* crack05 is away (Gone) | 00:03 | |
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andrewh192 | hey | 01:00 |
andrewh192 | guys, how do i get my bottom "panel" to look like the bottom "panel" on mac os X | 01:00 |
moetunes | that's called a dock, there's lots to choose from | 01:05 |
andrewh192 | ok | 01:07 |
andrewh192 | where do i choose different ones? | 01:07 |
andrewh192 | like where do i change the one i have? | 01:07 |
moetunes | you can search in the package manager for them | 01:08 |
moetunes | the one you have is a panel - it is different to a dock | 01:08 |
andrewh192 | ok | 01:08 |
andrewh192 | so just search for the word dock? | 01:08 |
moetunes | yep but choose one that is for kde or any window manager - not a gnome one | 01:09 |
andrewh192 | ok | 01:10 |
moetunes | you can also use the search term kde dock in www.google.com/linux to see what others recommend | 01:12 |
moetunes | andrewh192: ^^ | 01:12 |
kirom | klo mau nginstal wine i2 gmn? | 01:23 |
kirom | laptob quw kok g' bsa? | 01:23 |
moetunes | !en | 01:23 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 01:23 |
SteelWing | Hi all | 01:36 |
SteelWing | Hello? anyone here? | 01:39 |
Torch | SteelWing: this is a support channel ;-) just ask your question, don't feel shy. | 01:39 |
SteelWing | Sorry, third support channel I've beent to without a response. Was beginning to think my client got bugged. | 01:39 |
SteelWing | I'm trying to install irssi on Kubuntu, I'm new to KDE but have done it before on Ubuntu. It's claiming that when I use ./configure no such file or directory exists. I'm trying to figure out why it doesn't seem to understand ./configure. | 01:40 |
Torch | SteelWing: can't you just install it from a package? | 01:41 |
Torch | SteelWing: like, apt-get install irssi? | 01:41 |
SteelWing | Last I checked the package was out of date. | 01:41 |
Torch | SteelWing: possible... but do you need the latest version? i run it on debian lenny on a server, that's probably even more outdate. | 01:41 |
SteelWing | Well I'd feel more comfortable if I could get this SVN version to cooperate. | 01:42 |
SteelWing | Worked fine in gnome I can't figure out why its not recognizing ./configure | 01:42 |
Torch | SteelWing: svn version, ok... so does it come with a configure script (hint: probably not) | 01:42 |
SteelWing | Did before. | 01:42 |
SteelWing | Hell, even INSTALL says to use it. | 01:42 |
Torch | SteelWing: svn versions usually don't have the configure script, src tarballs do however | 01:42 |
Torch | SteelWing: is there a file called "configure" or is there not? ;-) | 01:43 |
SteelWing | configure.in | 01:43 |
Torch | SteelWing: yep | 01:43 |
Torch | SteelWing: wrong one ;-) | 01:43 |
Torch | SteelWing: you have to create configure yourself | 01:43 |
SteelWing | D'oh. | 01:44 |
Torch | SteelWing: that's done by some magic stuff ... autoconf and all. i've not used that in years. | 01:44 |
moetunes | or do ./autogen.sh | 01:44 |
SteelWing | Alright I'll grab a nightly developer tarball. | 01:44 |
Torch | moetunes: good hint. | 01:44 |
Torch | SteelWing: if it has that, try that | 01:44 |
Torch | SteelWing: or try autoreconf (might need some options, i dimly remember) | 01:45 |
SteelWing | Yeah, nightly tarball did it. | 01:47 |
SteelWing | Thanks, I'll be going now. | 01:47 |
Torch | SteelWing: you're welcome | 01:47 |
SteelWing | Maybe not. I look back to my left to find the ./config script complaining I need glib 2.6 or higher. I just installed kubuntu today and I'm almost certain glib is a stock package. | 01:49 |
Torch | SteelWing: are you still building this? | 01:50 |
SteelWing | Attempting to. Usually it would be ./configure make make install | 01:50 |
Torch | SteelWing: but? | 01:50 |
SteelWing | But it won't get past ./configure | 01:50 |
SteelWing | complains I need glib 2.6 or higher. But I should have that already. | 01:51 |
Torch | SteelWing: glib is a gnome package | 01:51 |
SteelWing | Oh. | 01:51 |
Torch | SteelWing: no. | 01:51 |
Torch | SteelWing: build it without gnome support | 01:51 |
SteelWing | Crap. Glib *smacks head* GnomeLibrary. | 01:51 |
Torch | SteelWing: it should offer that in configure --help | 01:51 |
tsimpson | glib is _not_ gnome | 01:51 |
Torch | SteelWing: or install glib devel packages (you probably already do have glib itself) | 01:52 |
moetunes | is the build-essential package installed? | 01:52 |
SteelWing | tsimpson: Sorry! Got it, Glib != Gnome Lib. Duely noted | 01:53 |
Torch | moetunes: if it wasn't i'd guess configure would instantly abort crying for a compiler... ;-) | 01:53 |
tsimpson | it was created for gnome, but was separated from gnome long ago | 01:53 |
tsimpson | glib2.0-dev is the package you need to compile anything that needs glib | 01:53 |
Torch | tsimpson: i'm expecting irssi to be buildable without dependencies on glib. | 01:54 |
Torch | tsimpson: gnome or not. | 01:54 |
Torch | tsimpson: so how does this help? | 01:54 |
tsimpson | why do you think irssi should not use glib? | 01:55 |
Torch | tsimpson: i keep my opinions about glib to myself | 01:56 |
Torch | tsimpson: but you're right, it seems to depend on it even for console only builds | 01:56 |
tsimpson | yeah, glib has nothing to do with GUI | 01:56 |
SteelWing | Yeah well it worked now it wants ncurese-devel which apt can't find. | 01:56 |
tsimpson | it's mostly used for support of threading and signal/slot style code | 01:57 |
SteelWing | err. Crap I didn't mean for that to sound as rude as it did. | 01:57 |
Torch | SteelWing: don't worry about it ;-) | 01:57 |
tsimpson | SteelWing: libncurses5-dev | 01:57 |
Torch | SteelWing: well, you need the curses devel package | 01:57 |
SteelWing | Obviously but the package name it gave me must of been out of date or simply wrong. tsimpson has the correct package name. | 01:58 |
Torch | SteelWing: configure cannot give you package names | 01:58 |
Torch | SteelWing: it looks for headers and libs | 01:59 |
tsimpson | it's not a package name, it's just telling you it wants the devel part of ncurses (you have to figure out the package name manually) | 01:59 |
SteelWing | Ah, that explains it. Then I mistook the header for the package name. | 01:59 |
SteelWing | Well its compliling now. | 01:59 |
tsimpson | lib(whatever)-dev is usually a good start | 01:59 |
Torch | SteelWing: or apt-cache search <whatever> and look for the dev package | 02:00 |
SteelWing | I'll make note of that. | 02:00 |
SteelWing | Okay, its successfully installed. | 02:00 |
SteelWing | Thanks again for all your help. | 02:01 |
rolando | en 10 min Empieza ataque a moneybookers | 02:52 |
rolando | canal en vivo de seguimiento de ataque: http://twitcam.livestream.com/2ych2 | 02:52 |
rolando | Ataque de Anonymous | 02:52 |
Walzmyn | KDE 4.4.5, where's the desktop background setting? | 03:05 |
andrewh192 | hey | 03:23 |
andrewh192 | was wondering how i setup dcc send | 03:24 |
valorie | andrewh192: generally, that has to do with setting up your modem/WAP etc. to allow it | 03:32 |
andrewh192 | how do i accept a file someone is sending me via dcc in quassel? | 03:38 |
tolkach | andrewh192- step 1: install xchat. step 2: in Settings > Preferences > Network > File Transfers, select either 'yes' or 'browse each time' for auto-accept | 03:40 |
tolkach | ;) | 03:40 |
andrewh192 | ok | 03:43 |
andrewh192 | ok | 03:44 |
andrewh192 | thanx | 03:44 |
ko2 | hello, i use kubuntu hardy heron and i know that there is no officially supported package for eigen2 (libeigen2 is the package name). I found a site on launchpad that offers a package. Can i use that for kubuntu, too? | 03:53 |
andrewh192 | valorie: i have another question for ya.. | 04:11 |
andrewh192 | valorie: i recently downloaded/installed cairo-dock and was wondering how i go aboout acctually installing it | 04:11 |
andrewh192 | its on my computer, but i am not sure how to "activate" it | 04:11 |
rackIT | i have a usb sd card reader that mounts cards as read only. searching internets produce no results. I'm using lucid. any ideas how to get a r/w mount when I plug the device in? | 04:30 |
phoenix_firebrd | rackIT: is there a lock notch in your card? | 04:36 |
rackIT | phoenix_firebrd: yes - it's unlocked | 04:49 |
rx | hi. im using kubuntu 10.10 with vmware workstation (latest version). ive got vmwaretools installed and everything works ok except that my screen resolution always resets to 800x600 when i reboot. and it seems that when i change it (in kutuntu) it doesnt do it properly because it looks like everything just get scaled (bigger windows, bigger fonts...). anyone can help me? | 04:59 |
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Micha- | help | 05:13 |
Micha- | I need help configuring sound output as I get no sound on fresh install of Kubuntu 10.10 64 bit.. | 05:15 |
valorie | !ask | Micha | 05:15 |
ubottu | Micha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 05:15 |
valorie | oops | 05:15 |
valorie | sorry | 05:15 |
valorie | have you tried alsamixer in the console? | 05:15 |
Micha- | no(?) | 05:16 |
valorie | it's a sort of semi-gui interface you run in Konsole | 05:16 |
Micha- | what steps do I take? | 05:16 |
valorie | I had some trouble in 10.04 with sound also | 05:16 |
valorie | some channels kept muting, and that was the way I solved it | 05:17 |
Micha- | It works fine in 10.10 32 bit. | 05:17 |
valorie | open up a Konsole and say type or paste: alsamixer | 05:17 |
Micha- | (Ubuntu) | 05:17 |
Micha- | Ok | 05:17 |
valorie | oops, paste or type: alsamixer | 05:18 |
Micha- | where is Konsole located? | 05:19 |
valorie | use your Kmenu: search | 05:19 |
valorie | konsole | 05:19 |
Micha- | got it | 05:20 |
