BUGabundo | along with several other dozens peeps | 00:00 |
bjsnider | you have peeps? | 00:01 |
h3sp4wn | I don't know what people see in chrome os (Android yes but using a browser all the time no thanks don't like having to use an ajax xterm clone (thats bound to be buggy) | 00:02 |
bjsnider | all software has bugs | 00:03 |
h3sp4wn | Yeah but at least the people writing xterm know what they are doing | 00:04 |
h3sp4wn | bjsnider: Tex is pretty bug free | 00:05 |
bjsnider | google's hackers a pretty good at what they do | 00:05 |
bjsnider | i'm confident they know what they are doing | 00:05 |
h3sp4wn | I am not time will tell - Rather just have android and native apps (intel's android looks interesting) | 00:07 |
h3sp4wn | I think MS is doing as well as anyone for browsers these days (neither mozilla or google want to make it easy for people to stop being tracked) | 00:08 |
bjsnider | i'm sure there's some extension for that | 00:09 |
bjsnider | ...like trackmenot | 00:09 |
bjsnider | which has been around for many years | 00:09 |
h3sp4wn | There is but I want it to be the default | 00:09 |
h3sp4wn | And built in to the browser | 00:10 |
h3sp4wn | (firefox had this code working and the CEO got it reverted) | 00:10 |
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taneli | who is the "proxy" user and why does he show up on the login screen? | 01:15 |
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MTecknology | The following NEW packages will be installed: libgirepository-1.0-1{a} The following packages will be REMOVED: libgirepository1.0-1{a} | 01:45 |
MTecknology | interesting.. | 01:45 |
rww | not really | 01:46 |
Volkodav | heh | 01:46 |
rww | "Renamed libgirepository1.0-1 to libgirepository-1.0-1 to match Debian and use their kindly provided provides/replaces/conflicts." ~ debian/changelog | 01:46 |
Andre_Gondim | I forgot the name of the program to report bug, what is the name? | 03:56 |
Pici | ubuntu-bug ;) | 03:56 |
Pici | or did you mean apport? | 03:57 |
Andre_Gondim | apport, that's the name, thanks | 03:58 |
Pici | np | 03:58 |
Andre_Gondim | doesn't have apport ar natty? | 03:58 |
Andre_Gondim | doesn't have apport at natty? | 03:58 |
F3RR1S | Sometimes I make things way to complicated.... | 05:19 |
F3RR1S | for example, I went through the whole "edit fstab, smb.conf files" when all I really needed to do was click "Places> "Connect to Server" and enter the IP address... and the share works flawlessly... | 05:20 |
maurer_1 | I decided to try Natty, like I have with all the previous releases, but this one is different--it didn't just have some broken apps/libs, the entire UI no longer functions (wirelss config, run command, etc.) | 06:14 |
maurer_1 | Is there a clean way for me to switch back to gnome-panel without downgrading, or do I just need a script that kills unity and starts gnome-panel? | 06:14 |
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MTecknology | heh.. so xfce4-power-manager has been updated but xfce4-power-manager-data hasn't been | 06:36 |
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coz_ | good day all | 08:18 |
juk | so hey, hi, i can't log in to ui sessions, currently i'm in ctrl+alt+f1 session, after upgrade | 08:21 |
juk | !bugs | 08:30 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 08:30 |
juk | !bug | 08:30 |
juk | anyone had an issue gdm bouncing back to login screen after black flashing? | 08:45 |
coz_ | juk | 08:49 |
coz_ | juk, you mean you put in your password and it comes back up? | 08:49 |
juk | coz_: yes | 08:50 |
juk | coz_: after flashing | 08:50 |
coz_ | juk, I believe that was fixed....did you do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:50 |
juk | coz_: i'm in +1 already | 08:51 |
juk | coz_: no i didn't | 08:52 |
juk | coz_: well update and upgrade did it been like month since dist upgrade | 08:53 |
juk | coz_: i'll get back you | 08:54 |
coz_ | ok | 08:54 |
coz_ | ok | 09:05 |
juk | coz_: sup | 09:05 |
coz_ | juk, had to restart | 09:05 |
coz_ | juk, seems there are a few issues with nvidia-settings | 09:05 |
juk | nvidia such a pain in the ars, never would buy nvidia card if i knew that | 09:08 |
coz_ | juk, well i still prefer them... just apparenlty the new nvidia-settings is a bit querky | 09:10 |
juk | coz_: well, guess gotta check out old nvidia settings, see you | 09:15 |
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juk | nvidia module rebuild didn't help, getting kicked back to login screen | 10:55 |
juk | help anyone | 10:56 |
juk | i think it isn't nvidia module issue at all | 10:57 |
juk | anyone else gets kicked off to pink login screen after logging in | 11:03 |
mmdadawow | hi, will it be possible to put the window buttons on the right in 11.04 UnityDesktop? | 12:09 |
sagaci | mmdadawow: should be | 12:09 |
mmdadawow | and change the orange into blue? | 12:09 |
