? | 01:06 |
RAOF | rbnswartz: The bug isn't fixed until that branch is merged to trunk and a release is made. | 01:06 |
rbnswartz | Okay I was working on the bite sized bugs (the workspace indicator being useless with only one workspace) and the code looks like what I was going to do for my fix. Should I start on another bug? | 01:09 |
RAOF | If there's a branch that fixes the bug then I'd move on to another bug; if it that branch doesn't get merged to trunk soon I'd check out why and see if you could prod it along, though. | 01:12 |
rbnswartz | Any suggestions for a bug to work on? (I am a competent c++ programmer) | 01:14 |
RAOF | Anything on the bitesized bugs list should be good. I'm not familiar with the unity or compiz source to be able to point out anything beyond that. | 01:15 |
RAOF | DBO's a good source of bugs to fix, but he's probably asleep :) | 01:15 |
DBO | I dont go to bed at 8:15 :P | 01:15 |
rbnswartz | Any suggestions DBO? | 01:16 |
DBO | I am however arguing politics on reddit | 01:16 |
DBO | mmm | 01:16 |
DBO | rbnswartz, define competent | 01:16 |
DBO | I would have called myself competent for most of my programming careers... its only now I realize I am far from it | 01:17 |
RAOF | DBO: Fix indicator-datetime so I can get a world clock, and I'll stop suggesting you sleep at 8:15 :P | 01:17 |
DBO | RAOF, stop having such glorious hair and I'll stop calling you Fabio | 01:17 |
RAOF | Why would I want to lose such glorious hair? :) | 01:18 |
DBO | you're giving all the lions in african "mane envy" | 01:18 |
DBO | rbnswartz, I am looking through bugs for you | 01:19 |
rbnswartz | In that case I'm a newbie. I know c++ and a little gtk | 01:19 |
DBO | rbnswartz, what kind of time investment are you looking for? | 01:19 |
rbnswartz | Anything that will be relatively easy to fix that doesn't require someone with a large amount of skill. | 01:21 |
DBO | rbnswartz, this one is probably a good one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/683135 | 01:21 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 683135 in unity (Ubuntu) "the launcher autohiding is not blocked by the trash launcher" [Low,Triaged] | 01:21 |
DBO | actually I dont know if thats valid anymore | 01:21 |
DBO | I just redid all that code... | 01:21 |
DBO | mmmm | 01:22 |
rbnswartz | I was looking in the bitesize list | 01:22 |
DBO | ya? | 01:22 |
rbnswartz | I follow jono bacon on twitter and I thought fixing a bite-sized bug would give me an opportunity to help out (a dream come true) | 01:23 |
DBO | yeah its just a lot of bugs are not so... bite sized | 01:23 |
DBO | we have had a lot of people snatch up the easy ones already | 01:24 |
DBO | Im trying to dig out an easy one | 01:24 |
rbnswartz | how hard would the launcher autohiding but be to fix you think? | 01:25 |
DBO | someone just fixed it | 01:26 |
DBO | I was mentoring him | 01:26 |
rbnswartz | good for him | 01:26 |
DBO | ...frustrating | 01:27 |
DBO | OH! | 01:28 |
DBO | I know | 01:28 |
DBO | click behavior on windows | 01:28 |
DBO | it needs more work to be a smart behavior | 01:28 |
DBO | it should give preferential treatment to Urgent windows | 01:28 |
DBO | so if there is an urgent window, it takes you to it no matter where it is | 01:28 |
DBO | rbnswartz, ^^ | 01:28 |
kenvandine | kvalo, one of the geoclue providers uses something ofono provides | 01:29 |
rbnswartz | Where would I look in the source for the code that handles this? | 01:29 |
DBO | rbnswartz, src/BamfLauncherIcon.cpp | 01:30 |
rbnswartz | Okay I haven't looked a that piece of code yet I'll be sure to study it. | 01:32 |
rbnswartz | DBO what do you mean by take you to it? Do you mean have it on top of the windows that are currently displayed? | 01:37 |
DBO | it should call activate () on the window | 01:37 |
DBO | basically if there are *any* urgent windows, we activate them and them only | 01:38 |
DBO | basically we ensure that a click clears the urgent status | 01:38 |
rbnswartz | like the flashing highlight we have in gnome when a window need immediate attention? | 01:39 |
DBO | yes, that is called urgent :) | 01:39 |
rbnswartz | got it. | 01:39 |
DBO | in unity we represent this (right now) by flashing the icon, and glowing the icon | 01:40 |
DBO | however a single icon may manage multiple windows | 01:40 |
DBO | so when we focus windows, we have to ensure we give priority to urgent windows | 01:40 |
jcastro | rbnswartz: welcome to the bitesizer program! | 01:42 |
rbnswartz | thanks jcastro it has been a dream of mine to be involved in ubuntu. I saw this as a chance to get involved. | 01:43 |
jcastro | awesome, you're like the 4th person to show up, we're going to build quite a squad at this rate! | 01:43 |
jcastro | how about this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/685639 | 01:44 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 685639 in Unity "Implement launcher border for floating mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:44 |
jcastro | no one seems to be working on that | 01:44 |
jcastro | What do you think DBO? | 01:44 |
rbnswartz | well you and jono keep talking about it on twitter about it so I thought might as well. | 01:45 |
DBO | floating mode is going the way of the dinosaurs | 01:45 |
DBO | I think i broken it recently even | 01:45 |
DBO | hilariously, nobody has reported the bug yet | 01:45 |
jcastro | heh | 01:45 |
spikeb | haha | 01:45 |
spikeb | going to yank it? | 01:46 |
DBO | yep, broken | 01:46 |
DBO | yeah, it doesn't make much sense really | 01:46 |
DBO | with intellihide, floating is much help | 01:46 |
DBO | isn't | 01:46 |
spikeb | i always thought it was kind of useless, but I wasn't about to say much if you guys wanted to put effort into it heh | 01:48 |
jcastro | DBO: if 683135 is bitesize can you mark it so pls? | 01:48 |
jcastro | DBO: also, we're kind of running out for this week, got any more you can tag? | 01:48 |
DBO | bug #683135 | 01:48 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 683135 in unity (Ubuntu) "the launcher autohiding is not blocked by the trash launcher" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/683135 | 01:48 |
DBO | jcastro, I am not even sure its valid anymore | 01:48 |
DBO | I am pretty sure its not | 01:49 |
jcastro | https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/687956 | 01:49 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 687956 in unity (Ubuntu) "should display the launcher tooltips after a delay" [Medium,Triaged] | 01:49 |
jcastro | aha, what about this one | 01:49 |
DBO | jcastro, not bitesize but jamal is working on it | 01:49 |
jcastro | it might be useful to show him how to snag "Assigned" so it's more obvious to me before I dole them out | 01:50 |
rbnswartz | I think I might be able to handle that one. | 01:50 |
rbnswartz | maybe | 01:50 |
jcastro | DBO: and/or mark it In Progress | 01:51 |
rbnswartz | all I would have to do is insert a timer of sorts into the mouseover event right? | 01:51 |
* jcastro keeps looking for more | 01:52 | |
DBO | jcastro, done | 01:52 |
DBO | rbnswartz, no I dont want it done that way | 01:52 |
DBO | rbnswartz, essentially what we want is a static method in LauncherIcon.cpp | 01:52 |
DBO | this method can be used as a global control for tooltips | 01:53 |
DBO | then Launcher can turn them on and off as it sees fit | 01:53 |
DBO | this way when design changes their mind about how it works, it's not a problem | 01:53 |
jcastro | DBO: hey what about feature-parity bugs for having webapps in the launcher? how easy are those? | 01:53 |
* jcastro pines for his gmail icon on his launcher | 01:53 | |
DBO | not bitesize... | 01:54 |
jcastro | alt-f2 support? | 01:55 |
DBO | OH! | 01:55 |
DBO | thats not a small one | 01:55 |
DBO | but a fun one for sure | 01:55 |
DBO | come to think of it | 01:55 |
DBO | should Alt+F2 just shortcut the dash? | 01:55 |
jcastro | maybe? | 01:55 |
jcastro | hmm, how about quicklists on the trash can? | 01:56 |
DBO | jcastro, the problem with papercuts/bitesize bugs is we tend to fix those on our own | 01:56 |
jcastro | I notice those are missing | 01:56 |
DBO | that one is bitesize | 01:56 |
DBO | so is quicklist on the workspace switcher | 01:56 |
jcastro | is there a bug for that? | 01:56 |
jcastro | ohh, two new ones | 01:56 |
DBO | lemme think | 01:57 |
DBO | so yeah there is that indeed... | 01:57 |
jcastro | ok so let's start small | 01:57 |
jcastro | quick lists for the trash can | 01:57 |
rbnswartz | I have to scoot fellas if you find something for me send me an email rbn.swartz@gmail.com | 01:57 |
jcastro | that'll get rbnswartz up to speed on like the workflow and stuff | 01:57 |
jcastro | rbnswartz: what's your launchpad id? | 01:58 |
rbnswartz | rbn-swartz | 01:58 |
jcastro | rock on, I'll get back to you once I have it filed and whatnot | 01:58 |
DBO | jcastro, implementing launcher scrolling is bite sized | 01:58 |
jcastro | which bug is that? | 01:59 |
DBO | you assume there is a bug | 01:59 |
DBO | so cute... | 01:59 |
jcastro | ok, I'll make you a deal, you file that one and I'll file the trash can one | 01:59 |
DBO | done | 01:59 |
DBO | first let me check the spec | 01:59 |
DBO | I always gotta see if they dropped this shit | 02:00 |
DBO | nothing in the spec about it | 02:00 |
DBO | I will assume we are good to go | 02:00 |
jcastro | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/683547 | 02:00 |
jcastro | is this it? | 02:00 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 683547 in Unity "Bottom launchers hard to expand with filled launcher bar, need edge scrolling" [Medium,Triaged] | 02:00 |
DBO | no | 02:02 |
DBO | edge scrolling is of course part of it | 02:02 |
DBO | but I mean mouse wheel scrolling | 02:02 |
DBO | edge scrolling is also bite sized | 02:02 |
jcastro | ok so I can mark edge scrolling? | 02:02 |
DBO | yeah | 02:02 |
jcastro | er, tag it? | 02:02 |
jcastro | ok | 02:02 |
DBO | its probably going to be a 20 line patch | 02:03 |
jcastro | awesome | 02:03 |
jcastro | ok, I can file a new one on "launcher needs to support mouse scrolling" or something like that? | 02:03 |
DBO | https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/688406 | 02:03 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 688406 in Unity "Launcher does not respond to scroll events" [Undecided,New] | 02:03 |
DBO | I am the worlds worst bug reporter by the way | 02:04 |
smspillaz | DBO: thanks for the rely on my mail re windows underneath the dock | 02:09 |
DBO | i replied? | 02:09 |
smspillaz | yes | 02:10 |
DBO | oh | 02:10 |
DBO | with a token "please like me" | 02:10 |
DBO | it was an awesome email | 02:10 |
smspillaz | haha | 02:10 |
DBO | you should have seen the email I got to write dbarth the other day | 02:10 |
DBO | he emails me a list of action items and asks for a progress report on them | 02:10 |
DBO | after each bullet point: "Done" | 02:10 |
DBO | nothing else in my reply | 02:11 |
smspillaz | amazing | 02:11 |
DBO | http://rageguy.com/media/2010/07/fuck-yea.png | 02:11 |
smspillaz | <3 | 02:11 |
DBO | <3 | 02:12 |
jcastro | Hey make it so my windows don't go past my panels | 02:22 |
jcastro | that's annoying | 02:22 |
RAOF | While you're at it, make it so evince doesn't start with ~20 pixels on the top of this workspace and the rest on the workspace above :P | 02:26 |
jcastro | DBO: is that proposal what I've been waiting for? | 02:30 |
jcastro | woo! | 02:30 |
DBO | donno | 02:32 |
DBO | its not perfect yet | 02:32 |
DBO | but I am working on it still | 02:32 |
DBO | its also far from animated... | 02:32 |
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kvalo | morning | 06:24 |
smspillaz | RAOF: the evince bug is fixed upstream in compiz | 06:58 |
smspillaz | RAOF: it is just not packaged yet (since the diff is like humungous) | 06:59 |
smspillaz | because I fixed about 30 or so other bugs at the same time | 06:59 |
smspillaz | jcastro: there's a discussion on ayatana-list about letting windows go past panels. I started it :) | 06:59 |
smspillaz | didrocks: mornin | 07:02 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I got the shadows stuff working, maybe we can upload unity-window-decorator soon ^_^ | 07:03 |
didrocks | good morning smspillaz | 07:03 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh nice! | 07:03 |
didrocks | smspillaz: should it be part of compiz, or unity? | 07:03 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it is currently in my compiz userrepo | 07:05 |
smspillaz | didrocks: we can ship it as part of unity though | 07:05 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, that will make more sense. So merging that in unity source and such | 07:06 |
smspillaz | although there's no point doing the contributor agreement on it since it is based on other code | 07:06 |
smspillaz | didrocks: It will be fairly easy to merge in with the unity source since the buildsystem is based on when I did the "modular" buildsystem for compiz a month ago | 07:07 |
smspillaz | didrocks: so you can just shove it anywhere you want and then add_subdirectory (decorator) and it will Just Work [tm] | 07:08 |
didrocks | smspillaz: sure as it's basically create a directory and drop stuff in it :) | 07:08 |
didrocks | ok :) | 07:08 |
smspillaz | didrocks: also, there are going to be a couple of new plugins for unity like my dialog handler so I will propose a merge to make the buildsystem build multiple plugins | 07:09 |
didrocks | smspillaz: what's the dialog handler again? | 07:09 |
didrocks | smspillaz: maybe rather than a patch, we should then create a new source | 07:10 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh for the decorator we need a new source | 07:10 |
smspillaz | the patch would be huge | 07:10 |
smspillaz | also we need to patch metacity in order for it to work | 07:10 |
didrocks | smspillaz: hence the fact that is can be in unity itself | 07:10 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah | 07:10 |
didrocks | smspillaz: but the dialog handler? | 07:10 |
smspillaz | I'll try and re-sync it to the master decorator every so often, though I don't imagine I'm going to be doing much work on the master gtk-window-decorator anywaysy | 07:11 |
smspillaz | didrocks: the dialog handler is a little plugin to pin modal dialogs to windows | 07:11 |
smspillaz | so that they move/resize etc in sync | 07:11 |
spikeb | nice | 07:11 |
smspillaz | also it dims the parent | 07:11 |
didrocks | oh right! | 07:11 |
didrocks | smspillaz: maybe a new source with all our plugins | 07:12 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it's been in launchpad for a while now | 07:12 |
smspillaz | didrocks: well I was thinking something more like this -> | 07:12 |
smspillaz | lp:unity so you have unity / | 07:12 |