valorie | I use it so often I have it in my taskbar, but I guess some people don't like the cli | 05:20 |
valorie | so now just type or paste: alsamixer | 05:20 |
Micha- | ok. ran the command, now i got a graph | 05:21 |
valorie | look at the bottom of each -- are any of them MM ? | 05:21 |
valorie | that means MUTE | 05:21 |
Micha- | six are MM | 05:22 |
valorie | woah | 05:22 |
Micha- | :P | 05:22 |
valorie | ok, let me see if I remember how to change them | 05:22 |
Micha- | ? | 05:22 |
Micha- | Tx | 05:22 |
valorie | you use arrow keys to navigate | 05:22 |
valorie | up and down arrows should work either | 05:23 |
Micha- | Hmm. I think it reads my speakers as headphones | 05:24 |
valorie | that's odd | 05:24 |
valorie | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsamixer for more info | 05:25 |
Micha- | Thank you valorie, I'll tinker with this | 05:29 |
rx | hi. im using kubuntu 10.10 with vmware workstation (latest version). ive got vmwaretools installed and everything works ok except that my screen resolution always resets to 800x600 when i reboot. and it seems that when i change it (in kutuntu) it doesnt do it properly because it looks like everything just get scaled (bigger windows, bigger fonts...). anyone can help me? | 05:51 |
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack` | ||
dasKreech | rx: I guess you looked at the VMware forums already? | 06:05 |
bobby | hello people. | 06:29 |
bobby | hey guys. | 06:32 |
dasKreech | Hi | 06:33 |
dasKreech | how are you? | 06:34 |
bobby | upgrading to maverick. | 06:36 |
cyberbob | I installed kubuntu 10 lts 64bit, it was working perfect a few days before but today while loging in to the system i got the error as kdestartupconfig4 not found error code is 3 check your installation(something like this) and now I am not able to login .. | 06:38 |
moetunes | cyberbob: have you done a system update recently? | 06:40 |
cyberbob | moetunes: lastday i just updated my vlc app.nothing else. . | 06:40 |
moetunes | cyberbob: check the /etc/startkde file for errors | 06:41 |
cyberbob | moetunes: actually i am not too good in linux desktop computing. Recently started using kubuntu on my Desktop after getting my new Desktop maching | 06:42 |
cyberbob | moetunes: file not found . . | 06:43 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: Welcome to Linux and KDE :0 | 06:43 |
dasKreech | :) | 06:43 |
cyberbob | :) | 06:43 |
moetunes | cyberbob: you can check it from the live cd or from the recovery boot option - from the live cd you could paste it | 06:44 |
dasKreech | kstartupconfig4 ? | 06:44 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: command executed without showing any msg smells cool | 06:45 |
moetunes | I've seen a similar error and it turned out to be from the startkde file being rewritten wrong during an update | 06:45 |
dasKreech | where is it running from? | 06:45 |
dasKreech | moetunes: I somehow doubt there would be a KDE config file in /etc that's used on boot | 06:46 |
dasKreech | or login | 06:46 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: Ijust used kstartupconfig4 on my console | 06:46 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: Yes but apparently kde doesn't have that same luxury :) | 06:47 |
dasKreech | try <which kstartupconfig4> to see where it's running from | 06:47 |
cyberbob | moetunes: dasKreech even I am not able to use GUI for web browsing. .as you know elinks sucks in this regard. . .. | 06:47 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: use w3m it's not that bad :) | 06:47 |
cyberbob | /usr/bin/kstartupconfig4 | 06:48 |
moetunes | and startkde isn't right that's why the error of it not being found | 06:49 |
cyberbob | moetunes: how can i overcome that | 06:49 |
dasKreech | moetunes: Right but where is your startkde file? | 06:49 |
moetunes | sudo nano /etc/startkde | 06:50 |
dasKreech | moetunes: serious? | 06:50 |
moetunes | sudo nano /etc/startkdesorry - /usr/bin/startkde | 06:50 |
moetunes | I'm multitasking here =) | 06:50 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: sudo nano $(which startkde) | 06:51 |
moetunes | !pastebinit | 06:51 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com | 06:51 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: /usr/bin/startkde | 06:51 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: That's what I thought but you can type the whole thing including the $( ) | 06:52 |
dasKreech | sudo nano $(which startkde) | 06:52 |
bobby | anybody else having issues with kub hibernating? | 06:53 |
dasKreech | the commands in the $( ) are run first then whatever they bring back is then put into nano | 06:53 |
dasKreech | bobby: Likely | 06:53 |
cyberbob | dasKreech /usr/bin/nano /usr/bin/startkde <------------output of the command | 06:54 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: ha ha what did you type? | 06:54 |
cyberbob | i am a lilbit confused dasKreech should i copy /usr/bin/startkde to /etc/startkde ? | 06:55 |
moetunes | no | 06:55 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: No I just want to see what you typed to get that output | 06:55 |
dasKreech | press up and copy it to here | 06:56 |
bobby | it's really annoying. it just goes crazy. hibernate and then at start network manager doesn't work. | 06:56 |
dasKreech | you can press up to get the last command you typed in | 06:56 |
dasKreech | !hibernate | 06:56 |
bobby | you have to find and kill the state info | 06:56 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: I'll help you in a little i'm just interested in what the command was that you put in | 06:57 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: it opened up a file | 06:59 |
cyberbob | A bash script | 06:59 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: Right | 06:59 |
dasKreech | moetunes: What is your suggestion now? | 06:59 |
moetunes | this error happens because two lines are made into one | 07:00 |
moetunes | look for a word made up of two words | 07:00 |
dasKreech | hmm :-/ | 07:00 |
moetunes | I think it is the second or third line from memory | 07:00 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: it opened up a BASH script file in front of me | 07:00 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: really shouldn't be on IRC id you are logged in as root | 07:01 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: correct | 07:01 |
cyberbob | but i feel comfortable with vi/vim so opened it withthat. . | 07:01 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: \o/ | 07:01 |
dasKreech | moetunes: which two lines ? | 07:02 |
moetunes | I can't see from here - common sense should point it out | 07:03 |
moetunes | or paste it | 07:03 |
dasKreech | moetunes: can I presume that it contains the line kstartupconfig4 ? | 07:04 |
moetunes | no idea - either that or set the path, I can't remember | 07:05 |
moetunes | and I'm not at a kde box to check atm | 07:05 |
cyberbob | sorry got DC | 07:13 |
dasKreech | :-) | 07:14 |
cyberbob | nnow I got another erro while loggin in , I added another user but that user when tries to login session hangs @ splash screen | 07:14 |
dasKreech | what hapens if you run startkde? | 07:15 |
cyberbob | $DISPLAY is not set or can not connect to X server | 07:15 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: can you check the file .xsessions-errors in that users home directory | 07:15 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: tail -f /hom/user/.xsessions-errors shows errors klauncher (4224)/kio (klauncher): slavepool:no communication with the slave | 07:18 |
cyberbob | fetched layout groups from X server etc. . | 07:19 |
dasKreech | hmm | 07:20 |
dasKreech | seems like you have quite some KDE configuration issues | 07:20 |
dasKreech | export DISPLAY=:0.0 | 07:21 |
dasKreech | run that then try run startkde again | 07:21 |
cyberbob | same error like previous one | 07:22 |
bobby | guys any grub2 experts ? | 07:23 |
bobby | there's an ubuntu install on a usb still but the installer installed grub2 on teh same disk. which means if the usb stick is not plugged in the grub boots in rescue mode. | 07:24 |
bobby | 'coz the grub.cfg stuff is not on teh main disk. | 07:24 |
bobby | is there a way I can force it to use the windows boot loader and have that one chainload grub2 if the disk is plugged in? | 07:25 |
cyberbob | dasKreech: it is going to below up my mind, as I have a bundle of assignments with em and they are lingering on. . . .:P | 07:25 |
moetunes | bobby: you'll have to reinstall the windows bootloader on the hdd and install grub to the usb and set the bios to boot the usb first | 07:26 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: ah you want a quick fix? hmm | 07:27 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: You made a new user and they can't login you say? | 07:27 |
cyberbob | yup their session hangs @ splash screen @ harddrive while loading system components | 07:28 |
bobby | moetunes: so how do I reinstall the windows bootloader? | 07:29 |
moetunes | bobby: you'll have to ask in ##windows I have no idea | 07:29 |
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moetunes | I don't use windows | 07:29 |
bobby | moetunes: cool, thanks. | 07:30 |
moetunes | np :) | 07:30 |
valorie | bobby: unfortunately that happens | 07:30 |
bobby | moetunes: one more question. can I install the entire grub2 to the hdd so that whether the usb is in or not, the grub and the menu work fine? | 07:30 |
valorie | happened to me, and I blogged about my solution | 07:30 |
bobby | valorie: it's part of learning. | 07:30 |
valorie | but I don't use windows either | 07:31 |
