maxb | Ugh | 00:23 |
maxb | It seems that the most annoying part of producing packages for the bzr ppa is just wrestling the debian/changelog into sanity across five distroseries | 00:24 |
maxb | I really need to come up with a way to automate this | 00:24 |
poolie | hi maxb | 00:26 |
poolie | it is annoying | 00:26 |
poolie | a tool for it would be great | 00:26 |
maxb | There are several parts | 00:27 |
maxb | One part is the changelog merge hook needs to understand not to sort entries in version number order when ~foo suffixes are involved | 00:28 |
maxb | Another part is that when doing PPA builds, often the right way to merge an entry is to s/lucid/karmic/g the header line, rather than listing all versions involved | 00:28 |
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poolie | mwhudson, spiv do you recall how to get pyflakes to work with lazy_import? | 02:41 |
mwhudson | poolie: install it from lp:~mwhudson/pyflakes/support-lazy_import | 02:41 |
poolie | or comment out the lazy import :) | 02:42 |
poolie | thanks though | 02:42 |
mwhudson | well that works too, but my version is a bit more automatic :) | 02:42 |
poolie | is that url right? | 02:43 |
poolie | and the related question is: is pyflakes still the best static checker? | 02:44 |
poolie | nm, found it: 'support-lazy-imports' | 02:44 |
mwhudson | ah oops | 02:46 |
mwhudson | it's still the best i know of | 02:46 |
mwhudson | pylint does more, but requires assloads of configuration to be useful and is slow | 02:46 |
* mwhudson attempts to merge trunk into his branch | 02:47 | |
mwhudson | so... | 03:01 |
mwhudson | what do people use to handle difficult conflicts? | 03:01 |
mwhudson | (the problem i have here is that the merge has resulted in the conflicting sections being broken up in unhelpful ways) | 03:02 |
poolie | vimdiff or meld | 03:02 |
mwhudson | does anything know how to parse the conflict markers out of the file and start from there? | 03:04 |
spm | mwhudson: 'rm <file>' | 03:06 |
poolie | how do you mean? | 03:07 |
poolie | i think emacs has a mode that specially recognizes herringbones | 03:07 |
poolie | spiv, is now fixed? | 03:10 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 603395 in Bazaar "bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags" [High,In progress] | 03:10 |
poolie | can you please update it either way? | 03:10 |
mwhudson | i guess i'm not sure what i mean | 03:11 |
mwhudson | kdiff3 seems quite nice, if a bit obscure | 03:11 |
mwhudson | hm yes, pretty good | 03:19 |
* mwhudson pushes up his new branch | 03:19 | |
spm | is there an easy way to discover which branch a certain chunk of text was added to a file? I have the text, would just like to track the context/when it was added as it looks... odd. | 03:25 |
spm | bah. try #2. not which branch, *when* a certain chunk of text. | 03:25 |
poolie | spm: two ways | 03:26 |
poolie | 'bzr log -p |less' | 03:26 |
poolie | then search | 03:26 |
poolie | or 'bzr grep -r 1.. PATTERN' | 03:26 |
poolie | ah bug 388437 is the one about ascii in error messages | 03:27 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 388437 in Bazaar "notbrancherror doesn't show cyrllic paths correctly" [Medium,Confirmed] | 03:27 |
spm | kk, ta muchly. | 03:27 |
spiv | spm: or look at that the "bzr annotate" output (preferably with "bzr gannotate" or "bzr qannotate", depending on your GTK vs. Qt preference) | 03:30 |
spm | worked perfectly, with one rider. search from bottom up. the text was about every 3rd change recently. :-) | 03:30 |
spm | spiv: ah, k. I'll try that just to see. the problem - this is on prasé, but I suppose I can branch locally. yay for VCS. :-) | 03:30 |
spm | yay for *D*VCS. | 03:31 |
poolie | oh, if it's still present that's a more obvious way to do it | 03:33 |
poolie | would appreciate your thoughts on too | 04:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 388437 in Bazaar "notbrancherror doesn't show non-ascii paths correctly" [Medium,In progress] | 04:34 |
spiv | Before I look at that bug my thought is "can __str__ return a unicode object?" | 04:52 |
spiv | mgz probably knows the esoteric ins and outs here. | 04:53 |
spiv | poolie: your comment on 388437 sounds ok to me | 05:16 |
spiv | poolie: if nothing else, I doubt your suggestions can be worse than the status quo ;) | 05:17 |
vila | hi all ! | 07:12 |