smspillaz | err | 07:12 |
smspillaz | unity/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | and then inside that you've got | 07:12 |
smspillaz | vala/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | dbus/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | blahblah/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | foo/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | plugins/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | inside plugins you've got | 07:12 |
smspillaz | unityshell/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | unitydialog/ | 07:12 |
smspillaz | and then I have a cmakelists.txt which automatically adds both and compiles them | 07:13 |
didrocks | works for me | 07:13 |
smspillaz | didrocks: there was also going to be some work done to split out most of unityshell from the unityshell plugin and turn unityshell into unitybridge | 07:13 |
smspillaz | so we'll have a libunityviews and unitybridge links and compiles against that | 07:13 |
didrocks | smspillaz: aren't you afraid that we end with too many plugins? | 07:15 |
didrocks | I mean, compiz is already slow to start one plugin at a time | 07:15 |
didrocks | and I have a pretty descent machine | 07:15 |
smspillaz | didrocks: we're going to compile them into core and toss the ones we don't need | 07:15 |
smspillaz | so we can zip through the plugin init phase really quick | 07:16 |
didrocks | smspillaz: if we can prevent depending on profile, user to remove some plugins :) | 07:17 |
smspillaz | yeah, easy | 07:17 |
smspillaz | well by compiled into core, I mean you can still disable them | 07:17 |
smspillaz | we can just specify certain plugins on the command line for the unity session | 07:18 |
smspillaz | (like we already specify "ccp") | 07:18 |
didrocks | no command line please | 07:18 |
didrocks | we already discussed that :/ | 07:18 |
didrocks | should be the profile defining that | 07:18 |
smspillaz | didrocks: how did you make it automatically load the ccp plugin then ? | 07:18 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's the distro-patch which add unconditionnally ccp to the command line | 07:19 |
didrocks | but no other plugin should be set | 07:19 |
smspillaz | hrm ok | 07:19 |
smspillaz | and you're sure there's no way for us to specify to gnome-session for, the unity session to load "compiz --replace ccp move resize decor" | 07:20 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and what about people launching compiz --replace then? | 07:20 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you don't want people to provide the full list everytime they are trying to debug it | 07:20 |
smspillaz | didrocks: those plugins are still enabled, but if they try to disable them, they will actually get disabled | 07:20 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so, they can disable it this way, it looks wrong… and you told me that it can be enabled twice by this way | 07:21 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it removed duplicates | 07:21 |
smspillaz | *removes | 07:21 |
didrocks | smspillaz: not what you told me one month ago :) (I have the logs if you want ;)) | 07:21 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I only committed the change recently | 07:22 |
smspillaz | like 3 days ago :p | 07:22 |
didrocks | smspillaz: but in any case, that doesn't make sense, it should be a settings in the profile | 07:22 |
didrocks | oh ok :) | 07:22 |
didrocks | commandline for that just seems hackish | 07:22 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it does, but at least it makes debugging easier when compiz doesn't try to fight you when you disable plugins | 07:22 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and why is a profile settings wrong then? | 07:23 |
didrocks | if it's implemented the same way | 07:23 |
smspillaz | didrocks: if the user does compiz --replace in the unity session and tries to disable "mandatory plugins" it will not let them | 07:24 |
smspillaz | this is annoying for debugging | 07:24 |
smspillaz | didrocks: btw, I definitely agree with you that this could work well in the profile (eg a mandatory_plugins section) but for now this works fine | 07:25 |
didrocks | smspillaz: well, it's a settings, so I think he can still fiddle with it if needed, isn't it? | 07:27 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so I think we should stick to that | 07:27 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so, basically there is some code to prevent a plugin to be disable again if set in the command line, right? | 07:27 |
didrocks | on* | 07:27 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yes, basically anything on the command line == always on, even if you try to unload it | 07:30 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, so it should be easy for us (== non compiz hacker) to add the profile settings based on that | 07:31 |
didrocks | so that you don't have to deal with it | 07:31 |
smspillaz | so you want to do it the profile way then ? | 07:31 |
smspillaz | like, I can do either way, just saying that the cmdline way was already done :) | 07:32 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, it's really the only way to have consistent experience with fallback mode, people using compiz --replace and such | 07:32 |
didrocks | smspillaz: but if you don't want to do it, we can catch it, no worry :) | 07:32 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I would prefer that you get the num workspace/viewport working back for my Monday upload :) | 07:32 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh btw, I mesured the amount of gconf writing on switching profile, it's 2x900 keys! | 07:33 |
didrocks | totally insane :) | 07:34 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oof | 07:35 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah, I say that come beta time we start distro patching to nuke useless options | 07:35 |
smspillaz | didrocks: Compiz: We're a bunch of indecisive programmers so we'll just give you a shit-ton of options and let you work it out for youself | 07:36 |
didrocks | smspillaz: well, not sure for this cycle to be honest. I would prefer we can that in mind for the gsettings backend to at least *point* to the right profile, not copy it :) | 07:36 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I really really wonder why it was decided to be this way :) | 07:36 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, and too many options == too many unknown combination == too many bugs | 07:37 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it was to maintain compatibility with the legacy gconf plugin iirc | 07:37 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it is the best unit testing ever ^_^ | 07:37 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, but why the legacy gconf plugin used to be this way :) | 07:37 |
smspillaz | didrocks: we get users with all kinds of weird configs and you file strange corer case bugs | 07:37 |
didrocks | yeah, it's a nice gconf stress tests :) | 07:37 |
smspillaz | didrocks: legacy gconf plugin did not support profiles, it only read from /apps/compiz | 07:38 |
didrocks | smspillaz: right, and that's why I think some sanity in the future can be nice for the compiz project (but hard politically) | 07:38 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, "make sense" (if we can tell it that way) then | 07:38 |
smspillaz | didrocks: we can keep the options, they don't really create too many problems believe it or not | 07:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: for instance, for most of the workaround, if they know to not working without the workaround, it should be enabled and not proposed to be disabled | 07:39 |
didrocks | like the java one | 07:39 |
smspillaz | didrocks: workarounds break some things though | 07:39 |
smspillaz | like the java workaround *could* incorrectly detect windows and make them the wrong window type | 07:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: well, I think it's a tradeoff… | 07:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: in bamf, there are a lot of workarounds | 07:39 |
smspillaz | it is better to keep it an option | 07:39 |
smspillaz | yeah, but bamf is different | 07:40 |
didrocks | because window detection can be perfect | 07:40 |
smspillaz | because you've got hardcoded almost everything there | 07:40 |
didrocks | hum… | 07:40 |
smspillaz | compiz is designed to be flexible. If we didn't have all these options, and enforced some really strict API with not many plugins you'd have something as hard to work with as mutter | 07:40 |
smspillaz | this is why porting unity was relatively easy :) | 07:41 |
didrocks | I don't think the API should be strict | 07:41 |
smspillaz | because you can just disable this, disable that, enable this | 07:41 |
didrocks | just that the option should be sparsely choosen to sane default and not offer so much tweaking and possible breakagee :) | 07:41 |
didrocks | but well, that's another discussion, let's go back to work (for me ;)) | 07:42 |
didrocks | evolution, here I come :) | 07:42 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yes, I agree we need better defaults | 07:43 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh, maybe the rally time can be nice to seat down, you, neil, a designer and me and revisit this? | 07:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: like taking 2 hours and tells "we want that for natty" | 07:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh definitely | 07:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I'll add this to the agenda then :) | 07:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: we can even work out some sane defaults for upstream compiz too :) | 07:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, that's why it's important you to be there and tells "that one should be upstream or not" | 07:45 |
spikeb | I was going to caution against that, but then i remembered upstream compiz is one of the few projects that likes us. | 07:45 |
didrocks | the default patch is quite big already | 07:45 |
smspillaz | spikeb: you're talking to the upstream compiz developer | 07:45 |
didrocks | spikeb: well, smspillaz is upstream :) | 07:45 |
smspillaz | hi! | 07:45 |
didrocks | he *seems* to be friendly :) | 07:45 |
didrocks | :p | 07:45 |
* smspillaz hides dossier with secret agenda | 07:45 | |
didrocks | smspillaz: ahah! | 07:46 |
spikeb | smspillaz, i know :) | 07:46 |
spikeb | momentary brainfart. i have them often. | 07:46 |
smspillaz | hehe | 07:46 |
didrocks | :) | 07:46 |
smspillaz | nah, compiz <3 unity | 07:46 |
smspillaz | in fact lots of people <3 unity | 07:46 |
smspillaz | even if I wasn't working for the big ca then I would still <3 unity anyways | 07:47 |
didrocks | smspillaz: did you notice the new minimize effect on the launcher icon? | 07:47 |
spikeb | i'm a huge fan of the concept | 07:47 |
spikeb | and you guys are doing a great job of implementing it. | 07:47 |
didrocks | spikeb: heh, nice! :) | 07:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: how recent is it ? I've not actually (......) had a chance to run unity for a while | 07:48 |
smspillaz | spikeb: :) | 07:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: well, 2 days ago | 07:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: ah ok :) I will have a look then | 07:48 |
* spikeb is running unity-mutter at the moment on his netbook. | 07:48 | |
spikeb | can't wait for a3 or beta so i can upgrade. | 07:48 |
smspillaz | beta will be pretty polished | 07:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: when you minimize an icon and the launcher is visible, you have a little effect on the launcher icon blinking justttttt a little | 07:48 |
smspillaz | it's early steps right now | 07:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh you mean how it shimmers ? | 07:49 |
didrocks | spikeb: you can still try on an usb key as a live system | 07:49 |
spikeb | i check on it once a week with a daily build | 07:49 |
spikeb | didrocks, i do. weekly. | 07:49 |
didrocks | spikeb: right, the schimmer effect on minimize | 07:49 |
didrocks | spikeb: good good :) | 07:49 |
spikeb | that is how i know enough to be impressed with the work so far ;) | 07:50 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ^^ | 07:50 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah I've seen that | 07:51 |
smspillaz | hopefully you will like the next few tweaks for compiz | 07:52 |
didrocks | smspillaz: hehe, I hope so! | 07:52 |
didrocks | smspillaz: just give me back my ws settings and I will be happy already :) | 07:52 |
smspillaz | hrm my package hasn't arrived yet | 07:52 |
smspillaz | didrocks: :p | 07:52 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, there need to be a binary NEW | 07:52 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I can't NEW myself my package | 07:52 |
didrocks | policy :) | 07:53 |
smspillaz | oh, no no | 07:53 |
smspillaz | I meant something else | 07:53 |
smspillaz | like by mail | 07:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh a real package :) | 07:53 |
smspillaz | I ordered one of those DS programming kits | 07:53 |
smspillaz | it said next day shipping and they called me yesterday to confirm my details ... | 07:53 |
didrocks | really? it's compatible with DS 3D as well? | 07:53 |
spikeb | heh. next day shipping always takes 3 days for me. | 07:53 |
smspillaz | spikeb: it is weird though since the sender is in Perth, and that's where I am | 07:54 |
smspillaz | didrocks: no it isn't :( | 07:54 |
spikeb | that is pretty weird. | 07:54 |
* didrocks wants to be younger again and have free time to hack during the night and week-end… | 07:54 | |
smspillaz | didrocks: it basically allows you to write and load software from a microsd card | 07:54 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh, but you have some tools like the API doc and such? | 07:55 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and an emulator | 07:55 |
smspillaz | yeah | 07:55 |
smspillaz | (I should port compiz to it XD) | 07:55 |
spikeb | (and unity) | 07:56 |
spikeb | touchscreen ftw! | 07:56 |
didrocks | smspillaz: sure, to change ws :) | 07:56 |
smspillaz | hehe | 07:56 |
didrocks | smspillaz: or something like, you can only unblock gnome-screensaver with a high score of… | 07:56 |
spikeb | haha | 07:56 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I actually wrote a wiimote plugin for compiz once | 07:56 |
didrocks | yeah, you told me that :) | 07:57 |
didrocks | should be fun | 07:57 |
smspillaz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M7ejHp2NM8 | 07:57 |