bobby | valorie: if you have a solution to it, that would be cool. | 07:31 |
moetunes | bobby: no because the config will be on the usb | 07:31 |
valorie | sec, and I'll get the link -- be sure to read the comments for other methods | 07:31 |
bobby | moetunes: yeah, that's what I thought. I'm thinking now whether I want to create a partition on the hdd and put boot and grub there. and leave the rest of the / on the usb. | 07:31 |
bobby | valorie: cool. | 07:31 |
valorie | http://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/2010/10/grub2-and-chroots-dammit.html | 07:32 |
valorie | it was easy enough for ME to do it, so it isn't that hard | 07:32 |
valorie | sure angered me, as you can see by the title | 07:32 |
valorie | lol | 07:32 |
bobby | well, there linux granny.... | 07:33 |
bobby | thankx. | 07:33 |
valorie | :-) | 07:33 |
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bobby | lot of reading there.... | 07:35 |
bobby | that's the linux story. | 07:35 |
PascalFR | kwin(4158) KWin::Workspace::setupCompositing: KWin has detected that your OpenGL library is unsafe to use, falling back to XRender. | 07:36 |
PascalFR | what does that mean ? | 07:36 |
valorie | kwin is the KDE windowing system | 07:36 |
valorie | openGL is one way of rendering, but that wasn't working in your system | 07:37 |
valorie | so it's using xRender | 07:37 |
valorie | which is older (and faster) I believe | 07:37 |
bobby | KDE FTW!!!! | 07:37 |
valorie | lol | 07:37 |
valorie | bobby, I'm rather verbose with stuff like that, so beginners can follow along | 07:38 |
PascalFR | except that it worked before with opengl mmm | 07:38 |
valorie | since I'm a bit of a beginning | 07:38 |
valorie | beginner | 07:38 |
PascalFR | and does not work on xrender | 07:38 |
valorie | :( | 07:38 |
dasKreech | cyberbob: What was the lastthing you remember doing before things broke? | 07:39 |
bobby | valorie: I'm very much new user to grub2. grub legacy, I had used enough to navigate around it w/o getting upset. | 07:39 |
PascalFR | i think it the latest SC that broke the thing | 07:40 |
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bobby | reboot | 08:16 |
skafti_ | someone that can help me with java | 08:30 |
skafti_ | Printerproblems ? | 08:37 |
rx | dasKreech: yup i did that | 08:44 |
rx | some people say reintall vmware tools (that didnt help) | 08:44 |
rx | some people say reinstall the xorg vmware video driver (that didnt help) | 08:44 |
rx | btw the problem was: | 08:47 |
rx | im using kubuntu 10.10 with vmware workstation (latest version). ive got vmwaretools installed and everything works ok except that my screen resolution always resets to 800x600 when i reboot. and it seems that when i change it (in kutuntu) it doesnt do it properly because it looks like everything just get scaled (bigger windows, bigger fonts...). anyone can help me? | 08:47 |
rx_ | is there a way to make KDE remembers windows position? | 09:11 |
rx_ | they always open upper left on the screen | 09:12 |
rx_ | and that bugs me alot :\ | 09:12 |
jschall | anyone have a samsung NF310? i can't get the brightness keys to work right. | 09:34 |
naught101 | is it possible to change the panel height and/or add panels in maverick? | 09:42 |
naught101 | I don't seem to have an option for it.. | 09:42 |
Spaztic_One | first (possibly only) question, i installed ubuntu a while ago, and just installed the kdm, and am running that (from a login). The sound it horrendous in quality. Should I pursue help here or in #ubuntu ? | 09:46 |
valorie | Spaztic_One: are you running ubuntu, or kubuntu? | 09:59 |
valorie | and sound.... in what app? | 09:59 |
valorie | naught, you can have as many panels as you like | 09:59 |
valorie | but there is also the option of "shelves" | 10:00 |
valorie | which are a gadget too, and can contain more shelves | 10:00 |
valorie | I haven't tried that, but just read about it | 10:00 |
Spaztic_One | all sound. It was installed as ubuntu, but I ran sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and at login I selected kde. | 10:02 |
Spaztic_One | so, valorie, i'm not sure which my computer technically is right now. | 10:04 |
valorie | most people have success with that method of installation, although I didn't | 10:08 |
valorie | ended up doing a clean install of Kub. | 10:08 |
valorie | anyway, your sound quality relies on your equipment, of course, but also the backend to phonon, if you are using phonon for your sound apps | 10:09 |
valorie | some use it, some don't | 10:09 |
valorie | systemsettings > multimedia > phonon | 10:09 |
valorie | you can check which backend, and also test your sound there | 10:10 |
valorie | to see if that's it | 10:10 |
SReid | Can someone help me with my font smoothing? I'm realllly confused, and only things I can find about it online are very old posts I don't think apply anymore | 10:11 |
Spaztic_One | backend for phonon is xine, whatever that is. I think I had been using Pulseaudio without a hitch before... | 10:11 |
SReid | When I have a fresh install of Kubuntu the fonts look AMAZING. Its like OSX perfect, nice and thick fonts but perfectly smooth, I couldn't believe it, but if I so much as open the Application Appearance settings to do anything else, the next time I restart the computer the fonts are still kinda smooth, but not in firefox or any applications anymore | 10:13 |
SReid | I haven't changed any settings, and after that, I've tried changing the settings to everything under the sun. | 10:13 |
SReid | I dunno what the hell is going on | 10:14 |
Spaztic_One | hmmm... | 10:14 |
valorie | you might try another, Spaztic_One | 10:14 |
valorie | xine works for me, but gstreamer or vlc give better results for some people | 10:15 |
Spaztic_One | How would I do that? | 10:15 |
valorie | they are all available as packages for installation | 10:15 |
valorie | kpackagekit is easiest, if you don't know the exact package name | 10:15 |
valorie | search for phonon-gstreamer or phonon-vlc | 10:16 |
valorie | and install kubuntu-restricted-extras while you're at it | 10:16 |
valorie | since that will give you all the needed codecs for playing mp3 and such | 10:16 |
naught101 | how do I get to the panel settings? right clicking the panel only gives me "add widgets" and "lock panel"... | 10:18 |
Spaztic_One | so, what is phonon? and do you know the difference between it and whatever ubuntu uses? Cause I know I have gstreamer stuff installed for gnome, and the vlc media player installed (don't know that it is what you're talking about though) | 10:19 |
Spaztic_One | shoot | 10:20 |
Spaztic_One | just noticed hat its 5 20 in the morning... I'm going to get some rest and tackle this later | 10:20 |
naught101 | where's my cashew? does it not exist in kubuntu maverick? | 10:28 |
valorie | yes, to the right-bottom and right-top of your screen | 10:31 |
SReid | so can someone help me with my font problem, or heard of it happening before, or what? | 10:31 |
valorie | SReid: you've repeated yourself a few times here | 10:31 |
valorie | I suggest asking on the forums | 10:31 |
SReid | eh, I asked my question once, valorie | 10:32 |
SReid | and after a long wait | 10:32 |
valorie | since you haven't found anyone here | 10:32 |
SReid | asked again | 10:32 |
valorie | really? | 10:32 |
SReid | yup | 10:32 |
valorie | then someone else IS asking | 10:32 |
valorie | but.... nobody answering, sadly | 10:32 |
SReid | I asked if someone can help with a font problem, then i gave details...then waited, then asked again 10 minutes later | 10:32 |
valorie | sucks | 10:33 |
SReid | learn to count | 10:33 |
SReid | repeated myself a few times | 10:33 |
SReid | ffs | 10:33 |
valorie | right, if you only did it a few times | 10:33 |
valorie | then someone else is also asking | 10:33 |
valorie | I wasn't complaining | 10:33 |
valorie | if noone knows the answer, what can we do? | 10:34 |
SReid | make one up | 10:34 |
SReid | :) | 10:34 |
valorie | lol | 10:34 |
valorie | there is no "man fonts" that I know of | 10:34 |
SReid | i'm just pissed off at Kubunt | 10:34 |
SReid | u | 10:34 |
SReid | it gives me amazing fonts then takes them away, would have been better not havin it in first place | 10:35 |
SReid | :( | 10:35 |
SReid | Can't find any screenshots of Kubuntu with the fonts looking like mine did either...i'm beginning to think i dreamt it | 10:36 |
buggs_bugger | gr33ts! | 10:36 |
valorie | mine look great! | 10:36 |
SReid | can i see a screenshot to see if its the way mine was? | 10:36 |
valorie | sure, what would you like me to take a screenie of? | 10:37 |
SReid | firefox and like Dolphin open or something like that | 10:37 |
buggs_bugger | i got a little window behaviour issue: every time i work with gimp and focus the main window the toolbox and the layerwindow go to background. how can i help that? | 10:37 |
buggs_bugger | i want to keep both above the main window | 10:38 |
SReid | buggs_bugger: click the little gimp icon top left > Advanced > Keep above others | 10:39 |
valorie | http://imagebin.ca/view/04GwhYt3.html | 10:39 |
valorie | I made dolphin little, because I just have a laptop -- not an enormous screen | 10:40 |
SReid | firefox is messin me about, will open in a sec valorie | 10:41 |
morticum | hi everyone. I was wondering how I might change the default open application associated with .out files...it doesn't show up in the filetypes settings | 10:41 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, doesnt change behaviour. both dialogue-windows go background as soon as i activate the main window | 10:42 |
