wgrant | MTecknology: There was a buggy test. I've fixed it, so it should land soon. | 00:16 |
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MTecknology | So.. is there any way to get around that ugly bug for now? (bug 687662) | 03:56 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 687662 in Soyuz "Upload processor attempts to verify hashes against expired files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687662 | 03:56 |
MTecknology | oh.. I guess uploading to a different ppa works | 03:57 |
spm | *** FYI. just about to do a quick stop/patch/start cycle on codehost. there will obviously be a very brief interruption. *** | 05:13 |
spm | and all done | 05:14 |
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oojah | When I'm copying ppa packages, I'm given the option of copying to o-series and p-series. Is this right? | 10:15 |
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wgrant | oojah: They're not active yet. | 10:20 |
wgrant | oojah: We should probably hide them. | 10:20 |
oojah | wgrant: That was my thinking :) | 10:28 |
jelmer | oojah: the fact that those distribution series appear in the list is a bug, bug 675635 | 11:03 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 675635 in Soyuz "PPA copy page should not show distroseries that can't be published" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/675635 | 11:03 |
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sladen | I'm trying to create a Private PPA, and the help states "Note: speak to us about our beta of private PPAs for commercial subscribers. " | 12:20 |
zyga | how I can see all build recipes I have? | 12:23 |
zyga | (or a team has) | 12:23 |
wgrant | zyga: There should be a "View source package recipes" link in the PPA section of your person page. | 12:23 |
zyga | wgrant, ppa section? | 12:24 |
zyga | oh | 12:25 |
zyga | got it | 12:25 |
zyga | thanks | 12:25 |
zyga | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/+recipes | 12:25 |
zyga | :-) | 12:25 |
wgrant | zyga: Is there a reason you're still using edge? | 12:25 |
zyga | wgrant, hmm, firefox history? | 12:25 |
zyga | AFAIR there was going to be a redirect back to non-edge one day | 12:26 |
wgrant | Maybe eventually. | 12:26 |
Odd_Bloke | I'm hitting a bug relating to using lp: URLs when checking out stuff. The solution is to upgrade my version of bzr. | 12:56 |
Odd_Bloke | However, I can't do "bzr branch lp:bzr" for obvious reasons. What's the actual URL, so I can pull it down? | 12:56 |
jelmer | Odd_Bloke: hi | 12:58 |
Odd_Bloke | jelmer: o/ | 12:58 |
jelmer | Odd_Bloke: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/bzr/ | 12:58 |
Odd_Bloke | jelmer: Excellent, thanks. :) | 12:59 |
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Odd_Bloke | https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-watkins-credativ/openobject-addons/686517/+merge/43350 displays "Diff against target: 54 lines (+25/-8) 1 file modified" | 13:36 |
Odd_Bloke | 25+8 is not 54, which is what I'd expect it to mean. | 13:36 |
maco | i imagine the 54 includes the context lines | 13:36 |
Odd_Bloke | I've just noticed it's the actual length of the patch. | 13:37 |
Odd_Bloke | But that seems an odd thing to measure. | 13:37 |
benji | personally, that's how I like to measure diff size; it's easy for human's to calculate (wc -l) and it relects the fact that touching more files makes the change conceptually more complex | 14:12 |
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jelmer | benji: It penalizes simple search and replace patch way too much. | 14:31 |
jelmer | benji: Then again, I guess patch size, no matter how you measure it, is always going to be only vaguely related to the actual complexity of the patch. | 14:32 |
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benji | right, diff size isn't a great indicator of complexity one way or the other | 14:38 |
RenatoSilva | how to associate this mirrored branch with a given project? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/+junk/purple-plugin-pack | 14:59 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: you can't do an import into an existing branch, but you can request a new import: | 15:01 |
jelmer | https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new | 15:01 |
RenatoSilva | jelmer: the branch doesn't exist, I create the branch setting it as mirrored, and provinding the url | 15:02 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: that's for mirrorring native Bazaar branches | 15:03 |