* spikeb wonders if he should have explained why when he said "that's a bad idea" on the mailing list. | 07:58 | |
didrocks | smspillaz: I'm sure it can be awesome for accessibility, like with ezoom | 07:58 |
didrocks | spikeb: that's generally better :) | 07:59 |
spikeb | i did provide a very terse explanation but perhaps i should think it over and provide a better one heh | 07:59 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it is :) | 07:59 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I still like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2ATcBIS3Zc&feature=related | 08:00 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oh right, I remember this one :) | 08:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: TBH, 2 years ago, I forgot the IR bar when taking my wii at ski | 08:01 |
smspillaz | you can just use candles | 08:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: we ended up using candies with the wiimote | 08:02 |
smspillaz | yeah :p | 08:02 |
didrocks | candles* | 08:02 |
didrocks | yeah, was working perfectly :) | 08:02 |
didrocks | well, sometime, you make some air and the light is moving | 08:02 |
didrocks | as your cursor | 08:02 |
didrocks | but it's fun :) | 08:02 |
smspillaz | indeed | 08:02 |
kvalo | didrocks: would you happen to have some time to take a quick look at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/settings-merge/+merge/43183 | 08:08 |
didrocks | kvalo: sure, will look in few minutes, once dealt with evolution | 08:09 |
kvalo | didrocks: no rush, just interesting to hear your input | 08:10 |
didrocks | kvalo: will do :) | 08:10 |
kvalo | didrocks: merci monsieur :) | 08:10 |
didrocks | kvalo: mais avec plaisir :) | 08:11 |
smspillaz | meta_frame_style_get_invisible_grab_area_properties <- I think I made this function name too long :p | 08:15 |
didrocks | ok, time to heat up the room, building evolution :) | 08:15 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I agree with you ;) | 08:15 |
smspillaz | hehe | 08:16 |
didrocks | ok, then time to break gnome-session :) | 08:16 |
smspillaz | I love breaking stuff | 08:16 |
didrocks | and that's my job! :p | 08:17 |
coz_ | good day all | 08:18 |
MacSlow | hey folks | 08:21 |
didrocks | hey coz_, Guten Morgen MacSlow | 08:30 |
MacSlow | salut didrocks | 08:30 |
coz_ | didrocks, hey guys | 08:30 |
didrocks | nice, now I can compile evolution and open unity bugs at the same time :) | 08:31 |
didrocks | thanks the now famous kernel patch! | 08:31 |
smspillaz | didrocks: awesome, I got the invisible grab area properties working | 08:40 |
smspillaz | now you can click in the shadow and resize | 08:40 |
smspillaz | all I need to do now is make it so that the border is not longer 1px | 08:41 |
* smspillaz says Guten Morgen / Salut / Bonjour / Bongiorno | 08:43 | |
smspillaz | awesome awesome sauch | 09:03 |
smspillaz | *sauce | 09:03 |
smspillaz | all working | 09:03 |
kamstrup | smspillaz: hey :-) | 09:13 |
kamstrup | MacSlow, gord: morning | 09:13 |
smspillaz | kamstrup: hi :) | 09:16 |
MacSlow | hey kamstrup, smspillaz | 09:17 |
smspillaz | mornin | 09:26 |
smspillaz | didrocks: do you have that patch for the decoration plugin around which makes it draw panel shadows underneath other windows ? | 09:27 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I can port it to 0.9 | 09:27 |
didrocks | smspillaz: did you mean that one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541802/ ? | 09:33 |
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth | ||
smspillaz | didrocks: yes | 10:20 |
smspillaz | err wait, no | 10:20 |
smspillaz | didrocks: looking into your workspaces issue now | 11:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: great, thanks! | 11:55 |
smspillaz | didrocks: is there a gconf key for it? I didn't see one ... | 11:56 |
smspillaz | didrocks: at least it seems to me that the workspace switcher detects how many workspaces there are *currently* but when you try to change the workspaces it just says 4x1, and changing it does not do anything | 11:56 |
didrocks | smspillaz: right, it detects how many you have currently. If you look at the code, you'll see what gconf keys are involved, one sec | 11:58 |
smspillaz | cheers | 11:58 |
didrocks | smspillaz: metacity keys are /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces and /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_1 | 12:00 |
smspillaz | didrocks: that doesn't make sense | 12:00 |
smspillaz | didrocks: num_workspaces only reflects desktops, not viewports | 12:00 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and we have a patch to change /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/hsize and /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/vsize | 12:00 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh? | 12:00 |
smspillaz | didrocks: where is that ? | 12:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so we translates ws as viewports | 12:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's an ubuntu patch | 12:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I didn't upate to compiz-1, but it wasn't working for compiz and previous gconf backend | 12:01 |
smspillaz | didrocks: is it to the worksapce switcher or for compiz ? | 12:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I can update the patch for compiz-1 but I'm sure it's still not picked up | 12:01 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's in gnome-panel for the ws switcher | 12:01 |
smspillaz | ok | 12:02 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so, you can try changing those keys on the fly | 12:02 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's not picked up IIRC | 12:02 |
smspillaz | ok | 12:02 |
didrocks | (just tried and confirmed) | 12:03 |
smspillaz | didrocks: do we have a patch to change num_workspaces in compizconfig-backend-gconf ? | 12:03 |
didrocks | smspillaz: we don't, it's only one way IIRC | 12:04 |
didrocks | smspillaz: but it will be nice now that we don't use the ws switcher | 12:04 |
didrocks | gord: hey, are you there? | 12:05 |
smspillaz | didrocks: /*{"hsize", "core", TRUE, | 12:05 |
smspillaz | METACITY "/general/num_workspaces", OptionInt},*/ | 12:05 |
gord | didrocks, yup, whats up? | 12:05 |
smspillaz | I wonder why that is commented out | 12:05 |
didrocks | gord: can we just speak about the static quicklist? | 12:05 |
didrocks | smspillaz: not sure, but it's not related to the immediate bug :) | 12:06 |
gord | didrocks, sure | 12:06 |
didrocks | gord: so, what's the syntax? is it documented? | 12:06 |
smspillaz | didrocks: could I see this patch to gnome-panel? I'm really not sure how it is supposed to work if we are only changing num_workspaces | 12:06 |
didrocks | smspillaz: sure, the easiest for you is to apt-get source I guess | 12:07 |
didrocks | smspillaz: or bzr branch | 12:07 |
didrocks | smspillaz: one sec | 12:07 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I'm changing the gconf key first | 12:07 |
smspillaz | ok | 12:07 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, so bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-panel/ubuntu | 12:10 |
didrocks | smspillaz: oupss, one sec | 12:10 |
didrocks | the branch diverged | 12:10 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, should be good now | 12:11 |
didrocks | smspillaz: the patch is debian/patches/16_compiz_workspace_switcher.patch | 12:11 |
smspillaz | thx | 12:11 |
gord | didrocks, not 100% on where the documentated syntax is, its the same as the indicator desktop actions stuff though so you can jump on ted when he gets online to find it ;) /usr/share/applications/evolution.desktop has a good example - http://paste.ubuntu.com/541842/ - of note is that i changed OnlyShowIn from MessagingMenu to Unity | 12:12 |
didrocks | gord: the group can be whatever? is it shown in unity? | 12:12 |
didrocks | like, the [Compose Shortcut Group] | 12:13 |
gord | didrocks, well it needs to be [Foo Shortcut Group]. then the groups are added to the X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts= key so that the code knows which groups to use | 12:13 |
didrocks | gord: oh right! awesome thanks :) | 12:14 |
didrocks | smspillaz: my feeling is that compiz 0.9 isn't listening to thoses keys anymore | 12:15 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I didn't check though | 12:15 |
smspillaz | didrocks: maybe it is looking at the wrong keys? | 12:16 |
smspillaz | didrocks: what happens when you change the # viewports in compiz? are they updated in this little applet ? | 12:16 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I think, I didn't dive into this, I can if you don't have the time | 12:16 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh I was just asking :) | 12:16 |
didrocks | smspillaz: no, it's not | 12:17 |
didrocks | smspillaz: but I guess if someone made a change in 0.9, you are the man :) | 12:17 |
didrocks | smspillaz: as 0.8 was using that ;) | 12:17 |
smspillaz | didrocks: hum. I'm puzzled as to why that wouldn't work | 12:18 |
smspillaz | didrocks: the paths are right, the code doesn't look wrong | 12:18 |
smspillaz | didrocks: how do I build the package with those patches ? | 12:19 |
didrocks | smspillaz: quite simple, do you have bzr-builddeb installed? | 12:19 |
didrocks | (if not, I think you will have it soon ;)) | 12:20 |
smspillaz | installing now | 12:22 |
didrocks | smspillaz: then, just bzr bd | 12:23 |
didrocks | it will download the upstream tarball and build | 12:23 |
didrocks | the easiest way to ensure build dependencies to be there is apt-get build-dep gnome-panel | 12:23 |
kvalo | ronoc: hi. again small review: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/connman-mock-settings-support/+merge/43344 | 12:25 |
ronoc | kvalo, sure | 12:25 |
ronoc | done | 12:26 |
ronoc | kvalo, ^ | 12:27 |
kvalo | ronoc: nice, thanks | 12:27 |
smspillaz | didrocks: hum it says I need your pubkey | 12:38 |
smspillaz | didrocks: where would I get that from | 12:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you can ignore that? | 12:42 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's just warning, isn't it? | 12:42 |
smspillaz | no it fails there | 12:42 |
smspillaz | debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting.... | 12:43 |
smspillaz | debuild: fatal error at line 1256: | 12:43 |
smspillaz | running debsign failed | 12:43 |
didrocks | smspillaz: right, but all is fine | 12:47 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you should have your package at ../build-area | 12:47 |
smspillaz | didrocks: ah yes, thanks :) | 13:11 |
didrocks | yw :) | 13:13 |
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow | ||
didrocks | smspillaz: did you install it? do you confirm the issue? :) | 13:18 |
smspillaz | checking now | 13:18 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you should just launch gnome-panel (or kill if you are in a traditional gnome session, it will be respawn) | 13:18 |
smspillaz | yep did that | 13:19 |
smspillaz | didrocks: in gconf-editor is compiz storing stuff in /apps/compiz-1/general/allscreens/options ? | 13:21 |
smspillaz | ? | 13:21 |
didrocks | smspillaz: looking | 13:22 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you remember, that's where the plugin_list is stored | 13:24 |
didrocks | /apps/compiz-1/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins | 13:24 |
smspillaz | huh | 13:24 |
smspillaz | yeah that's definitely wrong | 13:24 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it wasn't working with /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins | 13:24 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I specifically remember going through and changing all the backends to use screen0 | 13:24 |
didrocks | so, maybe related to a change breaking that? | 13:24 |
smspillaz | and it looks like I missed some places | 13:24 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, looks like that | 13:25 |
didrocks | smspillaz: I remember changing a missing place as well for compiz / compiz-1 | 13:25 |
smspillaz | didrocks: was that upstreamed ? | 13:31 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, I commited to the gconf backend git branch | 13:31 |
jcastro | didrocks: with jason's help last night I added 2 more bitesizers | 13:32 |
jcastro | we had another new person come in last night but most of them are being worked on so I am desperate for new ones | 13:32 |
smspillaz | hmm wtf, I fixed all the paths and it is still detecting the wrong values :/ | 13:32 |
didrocks | jcastro: yeah, I saw them, it's nice! I added only once though :/ | 13:32 |
didrocks | jcastro: oh really? excellent | 13:32 |
didrocks | jcastro: I do what I can, it's difficult for me to create new bugs :p | 13:33 |
didrocks | (bitesized one are difficult to get now) | 13:33 |
jcastro | yeah jason and I were brainstorming some more of the simple ones | 13:35 |
jcastro | I can't believe I don't have enough bugs to give away | 13:35 |
jcastro | (I can't believe I am whining about it too!) | 13:35 |
didrocks | :) | 13:36 |
didrocks | jcastro: there are a lot of compiz bugs, but not bitesize as well | 13:36 |
smspillaz | didrocks: weird it seems like my code is not running :/ | 13:36 |
didrocks | smspillaz: urgh? you printf it and it's not executed? | 13:36 |
smspillaz | jcastro: yes inevtiabley all compiz bugs end up being really annoying and/or complicated | 13:36 |
smspillaz | didrocks: maybe it is loading applets from a different path | 13:37 |
jcastro | smspillaz: yeah so I'm definately not going down that path. :) | 13:37 |
* smspillaz sticks a segfault in there to see if it defies the laws of physics | 13:37 | |
didrocks | smspillaz: well, you see the path for the applet… it just changed from compiz to compiz-1 :) | 13:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: the code that changed is compiz there, not gnome-panel :p | 13:39 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah, although I've updated compizconfig-backend gconf to write the correct paths and it is still not working | 13:39 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and setting the key manually doesn't work, it seems it wants allscreens and not screen0 | 13:39 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah I know :) | 13:40 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it was my bug :p | 13:40 |
smspillaz | I'm just wondering if it is loading the wrong wnck applet | 13:40 |
didrocks | smspillaz: can we blame you a little bit more? ;-) | 13:40 |
didrocks | smspillaz: more seriously, I changed: | 13:40 |
didrocks | /apps/compiz-1/general/allscreens/options/hsize | 13:40 |