SReid | buggs_bugger: you mean if you had main gimp window maximised and you did that option for the toolbox and layers one etc they don't stay on top? after you click it check again to make sure it has a tick beside it? it works for me I use GIMP like that a lot :S | 10:42 |
buggs_bugger | double checked it, doesnt work :( | 10:43 |
SReid | i'm looking at what you want right now :S I dunno! thats weird... | 10:44 |
SReid | check the main gimp windows option to make sure it doesn't have the keep above others thing selected, that might cause an issue | 10:44 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, the problem is, once i untoggle the toolboxes with TAB and toggle them on again, they lose the "above all" setting | 10:44 |
SReid | untoggle them...what dya mean exactly by that? sry if stupid question | 10:46 |
SReid | i want to try and repeat what your doing | 10:46 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, sorry, bad term. toggle off | 10:46 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, gimp gives you the option to blend out the toolbox and any other floating window such as layers, channels ect. once i do that and then bring them back, they lose their above all property | 10:47 |
SReid | i've just done an 11 hour nightshift, and I know the word toggle, but i don't know what your doing lol | 10:47 |
SReid | ahhh right | 10:48 |
SReid | hmm | 10:48 |
SReid | dunno how to solve that then | 10:48 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, might i suggest to go to bed then? ^ ^ | 10:48 |
buggs_bugger | im in europe, gmt + 1 so here its noon ^ ^ | 10:49 |
SReid | and valorie, your fonts look nicer than mine, what font do you use? but your firefox fonts look like mine do, they were way more awesome before. I'm tempted to reinstall my computer again just to take a screenshot of the way it looked. | 10:49 |
valorie | lol | 10:49 |
valorie | well, I just use the standard fonts | 10:49 |
valorie | never chose anything differnt | 10:49 |
valorie | different | 10:49 |
SReid | me too | 10:49 |
valorie | I believe it's the new ubuntu fontface | 10:50 |
SReid | maybe i was never meant to get the fonts lookin like they did, some weird glitch | 10:50 |
SReid | it was like OSX or something | 10:50 |
valorie | maybe you can download and re-install the font family | 10:50 |
valorie | I'm sure systemsettings tell you what you are using somewhere | 10:50 |
SReid | thast the thing, when i go to system settings to change anything in the application appearance bit | 10:51 |
SReid | ev4en if didn't change anything | 10:51 |
SReid | the next time i restarted | 10:51 |
SReid | they would be the way they are now | 10:51 |
FloodBotK1 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:51 |
FloodBotK3 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:51 |
FloodBotK2 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:51 |
SReid | still smooth but not WOW | 10:51 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, ok then. ill try to figure it out on my own. thanks anyways. cheers an good night ^ ^ | 10:51 |
SReid | night buggs | 10:52 |
SReid | :) | 10:52 |
SReid | I'm GMT too | 10:52 |
SReid | +0 | 10:52 |
SReid | lol | 10:52 |
FloodBotK1 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:52 |
FloodBotK3 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:52 |
FloodBotK2 | SReid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:52 |
SReid | I'm a shelf-packer in ASDA at nights | 10:52 |
SReid | AND AMAZING 3D ARTIST BY DAY...not lol...aspiring anyway...beginning....thinking? :P | 10:52 |
buggs_bugger | SReid, gmt+0! its laaate ;-) cya | 10:53 |
SReid | its 11am | 10:53 |
SReid | lol | 10:53 |
SReid | I NEED to find a screenshot of the way my comp looked...i can't be the only person who experienced this | 10:54 |
SReid | I couldn't be arsed reinstalling everything, its set up perfectly besides that...and i suppose what does the fonts matter... >_< | 10:54 |
valorie | load in the liveCD | 10:54 |
valorie | is that the way it looked? | 10:55 |
SReid | hmm... :D cool | 10:55 |
SReid | haven't checked! | 10:55 |
valorie | then look at systemsettings, and see if it's the same or different | 10:55 |
SReid | *makes excuses to leave right now to check | 10:55 |
crissi | hello i'm looking for a way to boot a live cd with pae kernel.. does someone know how to enable it on ubuntu live cd? or maybe another livecd with pae kernel? | 10:55 |
SReid | i'm leaving, thanks for help valorie, bye buggs | 10:55 |
valorie | bye SReid | 10:55 |
valorie | sorry I couldn't really help | 10:56 |
valorie | my sympathies -- appearance makes a big difference | 10:56 |
SReid | its not exactly a problem since nothing is broken :D lol, bye | 10:56 |
SReid | yea it makes it more comfy to work at your computer! | 10:56 |
SReid | ha | 10:56 |
valorie | beauty is necessary | 10:57 |
ceilingcam | hello, can you tell me what "POSIX threads library (POSIX threads enabled libc)" means? i need this as a requirement for a driver installation | 10:59 |
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack` | ||
ping__luce | hi. for some reasons, if I play a midi file with timidity, I hear only one instrument (piano) | 11:18 |
ping__luce | why? | 11:18 |
ceilingcam | i have to install a driver and a requirement is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541831/ | 11:26 |
ceilingcam | i have updated my kubuntu hardy heron to the kernel, can you explain how i can mange this? | 11:26 |
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack` | ||
ceilingcam | how can i see with which compiler my kernel is compiled? | 12:37 |
ceilingcam_ | kann mir jemand sagen mit welche befehl ich eine installierte version von gcc, 4.2.4-1ubuntu4 auf 4.2.4-1ubuntu3 zurücksetzen kann? | 12:50 |
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parkin | HELLO | 13:27 |
Peace- | hi :) | 13:35 |
smooph | hey guys I am looking for a widget like pastebin just for tinyurl ... somebody know one? | 13:36 |
=== robotech is now known as Peace- | ||
TopGear | hello | 14:26 |
TopGear | is there a way to install the amarok beta? | 14:26 |
yofel | TopGear: there are packages for the amarok beta alongside the KDE SC 4.6 beta2 packages, don't know if there are others too | 14:27 |
TopGear | okey | 14:31 |
TopGear | well, how do i use my ipod touch 2nd gen with amarok? | 14:31 |
TopGear | it sees it, but it says there are nor songs on it :s | 14:31 |
TopGear | i'm working with kubuntu 10.10 | 14:32 |
TopGear | did not get the beta of amarok | 14:33 |
bogdan | hi all | 14:35 |
phoenixfirebrd | lhello everyone | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | hi folks | 14:44 |
TopGear | no one? | 14:44 |
phoenixfirebrd | i am here | 14:47 |
TopGear | well, how do i use my ipod touch 2nd gen with amarok? | 14:47 |
TopGear | <TopGear> it sees it, but it says there are nor songs on it :s | 14:47 |
TopGear | <TopGear> i'm working with kubuntu 10.10 | 14:47 |
TopGear | <TopGear> did not get the beta of amarok | 14:47 |
FloodBotK1 | TopGear: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:47 |
FloodBotK3 | TopGear: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:47 |
FloodBotK2 | TopGear: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:47 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: do you beta version of amarok? | 14:48 |
TopGear | nope | 14:49 |
TopGear | couse it only comes in a beta ppa of KDE | 14:49 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: have you tried banshee? | 14:49 |
TopGear | nope, but i did try rhythmbox | 14:50 |
TopGear | installin' banshee now | 14:51 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: is your working correctly in rhythmbox | 14:51 |
TopGear | nope | 14:51 |
TopGear | it doesn't even see it :s | 14:51 |
TopGear | amarok sees it, but it says : "0 songs" | 14:51 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: i think banshee will do the job | 14:52 |
TopGear | okey | 14:52 |
TopGear | installed | 14:55 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: working? | 14:55 |
TopGear | crashes at start :( | 14:55 |
TopGear | i'll make you a pastebin | 14:56 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: no | 14:56 |
TopGear | http://paste.ubuntu.com/541901/ | 14:56 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: i thought the crash happens for some of us, but it is happening to everyone. bad | 14:56 |
TopGear | that actually sucks :s | 14:57 |
TopGear | gtkpod doesn't see my itouch :s | 14:58 |
phoenixfirebrd | TopGear: i am not familiar with ipod . sorry | 14:59 |
phoenixfirebrd | brb | 15:00 |
Bauldrick | wheres a link to cleanly/nicely change from ubuntu to kubuntu | 15:25 |
raheel | which os should i install on a system with 384 mb ram pentium 3 700 mhz | 15:28 |
raheel | i thought kubuntu would do fine | 15:28 |
rork | try lubuntu (or install lubuntu-desktop) | 15:29 |
rork | raheel: ^ | 15:29 |
raheel | will it do the trick? | 15:29 |
raheel | yes rork?? | 15:30 |
yofel | it's pretty convervative with resource usage so it's worth a try | 15:30 |
Seetee | Hi everyone. I have been using Kubuntu as my main desktop for a cupple of years now. Installed it for a friend, but I can not seem to figure out how to get his dual screen working. Is he supposed to get x.org-hacking in this day and age? | 15:30 |
James147 | !purekde | 15:30 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » | 15:30 |
rork | raheel: just wanted to mark that line for you. I use lubuntu (when necesary) on a 800mhz intel celeron with 128 mb ram. It's not great and you'll lack some features but it runs much better then kubuntu. See http://www.lxde.org/ or http://lubuntu.net/ | 15:32 |
raheel | ok but my friend tried lubuntu 10.1 on the same system specs and it did not even boot using the live cd. in between it crashed | 15:33 |