sagaci | that may be hardwired | 12:13 |
sagaci | or themed | 12:13 |
mmdadawow | id like to be able to have my window buttons on the right tbh | 12:14 |
penguin42 | mmdadawow: I'm fairly sure you can change it via gconf | 12:20 |
mmdadawow | hopefully unityDesktop allows it | 12:20 |
penguin42 | yeh it doesn't seem to have changed that | 12:22 |
mmdadawow | and it wont give any issues when they're in the upper panel? | 12:22 |
mmdadawow | penguin42: are you on Natty by any chance? | 12:23 |
penguin42 | yes | 12:23 |
mmdadawow | would you mind trying to put them on the right and screenshot it for a maximized app? | 12:24 |
penguin42 | I actually do have them on the right - but I changed them ages ago | 12:24 |
mmdadawow | ? | 12:24 |
penguin42 | This machine is an upgrade from Maverick and I had them on the right in Maverick after Maverick changed them | 12:25 |
mmdadawow | so ur saying u cant put them on the right anymore? | 12:26 |
penguin42 | no, read what I've said - I'm saying I've already got them on the right | 12:26 |
mmdadawow | oh ok (sorry, my English) | 12:26 |
mmdadawow | would you mind screenshotting then? | 12:27 |
penguin42 | no need, they're on the right | 12:28 |
mmdadawow | i mean so i can see how it looks like when the app is maximized? | 12:29 |
mmdadawow | do the menus take the blank space and get the buttons next to them? that'd be inconsistent | 12:29 |
mmdadawow | or do they appear just next to the indicators? | 12:30 |
penguin42 | my natty installation isn't that stable, so I'd wait until it is things probably will still change | 12:31 |
mmdadawow | ok | 12:35 |
mmdadawow | hopefully they won't lock it or make it be stupid if i change them to the right | 12:35 |
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coz_ | hey guys ...current update...as of now...want to remove ubuntu -desktop and unity O) | 13:35 |
UndiFineD | for some that can mean progress :P | 13:41 |
PoKrAk | hello i want now is available e17 ecomorph for ubuntu natty sources ?? | 14:15 |
yofel | current e17 is | 14:18 |
yofel | !info e17 | 14:18 |
ubottu | e17 (source: e17): The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.999.49898-1 (natty), package size 2419 kB, installed size 7920 kB | 14:18 |
PoKrAk | !info ecomorph | 14:18 |
ubottu | Package ecomorph does not exist in natty | 14:18 |
PoKrAk | buu i wat this | 14:19 |
yofel | what's that? | 14:19 |
PoKrAk | enlightenment witch compiz | 14:19 |
UndiFineD | sounds scary | 14:19 |
PoKrAk | e17 i have now | 14:19 |
jMCg | The reason I upgraded to Natty was somebody in #systemtap telling me that maybe the new Ubuntu release will have support for CONFIG_UTRACE. Well, it does not. | 14:20 |
jMCg | I'm wondering if it's planned to introduce it. | 14:21 |
yofel | what's utrace? | 14:21 |
PoKrAk | ecomorph is used in elive and opengeu | 14:22 |
jMCg | yofel: http://lwn.net/Articles/224772/ | 14:23 |
jMCg | i.e.: Something to make SystemTap a bit more useful. | 14:23 |
PoKrAk | someone know something about ubuntu natty and ecomorph ?? | 14:24 |
yofel | jMCg: you could ask in #ubuntu-kernel if they know if it'll be there for natty if someone's online there | 14:24 |
jMCg | yofel: ACK. | 14:25 |
alex_mayorga | latest kernels are panicking on me, tips? | 14:47 |
IdleOne | boot to older kernel | 14:48 |
alex_mayorga | IdleOne: I'm now on 2.6.35-23-generic | 14:49 |
alex_mayorga | how do I report the problem? | 14:50 |
IdleOne | !bug | 14:50 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 14:50 |
alex_mayorga | !linus | 14:58 |
alex_mayorga | !linux | 14:58 |
ubottu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 14:58 |
phoenixfirebrd | hi using kubuntu11.04 kde beta 2. dolphin detects every drive twice and only one of that 2 is working | 15:08 |
phoenixfirebrd | ping | 15:09 |
Sir_Konrad | phoenixfirebrd, probably not going to get much support for Kubuntu here, sadly. :( | 15:10 |
phoenixfirebrd | Sir_Konrad: oh | 15:10 |
Sir_Konrad | I don't use it, so I don't know.. | 15:10 |
IdleOne | phoenixfirebrd: there is a #kubuntu+1 also | 15:10 |
phoenixfirebrd | Sir_Konrad: ok | 15:10 |
Sir_Konrad | IdleOne, it's invite only. | 15:10 |
IdleOne | oh | 15:10 |
IdleOne | well, stick around and someone might answer | 15:11 |
Sir_Konrad | I'm moving over to Unity right now. :P | 15:11 |
phoenixfirebrd | Sir_Konrad: are you sure that there is kubuntu+1, last time i tried i ended up here | 15:11 |
IdleOne | Cannot join #kubuntu+1 (Channel is invite only). | 15:11 |
Sir_Konrad | Exactly. I'm sure *someone* in here is also in #kubuntu+1 | 15:11 |
phoenixfirebrd | Sir_Konrad: how is unity in usablity ? | 15:11 |
Sir_Konrad | phoenixfirebrd, it's quite good actually! I was surprised, since I was a bit skeptical. | 15:11 |
JontheEchidna | I don't think the #kubuntu+1 channel is official | 15:12 |