didrocks | from 4 to 6 | 13:40 |
didrocks | it works | 13:40 |
didrocks | so, definitively a screen0 / allscreens issue | 13:40 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah ok | 13:41 |
didrocks | (as we, in the applet, set screen0) | 13:41 |
smspillaz | didrocks: well I'll push my gconf backend change upstream in any case | 13:41 |
didrocks | i can update to allscreens as for the active_plugins | 13:41 |
didrocks | but as it's not what you expect… | 13:41 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh, for all the default gconf-keys we should not use allscreens | 13:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: use screen0 | 13:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, but it should work first :) | 13:44 |
smspillaz | (allscreens was removed in 0.9, or at least it was supposed to be when we nuked multi-display support) | 13:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah, I'll push this thing upstream in a minute, just checking if libcompizconfig will let me do something | 13:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: so the active_plugins issue we workarounded this way was bad | 13:44 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you found the issue? | 13:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah, just s/allscreens/screen%i | 13:44 |
smspillaz | ;-) | 13:45 |
smspillaz | I missed it somewhere :P | 13:45 |
didrocks | :p | 13:45 |
didrocks | all that for this!!! ;) | 13:45 |
smspillaz | it is always the simple things | 13:45 |
didrocks | so I should update the profiles as well | 13:45 |
didrocks | right :) | 13:45 |
smspillaz | the profiles probably don't need to be updated | 13:45 |
smspillaz | but the default keys need to be | 13:45 |
didrocks | the fix is in libcompizconfig or the gconf backend? | 13:45 |
smspillaz | gconf backend | 13:45 |
didrocks | smspillaz: that's what I meant by the "profile" the defaut keys | 13:45 |
didrocks | ok :) | 13:45 |
smspillaz | ah right | 13:45 |
didrocks | phew, at least there is an obvious explanation :) | 13:46 |
smspillaz | ah yes, libcompizconfig will let me do this | 13:47 |
smspillaz | (get the screen number easily)( | 13:47 |
didrocks | ok, I'm updating gnome-panel with the new path (compiz-1) as it was a leftover :) | 13:47 |
didrocks | oh nice! | 13:47 |
smspillaz | sure | 13:47 |
didrocks | smspillaz: it's a one-line in gdk :p | 13:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: pushed | 13:53 |
smspillaz | night! | 13:53 |
G__81 | i would like to contribute to Unity | 13:55 |
G__81 | how do i proceed ? | 13:55 |
didrocks | smspillaz: have a good night! thanks for the fix :) | 13:56 |
sense | good afternoon | 14:01 |
didrocks | htorque: hey | 14:27 |
htorque | didrocks, hello | 14:27 |
didrocks | htorque: I don't get something on bug #688537 | 14:28 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 688537 in Unity "Launcher icon tooltip not following system font" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688537 | 14:28 |
didrocks | htorque: if it doesn't pick the settings there, how can you change it? :) | 14:28 |
didrocks | as you obviously changed something for tackling the other bug | 14:28 |
htorque | didrocks, i just changed the font size gnome-appearance-properties for "Application font" - that changed the panel and quicklist font (as you can see on the screenshot), but didn't touch the launcher tooltips | 14:30 |
didrocks | htorque: ok, got it now, thanks :) | 14:31 |
didrocks | htorque: but the launcher tooltips have a new size however, right? | 14:31 |
didrocks | htorque: to for the tooltips it only affects the size | 14:31 |
didrocks | not the used font itself | 14:32 |
kenvandine | tedg, considering today is your last day before vacation... i am scared of the gdbus change... | 14:33 |
htorque | didrocks, i don't see a change in font type or font size, but it's affecting something, else there wouldn't be those glitches | 14:33 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yeah, I can see that :) | 14:34 |
tedg | kenvandine, What do you think about trying to get the pieces together in a throw-away PPA? | 14:34 |
kenvandine | you read my mind :) | 14:34 |
kenvandine | much better than the mess i went through yesterday :) | 14:35 |
didrocks | htorque: ok :) confirming it | 14:35 |
kenvandine | the most frustrating part of yesterday was the way it broke nm-applet... which kept cycling my network interface | 14:35 |
kenvandine | tedg, how is the dbusmenu review going? | 14:36 |
kenvandine | tedg, and did you already merge that fix into trunk? | 14:36 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yup, both GDBus and that fix are in trunk. And on my packaging branch. | 14:37 |
kenvandine | woot | 14:37 |
kenvandine | so review is done? | 14:37 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yup | 14:37 |
kenvandine | great | 14:38 |
kenvandine | tedg, going to roll tarballs? | 14:38 |
kenvandine | tedg, how about we just do snapshot tarballs for a ppa? | 14:39 |
kenvandine | 0.3.90+rev | 14:39 |
kenvandine | just to give us room for fixes :) | 14:39 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yeah, I was thinking the same. That way we can bump the ABI again if needed :) | 14:40 |
kenvandine | yup | 14:40 |
tedg | kenvandine, Why do tarballs though -- as long as there's no binaries they can just be in the diff.gz right? | 14:41 |
kenvandine | true | 14:41 |
kenvandine | bzr bd -S --native | 14:41 |
kenvandine | i think will create the tarball for us | 14:41 |
kenvandine | appindicator/indicator-application have to go along with it right? | 14:42 |
kenvandine | anything else? | 14:42 |
tedg | kenvandine, Hopefully libindicate, but that's the one I'm most behind on. | 14:43 |
kenvandine | but will anything break if we do the others first? | 14:43 |
tedg | Well... let's bump the SO number of libappindicator so that things dont' auto pick it up. | 14:44 |
tedg | Then we don't have to worry about it too much. | 14:44 |
tedg | On rebuilds it'll work it's way in, which is probably easier. | 14:44 |
kenvandine | tedg, ok, i am working on dbusmenu now | 14:46 |
kenvandine | let me know when you think libappindicator is ready | 14:46 |
htorque | didrocks, actually it does work, but it needs a compiz restart !:-) | 14:46 |
didrocks | htorque: can you please set it to confirmed + package bug and add a comment? :) | 14:46 |
htorque | didrocks, sure will do | 14:47 |
didrocks | thanks :) | 14:48 |
tedg | kenvandine, libappindicator is all good. I need to fix up the series in indicator-application. Doing so now. | 14:53 |
htorque | didrocks, heh, spoken too soon: how do i add the package task? i've only done it the other way round so far. | 14:54 |
didrocks | htorque: it's done :) | 14:54 |
didrocks | htorque: you see the "also affect distribution" | 14:54 |
didrocks | htorque: normally, just click on it, source:unity and apply | 14:54 |
htorque | didrocks, thanks! | 14:54 |
tedg | kenvandine, Wait, nevermind, I already did that! I'm faster than my memory! :) | 14:55 |
didrocks | htorque: yw :) | 14:55 |
kenvandine | hehe | 14:55 |
tedg | kenvandine, I'm betting the dependencies are wrong in the applicaiton/appindicator packages. I didn't change them much. | 15:03 |
tedg | kenvandine, I was just focusing on getting *something* to build. | 15:04 |
kenvandine | tedg, dbusmenu needs xsltproc to build right? | 15:08 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yup. | 15:08 |
* kenvandine adds it | 15:09 | |
tedg | kenvandine, It's in main, I checked :) | 15:09 |
kenvandine | yup | 15:09 |
kenvandine | not in the control file :) | 15:09 |
tedg | Ah, oops. | 15:09 |
kenvandine | tedg, shouldn't we bump gir1.0-dbusmenu-gtk-0.2 for the soname change too? | 15:16 |
tedg | kenvandine, Not for the SO name but for the API change. It should go to 0.4 | 15:17 |
tedg | Today #ayatana learns the difference between tedg packaging and packaging that actually works for users :) | 15:18 |
* kenvandine fixes | 15:19 | |
didrocks | hum… seems I was disconnected | 15:32 |
didrocks | jcastro: you can't say I'm not forcing myself to find bitesize bugs :p (adding 2 more) | 15:32 |
jcastro | yeah! | 15:32 |
didrocks | jcastro: especially bug #688592 and bug #688594 which can be solved in few seconds | 15:32 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 688592 in unity (Ubuntu) "the unityshell plugin has an "unkown category" in ccsm" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688592 | 15:32 |
jcastro | didrocks: it's the other guys I worry about. | 15:32 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 688594 in unity (Ubuntu) "the unityshell plugin has no icon in ccsm" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688594 | 15:32 |
* jcastro eyeballs njpatel | 15:33 | |
didrocks | jcastro: you can, he's not there today :) | 15:33 |
czajkowski | jcastro: what do you need done | 15:38 |
jcastro | I need this tagged to the front of the existing topic: | 15:38 |
jcastro | Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb | 15:39 |
jcastro | might make it too long? | 15:40 |
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ayatana to: Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb | Notify OSD, Messaging Menu, MeMenu, Application Indicators and more... Kindly read the respective wiki for further information : NotifyOSD > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD ; Messaging menu > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu ; MeMenu > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu ; Application Indicators > https://w | ||
czajkowski | jcastro: very long topic care to let me know what you want edited and then I'll sort it for you | 15:40 |
jcastro | Home of Unity and Ayatana || http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana || Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb || | 15:40 |
jcastro | how's that? | 15:40 |
czajkowski | and the rest gone ? | 15:41 |
jcastro | yeah | 15:41 |
jcastro | the first 2 links have all that info on there anyway | 15:41 |
czajkowski | ok | 15:41 |
deis_ | hi guys, i'm trying to help with bitesize bug but i can't run unity from source...when i try "compiz --replace ccp" i get a segmentationfault... | 15:41 |
deis_ | running compiz in gdb makes gdb to crash | 15:41 |
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ayatana to: Home of Unity and Ayatana || http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana || Bitesize Bugs you can help with: http://goo.gl/i1WA1 and http://goo.gl/tiheb || | ||
czajkowski | jcastro: :) | 15:42 |
coz_ | deis_, did you try gnome-wm --replace ? | 15:42 |
htorque | didrocks, jcastro: maybe bitesize bugs too? bug 688584, bug 688587 | 15:42 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 688584 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Indicator text not immediately following system font update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688584 | 15:42 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 688587 in indicator-me (Ubuntu) "Indicator text not immediately following system font update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688587 | 15:42 |
deis_ | coz_ , same segfault | 15:43 |
coz_ | mmm | 15:43 |
deis_ | all packages are up to date.. | 15:43 |
didrocks | htorque: not sure it's bitesize, I would expect tedg and kenvandine to look at bitesize ones for indicators :) | 15:43 |
htorque | didrocks, okay | 15:43 |
jcastro | htorque: for now I'm concentrating on unity ones, but bitesize is project wide so if ted/ken say it is feel free to tag em | 15:44 |
coz_ | deis_, mm maybe speak with smspillaz about this .. | 15:44 |
deis_ | coz_, thanks.. | 15:44 |
jcastro | didrocks: the last URL in the topic has the current open bitesizes, I dropped tracking the fix committed and fix released so people don't step on each other's toes | 15:45 |
didrocks | deis_: just for the note, you don't need to specify ccp in ubuntu, we have a distro patch which add it if there is none | 15:45 |
didrocks | deis_: also, from the new update, you can run unity --advance-debug to run compiz --replace in gdb without any extra effort :) | 15:45 |
didrocks | jcastro: nice, I see a lot of people doesn't assign to them, so it's hard to track… | 15:45 |
didrocks | jcastro: maybe we should communicate on that? | 15:46 |
deis_ | didrocks, with compiz --replace i get same segfault... | 15:46 |
didrocks | jcastro: like set "in progress" and assign to yourself | 15:46 |
jcastro | didrocks: I added a step to tell people to assign the bugs to themselves, I will start beating that drum louder | 15:46 |
didrocks | deis_: logical as the distro patch is in fact doing "compiz --replace ccp". Was just a note that it's useless to specify it in ubuntu | 15:46 |
didrocks | jcastro: awesome! | 15:46 |
deis_ | didrocks, :) ok..thanks.. | 15:47 |
jcastro | deis_: welcome! | 15:47 |
jcastro | deis_: have you looked at a bug yet? | 15:47 |
deis_ | jcastro: thanks! 2 days ago it worked fine... | 15:47 |
deis_ | not really...i would have started today...:)...but i can't do it becasue of the segfault...:) | 15:48 |
deis_ | jcastro, any suggestion? | 15:48 |
jcastro | ok, the list of bugs and a link on the workflow is in the topic | 15:48 |
jcastro | anyone of those would be great, whatever you are comfortable with | 15:48 |
deis_ | jcastro, yup thanks | 15:48 |
deis_ | jcastro, any suggestion on the segfault? | 15:49 |
jcastro | no clue | 15:49 |
deis_ | jcastro, ;) | 15:49 |
jcastro | I've only built it from source once and that was a while back | 15:49 |
jcastro | and I said "cmake? No thanks, you keep that, I'll use packages." :) | 15:49 |
deis_ | jcastro, lol | 15:50 |
deis_ | smspillaz, you here? | 15:50 |
jcastro | deis_: if you want something close to source we have a daily PPA | 15:50 |
jcastro | ppa:unity/daily | 15:50 |
deis_ | jcastro, oh good...ty | 15:50 |
didrocks | deis_: can help you in some minuts | 15:51 |
didrocks | deis_: first, it's only when you install from source, right? | 15:51 |
jcastro | kenvandine: do you have the bug handy for that indicator leak that causes nm-applet to explode? | 15:57 |
deis_ | didrocks, sorry..here i am...well...yesterday i've updated natty and after the update i could not login anymore | 16:03 |
jcastro | that is fixed now | 16:03 |
didrocks | deis_: this is not related to your segfault. This is a known issue which is fixed :) | 16:03 |
jcastro | you'll get libcanberra and friends in an update | 16:03 |
jcastro | that'll fix that | 16:03 |
deis_ | so today i've rescued the system in safe mode...now i can login but it has removed unity and ubuntu-desktop | 16:04 |
didrocks | deis_: did you dist-upgrade and it told that it want to remove unity? | 16:04 |