Seetee | I have been googling, and reading. There seem to be many bugs, and dual screen seems to be horribly broken in the latest versions of Kubuntu. Does anyone know more about the situation? | 15:33 |
James147 | Seetee: what graphics card/drivers is he using? | 15:34 |
Seetee | My dual screen might be allright, since I have upgraded my way to where I am today. | 15:34 |
Seetee | James147: It is a laptop, so SiS. | 15:34 |
Seetee | James147: lspci returns "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513" as "IDE interface". (I am at his machine now). | 15:36 |
rork | raheel: I can't say what caused that. You might want to try the alternate install cd instead, or go for a minimal install and install lubuntu-desktop afterwards. | 15:37 |
Seetee | System Settings / Display and Monitor / Multiple Monitors, says that there are no multiple monitors (although I have got the same image on both the internal and the external screen). | 15:37 |
Seetee | James147: The Additional Drivers in the K / System-menu says that this system is not using any propritary drivers. | 15:39 |
James147 | Seetee: that dialog is for graphics cards that setup two screen to look as one (such as nvidia twinview) | 15:42 |
Seetee | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/403610 <-- Sounds exactly like this bug. But that does not seem to | 15:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 403610 in KDE Base "kde 4.3 Multiple Monitors tells lies" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 15:43 |
Seetee | be fixed. | 15:43 |
Seetee | Right. | 15:43 |
Seetee | It works perfectly in XP, on the same hardware. | 15:44 |
Seetee | lxrandr only finds one screen. | 15:50 |
Seetee | Hmm... seems I will have to edit xorg.conf to get this to work. Maaany years since I had to do that. :-) | 15:52 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as q1 | ||
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Seetee | Can't even find xorg.conf anymore. *looking around* | 15:53 |
rork | Eveybody nods... | 15:54 |
Peace- | Seetee: ? | 15:55 |
Peace- | Seetee: xorg.conf is not more used | 15:55 |
James147 | Seetee: xorg.conf isnt there bydefault, but it will use it if you create one | 15:56 |
Peace- | :) | 15:56 |
Seetee | James147: Right, thanks. Found an askubuntu.com-article about it. | 15:56 |
Seetee | But it sure feels like going back in time 10 years. :-) | 15:57 |
BluesKaj | hi folks | 15:58 |
domineus | has anyone used this on the dell xt2 with tablet controls? | 16:02 |
Seetee | Frustrating that such an easy thing should be so hard. :-\ Well, I have to go. Will try to solve this another day. | 16:06 |
Seetee | Thank you for your time, everyone. | 16:06 |
ubuntu4shane | is kopete the im for kde still? or is there a different one? | 16:37 |
James147 | ubuntu4shane: it is currently, but there is a replacment in the works as far as i know | 16:38 |
ubuntu4shane | James147: what is the replacment? | 16:38 |
James147 | ubuntu4shane: cant remember what is was called :S | 16:40 |
James147 | ubuntu4shane: ahh, yeah, it was telepathy | 16:41 |
ubuntu4shane | ok, no prob | 16:41 |
ubuntu4shane | hmm, ok, I will have to check it out, thanks | 16:41 |
ubuntu4shane | I'm exploring KDE for like the gazillionth time, this time liking it more. | 16:42 |
tsimpson | erm, I doubt that'll be default in Kubuntu, at least not until it stops sucking | 16:42 |
James147 | tsimpson: probally not untill kde 4.7 is out | 16:42 |
ubuntu4shane | what version is kde4 now? | 16:43 |
James147 | *at least* | 16:43 |
ubuntu4shane | I guess there is sim too, Simple IM :) | 16:43 |
tsimpson | 4.6 is out soon | 16:43 |
ubuntu4shane | ok, thanks! | 16:44 |
supermag | hi, my computer freezes after the brief display of the kubuntu splash screen.. | 16:44 |
supermag | and, the xorg.conf file is missing | 16:44 |
supermag | how do i fix that ? | 16:44 |
James147 | supermag: fix what? | 16:45 |
supermag | the black screen/freeze. | 16:46 |
supermag | Is 10.10 supposed to have a xorg.conf file ? | 16:46 |
supermag | hm.. kde-full is missing.. maybe intalling that solves the problem ? | 16:57 |
James147 | supermag: kde-full isn't needed nor installed by default... what problem are you having? | 16:57 |
supermag | James147: no xorg.conf, xorg configure results in segmetation fault, no desktop displayed, and the system hangs after the kubuntu splash screen. | 16:59 |
James147 | supermag: what graphics card? | 17:00 |
supermag | James147: radeon something | 17:01 |
James147 | supermag: well, xorg.conf shouldnt be needed anymore, so if you have one i would try reneming it and restrting x | 17:02 |
supermag | James147: removing it ? | 17:03 |
James147 | supermag: rename or remove (renameing it is safer as it basicaly creates a backup..) | 17:03 |
supermag | ok, i will try that after installing the seemingly missing desktop.. No kde-plaslma and so on | 17:04 |
supermag | kde-plasma* | 17:04 |
James147 | supermag: :S hmm, then try installing kubuntu-desktop as well, that should pull in enverything you need | 17:05 |
supermag | James147: i will try that, after figuring out what kind of graphics card it is | 17:11 |
=== nowardev_ is now known as Peace-- | ||
supermag | James147: the card is Identified as: ATI Technologies Inc RV530LE [Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO] | 17:15 |
supermag | 01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV530LE [Radeon X1650 PRO] (Secondary) | 17:15 |
supermag | uh oh.. platform radeon_cp.0: firmware: requesting radeon/R520_cp.bin | 17:19 |
supermag | according to dmesg | 17:19 |
supermag | hm.. the firmware is in place and is loading.. | 17:21 |
Bauldrick | I just 'converted' from ubuntu to kubuntu, but now when it starts up the Kubuntu logo flashes up and then a black screen (actually lines vertically). /var/log/Xorg.0.log says that it cant open module fglrx module does not exist - is that the problem and how to fix that?? | 17:53 |
DarthFrog | Do you have a Radeon card? | 17:53 |
Bauldrick | lspci says ati I believe | 17:54 |
DarthFrog | Can you issue this command, all on one line: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install fglrx"? | 17:54 |
Bauldrick | I'll try it, just got to connect it via ethernet | 17:56 |
DarthFrog | If it complains about fglrx is already installed, change the command to "sudo apt-get install --reinstall fglrx". | 17:57 |
Bauldrick | DarthFrog: cheers that installed and now the login screen shows up, but I cant login?? I put passwd and it returns me to login screen.. | 18:02 |
Bauldrick | forget that ^^ I selected kde and it appeas to work | 18:03 |
Freddy2 | hi | 18:09 |
Freddy2 | is it me or there is a dependencies problem with the last kde update for lucid? in backports you can have kde 4.5.3, but there are several packages marked as "autoremovable" (including libakonadi-contact4 and libkontactinterface4 iirc) which are required by kmail or akregator, for example | 18:13 |
Freddy2 | i did remove them and both kmail and akregator couldn't start.. i had to reinstall them | 18:13 |
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Daskreech | I must be going crazy. what's the permissions needed to create a file within a directory ? | 18:47 |
DarthFrog | Daskreech: depends upon who owns the directory and which group you are in if you don't own the directory. | 18:50 |
Daskreech | DarthFrog: lets say I won it | 18:50 |
Daskreech | own it | 18:50 |
Daskreech | and I have rwx on it | 18:50 |
DarthFrog | Then you have write permission. | 18:51 |
Daskreech | yes I do but I can't creat a file | 18:51 |
Daskreech | it's strange I'm not sure what's up | 18:51 |
DarthFrog | What do you get when you try? | 18:51 |
DarthFrog | Are you in the directory when you try to write? | 18:52 |
Daskreech | ah maybe that's it hold on | 18:52 |
cuznt | is there a bash command to see un mounted drives? | 18:56 |
DarthFrog | Depends upon what you mean by "see". | 18:59 |
James147 | cuznt: "sudo fdisk -l" will list all drives with some info about them | 19:00 |
cuznt | ty James147 | 19:02 |
shane4ubuntu | wow, I must say I'm quite impressed with kde4, feels very snappy, and quick, smooth look, I'm impressed. | 19:04 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Welcome to KDE | 19:04 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: thanks, I'm have been an Ubuntu user for quite some time and from time to time check out KDE, seems like KDE4 has really come a long way! | 19:05 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: The nice to hear part is that you really haven't even started to appreciate KDE yet :) | 19:08 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: right, in general looks good and feels smooth, I will have to test it out for a few days, but feels faster than it used to be. | 19:10 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: :-) What have you liked so far other than the speed? | 19:12 |
Daskreech | DarthFrog: mounted read only :-p | 19:12 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: the looks of it, course I always liked the looks of kde4, just always seems slow and un-polished, I figured it would be nice once it was matured a bit. | 19:13 |
shane4ubuntu | KDE3 was ok, and had the speed, but I didn't much care for the looks as much. | 19:13 |
DarthFrog | Daskreech: Well, the solution seems somewhat obvious, no? :-^) | 19:16 |
shane4ubuntu | I think it was better installing only kdebase versus the normal kubuntu-desktop that way, I run the apps I have, and don't over-clutter my menus. Perhaps that is what I like, Rhythmbox seems to run nice, so doesn't pidgin, tried kopete, but no irc integration. | 19:17 |