spm | hey vila | 07:22 |
vila | spm: hey there ! | 07:23 |
vila | spm: regarding your mail about lp/pqm, I only have one GPG key, but possible two emails attached to it differing only by '+lp' (the one I use most of the time) which is also the one I use for bzr, I should be able to use it right ? | 07:24 |
vila | s/possible// | 07:24 |
spm | mayeb.... | 07:24 |
spm | pqm is *really* fussy over the order of keys in the key itself. so generally whichever is the default is the one you must use. | 07:25 |
vila | spm: right, so if it works for bzr, it should work for lp | 07:25 |
spm | try it and we'll find out :-) | 07:25 |
vila | hehe | 07:26 |
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RenatoSilva | I have a single file from a given upstream version. I patched it and now I want to merge upstream changes. But it's a single file, and they don't even use Bazaar. Is it possible to somehow automate this? | 12:58 |
beuno | RenatoSilva, they don't use bzr, but you do? | 12:59 |
RenatoSilva | beuno: of course, I'm managing the patch with bazaar | 12:59 |
* beuno was just checking :) | 13:00 | |
RenatoSilva | ok | 13:00 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: they're using a foreign VCS or something like that, or did you import a tarball manually? | 13:00 |
* beuno waves at jelmer | 13:00 | |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: it's just a single file | 13:00 |
jelmer | hey Martin | 13:00 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: you could create a separate branch with their version of the file in it and then use "bzr merge" to pull in new changes | 13:01 |
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
RenatoSilva | jelmer: ok will try it | 13:04 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. | 13:19 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: yeah, your original branch needs to derive from the upstream branch | 13:19 |
jelmer | sorry | 13:19 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: yeah, your branch needs to derive from the upstream branch | 13:19 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: bzr branch -r 1 mypatch temp; mv upstream-changes temp; cd temp; bzr commit -m "New upstream rev hg:123"; cd ../mypatch; bzr merge --preview ../temp | 13:36 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: this seems to work | 13:37 |
* AfC wonders why people do merge --preview ... just merge and then commit or revert | 13:41 | |
RenatoSilva | is there any way of qlog or qdiff ignoring whitespace? | 14:02 |
vila | jelmer, beuno: bzr-upload 1.0.0 has been officially released | 14:05 |
jelmer | vila: \o/ Congrats :-) | 14:06 |
vila | I'm all ears for feedback on my last tweaks and what is needed for this release to reach the distributions ;) | 14:06 |
jelmer | vila: Does it fix the test suite? | 14:06 |
vila | jelmer: I hope so, feedback welcome | 14:06 |
vila | jelmer: bug #671964 ? | 14:07 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 671964 in bzr Upload plugin "test failures building in chroot" [Critical,Fix released] | 14:07 |
vila | jelmer: I added a file and according tweaks (by looking at bzr-svn and bzr-gtk), I probably broke something there or in the (I also added a Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey welcomes feedback to do better too ;) | 14:09 |
jelmer | vila: Cool | 14:09 |
beuno | vila, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo \o/ | 14:09 |
beuno | pitty it's too early to drink | 14:10 |
vila | n'ver too 'rly | 14:10 |
beuno | vila, and we started this what... 3 years ago? | 14:11 |
beuno | maybe a but more? | 14:11 |
vila | beuno: the release doesn't include all the shimy features we've dreamed about, but at least it's out :) | 14:11 |
vila | beuno: OMG, I have no idea, too bad we didn't take notes or use a VCS :) | 14:12 |
beuno | vila, well, it was born during the bzr community sprint | 14:12 |
beuno | so we should be able figure out when that was | 14:12 |
vila | beuno: I remember precisely the restaurant we were in :) | 14:12 |
vila | first commit on 2008-03-07 | 14:13 |
beuno | 2 years and 3/4 :) | 14:14 |
vila | I find it interesting that a VCS made this project possible, a few hours here and here stretched across ~3 years... and still a useful piece of code | 14:15 |
RenatoSilva | is there any tool for exporting an hg branch to bazaar? | 14:17 |