deis_ | i get this when i try to reinstall unity: http://pastebin.com/iWzUiGqC | 16:05 |
didrocks | deis_: how did you upgrade? | 16:05 |
coz_ | deis_, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:05 |
didrocks | deis_: with update-manger? | 16:05 |
didrocks | manager* | 16:05 |
deis_ | didrocks, at grub i've choose recovery mode | 16:06 |
deis_ | and after dpkg option | 16:06 |
didrocks | deis_: ok, and it should have shown "removing unity" | 16:06 |
didrocks | which isn't a good sign :) | 16:06 |
deis_ | didrocks, yup | 16:07 |
deis_ | and also ubuntu-desktop | 16:07 |
didrocks | so, as coz_ told you, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:07 |
didrocks | or rather | 16:07 |
didrocks | sorry | 16:07 |
didrocks | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity | 16:07 |
deis_ | didrocks, trying... | 16:07 |
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth | ||
didrocks | unity got published not a lot of time ago | 16:07 |
deis_ | didrocks,http://pastebin.com/iWzUiGqC | 16:07 |
deis_ | i get this | 16:08 |
deis_ | didrocks, i've fucked up my natty installation?:P | 16:08 |
jono | DBO, what new juice landed in the distro on the Unity front yesterday? | 16:09 |
DBO | better click behavior | 16:09 |
DBO | bug fixes galor | 16:09 |
jono | sweet :) | 16:09 |
DBO | dnd just landed 5 minutes ago... | 16:09 |
didrocks | deis_: what mirror do you have? | 16:09 |
jono | going to install it on my netbook today | 16:09 |
didrocks | jono: look at the changelog :) | 16:09 |
jono | didrocks, :) | 16:10 |
didrocks | I write it for people like you :) | 16:10 |
didrocks | (takes me half an hour each time to go through commits…) | 16:10 |
DBO | didrocks, you wrote "See DBO" didn't you? | 16:10 |
didrocks | DBO: exactly dude! | 16:10 |
DBO | we are no longer on speaking terms! | 16:10 |
didrocks | DBO: 4 minutes a litter, than makes the count :) | 16:10 |
didrocks | letter* | 16:10 |
jono | lol | 16:10 |
DBO | I kid I kid, didrocks is the kind of coworker I want to take home and meet his mum | 16:11 |
deis_ | didrocks, http://it.archive.ubuntu.com if you mean this...^^ | 16:11 |
* DBO runs away very fast | 16:11 | |
didrocks | DBO: !!! | 16:11 |
didrocks | deis_: I think it's not uptodate yet | 16:11 |
DBO | didrocks, I can't help it, mother jokes are like the funniest jokes in the known universe | 16:12 |
didrocks | deis_: you can try on http://archive.ubuntu.com for now | 16:12 |
didrocks | DBO: hehe, no worry ;) | 16:12 |
deis_ | didrocks, ok...trying.. | 16:12 |
didrocks | jono: enjoy: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/unity/unity_3.2.6-0ubuntu1/changelog | 16:12 |
didrocks | deis_: apt-get update after changing the mirror, of course :) | 16:13 |
jono | thanks didrocks | 16:13 |
deis_ | didrocks, yep..:) | 16:13 |
deis_ | didrocks, you rock! :) | 16:32 |
didrocks | deis_: hehe, it worked? :) | 16:32 |
deis_ | it works... | 16:32 |
deis_ | :) | 16:32 |
didrocks | deis_: yeah, sometimes mirrors are slow to catchup | 16:33 |
didrocks | and as we got some NEWing between… | 16:33 |
didrocks | (new packages) | 16:33 |
deis_ | didrocks, i'll use these for the moment...:) | 16:33 |
didrocks | :) | 16:33 |
deis_ | didrocks, thanks again...^^ | 16:33 |
didrocks | deis_: you're really welcome :) | 16:33 |
didrocks | deis_: and there are a lot of low hanging fruits in bitesize bugs now! | 16:34 |
didrocks | so, do not hesitate to jump in :) | 16:34 |
deis_ | didrocks, i'm jumpiiiiiiiiiiiing! | 16:34 |
didrocks | ;) | 16:34 |
smspillaz | deis_: pong | 16:37 |
deis_ | smspillaz, everything ok...didrocks has helped me out...thanks anyway..:) | 16:38 |
=== ssj6akshat is now known as evilakshat | ||
smspillaz | deis_: no problem | 16:39 |
smspillaz | thanks didrocks | 16:39 |
kklimonda | how will windows behave when maximized in a desktop-optimized Unity? Will the window bar disappear and buttons move to the top panel as in 10.10? | 16:41 |
didrocks | smspillaz: you should enjoy your week-end! :) | 16:42 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I am doing swap days | 16:44 |
smspillaz | didrocks: since I'll be in and out next week (away in canberra on an unrelated conference) | 16:45 |
* hyperair has a sneaking suspicion that the sound menu is the one causing huge memleaks on my system. | 16:45 | |
hyperair | ronoc: ^ | 16:45 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, see you next year then, I'm on vacation starting next Wednesday | 16:45 |
ronoc | hyperair, oh yeah, I haven't heard of any one else with this problem | 16:46 |
ronoc | hyperair, what version have you installed | 16:46 |
hyperair | ronoc: the maverick default one? | 16:46 |
hyperair | ronoc: Installed: | 16:46 |
ronoc | hyperair, yeah this should be solid | 16:46 |
smspillaz | didrocks: cool :) Have a nice $FESTIVE_HOLIDAY | 16:46 |
hyperair | ronoc: i'm not really sure what's causing the leak, just that i have to kill indicator-applet every few hours. | 16:47 |
hyperair | ronoc: just now it was 200M of my memory. | 16:47 |
ronoc | hyperair, wow | 16:47 |
smspillaz | didrocks: I might be around next week, I am going to buy a 4g stick tomorrow | 16:47 |
ronoc | hyperair, you could install the indicator-sound and see | 16:47 |
smspillaz | so I'll be in and out | 16:47 |
hyperair | ronoc: er? | 16:47 |
didrocks | smspillaz: hehe, it's more $BUYIN_AND_MOVING_TO_MY_FLAT_HOLIDAY :) | 16:47 |
ronoc | i have not had any such problems | 16:47 |
hyperair | ronoc: i'm running indicator-sound =\ | 16:47 |
didrocks | BUYING* | 16:47 |
smspillaz | didrocks: hehehe | 16:48 |
hyperair | ronoc: i'm thinking it could be the album art not being freed. | 16:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: ok, see you then! :) | 16:48 |
ronoc | hyperair, sorry i meant uninstall | 16:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and enjoy the conference | 16:48 |
* ronoc checks | 16:48 | |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh yes, I will :) | 16:48 |
hyperair | ronoc: that was what happened with banshee and notify-osd | 16:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: and of course, have a nice end of year as well :) | 16:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: it's like 1/5 conference, 4/5's ... whatever students get up to | 16:48 |
didrocks | smspillaz: hehe! sounds nice :) | 16:49 |
smspillaz | didrocks: indeed :p | 16:50 |
didrocks | hyperair: ronoc: it's nm-applet | 16:50 |
hyperair | didrocks: what? | 16:50 |
hyperair | didrocks: nm-applet doesn't use the indicator. | 16:50 |
didrocks | hyperair: the nm-applet indicator | 16:50 |
didrocks | hyperair: it is now | 16:50 |
hyperair | didrocks: but not on maverick. | 16:50 |
didrocks | ah on maverick, nevermind :) | 16:51 |
hyperair | didrocks: i'm seeing these leaks on maverick. | 16:51 |
didrocks | hyperair: ok, then not related, sorry! | 16:51 |
hyperair | =) | 16:51 |
hyperair | i'm assuming nobody listens to music for similarly long hours as i do, since nobody took notice to notify-osd eating up hundreds of megabytes of memory, and nobody else notices indicator-applet leaking memory like a sieve. | 16:52 |
ronoc | hyperair, I will test this now, just took a quick look, seems to be freeing the pixbuf everytime, will investigate thoroughly | 16:55 |
hyperair | ronoc: alright, thanks. | 16:55 |
hyperair | ronoc: again, this is speculation, i'm yet to find enough time to run valgrind on indicator-applet | 16:55 |
hyperair | ronoc: so feel free to put it at the bottom of the queue (it might be something else entirely) | 16:56 |
ronoc | hyperair, sure will look into though | 16:56 |
hyperair | thanks again ^_^ | 16:56 |
=== evilakshat is now known as ssj6akshat | ||
didrocks | kenvandine: around? | 17:03 |
didrocks | (or anyone crazy with few minutes and latest unity install to install a new gnome-session package? :)) | 17:04 |
didrocks | jcastro: do you want to be my victim? :) | 17:14 |
jcastro | didrocks: yep, I have a spare laptop just for you | 17:14 |
jcastro | what do you neeD? | 17:14 |
didrocks | jcastro: do you have the latest unity on it? | 17:14 |
jcastro | daily yeah | 17:14 |
didrocks | jcastro: and nux-tools as well, then? | 17:15 |
nmarques | Hi, quick question... I'm doing a small repository for openSUSE with Ayatana Project software. Can I use the name 'ayatana' for the repository? Any remarks or whatever ? | 17:15 |
didrocks | dbarth_: ^^ | 17:15 |
jcastro | didrocks: I do now | 17:16 |
didrocks | jcastro: great, can you please take the latest gnome-session : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/2.32.1-0ubuntu5 | 17:17 |
didrocks | not sure it's published yet | 17:17 |
didrocks | (gnome-session; gnome-session-bin and gnome-session-common) | 17:17 |
jcastro | I'll keep an eye on it | 17:18 |
jcastro | what am I looking for / testing? | 17:18 |
didrocks | jcastro: you can download the binaries | 17:18 |
didrocks | jcastro: just logout, login in the desktop session, see unity is launched | 17:18 |
didrocks | jcastro: logout, login in the classic session, see that you have gnome-panel | 17:18 |
didrocks | (and a window manager, eventually :)) | 17:18 |
didrocks | that will make my heart lighter because going on week-end | 17:19 |
didrocks | before* | 17:19 |
jcastro | ok | 17:19 |
jcastro | It's not published yet but I will keep checking. | 17:19 |
jcastro | didrocks: oh those this fix all those "can't logout there's other stuff running" errors? | 17:19 |
didrocks | jcastro: no, it changes completely the session system to decide what to run at start (unity or fallback) | 17:20 |
didrocks | jcastro: and it handles now the "i set metacity by default" case | 17:20 |
didrocks | (when user ended up in an empty session) | 17:20 |
didrocks | jcastro: you can download the binary from launchpad btw | 17:20 |
jcastro | oh, I'll do that | 17:20 |
didrocks | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/2.32.1-0ubuntu5/+build/2091040 | 17:20 |
didrocks | Built files | 17:21 |
didrocks | Files resulting from this build: | 17:21 |
didrocks | why I have still an edge adress??? | 17:21 |
didrocks | jcastro: the "I can't logout…" will be fixed on Monday btw | 17:22 |
jcastro | ok, installing and trying it now, give me 5 minutes or so | 17:23 |
didrocks | jcastro: thanks a lot! | 17:24 |
jcastro | cando: whoa | 17:25 |
jcastro | I mean didrocks: whoa | 17:25 |
jcastro | "No valid session found" | 17:25 |
jcastro | in the old school gtk battleship grey window with no decoration | 17:25 |
didrocks | jcastro: hum… crap. cat /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop ? | 17:25 |
didrocks | and ls /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions | 17:26 |
didrocks | (did you install latest gnome-session-common ?) | 17:27 |
jcastro | ah no, just the session-bin deb | 17:27 |
didrocks | *phew* :) | 17:28 |
jcastro | let me grab the -common | 17:28 |
didrocks | you have also gnome-session | 17:28 |
jcastro | ah I see what I did, I clicked wrong | 17:28 |
didrocks | it's not important, to just -bin and -common are | 17:28 |
jcastro | and didn't see all the other debs | 17:29 |
jcastro | on it | 17:29 |
didrocks | oh, ok, I got trapped sometimes too :) | 17:29 |
didrocks | the bottom part if what you look for | 17:29 |
kenvandine | tedg, virtualbox isn't behaving either... will have to do this on my laptop, but i am getting lunch first :) | 17:30 |
* kenvandine really hates computers sometimes :-p | 17:30 | |
MacSlow | cool weekend everybody | 17:32 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok, all sorted | 17:34 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok so ... | 17:34 |
jcastro | Classic loads up just the wallpaper | 17:34 |
jcastro | and Ubuntu Desktop loads unity and the panels (like it used to a while back) and then all the applet indicators crash | 17:35 |
didrocks | oh? | 17:35 |
didrocks | hum… that's so weird | 17:35 |
didrocks | oh it is possible? it can(t be!!! | 17:35 |
ssj6akshat | vish, its time for the Weekend! 5! | 17:35 |
didrocks | jcastro: gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager | 17:36 |
didrocks | and gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel | 17:36 |
vish | ssj6akshat: hey.. ;) | 17:38 |
vish | ssj6akshat: what have you got so far? | 17:38 |
ssj6akshat | vish, nothing so far actually | 17:39 |
vish | ;p | 17:39 |
* ssj6akshat got sucked into schoolwork | 17:39 | |
jcastro | didrocks: do I need to shutdown gconfd or anything before I do that? | 17:39 |
vish | ssj6akshat: filing a banshee bug, which should be fairly simple to fix | 17:39 |
didrocks | jcastro: no no, it should just dump the value | 17:40 |
ssj6akshat | vish, should I add instructions to file bugs too? | 17:40 |
ssj6akshat | discard that idea | 17:40 |
vish | ssj6akshat: yea, sure. that should be a good post for this week.. | 17:40 |
vish | ssj6akshat: featured applications have very few papercuts.. | 17:40 |
vish | ssj6akshat: maybe get people for file bugs in those.. | 17:41 |
ssj6akshat | vish, ok | 17:41 |
vish | s/for/to | 17:41 |
jcastro | didrocks: no change | 17:41 |
jcastro | classic is still wallpaer, desktop is both panels and unity | 17:41 |
didrocks | jcastro: sorry, the command should dump some values | 17:42 |
didrocks | jcastro: I just want them :) | 17:42 |
jcastro | they don't | 17:42 |
didrocks | hum? | 17:42 |
jcastro | oh dude | 17:43 |
jcastro | dash -g | 17:43 |
didrocks | what have you done? ;) | 17:43 |
jcastro | ok sorry, I have a broken desktop over there I can't copy and paste | 17:43 |
jcastro | ok | 17:43 |
jcastro | panel says no value set | 17:43 |
jcastro | windowmanager says gnome-wm | 17:43 |
didrocks | that's expected | 17:43 |
didrocks | ok | 17:43 |
didrocks | so sounds good | 17:43 |
didrocks | what's happening then :/ | 17:43 |
* ssj6akshat yawns | 17:44 | |
didrocks | jcastro: can you pastebin /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session and /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/classic-gnome.session ? | 17:44 |
jcastro | ok | 17:45 |
jcastro | http://pastebin.com/8pWSLiQX | 17:46 |
didrocks | first one sounds good | 17:46 |
jcastro | http://pastebin.com/rJ0MPUh4 | 17:47 |
didrocks | and second one looks excellent :/ | 17:47 |
didrocks | ok, first, do you have saved your session once? | 17:47 |
jcastro | I don't understand the question | 17:48 |
jcastro | have I ever saved a session you mean? | 17:48 |
didrocks | like, is ls ~/.config/gnome-session/saved-session empty | 17:48 |
didrocks | right | 17:48 |
jcastro | it's empty | 17:48 |
smspillaz | didrocks: night :) if I am around talk to you wednesday, otherwise best wishes for the holidays and thanks for all the hard work this year :) | 17:49 |