shane4ubuntu | no offense to the kubuntu-desktop, as a clean install I'm sure it is nice, just not for a cross-over. :) | 19:17 |
Daskreech | DarthFrog: :) | 19:18 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: near as I recall you hide all GNOME (or KDE) programs in the menu | 19:19 |
Daskreech | Long as they are properly packaged | 19:19 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: right, but for the time being I would rather use them. :) as time permits I will check out the kde apps. | 19:20 |
shane4ubuntu | step by step, starting with the whole desktop, then apps. | 19:20 |
Daskreech | :) ok well then may I point you at Krunner? it's quite useful | 19:21 |
shane4ubuntu | krunner? sure, I will have to check it out, what is it as an overview? | 19:22 |
=== Bauldrick__ is now known as Bauldrick | ||
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: It's a mini-CLI on steroids. | 19:28 |
shane4ubuntu | ohhh, that sounds really good! | 19:28 |
shane4ubuntu | I use guake (I think it is a gnome knockoff of quake? or something from kde) | 19:28 |
DarthFrog | yakuake | 19:28 |
shane4ubuntu | ahh, yakuake. :) | 19:29 |
DarthFrog | !yakuake | 19:29 |
DarthFrog | I love it. :-) | 19:29 |
DarthFrog | Even if the bot knows nothing about it. | 19:29 |
shane4ubuntu | which krunner or yakuake? | 19:29 |
DarthFrog | Both. :-) | 19:30 |
shane4ubuntu | krunner doesn't seem to be in repos, there are plasma-runners-* and kdeplasma-addons | 19:30 |
DarthFrog | For those who don't know about yakuake, it's a function key (F12 by default) activated drop-down terminal (konsole-like) patterned after the one in Quake. | 19:31 |
shane4ubuntu | yes, guake has become my right arm, only apt-get actually I don't even apt-get I have things modified in bashrc? with a bunch of short cuts, install, update, upgrade, search . :) | 19:31 |
shane4ubuntu | guake is the same, I love it. | 19:31 |
abraxas | Hello, how can i set that "python" will be /usr/bin/python2.7 and not 2.6? | 19:33 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Sorry got locked out | 19:33 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: it's the Mini CLI you get when you press alt+f2 | 19:33 |
Daskreech | you can open webpages remote servers or local directories etc from there | 19:34 |
Daskreech | you can also do fun things like press = then a mth equation | 19:34 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: no prob, DarthFrog was filling me in on it, | 19:35 |
DarthFrog | abraxas: Set up a symlink in /etc/alternatives that points "python" to the desired executable. | 19:35 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: seems like that is already installed? alt-f2 brings up a little window, like small console? we have that in gnome too. | 19:35 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: yes. This is about equal as Gnome-do :) | 19:36 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: I use gauke though, the gnome style yakuake. f12 gives you a nice big terminal, always open. :) | 19:36 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: Yeah, there's a lot of overlap in functionality between GNOME and KDE (and others, too). I don't know about the GNOME mini-CLI but Krunner is extremely powerful. | 19:36 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: no, not gnome-do, I used that a little bit, but not much | 19:36 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Ok jsut telling you that it's closer to Gnome-do than to the gnome Mini CLI | 19:37 |
shane4ubuntu | perhaps I don't have krunner? what do I install? | 19:37 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: for fun try opening krunner and typing 32 F in C | 19:37 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: Krunner is connected to the semantic desktop database and does tremendously much more than simply launch programs. | 19:37 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: you have it. That's the alt+f2 mini-cli | 19:37 |
shane4ubuntu | ahh, ok, yes, seems more like gnome-do | 19:38 |
shane4ubuntu | hmm, 32 F just offered to open up a text doc. :-/ | 19:38 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: type 32 F in C | 19:39 |
Daskreech | the in C part is important :) | 19:39 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: ha ha, ok, I see now. | 19:39 |
=== fabi is now known as iawah | ||
iawah | hi | 19:40 |
shane4ubuntu | nada, nothing, I hit return, and it just kind of sets there, I'm probably missing something because I did a real light kde install. | 19:40 |
Daskreech | Works for nearly any thing else you can think of. acres in hectares, M in miles etc | 19:40 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: Try clicking on the icon to the left side of the little command window that looks like a graph. | 19:40 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: it doesn't run anything it just gives you the answer | 19:40 |
Daskreech | though would be neat if hitting enter copied it into the clipboard | 19:40 |
andy__ | anyone else find that after latest updates from maverick-proposed the KDE panel icons (like application launchers or "show desktop" icon) don't work anymore? clicking on them does nothing... | 19:40 |
Daskreech | Hmmm :-/ | 19:41 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: I gotta get that, because I'm from the USA but live in Peru, so I'm always converting temps, sizes lots of stuff, that would be very handy | 19:41 |
andy__ | and also, the battery monitor suddenly started showing two batteries instead of the one that i actually have (with almost the same charge, i.e. it looks like it is picking up the same battery twice somehow) | 19:42 |
shane4ubuntu | probably would be plasma-runners-addons?? Daskreech | 19:42 |
shane4ubuntu | or plasma-widget-runcommands <-- that is probably it. | 19:43 |
yofel | what, krunner? | 19:44 |
shane4ubuntu | well for the converter thing, 10 F to C | 19:45 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: seems I have krunner, but not the converter thing, I installed kdebase over my ubuntu install to check out KDE | 19:45 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: was giving me the low down on KDE tricks | 19:46 |
yofel | hm, I have a pretty much full KDE installation, so I'm not sure what's missing | 19:46 |
yofel | yep, seems to be plasma-runners-addons | 19:47 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: I installed a few things, but may need to restart plasma? I'm not sure, if it is integrated, then probably, and I"m pretty sure plasma is the desktop. :) kind of like gnome uses metacity. | 19:47 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: that is what I installed, so probably a log out and in, unless I can reset the desktop without logging out. I know how to do that with metacity, but not sure on kde. | 19:48 |
yofel | rather restart krunner, run: 'killall krunner && krunner' in krunner | 19:48 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: that did the trick! Thanks! | 19:49 |
shane4ubuntu | that is very slick | 19:49 |
shane4ubuntu | ha ha, gotta love that! | 19:49 |
shane4ubuntu | thanks Daskreech yofel ! | 19:49 |
yofel | If you want to restart plasma itself use 'kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop' | 19:50 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, enough playing back to work. :) | 19:50 |
yofel | killall works too, but that should kill all unsaved settings too | 19:50 |
DarthFrog | Work is a four-letter word and is not allowed language on this channel! :-) | 19:50 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: ahh, ok, metacity is about the same, just wasn't sure what the plasma-desktop name was, or what damage it would do | 19:50 |
shane4ubuntu | DarthFrog: lol. :) | 19:51 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, back to @$!# | 19:51 |
DarthFrog | That's better. :-) | 19:51 |
yofel | note: plasma-desktop is the desktop shell, NOT the window manager, that's kwin | 19:51 |
yofel | (not sure how to restart that without logout) | 19:51 |
* shane4ubuntu makes mental knote of window manager and shell. | 19:52 | |
yofel | rather compare plasma-destkop with nautilus for the desktop | 19:52 |
yofel | well, nautilus + gnome-panel | 19:52 |
shane4ubuntu | actually nautilus is dolphine, that is why I'm having a hard time grasping plasma-desktop | 19:52 |
shane4ubuntu | ahhh, gnome-panel, yess, that would probably be the right comparison | 19:53 |
shane4ubuntu | that makes sense to me | 19:53 |
shane4ubuntu | thanks all. | 19:53 |
* shane4ubuntu runs off to to some w@#% | 19:53 | |
yofel | shane4ubuntu: in gnome nautilus is the file manager but manages the desktop too, together with gnome-panel, in KDE dolphin is the file manager, plasma-desktop manages desktop and panel | 19:53 |
shane4ubuntu | yofel: ohh, didn't realize nautilus was anything other than the file manager. | 19:54 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Yeah plasma-runners sorry got called here | 19:54 |
yofel | shane4ubuntu: nautilus it shows the desktop contents in gnome (and the background I think, not sure anymore) | 19:55 |
yofel | s/it// | 19:55 |
shane4ubuntu | nautilus - file manager and graphical shell for GNOME < -- Looky there! | 19:55 |
yofel | right | 19:55 |
shane4ubuntu | learn something new every day. | 19:55 |
Daskreech | yofel: kquitapp kwin && kwin ? or you could just kwin _-replace | 19:56 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, don't make me say the four letter w word again, I'm going to get booted from the chanel, I'm going back to w#$@ :) | 19:56 |