RenatoSilva | oh, so that's why the branch page has an error "Unknown bzrdir format" | 15:04 |
jelmer | RenatoSilva: yep | 15:04 |
RenatoSilva | thanks for the url | 15:05 |
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pcjc2 | hi, we're looking to migrate to LP for bug trackers, and already have a project setup | 15:34 |
pcjc2 | is there a way to subscribe our existing bug mailing list to receive LP bugmail? | 15:34 |
pcjc2 | Do we have to create a LP account for our bug mailing list? | 15:34 |
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CardinalFang | Hi. What determines visibility of merge proposals, or the list of merge proposals? | 15:38 |
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pcjc2 | When running a local launchpad instance (for bug import testing), I want to wipe it and start again. make schema has wiped most things, but I can't run the bug import script a second time - it claims the bugs have already been imported | 16:05 |
pcjc2 | http://launchpad.dev:58080/93/sB5xaCAHZcRjyaqsZrDH2sV7pCj.txt (the bug has already been imported) | 16:05 |
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CardinalFang | Hi. I want to change the privacy of a branch on Launchpad, and the default privacy of a series' branches. How does one do that? | 16:16 |
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jelmer | pcjc2: Perhaps ask in #launchpad-dev ? | 16:18 |
jelmer | CardinalFang: hi | 16:19 |
jelmer | CardinalFang: You can ask a losa to change the privacy of a branch. | 16:20 |
pcjc2 | thanks | 16:21 |
CardinalFang | ping losa, Please set lp:ubuntuone-android-music/upstream-subsonic-trunk and lp:~cmiller/ubuntuone-android-music/search-nicer and lp:~cmiller/ubuntuone-android-music/overridependingtransaction-not-found to be public. | 16:22 |
CardinalFang | thanks, jelmer. | 16:22 |
CardinalFang | oh, and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/ubuntuone-android-music/upstream-version-serializations public too. | 16:23 |
CardinalFang | I hope this will make merge proposals between those public too. | 16:24 |
jelmer | CardinalFang: I'm not sure if there are any losas here, they generally discourage pings on Freenode. | 16:25 |
CardinalFang | Probably wise. | 16:26 |
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | ||
pcjc2 | fwiw, found a solution on launchpad-dev: delete the bug-map.pickle file after regenerating the schema | 16:57 |
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kiko | flacoste, ping? :) | 18:29 |
kiko | or sinzui? :) | 18:30 |
sinzui | hi kiko | 18:31 |
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flacoste | hi kiko | 19:17 |
kiko | flacoste!!! | 19:17 |
kiko | the man himself | 19:17 |
kiko | flacoste, I have some things I need to catch up with you on | 19:17 |
flacoste | how's it going kiko? | 19:17 |
kiko | have a few minutes? | 19:17 |
flacoste | kiko: sure! | 19:17 |
kiko | woot | 19:17 |
flacoste | kiko: are you using mumble? | 19:17 |
flacoste | or still POTS? | 19:17 |
kiko | both, but POTS is easier for me if you can answer the same old number? | 19:18 |
flacoste | kiko: yep | 19:18 |
kiko | calling now | 19:20 |
kiko | hang on, I can't believe I just got called | 19:22 |
kiko | flacoste, ^^ ### | 19:22 |
flacoste | lol | 19:22 |
flacoste | kiko: don't answer :-) | 19:22 |
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wildintellect | is this a good place to ask about the launchpad python api? | 20:53 |
rockstar | wildintellect, sure. | 21:01 |
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cyberix | How do I delete a project? | 22:04 |
tsimpson | file a request on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | 22:04 |
cyberix | done | 22:12 |
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ryanprior | I'm trying to import my gpg key into Launchpad, but it's saying "There seems to be a problem with the fingerprint you submitted." The fingerprint it says it's looking for looks like "27E0 7815 B47C 0397 90D5 8589 27D9 A27B F3F9 6058" while the fingerprint shown in my Seahorse window looks like "08:a3:50:92:d5:d5:8b:a8:b1:62:fd:d8:7a:e9:23:36". How do I get the fingerprint that Launchpad wants? | 22:57 |
ryanprior | I tried "gpg --fingerprint" btdubs, and it has no output, which is discouraging. | 22:57 |
ryanprior | herp derp, it wasn't a PGP key. | 23:05 |
ryanprior | obv | 23:05 |
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