beuno | RenatoSilva, fast-import, I think | 14:17 |
RenatoSilva |, can't grok | 14:19 |
RenatoSilva | I just want something like bzr import --hg $hgbranch | 14:20 |
vila | RenatoSilva: bzr-hg ? | 14:20 |
RenatoSilva | vila: thanks | 14:22 |
RenatoSilva | Unable to load plugin u'hg'. It requested API version (2, 0, 0) of module <module 'bzrlib' from 'c:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\\bzrlib\__init__.pyo'> but the minimum exported version is (2, 1, 0), and the maximum is (2, 1, 1) | 14:24 |
vila | >-/ | 14:25 |
RenatoSilva | also, "This plugin requires recent versions of Bazaar **and Mercurial** to be installed to work." | 14:27 |
vila | RenatoSilva: yeah, looks like it needs love | 14:27 |
vila | RenatoSilva: next bet would be to search in hg for a fast-export path then | 14:28 |
RenatoSilva | or use hg at all :P | 14:28 |
RenatoSilva | I was trying to avoid installing and touching hg | 14:29 |
vila | it's a bit surprising though, there are launchpad imports for hg branches, so there should be a version around that is at least compatible with bzr-2.2 | 14:30 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: that's not really possible | 14:30 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: as far as I know hg itself is the only thing that can read mercurial repositories | 14:30 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: so how about bzr-hg? | 14:31 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: bzr-hg depends on mercurial itself | 14:31 |
RenatoSilva | vila: is that LP import accessible to regular users? | 14:32 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: yes | 14:32 |
vila | AFAIK if the branch is public you can request its import. You may need the corresponding project created on lp first though (unless it already exists of course) | 14:33 |
RenatoSilva | no automated way? | 14:34 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: the request handling is automated | 14:35 |
vila | RenatoSilva: ? Once the import is defined, it will run periodically | 14:35 |
RenatoSilva | will the imported branch keep in sync with external version? | 14:35 |
RenatoSilva | will new commits be automatically imported into the local bzr branch? | 14:36 |
RenatoSilva | what if there are conflicts? | 14:36 |
RenatoSilva | how do I request an import? | 14:36 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: they won't automatically be imported into the local Bazaar branch, only to the branch on Launchpad | 14:36 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: In theory new revisions will be pulled in automatically twice a day or so, but there have been some issues with the Mercurial imports | 14:37 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: So I wouldn't rely on them beyond the initial import at the moment. | 14:37 |
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RenatoSilva | by local I mean Launchpad | 14:38 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: the launchpad branch would be owned by Launchpad, you can't change it (so there is no possibility of conflicts) | 14:38 |
RenatoSilva | I don't understand | 14:39 |
RenatoSilva | I can't change it? | 14:39 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: no; it's a mirror of the remote mercurial repository | 14:40 |
RenatoSilva | but see, I want to maintain a patch to a project but without using hg | 14:40 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: you can clone the import and make the changes in your clone | 14:40 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: so the imported branch behaves like upstream was really using bzr, and I can't touch it as I'm not upstream dev. So I branch it and merge chnages normally, that's it? | 14:41 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: yep | 14:42 |
RenatoSilva | ok trying right now, is this the right url, ? | 14:58 |
RenatoSilva | how to associate the mirrored branch with a given project? | 15:00 |
RenatoSilva | "New code import created. The code import operators have been notified and the request will be reviewed shortly." | 15:10 |
RenatoSilva | but you said it was automated :( | 15:10 |
beuno | RenatoSilva, I'll review it for you | 15:11 |
jelmer | beuno, RenatoSilva: it is | 15:11 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: it's auto-approved | 15:11 |