yofel | Daskreech: k, never really tried that, once did it differently and failed | 19:56 |
shane4ubuntu | Seems that wally doesn't work with kde4? is there a background changer to use? I use drapes in gnome | 20:00 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: It's built-in to the deskop. | 20:01 |
shane4ubuntu | DarthFrog: ohh, slick, in the settings thing? | 20:01 |
DarthFrog | Yeah, in Folder View Settings. | 20:01 |
DarthFrog | Right-click on the desktop, select Folder View Settings. | 20:02 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: you can choose any combination of individual files and directories for it to cycle through | 20:03 |
Daskreech | or you can have it read weather reports and change your desktop to reflect the upcoming weather | 20:03 |
Daskreech | (which would be my choice) : ) | 20:03 |
DarthFrog | Daskreech: Hey, I didn't know that! How do you do that? | 20:04 |
DarthFrog | :-) | 20:04 |
shane4ubuntu | wow, slick, see KDE is a bit more mature to have that stuff included, I like eye candy. | 20:04 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: It's also a philosophical difference between GNOME and KDE. | 20:05 |
DarthFrog | GNOME doesn't want you to have more than one way to do things (like Apple). KDE wants to enable you to have it your way. :-) | 20:05 |
shane4ubuntu | probably, between lightness and niceness | 20:05 |
DarthFrog | GNOME deliberately removes choice. | 20:06 |
DarthFrog | Figures a lack of choice is more newbie friendly. | 20:06 |
shane4ubuntu | hey hey, easy now, remember I'm a Gnome user. :) | 20:06 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: It is their mantra :) | 20:07 |
DarthFrog | That's not a criticism of GNOME (nor of you), rather it's a statement of fact. | 20:07 |
Daskreech | if it's setup properly the first time then you don't need to change it. Giving the option to change it (visibly and easily) is confusing | 20:07 |
shane4ubuntu | krunner needs a dictionary so I can look up mantra. | 20:07 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: It has onw | 20:07 |
Daskreech | one | 20:07 |
DarthFrog | The various desktops are like women. They all have their charms. | 20:07 |
Daskreech | either spell mantra or dict mantra I forget which | 20:08 |
DarthFrog | shane4ubuntu: ALT-F2, dict:mantra | 20:08 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: that is probably true, and why gnome is simple to use | 20:08 |
phoenix_firebrd | sounds not very formal | 20:08 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Yep | 20:08 |
ludwig_ | Hey guys! I just installed Kubuntu 10.10 and seems like it can't find my soundcard. I've tried to purge pulseaudio and use Alsa, but same thing there. | 20:09 |
ludwig_ | Any tips? Thanks! | 20:09 |
shane4ubuntu | DarthFrog: ahh, me and my light installs, I don't have the dict:word plugin apparently. | 20:09 |
DarthFrog | Really? Strange. dict is a kioslave. | 20:09 |
phoenix_firebrd | ludwig_: internel or externel ? | 20:09 |
ludwig_ | internal | 20:09 |
phoenix_firebrd | ludwig_: whats your soundcard? | 20:10 |
Daskreech | DarthFrog: he doesn't have to install the kioslaves | 20:10 |
ludwig_ | Hm.. Good question, lol. All I know is that's it's Realtek... | 20:10 |
ludwig_ | The Realtek HD drivers worked perfectly on Windows. | 20:10 |
DarthFrog | ludwig. try installing these packages: paprefs, padevchooser, pavucontrol and pavumeter. | 20:11 |
ludwig_ | Installing them now. :) | 20:11 |
DarthFrog | ludwig_: then run "padevchooser" which will put an icon in your systray. | 20:12 |
ludwig_ | Yes, will do. Thanks man :) | 20:12 |
DarthFrog | np | 20:12 |
skafti | hey is there a skype for kubuntu | 20:12 |
skafti | ? | 20:12 |
ludwig_ | root@anonymous:~# padevchooser | 20:12 |
ludwig_ | ** (padevchooser:2496): WARNING **: pa_browser_new() failed. | 20:12 |
DarthFrog | ludwig_: don't run it as root. | 20:13 |
DarthFrog | ludwig_: Root doesn't have display permissions, by default. | 20:13 |
ludwig_ | Still same output. | 20:13 |
ludwig_ | Oh okay, didn't know that. :) | 20:13 |
DarthFrog | ludwig_: Nobody has display permissions except the logged in user who owns the desktop. | 20:14 |
DarthFrog | ludwig_: Run it as "sudo padevchooser" if you need root privs. | 20:15 |
ludwig_ | Yeah, thanks man. :) Well I ran padevchooser with my user which is currently logged in and same output.. | 20:15 |
DarthFrog | Hmm, strange. Don't know what to suggest. | 20:15 |
ludwig_ | Geuss I'll keep googling. Thanks for yout time mate. :) | 20:16 |
DarthFrog | Other than "sudo padevchooser". | 20:16 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: ya | 20:16 |
skafti_ | tryed to get it on skype.com and respetory did not find | 20:17 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: welcome back | 20:17 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: try this http://www.skype.com/intl/en/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/post-download/ | 20:18 |
shane4ubuntu | lol, thanks, one more question, hide panel icons? like apps that are running and have a notification icon, I think they can be hidden in kde right? | 20:18 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: you meant the task manager entries ? | 20:18 |
skafti_ | thanx man | 20:19 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: enjoy | 20:19 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: hmm, probably, the ones down by the clock | 20:19 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Ah those umm .... yes I just don't recall how it's done now | 20:19 |
Daskreech | I use to jsut make a new panel and put the System tray there then hide the panel | 20:20 |
skafti | what version ? sorry just swiched from win | 20:20 |
skafti | like a little baby :) | 20:20 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: lol, that was my solution for gnome. :) I was 90% sure KDE could do this. | 20:20 |
skafti | havent got the whole concept yet | 20:21 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: It can! Just .. I was lazy and wanted the whole lower panel for the task manager | 20:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: are you talking to me? | 20:22 |
Daskreech | skafti: Welcome to Linux! | 20:22 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: ahh, ok, I think they are called, system-tray icons?? | 20:22 |
skafti | hehe im trying my best...almost | 20:22 |
skafti | yes phoenix talking to you | 20:22 |
skafti | thanks daskreech | 20:22 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: welcome to linux | 20:22 |
skafti | got trough the printerproblem today | 20:23 |
skafti | everything is a climb... | 20:23 |
Daskreech | skafti: yeah it can be | 20:23 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: its untill you learn a little bit about linux | 20:23 |
skafti_ | yep everything is complexed until you learn it | 20:24 |
skafti_ | but what version should download | 20:24 |
skafti_ | of skype i mean | 20:24 |
GinoMan | hey, I have linux on a 200 gb hard drive, and then I have a 1TB that's partitioned and has windows 7 on one of the partitions | 20:24 |
GinoMan | the other two are empty | 20:25 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: ubuntu 8.10+ 32bit | 20:25 |
skafti_ | i have 64 tryed it just now | 20:25 |
GinoMan | how do you disable the guid thing | 20:25 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: working? | 20:26 |
skafti | nobb faled to open | 20:26 |
GinoMan | so that pluging in and removing the 1TB doesn't break booting of linux | 20:26 |
GinoMan | grub is on the linux drive | 20:26 |
phoenix_firebrd | skafti: try 32 bit | 20:26 |
skafti | yep ill do that | 20:27 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: got it, ;) clicked on the plasma corner thing on the panel, then rolled over to system-tray and clicked on the wrench to configure it. I knew it could be done | 20:27 |
Daskreech | GinoMan: don't you mean You want th UUID ? | 20:27 |
shane4ubuntu | I may get hooked on KDE. :) | 20:27 |
ads | ok, I still have a problem with resolvconf: the dhcp server is providing dns server and search name, but only the search name is added to resolv.conf. What's wrong? | 20:27 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: It will annoy the hell out of you | 20:27 |
Daskreech | ads: I'd presume the DHCP server isn't broadcasting the BIND server aswell | 20:28 |
shane4ubuntu | ads can I recommend wicd? | 20:28 |
ads | shane4ubuntu: no ;-) | 20:28 |
ads | Daskreech: it is | 20:28 |
GinoMan | ... I want it so that it's not root=guid=2352wfefwf22-23423vsdfw-2342sdsrg23f-234fwdfser23 | 20:28 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: You will be waiting on KDE 4.6 and they will be talking about cool things in KDE 4.7 and 4.8 that you can't wait to get your hands on | 20:28 |
ads | The problem must be in NetworkManager or somewhere later. | 20:28 |
GinoMan | I made the number up | 20:29 |
Daskreech | GinoMan: I know | 20:29 |
ads | NetworkManager itself shows that it got the dns server(s). | 20:29 |
GinoMan | instead of (hd#,#) | 20:29 |
Daskreech | GinoMan: change it to be /dev/sda3 | 20:29 |
shane4ubuntu | ads ok, but it is much simpler than messing with network manager, however depends on what you are setting up. | 20:29 |
Daskreech | ah grub | 20:29 |
Daskreech | !UUID | 20:29 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 20:29 |
Daskreech | !grub2 | 20:30 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 20:30 |
Daskreech | GinoMan: ^^^^ | 20:30 |
shane4ubuntu | GinoMan: is grub not installed? or not loading? | 20:30 |
ads | shane4ubuntu: just an kubuntu 10.10 | 20:31 |