didrocks | hum, I have really no idea why gnome-panel is launched in addition to unity | 17:49 |
jcastro | didrocks: we need a third person just in case I am crackrock | 17:49 |
didrocks | smspillaz: thanks, you too! take care as well and thanks for your awesome work :) | 17:49 |
jcastro | kenvandine: got some time? | 17:49 |
didrocks | jcastro: yeah, because I'm totally puzzled there | 17:49 |
didrocks | jcastro: the "empty" workspace can be paint effect, sometimes I need with compiz 0.9 to click on the panel so that it appears | 17:50 |
didrocks | jcastro: but that doesn't explain if you have no saved session why gnome-panel is launched in the unity session | 17:50 |
smspillaz | didrocks: btw, I'm going to work on the wrong paint order on startup thing this week-end I think | 17:50 |
jcastro | ok let me check that again | 17:50 |
smspillaz | didrocks: since it is getting to the point where it is *&$%ing Annoying | 17:50 |
didrocks | smspillaz: yeah, I think a lot of person hates it (I personnaly don't care, I use unity! ;)) | 17:51 |
didrocks | smspillaz: that will be nice! | 17:51 |
smspillaz | didrocks: yeah | 17:51 |
smspillaz | didrocks: right now though I am fixing another one. Shade a window and then unshade it (with no animation). The result is artifacts on the shadow | 17:51 |
smspillaz | I know why this is, just need to track it down some more | 17:51 |
smspillaz | (decor plugin does not do something it is supposed to and misses damaging those shadows) | 17:52 |
didrocks | smspillaz: argh, ok. at least you know what's wrong there, which is still a win :) | 17:52 |
smspillaz | didrocks: oh, tomorrow I'll propose a branch for the decorator + the plugins that we want (for the cmake) | 17:52 |
smspillaz | so yeah, on monday you can review that | 17:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: nice! we'll have a look on monday, sure :) | 17:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: just send me an email | 17:53 |
smspillaz | bon soire! | 17:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: héhé, bonne nuit :) | 17:53 |
smspillaz | oui, bonne nuit | 17:53 |
smspillaz | ou bonjour depending on how you look at it | 17:53 |
didrocks | smspillaz: exactly :) | 17:54 |
jcastro | didrocks: nope, nothing, not even nautilus or anything, just a wallpaper | 17:55 |
didrocks | jcastro: works perfectly fine here, what happens :/ | 17:56 |
jcastro | didrocks: I am guessing I messed something up | 17:57 |
didrocks | jcastro: well, I hope so… but I'm unsure | 17:57 |
jcastro | didrocks: I did nothing to help you leave for the weekend though, sorry. :( | 17:57 |
didrocks | jcastro: yeah, I can't leave like that :) | 17:57 |
jcastro | cando_: I saw your merge proposal, great job! | 17:57 |
jcastro | cando_ will be the second new guy! | 17:57 |
cando_ | jcastro, woooooooo :O | 17:58 |
cando_ | thanks! | 17:58 |
cando_ | :) | 17:58 |
didrocks | kenvandine: not back? :) | 18:03 |
cando_ | jcastro, g2g...bye.. :D | 18:05 |
jcastro | rock on dude | 18:05 |
kklimonda | ugh, how can I disable application menu for one application? | 18:07 |
kklimonda | export UBUNTU_MENU_PROXY= doesn't work | 18:07 |
kklimonda | ah, it's UBUNTU_MENUPROXY | 18:08 |
didrocks | jcastro: ok, so, I've tried to create a fresh user here | 18:13 |
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didrocks | jcastro: I confirm that the classic session works for me here | 18:13 |
didrocks | jcastro: but I have gnome-panel as well in the unity session, really puzzled why I get it | 18:13 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok, I am content on just blaming myself. | 18:13 |
jamalta | DBO: hey | 18:14 |
DBO | hey | 18:14 |
jamalta | how's it going? | 18:14 |
ssj6akshat | DBO, how do you like the article? | 18:14 |
DBO | ssj6akshat, it was well received | 18:15 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok new stuff in the unity PPA, let me check and start all over | 18:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: oh oh, I no why! | 18:15 |
ssj6akshat | DBO, win! | 18:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: wait wait | 18:15 |
jcastro | didrocks: oh wait, I misread your second line, so I am not insane! | 18:15 |
DBO | didrocks, why you are still here? | 18:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test | 18:16 |
didrocks | echo $? | 18:16 |
jcastro | DBO: because he never learns "don't mess with it Friday" and tries to upload the sessions every friday late afternoon. | 18:16 |
DBO | jcastro, he was done at 5:40PM his time | 18:16 |
didrocks | DBO: well, I'm sure one part is fixed, not the other :) | 18:16 |
DBO | I told him to run | 18:16 |
DBO | did he run? no | 18:16 |
jcastro | didrocks: that segfaults | 18:16 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: !!! | 18:16 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: you are missing up my Friday evening | 18:17 |
didrocks | you should be ashamed :) | 18:17 |
jcastro | I know, he's not even here! :) | 18:17 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: what is going on? | 18:17 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test segfaults | 18:17 |
jcastro | sec I just got a bunch of daily unity updates, let me try again | 18:17 |
didrocks | jcastro: if you forced the upgrade without having the latest nux… :p | 18:18 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: with nux trunk? | 18:18 |
jcastro | I didn't force anything | 18:18 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: not sure, let's see | 18:18 |
didrocks | jcastro: so, I think it's nux related | 18:18 |
didrocks | jcastro: ensure you have the same nux-tools and nux version | 18:19 |
didrocks | libnux-0.9-0 | 18:19 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: I can reproduce a segfault when I have a second user there | 18:20 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: mumble? | 18:21 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: oh crap, I didn't charged my battery again :/ | 18:21 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: well, I guess that's not urgent if it's only on the second user | 18:21 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: I'll give you a backtrace on Monday | 18:21 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: how do you setup a second user? | 18:22 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: adduser foo | 18:22 |
didrocks | well, with sudo :) | 18:22 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: you mean a second user on the system? | 18:22 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: right | 18:22 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: ok, I can try that on my natty system | 18:23 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: nice :) | 18:23 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: could this be a permission issue? | 18:23 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: something that a normal user session cannot access | 18:23 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: I don't think so, or maybe X capability, but it still can launch unity | 18:24 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: ok | 18:24 |
ssj6akshat | DBO, yeah but people then asked for AWN to be made default O__o | 18:24 |
DBO | nah it has the same problems | 18:25 |
didrocks | jcastro: so my feeling is that you fallback as it says "you can't run unity", but it still launches compiz which, this time, say "yeah yeah, you can run unity" (and the fallback also launches gnome-panel) | 18:25 |
DBO | if not worse | 18:25 |
jamalta | DBO: hey, so i started on that bug yesterday, and had two questions about it. Do you have some time? | 18:26 |
DBO | sure | 18:26 |
DBO | always have time for a contributor :) | 18:26 |
jamalta | hehe, thanks :) | 18:26 |
jamalta | so first thing, i couldn't figure out, is how to get a signal to be emitted to all instances of LauncherIcon when the timeout ran like you suggested | 18:26 |
jamalta | i was going to try making the signal static, but it didn't like that too much. | 18:27 |
jamalta | Am I taking the wrong approach here? | 18:27 |
DBO | I think you can make a static signal | 18:27 |
DBO | why didn't it like it? | 18:28 |
jamalta | I was getting a seg fault due to a symbol lookup | 18:28 |
jamalta | Not sure if I was doing it right :( | 18:28 |
DBO | its not initialized | 18:28 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: i am updating my natty system | 18:28 |
jamalta | DBO: not initialized? | 18:28 |
DBO | jamalta, remember when you made the _default static member | 18:28 |
ssj6akshat | Woooo, I turned 14 | 18:29 |
DBO | and you had to initialize it by doing something in the cpp file | 18:29 |
jamalta | DBO: Oh! | 18:29 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: I'm pretty sure that jcastro doesn't have the right nux version (maybe I should restrain that in the package if I haven't) | 18:29 |
DBO | jamalta, :) | 18:29 |
jamalta | DBO: but I have to do that for a method? | 18:29 |
jamalta | oh wait, the signal isn't a method ;) | 18:29 |
DBO | right | 18:29 |
DBO | its an object | 18:29 |
jcastro | didrocks: I have the daily PPA enabled, perhaps it's conflicting with what's in natty proper | 18:29 |
didrocks | jcastro: sorry dude to bother you, can you please try to install libnux-0.9-0/natty nux-tools/natty | 18:30 |
jamalta | DBO: so what can i initialize it to? 0? | 18:30 |
jcastro | didrocks: no worries, I'm on it! | 18:30 |
didrocks | jcastro: and then relaunch /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test | 18:30 |
jcastro | do I need to logout after downgrading? | 18:31 |
didrocks | jcastro: no, it should be fine | 18:31 |
DBO | jamalta, I am not sure you need to assign anything to it | 18:33 |
DBO | try not assigning antyhing jamalta | 18:33 |
DBO | a default ctor should run then | 18:34 |
jamalta | DBO: yeah that works :) | 18:34 |
jamalta | Alright, so I had a second question. I created a ShowTooltip() method, and I'm calling it from RecvMouseEnter. Should the logic to set a timer or show the tooltip be in RecvMouseEnter or ShowTooltip? | 18:36 |
jcastro | didrocks: almost there, downgrade brought in a bunch of new -dev packages | 18:36 |
didrocks | jcastro: oh really? weird… | 18:37 |
jamalta | I think it would be useful to be able to use ShowTooltip without the timer restriction, but I can't make up my mind on which would be better. | 18:37 |
jcastro | didrocks: still segfault | 18:37 |
didrocks | :/ | 18:37 |
jcastro | should I put the strace somewhere? | 18:37 |
didrocks | apt-cache policy libnux-0.9-0 | 18:37 |
didrocks | apt-cache policy nux-tools | 18:37 |
didrocks | juste to ensure | 18:37 |
jcastro | 0.9.10-0ubuntu1 on both | 18:38 |
didrocks | ok, so there is really an issue there, jaytaoko ^^ | 18:38 |
didrocks | well, at least you have unity (with gnome-panel… of course) | 18:38 |
didrocks | I'm puzzled about the empty classic session because it's not related and I can't reproduce it there | 18:39 |
didrocks | but I know now why you have unity + gnome-panel | 18:39 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: I am upgrading Natty, should not be long... | 18:39 |
jcastro | didrocks: snagging caffeine, bbi 10 | 18:39 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: it's not segfaulting here | 18:39 |
DBO | jamalta, wait what? | 18:39 |
didrocks | jcastro: not sure we can tackle that before Monday TBH | 18:40 |
DBO | jamalta, the timer should be in Launcher.cppp | 18:40 |
DBO | jamalta, Launcher on mouse out calls to the LauncherIcon static function to disable all tooltips | 18:40 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: but it segfaulting on jcastro's machine, right? | 18:40 |
DBO | jamalta, Launcher on mouse in, sets a timer for 1 second, when that timer expires (remove the timer on mouse out) enable tooltips | 18:40 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: yep | 18:40 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: here, it's segfaulting with a second user | 18:41 |
didrocks | not for the first | 18:41 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok so if I see people start complaining about the panel I'll just mention in the forums/everywhere that it's a temp bug, blah blah at least you can log in, etc. | 18:41 |
didrocks | (but unity is starting though) | 18:41 |
jamalta | DBO: Ahh.. ok :) | 18:41 |
didrocks | jcastro: right | 18:41 |
jamalta | I was doing it in LauncherIcon | 18:41 |
DBO | no dont do it there | 18:41 |
* ronoc is loving king crimson at the moment | 18:41 | |
jamalta | DBO: I guess, I was going to have a big issue when hiding if I kept going this route | 18:41 |
DBO | :) | 18:41 |
DBO | yes | 18:41 |
jamalta | Heh, silly me... | 18:41 |
DBO | remember the tooltips are just not supposed to show for the first second | 18:42 |
DBO | after that they can show | 18:42 |
jamalta | DBO: Yeah | 18:42 |
DBO | OH! | 18:42 |
jamalta | And they continue being displayed when you go to other icons | 18:42 |
DBO | and you have to reset the timer when a different icon is hovered | 18:42 |
jaytaoko | didrocks jcastro: I will check on my system, see if I can reproduce... | 18:42 |
DBO | the launcher knows when the hovered icon changes | 18:42 |
DBO | when that happens, reset the timer | 18:42 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: so, nvidia here | 18:42 |
jamalta | DBO: Yeah, I'm doing that already | 18:42 |
jamalta | Just have to move it to the right place | 18:42 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: login with your first user | 18:42 |
jamalta | I'm using g_source_remove, is this good? | 18:42 |
vish | jcastro: you should stop quoting DBO on blog posts! i can literally hear the guy sayin "just for giggles." ;p | 18:42 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: then switch user, login with the second, launch -> it segfaults | 18:43 |
DBO | vish, im in your head bitch | 18:43 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: ok I will try that | 18:43 |
jcastro | vish: I know right | 18:43 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: first user needs still to be connected | 18:43 |
DBO | I appreciate that my personality is the same on IRC as real life | 18:43 |
mpt | DBO, hi, I'm wondering about the possibility of reusing in Ubuntu Software Center the algorithm that Unity uses to calculate Unity tile background colors | 18:43 |
vish | ;p | 18:43 |
didrocks | jcastro: you don't run that with multiple connected users, right? | 18:43 |
DBO | mpt, sure | 18:44 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: ok, first user must remain connected... | 18:44 |
DBO | mpt, if you want I can make you a C function to do it | 18:44 |
bittin | hm wonder if i should try Unity :p | 18:44 |