RenatoSilva | so message needs to be updated | 15:11 |
RenatoSilva | or the operators are bots | 15:12 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: there's a bug about that in launchpad-code | 15:12 |
RenatoSilva | ok | 15:12 |
RenatoSilva | it was said here that the imports happen once or twice a day but that there has been problems with hg, can I manually request an update? | 15:13 |
beuno | RenatoSilva, what's the branch's url? | 15:13 |
RenatoSilva | | 15:13 |
RenatoSilva | beuno: ^^^ | 15:13 |
beuno | | 15:14 |
beuno | it failed to import | 15:14 |
beuno | jelmer, ^ | 15:14 |
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jelmer | looks like that host has broken 404 handling :-/ | 15:16 |
* jelmer looks a bit further | 15:19 | |
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jelmer | RenatoSilva: sorry, got distracted by some failing tests. | 15:47 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: exists for this issue | 15:47 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 670870 in Bazaar Hg Plugin "bzr crashed with ValueError in convert_converted_from()" [High,Triaged] | 15:47 |
RenatoSilva | thanks, subscribed | 15:48 |
RenatoSilva | about manual import, there's a button "import now" :) | 15:49 |
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RenatoSilva | :( | 16:07 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: ? | 16:11 |
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* RenatoSilva sad for the branch import not working | 16:17 | |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: ah | 16:18 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: It doesn't appear to be a hard issue to fix, I might have a look at doing so after work | 16:18 |
RenatoSilva | thanks jelmer | 16:19 |
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fabio_kreusch | Hi there, I want to have subprojects inside a project, is that possible? | 17:07 |
RenatoSilva | fabio_kreusch: #launchpad ? | 17:10 |
RenatoSilva | fabio_kreusch: no, but you can request a project group | 17:10 |
fabio_kreusch | no, I mean, I have a bzr repository, and I want to have subrepositories inside that | 17:12 |
fabio_kreusch | these subrepositories would contain code shared by other projects | 17:13 |
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beuno | fabio_kreusch, no, bzr doesn't support nested trees at the moment | 17:16 |
beuno | there is working going on to support it, but I don't know the state of it | 17:16 |
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ankurd | a quick repo-organization question: | 18:15 |
ankurd | i hv a bzr project in a dir A. Now i want to create a project such that root is dir B and A is sub-dir of B. | 18:16 |
ankurd | So, do i create a new project? coz I want to maintin the old log. | 18:16 |
ankurd | or do I extend this project somehow | 18:16 |
abentley | So you want to have a new project B that contains your existing project, A? | 18:17 |
ankurd | no I want the same project A to contain A and B both | 18:17 |
abentley | How can A be a subdir of B and contain B? | 18:18 |
ankurd | i mean the project should now hv B as root dir | 18:18 |
abentley | B is the root dir, and contains A? | 18:18 |
ankurd | yeah | 18:18 |
abentley | That sounds like what I said before: a new project, B, that contains your existing project, A. What am I not getting? | 18:19 |
ankurd | any ideas? | 18:21 |
abentley | ankurd, I don't understand what you want, so I don't know how to help you get it. | 18:22 |
ankurd | k lemme restate my problem | 18:22 |
abentley | You may have missed this: "That sounds like what I said before: a new project, B, that contains your existing project, A. What am I not getting?" | 18:22 |
ankurd | i hv a project that has A as root dir | 18:23 |
ankurd | I want this project to hv B as root dir now | 18:23 |
ankurd | B is parent dir of A | 18:23 |
ankurd | is that clearer? | 18:24 |
abentley | ankurd, You can do "cd B; bzr init .; bzr join A." | 18:24 |
ankurd | ohh | 18:24 |
ankurd | cool. thnx. | 18:25 |
ankurd | i was looking for this join command | 18:25 |
abentley | ankurd, np. | 18:25 |
abentley | ankurd, You might need to do a commit in B before joining A. | 18:27 |
ankurd | oh | 18:28 |
ankurd | i dint do a commit. | 18:28 |
ankurd | and did join | 18:28 |