skafti | Could not open 'skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb.part' | 20:32 |
skafti | The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file. | 20:32 |
shane4ubuntu | ads wicd rules for a normal install, I set my IP and DNS and love wicd | 20:32 |
shane4ubuntu | skafti are you on 386 or 64bit? | 20:32 |
shane4ubuntu | skafti I mean 32bit or 64bit. :) | 20:33 |
broddan | Hello. I have a problem with my sound. It works when I use Spotify, but not in VLC or Youtube (Firefox). I use Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02). What can I do_ | 20:33 |
skafti | 64bit | 20:33 |
skafti | i tryed that first | 20:34 |
shane4ubuntu | skafti I think you are going to need a 64bit deb, let me double check that | 20:34 |
ads | shane4ubuntu: ok, to be clear: I don't want to do workarounds, I just want the default install working ;-) | 20:34 |
shane4ubuntu | ads: no prob, I can understand that, wicd isn't a work around it is a replacement, I never can get network management to do what I want it to, but that is just personal. | 20:35 |
GinoMan | it's installed and loads, the problem is... I had the 1TB, and the 200GB in, I installed grub on the 200GB first and then installed windows 7, then I booted from a live cd, chrooted into the linux drive, did grub-install | 20:35 |
GinoMan | and then used it for a while, then I gutted the 1TB for a while, Linux booted fine. | 20:35 |
GinoMan | reinserted the 1TB again and booted, windows 7 boots fine, Linux won't boot | 20:36 |
GinoMan | Grub seems to work just fine | 20:36 |
shane4ubuntu | GinoMan: if you can get into linux via chroot, or other run grub-update and that should re-configure grub | 20:36 |
shane4ubuntu | GinoMan: a newer version of Ubuntu right? | 20:37 |
shane4ubuntu | GinoMan: reconfiguring grub should* automatically pickup any and all installations of everything in the system. | 20:37 |
GinoMan | I know | 20:37 |
GinoMan | the problem wasn't then | 20:38 |
GinoMan | I know how to set up Grub after windows was installed next to a previous linux install | 20:38 |
Daskreech | skafti: the .part may be a problem :) | 20:47 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: ads isn't doing network management more like network administration | 20:48 |
ads | Daskreech: ? | 20:48 |
ads | This is just for my laptop | 20:48 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: wicd, rocks. :) | 20:48 |
ads | Although this laptop has to connect to many different networks, often hotels or company networks. Each providing his own dns. | 20:49 |
ads | It sucks to always edit /etc/resolv.conf manually. | 20:49 |
skafti | part ? | 20:49 |
shane4ubuntu | wicd, quick and easy | 20:49 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: Does indeed. Annoying all the others require you to login to get net :( | 20:49 |
Daskreech | skafti: skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb.part | 20:50 |
Daskreech | the .part means that it hasnt 'downloaded | 20:50 |
ads | I'm not even exactly sure, if this is a network problem. | 20:50 |
Daskreech | it's on'y part of the file | 20:50 |
skafti | seems to be going up now | 20:50 |
ads | ok, here we go: http://pastebin.com/EyLNzy3A | 20:52 |
skafti_ | went up | 20:52 |
shane4ubuntu | skafti sorry, I left you hanging, got side tracked, isn't skype in the repos? It is in mine. | 20:52 |
ads | NetworkManager actually sees the dns-server provided by dhcp. But this dns-server never makes it into resolv.conf | 20:52 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: ??? | 20:52 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: hmm ? | 20:52 |
skafti | np my old lady stole the computer and let me change the diper :)) | 20:53 |
skafti | on the babe | 20:53 |
skafti | hehehe | 20:53 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: well, wicd does require you to log in, but it remembers the settings and the next time no need to. | 20:53 |
Daskreech | ads: why is your nameserver ? | 20:53 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: when I travel with my laptop, mine remembers place I have been before | 20:53 |
ads | Daskreech: because I have a local bind running | 20:54 |
Daskreech | shane4ubuntu: actually if you go to the login screen wicd has already connected and you can ssh into the machine over wireless | 20:54 |
ads | Daskreech: slave for some zone's I'm usually using. | 20:54 |
Daskreech | ads: ah so what's the problem then? | 20:54 |
ads | Daskreech: the other dns-servers never make it into /etc/resolv.conf | 20:55 |
Daskreech | just point your local bind to an authority externally if it fails and you'll be fine | 20:55 |
shane4ubuntu | Daskreech: through wicd? I didn't know that, I always use terminal for that. | 20:55 |
ads | Daskreech: I want /etc/resolv.conf to include whatever dhcp is providing. Because often I need to use the provided dns for some login stuff (like sever hotel chains are using) | 20:56 |
skafti_ | but thanks alot man ! cheers for you | 20:56 |
Daskreech | well if they are publishing it then you should pick it up. check your prepend DNS in teh dhclient config though that may be affecting it | 20:57 |
ads | Daskreech: to be true, if I remove the "prepend domain-name-servers;" in http://pastebin.com/EyLNzy3A then resolv.conf still only has in it. | 20:58 |
ads | I don't know where this values comes from. | 20:58 |
ads | Although if I remove this line, then NetworkManager only shows the dns-servers from dhcp - but still resolv.conf only ends up with | 20:59 |
olskolirc | is there a free pdf just on kubuntu please? | 21:01 |
Imagineer | I am trying out the KDE-PIM packages. In general, I like what I saw but... the kmail integration was failing. After reading the boards, the apparent solution is to try the 4.6 beta release | 21:02 |
Imagineer | How do I install the KDE-PIM 4.6b ? | 21:03 |
Imagineer | it's not in the software center | 21:03 |
Imagineer | I've added the beta and experimental ppa's | 21:04 |
allee-k | olskolirc: you mean pdf viewer? -> okular | 21:08 |
Imagineer | anyone using the 4.6 beta? | 21:08 |
allee-k | ads: is resolvconf pkg installed? | 21:08 |
olskolirc | no allee a BOOK | 21:08 |
olskolirc | okular is jut a reader | 21:09 |
allee-k | Imagineer: I do | 21:09 |
ubuntu | Русские есть? | 21:09 |
skafti | now the next mountain........ can i gt a webcam working on this | 21:09 |
Daskreech | olskolirc: what? | 21:09 |
Daskreech | skafti: install kamoso | 21:10 |
skafti | yes sir | 21:10 |
olskolirc | my friend is looking for kubuntu for dummies instead of ubuntu for dummies Daskreech is there a free pdf out there? | 21:10 |
olskolirc | were getting the run around Daskreech | 21:10 |
allee-k | Imagineer: for maverick: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu maverick main | 21:10 |
ads | allee-k: yes, 1.46ubuntu1 | 21:11 |
skafti | is that found in the respetory ? | 21:11 |
allee-k | ads: then check the /etc/resolvconf tree. There are files (pre)pended and scripts that together determine what's in resolv.conf | 21:11 |
allee-k | ads: if you don't know why you need resolvconf. remove the pkg. The networkmanger creates the resolv.conf with whatever the dhcp server provides | 21:12 |
Imagineer | Eggfoo | 21:13 |
skafti_ | googled camoso kubuntu got three results 2 in spanish and one in italian i think | 21:13 |
ads | allee-k: hmmmmm | 21:14 |
ads | allee-k: I don't know why it's installed - probably some dependency | 21:14 |
skafti_ | not in respitory | 21:15 |
allee-k | ads: maybe it's your local bind server install. If your have with the dhcp server provided the dhcpd, remove resolvconf. | 21:16 |
ads | I'll try. | 21:17 |
ads | Here at home it works smoothless. I will try next week when I'm in a hotel. | 21:18 |
Daskreech | olskolirc: Ah. they are for the most part the same. The interfaces are different but the underlying thigns are the same | 21:18 |
Daskreech | olskolirc: I can't think of a Kubuntu for dummies book but I'd think if they can get through the Ubuntu one theywill be able to wrangle with Kubuntu | 21:19 |
Imagineer | allee-k: I'm using lucid. Is the pim beta not available in the lucid library? | 21:19 |
Daskreech | Given they have some basic understanding of computer | 21:19 |
Daskreech | s | 21:19 |
olskolirc | greak Daskreech where can i get a ubuntu for dummies pdf? | 21:22 |
genii-around | http://www.kubuntu.org/documentation.php | 21:23 |
genii-around | Is fairly comprehensive | 21:23 |
genii-around | oops they moved it, sorry | 21:24 |
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iawah | hi guys | 21:27 |
iawah | irc.tuxy.de | 21:30 |
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naught101 | is it possible to get gnome app menu bars to show up in the "window menu bar" plasma widget? | 21:57 |
naught101 | also, is it possible to get the window titlebars to hide a la the plasma netbook scheme in the desktop theme? | 22:00 |
shane4ubuntu | ok, just figured out those plasma thingys can go on my desktop or the panel, now that is impressive! | 22:13 |
shane4ubuntu | is there a shortcut key so I can see them and then hide them? | 22:14 |
Walzmyn | shane4ubuntu: i think they become part of the desktop | 22:17 |
shane4ubuntu | right, I think, but they kind of float there, I found clicking the upper left corner lets me see them, ie clears the desktop. | 22:18 |
shane4ubuntu | I have added the temperature monitor, but it doesn't pick anything up? in Gnome it was reporting everything, what am I missing? | 22:19 |
shane4ubuntu | Oh, and ctrl-F12 does that too! shows the widgets. | 22:20 |
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xgeriuz | hi | 22:50 |
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