mpt | DBO, is it in a library somewhere, or is it embedded in the launcher code? | 18:44 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: but it's only for my case, jcastro's one seems more concerning :) | 18:44 |
DBO | its embedded, I can make it a library | 18:44 |
DBO | didrocks will hate me for it | 18:44 |
jcastro | didrocks: no it's just my user | 18:44 |
didrocks | DBO: well, it's already the case :) | 18:44 |
jamalta | DBO: in any case, i think i have what i need for this bug. thanks for taking the time to answer my questions :) | 18:45 |
didrocks | ok, away for 30 minutes | 18:45 |
DBO | oh | 18:45 |
DBO | we should put it in libido | 18:45 |
DBO | it makes sense there | 18:45 |
jaytaoko | jcastro: even for you as a main user it fails? | 18:45 |
DBO | plus we own that lib | 18:45 |
mpt | DBO, I don't know *for sure* that it's a good idea, it just seemed like a simple way of making individual USC screens more distinctive | 18:45 |
DBO | mpt, you might want a variation on it | 18:45 |
DBO | mpt, so ideally you would use the same Hue picker, but assign your own value and saturations | 18:46 |
mpt | DBO, yeah, we probably want a lighter tint or something, but that might be something USC should take care of rather than the library | 18:46 |
jcastro | jaytaoko: yep | 18:46 |
DBO | mpt, in that case what we should do is take an pixbuf and spit out HSV | 18:46 |
Ayrton | someone have a draft of how the unity looks like in 11.04? | 18:47 |
jaytaoko | jcastro: what is your GPU? | 18:47 |
DBO | yes | 18:47 |
Ayrton | DBO, yes? :D | 18:47 |
DBO | yes | 18:47 |
Ayrton | where I can find it? | 18:47 |
DBO | no idea | 18:47 |
DBO | that wasn't the question you asked :P | 18:48 |
DBO | Ayrton, I dont think design documents have been released yet | 18:48 |
DBO | for now assume it will look mostly like 10.10 | 18:48 |
Ayrton | DBO, hmm | 18:49 |
Ayrton | DBO, but is true say that it will be very different in 11.04? | 18:49 |
Ayrton | more likely gnome-shell, or not? | 18:49 |
DBO | it is not going to be more like GNOME Shell | 18:50 |
DBO | it will likely have difference | 18:50 |
DBO | but incremental changes | 18:50 |
kenvandine | didrocks, what's up? | 18:51 |
Ayrton | DBO, I hear about the decision for have the unity in 11.04, instead gnome-shell. Which deficiency was seen in the gnome-shell, for that decision? | 18:52 |
DBO | can you be more clear | 18:53 |
DBO | I dont understand the question | 18:53 |
Ayrton | DBO, I hear the follow: | 18:53 |
jcastro | jaytaoko: I'm on intel | 18:53 |
=== dbarth__ is now known as davidbarth | ||
jaytaoko | jcastro: thanks, if have an intel system also... | 18:54 |
Ayrton | - Something that Unity will have will be better that gnome-shell, and the guys of gnome-shell don't accept to add some functions for better usability. | 18:55 |
Ayrton | or something like that | 18:55 |
DBO | I dont really know what the GNOME Shell guys are doing | 18:56 |
DBO | I don't keep up with them | 18:56 |
Ayrton | DBO, so.. what is the true reason for have the unity in 11.04, instead gnome-shell? | 18:57 |
jcastro | Ayrton: have you seen the keynote from UDS? That might answer your questions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUAzicy_01o | 18:57 |
Ayrton | jcastro, one minute, I will see. | 18:57 |
udienz | Hello | 19:09 |
jcastro | hey DBO remember yesterday you said webapp stuff isn't bitesizeable | 19:10 |
DBO | yeah | 19:10 |
udienz | Cimi: if you are not busy please review my proposal merge at bug 549365 | 19:10 |
jcastro | check out bug #660157 | 19:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 549365 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Terminals have a translucent background" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/549365 | 19:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 660157 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity -b command doesn't build a workable application" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/660157 | 19:10 |
Reines | hey, is this the right place to ask about an issue with notify-osd? | 19:11 |
vish | Reines: yes | 19:11 |
Reines | alright cheers. I've got 3 screens using an ATI HD6870 and the binary ATI drivers (they all run off the same GPU - 1 desktop). with 2 screens everything is fine, with 3 when I login notify-osd goes to 100% cpu usage and I need to kill it. is there anything I can do to try debug wtf is going on? | 19:13 |
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didrocks | kenvandine: can you install latest gnome-session and ensure you have latest unity/nux | 19:14 |
didrocks | kenvandine: and also nux-tools | 19:14 |
DBO | jcastro, I see I dont know what you want though | 19:14 |
DBO | thats for the maverick version | 19:14 |
jcastro | yeah but he says he's interested in fixing it in natty | 19:14 |
jcastro | so I was thinking, why not ask him to implement it? | 19:15 |
DBO | go ahead | 19:15 |
DBO | or I can if you want | 19:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: ok, I thought about a workaround for the unity session to fallback to previous detection mod | 19:15 |
jcastro | didrocks: ok | 19:15 |
didrocks | mode | 19:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: can you edit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome.session | 19:15 |
jcastro | DBO: do we have something on the wiki that says what webapps are supposed to act like? | 19:15 |
didrocks | jcastro: and replace IsRunnableHelper=/usr/lib/gnome-session-is-accelerated | 19:16 |
jcastro | or are we going for maverick-like behavior | 19:16 |
didrocks | by IsRunnableHelper=/bin/true | 19:16 |
didrocks | oupsss | 19:16 |
didrocks | jcastro: sorry, /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session | 19:16 |
didrocks | and so replace IsRunnableHelper=/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test | 19:16 |
didrocks | by IsRunnableHelper=/bin/true | 19:16 |
DBO | jcastro, i really dont know | 19:16 |
didrocks | jcastro: this should launch unity without gnome-panel | 19:16 |
jcastro | didrocks: trying it now | 19:17 |
jcastro | Reines: a post on the ayatana-dev mailing list will probably get you a better answer, I don't think mirco is around right now | 19:18 |
jcastro | didrocks: that works! | 19:19 |
Reines | cheers, i'll maybe pop back later, or drop an email then | 19:19 |
didrocks | jcastro: ok nice, I'll upload that I guess | 19:19 |
didrocks | jcastro: it just deactivate the detection and run in similar workflow than before | 19:19 |
jcastro | right, I understand what you did | 19:20 |
didrocks | well, the funny part is that the code is completely different underneath :) | 19:20 |
jcastro | "jay broke it so I will return a true here and then complain later" is what I get out of this | 19:20 |
didrocks | but at least, it's enough for a wekk-end | 19:21 |
jcastro | yeah | 19:21 |
didrocks | hehe, right! :) | 19:21 |
didrocks | getting another machine | 19:21 |
didrocks | trying the classic session on it | 19:21 |
didrocks | ok, it seems to segfault on my mini 10v as well | 19:24 |
didrocks | jcastro: the classic session works there though | 19:26 |
didrocks | jcastro: so, just deactivating the detection + new session system seems to work | 19:26 |
jcastro | cool | 19:28 |
=== ssj6akshat|sleep is now known as ssj6akshat|bed | ||
Reines | does notify-osd truncate messages sent to it, or simply try display anything passed to it? i enabled debug and it seems xrandr is trying to send a 13,421 line message as soon as I login... i imagine that could well be what's causing it to eat 100% cpu? | 19:33 |
spikeb | heh that could be | 19:34 |
Reines | seems a safe bet, so guess i'll be fighting xrandr now! | 19:35 |
spikeb | Reines, i would investigate that path, yes. | 19:35 |
Reines | cheers, cya later | 19:39 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: I tried with a second user, it seems to be ok here | 19:40 |
dbarth | hey jcastro, jasoncwarner: i have some bugs that sound like bitesized ones: | 19:41 |
dbarth | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/684193 | 19:41 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 684193 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_source_unref()" [High,Confirmed] | 19:41 |
dbarth | DBO: hi, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/657771/comments/16 and let me know if this one is worth fixing | 19:47 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 657771 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "'Keep in launcher' item missing for some applications" [High,Triaged] | 19:47 |
DBO | oh man | 19:47 |
DBO | linking to a comment | 19:47 |
DBO | thats just evil | 19:47 |
DBO | dbarth, that issue doesn't exist in unity | 19:48 |
DBO | there is however a different bug... | 19:48 |
DBO | dbarth, I can only do so much to it, but I will try | 19:48 |
dbarth | DBO: is there something that gord also needs to fix? | 19:52 |
dbarth | or is it just bamf? | 19:52 |
DBO | its just bamf | 19:52 |
DBO | we are limited | 19:52 |
DBO | if an application is evil | 19:52 |
DBO | and we cant match it | 19:52 |
DBO | that happens | 19:52 |
dbarth | DBO: ok, so this sounds like a natty fix, not a maverick one; worth turning into a request to patch the evil app | 19:53 |
DBO | correct | 19:53 |
DBO | fortunately the GNOME Shell guys are pushing GNOME to standardize | 19:54 |
DBO | the more they do that | 19:54 |
DBO | the more we win | 19:54 |
dbarth | ok, so that should be an easy fix to get upstream then | 19:54 |
dbarth | can you add a comment to suggest how the app(s) should be fixed | 19:54 |
dbarth | super, so that concludes my bug triaging for the day, and without further ado, i wish you all a good week-end ;) | 19:55 |
dbarth | bye | 19:55 |
kenvandine | didrocks, can't just now... my laptop is barely hanging on by a thread and i am trying to build ted's stuff | 20:01 |
didrocks | kenvandine: ok, no worry, I've workarounded it | 20:01 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: ok, we'll see on Monday, I'll get you the tracebook | 20:02 |
kenvandine | the indicator stack and dbusmenu is taped together on my laptop atm, maybe a little bubble gum :) | 20:02 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: and get some battery for my mic :) | 20:02 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: what is the symptom of the crash: the launcher does not show? compiz does not start? | 20:02 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: no, the detection plugin segfault | 20:03 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: but then, if I ask for unity to start, it starts | 20:03 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: the launcher isn't transparent but black though | 20:03 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: how can I verify if the detection pluging crashed or not? | 20:03 |
DBO | jaytaoko, mumble in 15? | 20:04 |
jaytaoko | DBO: ok | 20:04 |
DBO | is that possible for you? | 20:04 |
DBO | thanks dude | 20:04 |
DBO | I need to go cook some food for the girlfriend, shes sick | 20:04 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: if it segfaults, it's printed when you launch it by hand | 20:04 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: ok, I can say that it starts fine here, I go right into unity | 20:05 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: ok, no segfault when you launch it in a terminal? | 20:06 |
didrocks | (for the second user) | 20:06 |
jaytaoko | didrocks: where is the detection program? | 20:07 |
didrocks | jaytaoko: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test | 20:07 |
didrocks | jcastro: so, jaytaoko confirms that the classic session is working for him. So 2 machines here + his host | 20:22 |
didrocks | jcastro: and the nux detection module segfaulting is currently deactivated | 20:22 |
didrocks | I think I'm good for the week-end :) | 20:22 |
nmarques | kenvandine, quick question... ido requires 012_ubuntu-set-grab-add.patch on GTK2. Anything more required by ido or it's just that patch? Thanks in advance. | 20:23 |
DBO | jaytaoko, you able to mumble now? | 20:23 |
kenvandine | nmarques, afaik that is it | 20:24 |
jaytaoko | DBO: in 2 minutes | 20:24 |
nmarques | kenvandine, good news. thanks for the info and good job :) | 20:24 |
kenvandine | anytime | 20:25 |
didrocks | DBO: and yes, you were f**** right… | 20:25 |
didrocks | time to run :) | 20:25 |
didrocks | enjoy your week-end everyone :) | 20:26 |
kenvandine | later didrocks | 20:26 |
kenvandine | have a great weekend | 20:26 |
didrocks | kenvandine: oh it will be great, thanks, you too :) | 20:26 |
DBO | didrocks, i know karma dude | 20:26 |
kenvandine | i think i will be cursing tedg all weekend | 20:26 |
kenvandine | :) | 20:26 |
tedg | kenvandine, No atleast all the way through Christmas ;) | 20:27 |
kenvandine | tedg, i got a test box up and upgrading it now with the dbusmenu crack | 20:27 |
kenvandine | hehe | 20:27 |
kenvandine | indeed | 20:27 |
kenvandine | tedg is like magic, trunk of dbusmenu and trunk of libappindicator are both rev 175 right now | 20:49 |
tedg | kenvandine, If you use indicator-appmenu trunk to Alt+ keys work to open menus for you? | 21:02 |
kenvandine | tedg, can i just build trunk and restart the service? | 21:19 |
kenvandine | tedg, did you ever get libappindicator to build? | 21:19 |
tedg | kenvandine, No, you'll have to restart your sesssion as there is no service for appmenu. | 21:19 |
kenvandine | ok | 21:19 |
tedg | kenvandine, But, I think I found the bug njpatel was talking about. | 21:19 |
kenvandine | i'll test it now | 21:20 |
tedg | libappindicator? Yeah, I could build that. | 21:20 |
kenvandine | you did? | 21:20 |
kenvandine | humm | 21:20 |
kenvandine | did you forget to push anything? | 21:20 |
kenvandine | i am trying lp:~indicator-applet-developers/libappindicator/ubuntu/ | 21:20 |
* tedg checks | 21:21 | |
tedg | kenvandine, Yes | 21:21 |
kenvandine | yes you forgot? | 21:21 |
tedg | No, yes that is the right branch. | 21:21 |
kenvandine | ugh | 21:21 |
kenvandine | ok | 21:21 |
kenvandine | it configures for me in build, build-python2.6 and build-python2.7 | 21:22 |
kenvandine | but then tries to run make in the srcdir | 21:22 |
kenvandine | which hasn't been configured | 21:22 |
tedg | Oh, right. No, I never figured that out. | 21:22 |
kenvandine | ah.. ok, guess i need to fix that | 21:22 |
tedg | It builds fine for me in trunk. The packaging thing is screwy now :) | 21:22 |
kenvandine | tedg, i think it is spooky that libappindicator and dbusmenu trunks are both at rev 175 | 21:26 |
tedg | kenvandine, Heh, I didn't notice. | 21:26 |
kenvandine | i did a double take when i was checking for the changelog | 21:26 |