ankurd | now wat? | 18:28 |
abentley | ankurd, do a commit, and see if you get what you wanted. | 18:31 |
ankurd | k. i wil try | 18:33 |
ankurd | hey, i did what you said but now i have lost all logs from dir A | 18:44 |
ankurd | ? | 18:44 |
abentley | ankurd, does your last revision show as a merge? If you do "log -n0", do you see all your old history? | 19:06 |
ankurd | bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'bzrm.bzrignore', 'bzrignore-20100601133919-09b2wh8pcslnnrih-1' | 19:08 |
ankurd | reason: working tree does not contain new entry | 19:08 |
ankurd | i get this error wen i try to commit after join | 19:08 |
abentley | ankurd, if you run "bzr status", it should show a pending merge. Does it? | 19:10 |
ankurd | working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update' | 19:10 |
ankurd | renamed: | 19:10 |
ankurd | / => bzrm/ | 19:10 |
ankurd | i dont think this is a pending merge!? | 19:11 |
abentley | ankurd, bzrm is "A" in your description, right? The project you wanted to be inside B? | 19:13 |
ankurd | yeah | 19:13 |
abentley | ankurd, please run "bzr revision-info --tree". | 19:16 |
ankurd | 0 | 19:17 |
ankurd | this is the output | 19:17 |
ankurd | ?!? | 19:17 |
abentley | ankurd, right, great. | 19:17 |
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lifeless | mgz: | 20:45 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 688719 in testtools "MatchesException broken with Python 2.4" [Critical,Triaged] | 20:45 |
millun | hi | 20:47 |
millun | my repo is atm called "src". how can i change that? in bzr explorer | 20:47 |
ryanprior | I want to share some code with a friend who's on Windows. He's only a beginning programmer and I don't want to overwhelm him with instructions for pulling code from a repository. How easy is the setup procedure for bzr on Windows? | 21:51 |
ryanprior | (I'm on Ubuntu and bzr is, thankfully, easy as pie over here =D) | 21:51 |
mkanat | ryanprior: It's an installation package, on Windows. | 21:53 |
ryanprior | mkanat: does it manage all the dependencies for you, or will I have to walk him through dependency building? | 21:54 |
mkanat | ryanprior: It should handle everything. | 21:54 |
ryanprior | mkanat: thanks, we're going to give it a go. | 21:55 |
mkanat | ryanprior: Okay, cool. | 21:55 |
millun | my repo is atm called "src". how can i change that? in bzr explorer | 22:00 |
Peng | millun: As long as you don't break the structure, you can usually rename stuff to your heart's content through the OS's renaming tools. | 22:01 |
millun | ok | 22:03 |
ryanprior | I'm trying to share my code using "bzr push lp:~ryanprior/+junk/mycode" but I'm getting this error: bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. | 22:10 |
ryanprior | Google tells me that might be a Launchpad or bzr bug, but I'm still suspicious that I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas? | 22:11 |
mkanat | ryanprior: Did you log in with your LP id in bzr? | 22:12 |
ryanprior | I did "bzr launchpadlogin ryanprior" and it gave no output, so I assumed it worked. | 22:12 |
james_w | ryanprior, what does "ssh" say? | 22:12 |
ryanprior | Permission denied (publickey). So I suppose I need to get my crypto in order somehow. | 22:13 |
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mgz | lifeless: is that not just one aspect of bug 675327? the branch I proposed should fix it. | 22:52 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 675327 in testtools "Raises/MatchesException regressions" [Critical,In progress] | 22:52 |
mgz | spiv/poolie: yeah, storing the url on the exception then using a __unicode__ method would be best, but getting it all matched up to handle the issues poolie mentioned in the bug will be the fun bit. | 22:55 |
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lifeless | mgz: perhaps it is | 23:01 |
lifeless | mgz: I've done an audit/fixup of the testtools bug db | 23:02 |
lifeless | mgz: in your mp, jml says there is more to go to be fixed | 23:02 |
mgz | I've just looked at my emails and seen it, going through now. | 23:02 |
mgz | there isn't in the branch, but I think trunk may have broken something else in the mean time | 23:02 |
mgz | I'll look into it now. | 23:02 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk |
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