kenvandine | though i had looked at the same one twice | 21:26 |
kenvandine | s/though/thought | 21:27 |
kenvandine | tedg, so this version of libappindicator doesn't actually need the new dbusmenu to build right? | 21:39 |
tedg | kenvandine, Honestly, loosing track :) I think that it does. | 21:40 |
kenvandine | ok | 21:40 |
kenvandine | lp:~indicator-applet-developers/libappindicator/ubuntu | 21:40 |
tedg | kenvandine, dbusmenu-glib-0.4 in configure.ac | 21:40 |
kenvandine | i pushed changes straight there | 21:40 |
tedg | kenvandine, Ah, okay. | 21:40 |
kenvandine | i made the build depends >= 0.3.90+r175 | 21:40 |
kenvandine | builds in pbuilder | 21:41 |
kenvandine | it didn't seem to link against any of the binaries from dbusmenu r175 | 21:41 |
tareth | anyone want to review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~mrasmus/unity/fix-686182/+merge/43141 | 21:46 |
DBO | tareth, lookingnow | 21:49 |
kenvandine | tedg, you said indicator-appmenu trunk right? | 21:49 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yeah | 21:49 |
kenvandine | oh.. trunk of your packaging branch? | 21:50 |
kenvandine | lp:indicator-appmenu hasn't had a commit in a week | 21:50 |
tedg | kenvandine, Well, they should be the same, I merged trunk into packaging. | 21:50 |
kenvandine | ok | 21:50 |
DBO | tareth, really good work | 21:50 |
DBO | tareth, one more issue to fix. it looks me like currently a double click on an icon would result in a stray call to Focus () | 21:51 |
DBO | tareth, are you still here? :) | 21:52 |
tareth | Yep, sorry, left my seat for a second | 21:52 |
tareth | Looking into that now | 21:52 |
DBO | I dont think the stray call will do antyhing | 21:53 |
DBO | but it shouldn't happen regardless | 21:53 |
kenvandine | tedg, ok, appmenu trunk installed, will test in a few | 21:55 |
kenvandine | tedg, what specifically should i test? | 21:55 |
DBO | tareth, if inside the if (!running) block you do | 21:55 |
DBO | if (GetQuirk (LAUNCHER_ICON_QUIRK_STARTING)) return; | 21:55 |
DBO | that would solve the issue | 21:56 |
tedg | kenvandine, Just if the Alt+ hotkeys work generally. (besides the first one, which always worked) | 21:56 |
tedg | kenvandine, It seems gedit Documents is still broken. | 21:56 |
kenvandine | oh | 21:57 |
kenvandine | so opening menus other than the one on the left | 21:57 |
kenvandine | i hadn't even noticed that was broken | 21:57 |
DBO | tareth, also a minor optimization "if (!icon->GetQuirk (LAUNCHER_ICON_QUIRK_RUNNING) && starting_progress == 1.0f)" reverse the order those are checked | 21:57 |
DBO | check local variables first | 21:57 |
tareth | DBO, alright, thanks | 21:58 |
DBO | tareth, lemme know when you have the fixes in and I will +1 | 21:59 |
fuho | Hello everyone | 22:00 |
DBO | hey fuho | 22:01 |
fuho | I have a question about installingUnity on Ubuntu Server is this the right place? | 22:01 |
kenvandine | tedg, works better than before | 22:01 |
DBO | Ubuntu Server? | 22:01 |
kenvandine | but | 22:01 |
fuho | DBO: yes | 22:01 |
kenvandine | if you open a menu, you can't get another one until that menu is closed | 22:02 |
kenvandine | of course once you get one open, you can navigate to the others | 22:02 |
DBO | fuho, I am not really going to be much for helping here | 22:02 |
fuho | DBO: In fact its VPS, I was wondering if I can manage to install UI on it and then VNC to it. | 22:02 |
DBO | but why? | 22:02 |
DBO | fuho, you can yes... but I have no idea how :) | 22:02 |
fuho | dbo: Just kind of proof of concept that it can be done and that VPS can be used as a working computer with desktop manager. | 22:03 |
DBO | mmmm the right dude to help you just left for the weekend | 22:03 |
DBO | and honestly, the dude needs a break... | 22:04 |
DBO | you could ask in the forums, or try again monday morning? | 22:04 |
DBO | thats all I really god | 22:04 |
DBO | got | 22:04 |
tareth | DBO, done! | 22:04 |
DBO | tareth, HERO | 22:04 |
tareth | :D | 22:04 |
DBO | nope | 22:05 |
fuho | dbo: :D Thats shame, I'll just go through the manual then. | 22:05 |
DBO | tareth, you know what, it's a small change, I got it :) | 22:05 |
jamalta | I want to upgrade from the unity nightly but I'm so scared of upgrading all the other stuff related to python 2.7 :( | 22:05 |
fuho | dbo: I slowly start to realise it really is stupid idea, everyone keeps telling me. I dont even know if the server has graphic card :) | 22:06 |
jamalta | I've already gotten my login broken by doing that.. lol | 22:06 |
DBO | fuho, you need a real GPU for unity to work | 22:06 |
DBO | fuho, mesa doesn't have working FBO support yet | 22:06 |
fuho | dbo: whats that? mesa, FBO | 22:07 |
DBO | jamalta, you are braver than I | 22:07 |
tareth | DBO, oh, did I miss a space? | 22:07 |
DBO | fuho, Mesa == software opengl implementation, FBO == frame buffer object | 22:07 |
DBO | tareth, nah, you'll see, you implemented the short circuiting wrong | 22:07 |
DBO | tareth, PM with the fix | 22:08 |
fuho | dbo: and even if it was implemented i could probably really feel it on resources right? Okay I think I am done thinking about stupid stuff, I jsut wanted to use the VPS for something "cool" | 22:08 |
tareth | ok! | 22:08 |
jamalta | DBO: how do you run unity? i've got natty installed on a partition on my laptop | 22:08 |
DBO | jamalta, on maverick | 22:09 |
DBO | I have a natty netbook | 22:09 |
DBO | but I dev primarily on maverick until at least A2 maybe A3 | 22:09 |
DBO | its hard for me to dev if X is broken | 22:09 |
jamalta | DBO: Ahh.. | 22:09 |
jamalta | Very true :D | 22:09 |
DBO | yeah, you weren't expecting that were you? :P | 22:10 |
jamalta | DBO: Well, I figured since it had been decided to not worry about Unity on maverick, that everyone would be running it on natty. | 22:10 |
DBO | tareth, how long you been doing FOSS dev? | 22:10 |
jamalta | But that's all an issue regarding packaging anyhow.. | 22:10 |
DBO | exactly | 22:11 |
DBO | I update those things I need to | 22:11 |
jamalta | makes enough sense :) | 22:11 |
DBO | man I think it was the Lucid cycle | 22:11 |
DBO | I didn't ugrade till like, 2 weeks before release | 22:11 |
jamalta | Haha | 22:11 |
DBO | "Jason are you on Lucid yet?" "Yeah...... no" | 22:11 |
jamalta | I think that's the cycle that bit me on the behind.. I upgraded to A1 I think, and screwed up my machine for about a day or two | 22:11 |
jamalta | Haha | 22:12 |
tareth | DBO, I worked on Getting Things GNOME last year...and that's about it | 22:12 |
DBO | awesome | 22:12 |
DBO | so glad to have you hacking with us | 22:12 |
DBO | Getting Things GNOME is awesome by the way | 22:13 |
DBO | I use it daily | 22:13 |
tareth | I've been wanting to help out with Ubuntu for awhile :) | 22:13 |
DBO | well here is your chance | 22:13 |
kenvandine | tedg, was that useful feedback? | 22:13 |
DBO | tareth, I see that your change is pushed, I am going to do a final review and merge :) | 22:14 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yes, thank you. That's good to know. | 22:14 |
tedg | Now I've found some really crazy stuff though :-/ | 22:14 |
tareth | DBO, thanks a bunch! :) | 22:14 |
DBO | tareth, when did you send in your contrib agreement? | 22:14 |
tareth | Yesterday | 22:14 |
DBO | kay | 22:15 |
DBO | checking your credentials are in line | 22:15 |
DBO | tareth, who did you send the form to? | 22:17 |
tareth | David Barth and the contributer-agreement address | 22:18 |
DBO | okay | 22:18 |
DBO | tareth, I need to cover my own ass here, can you fwd me the email you sent them, just so if it didn't go through I can send it over to my manager | 22:19 |
tareth | Yeah, sure | 22:19 |
DBO | thanks :) | 22:19 |
* spikeb got his copy of "the inmates are running the asylum" today | 22:20 | |
kenvandine | tedg, how about we push this stuff in a testing ppa under ~indicator-applet-developers ? | 22:20 |
tedg | kenvandine, works for me. | 22:21 |
kenvandine | great, can you create one? | 22:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Heh | 22:21 |
* tedg didn't realize what he walked into | 22:21 | |
kenvandine | hehe | 22:21 |
kenvandine | i can upload to it... but not create :) | 22:21 |
spikeb | that was very slick, kenvandine | 22:21 |
kenvandine | :-D | 22:21 |
DBO | tareth, just realized I never mentioned my email is jason.smith@canonical.com | 22:22 |
kenvandine | tedg, i think i am about ready to upload | 22:22 |
kenvandine | fixing the last bits of indicator-application | 22:22 |
tareth | DBO, sent! | 22:23 |
tedg | kenvandine, https://launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/+archive/gdbus-migration | 22:23 |
DBO | tareth, gratzi | 22:23 |
kenvandine | tedg, th | 22:23 |
kenvandine | +x | 22:23 |
* tedg now has the power to execute! | 22:23 | |
kenvandine | hehe | 22:23 |
kenvandine | tedg, mind if i push these packaging fixes right to ~indicator-applet-developers? | 22:23 |
tedg | kenvandine, Nope | 22:24 |
DBO | tareth, merge approved | 22:24 |
tareth | :D | 22:24 |
DBO | tareth, rev 699 of unity contains your code | 22:25 |
DBO | congrats :) | 22:25 |
DBO | I also wanted to congratulate you on doing it in such a simple and clean manner, it really feels right :) | 22:25 |
tareth | Now I need to find another bug... | 22:26 |
DBO | there is a bug where restoring a minimized window that obscures the window doesn't trigger intellihide | 22:27 |
DBO | it should be a classic case of trace and debug whats going wrong | 22:27 |
tareth | I might just take that one on | 22:29 |
ja | hi | 22:33 |
spikeb | lots of people joining to fix bugs this cycle. | 22:33 |
tedg | kenvandine, Can you pull and try indicator-appmenu again? It's now fixed for me. | 22:34 |
kenvandine | yup | 22:35 |
tedg | kenvandine, Thanks! | 22:35 |
tedg | kenvandine, if it works can you distro patch that in? | 22:36 |
kenvandine | lp:~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-appmenu/ubuntu | 22:37 |
kenvandine | right? | 22:37 |
kenvandine | maybe | 22:37 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yup | 22:37 |
kenvandine | yay... installed the appindicator and dbusmenu gdbus branches on this test box... desktop doesn't load :-D | 22:39 |
kenvandine | brb | 22:39 |
kenvandine | tedg, ok... menus work about the same for me as they did before | 22:42 |
kenvandine | alt+e brings up edit | 22:42 |
kenvandine | in gedit | 22:42 |
tedg | kenvandine, Does Alt+D work for you? | 22:42 |
tedg | (in GEdit) | 22:42 |
kenvandine | no | 22:42 |
tedg | :( | 22:43 |
kenvandine | seems weird | 22:43 |
tedg | Does it crash the panel service? | 22:43 |
kenvandine | no | 22:43 |
kenvandine | that seems fine | 22:43 |
kenvandine | back to gdbus | 22:43 |
kenvandine | (nautilus:15628): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_new_string: assertion `string != NULL' failed | 22:43 |
kenvandine | Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension | 22:43 |
kenvandine | Initializing nautilus-gdu extension | 22:43 |
kenvandine | that is looping over and over again in .xsession-errors | 22:43 |
kenvandine | i assume failing to start nautilus | 22:43 |
tedg | kenvandine, But nothing should have changed for Nautilus... I mean, it doesn't like to any of these libraries, right? | 22:44 |
kenvandine | only thing i can think of is nautilus connecting to the menus | 22:45 |
kenvandine | i removed the extensions | 22:46 |
kenvandine | now it is just the glib critical | 22:46 |
tedg | kenvandine, Did you rebuild appmenu-gtk? | 22:46 |
kenvandine | no | 22:46 |
tedg | kenvandine, It should still be on the old dbusmenu, no? | 22:46 |
kenvandine | i asked you if i needed to rebuild stuff | 22:47 |
kenvandine | so i shouldn't right? | 22:47 |
tedg | Yeah, it shouldn't rebuild -- I think it'll FTBFS | 22:47 |
tedg | Oh, it connects through libappindicator. | 22:49 |
tedg | You're probably loading two versions of dbusmenu into the same binary. | 22:49 |
tedg | That won't be good. | 22:49 |
tedg | Hmmm. | 22:49 |
tedg | So I think we need to port appmenu-gtk then. | 22:50 |
tedg | Uhg. | 22:50 |
tedg | I can't think of any clever thing to do here. | 22:51 |
tedg | kenvandine, I think you need to purge the PPA, and then we'll have to port appmenu-gtk to GDBus. | 22:51 |
tedg | kenvandine, That's not going to happen today though :( | 22:51 |
kenvandine | i haven't uploaded yet | 22:51 |
tedg | No, purge it from your test machine. | 22:52 |
kenvandine | ah | 22:52 |
tedg | Otherwise it won't boot :) | 22:52 |
kenvandine | hehe | 22:52 |
kenvandine | i know | 22:52 |
tedg | Bother. I should have realized this dependency. | 22:52 |
ja | Is there any mock-up of final version of Unity? | 23:02 |
kenvandine | tedg, if you get the appmenu thing nailed, just email me | 23:02 |
tedg | kenvandine, Can you try that Alt+D thing again? It works reliably for me... | 23:02 |
tedg | kenvandine, Writing up the status of the GDBus stuff. | 23:02 |
kenvandine | hang on | 23:02 |
jono | awesome work tareth! | 23:05 |
tareth | thanks! | 23:05 |
kenvandine | tedg, i uploaded all of them to the ppa and pushed the indicator-application and libappindicator packaging branches | 23:07 |
kenvandine | and for dbusmenu i pushed to lp:~ken-vandine/dbusmenu/ubuntu | 23:07 |
kenvandine | i am not a member of dbusmenu-team | 23:07 |
tedg | kenvandine, Ah cool. I'll merge that in. | 23:07 |
tedg | kenvandine, Otherwise we're just going to have to wait until I can port appmenu-gtk to GDBus. | 23:08 |
kenvandine | so rev 114 | 23:08 |
kenvandine | of indicator-appmenu packaging branch | 23:08 |
kenvandine | right? | 23:08 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yup | 23:08 |
* kenvandine rebuilds to make sure | 23:08 | |
kenvandine | ETOOMANYBRANCHES | 23:09 |
* tedg checks again, and it works. | 23:09 | |
tedg | Yes, where DVCSes aren't always a good thing :) | 23:09 |
kenvandine | brb | 23:09 |
tedg | kenvandine, I need to run and get a birthday gift for a party this weekend. | 23:10 |
kenvandine | works! | 23:10 |
tedg | kenvandine, Ping me with what happens. | 23:10 |
tedg | Woot! | 23:10 |
kenvandine | alt+d worked | 23:10 |
kenvandine | sorry about that | 23:10 |
tedg | NP | 23:10 |
kenvandine | i need to go too | 23:10 |
kenvandine | drop me a mail or a merge request about patching it | 23:11 |
tedg | Okay, is the change small enough to distro patch (next week) ? | 23:11 |
kenvandine | i'll do it monday | 23:11 |
tedg | K, will do later tonight. | 23:11 |
kenvandine | i think so | 23:11 |
kenvandine | thx | 23:11 |
tedg | Thanks! | 23:11 |
kenvandine | gotta feed the kids | 23:11 |
tedg | 'night kenvandine! | 23:11 |
kenvandine | later! | 23:11 |
kenvandine | have a great vacation! | 23:11 |
tedg | Will do | 23:11 |
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