charlie-tca | I think #kubuntu+1 forwards to here, doesn't it? This is the official support channel for all official +1 builds | 15:12 |
phoenixfirebrd | ya | 15:13 |
Sir_Konrad | charlie-tca, I would think so, but I keep getting an invite-only message... | 15:13 |
phoenixfirebrd | perhaps i should try in kde+1 ? | 15:13 |
charlie-tca | Might just have to wait for someone who knows, instead of sending a person all over looking for answers in wrong channels. | 15:14 |
IdleOne | Sir_Konrad: you get that message because you are already here | 15:14 |
Sir_Konrad | Hmm... ok. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused. :-\ | 15:15 |
IdleOne | actually, I believed I caused it | 15:17 |
yofel | phoenixfirebrd: I think that's because one drive comes from hal and one from udisks, try to remove hal, k3b should be the only thing that still needs it | 15:20 |
phoenixfirebrd | yofel: ok | 15:20 |
Sir_Konrad | Ok guys, talk later. Gotta get to school. | 15:28 |
rork | phoenixfirebrd: for what it's worth I had the same problem, you can safely hide one of the duplicates, the other will stay. Didn't file a bugreport/try to fix it. | 15:28 |
phoenixfirebrd | yofel: worked for me | 15:30 |
phoenixfirebrd | yofel: thank you | 15:30 |
phoenixfirebrd | rork: i am using this just for testing | 15:30 |
phoenixfirebrd | rork: i wont be using k3b, so no problem | 15:31 |
martinjh99 | Got a problem - Downloaded the Desktop ISO which is 716Mb size - My Windows burning app won't burn it onto a cd as it is too big but wont burn it on a DVD either for some reason if I put a DVD in instead of a CD is this a known problem? | 15:47 |
yofel | that the disk is oversized: yes, latter is probably an issue with the burning app | 15:48 |
yofel | it actually says so on the download page http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 15:48 |
martinjh99 | ah ok - thanks :) Like I said will try and burn it with k3b later then... | 15:49 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: how to report kernel panics? | 15:51 |
yofel | good question, check if there's something in /var/crash, if not, file a usual kernel bug or ask someone else in -bugs or -kernel for help | 15:52 |
alex_mayorga | OK, thanks | 15:53 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: tried "sudo ubuntu-bug linux" per people at #ubuntu-kernel but get "The problem cannot be reported: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package" | 16:07 |
yofel | are you running a mainline kernel? | 16:07 |
alex_mayorga | guess I have a "pirated" copy of natty here :( | 16:07 |
yofel | or is you apt-cache broken? | 16:07 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: or simply pastebin the output of: $ apt-cache policy linux-image-$(uname -r) | 16:08 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541924/ | 16:09 |
alex_mayorga | had to resort to this version as and both panic | 16:10 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: you'll have to update I fear, you're running 23.40 while latest maverick-updates is 23.41 | 16:11 |
yofel | (or break apports sanity check, but that's not really genuine ubuntu then either :P) | 16:11 |
alex_mayorga | how | 16:12 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: just install updates I think? | 16:12 |
alex_mayorga | how do I update the maverick kernel if my sources are now all natty? | 16:12 |
yofel | or is that impossible | 16:12 |
yofel | oh.. | 16:12 |
yofel | let me think (of something different than changing sources back) | 16:13 |
alex_mayorga | if I try System>Update I get the partial thing | 16:13 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: where do they panic btw? or does it simply hang | 16:13 |
alex_mayorga | according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick-updates/linux my version is legit | 16:13 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: that's not the problem, you don't have maverick-updates in the sources -> invalid | 16:14 |
yofel | apport doesn't do an online check but uses your apt cache | 16:14 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: at boot in one it sais something about scheduling while atomic on gdm | 16:14 |
alex_mayorga | and on .8 it doesn't even get to gdm | 16:20 |
yofel | can you drop to a tty with -7 or is it frozen? | 16:21 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: how do I get back here? | 16:21 |
yofel | ah well, either add maverick-updates to your sources and update the kernel and then report | 16:21 |
yofel | back here from where? | 16:22 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: didn't quite get the tty with -7 | 16:22 |
yofel | second (unofficial) option: open /usr/share/pyshared/apport/packaging_impl.py, go to line 150 (last line of is_distro_package()) and change False into True, that'll break apports genuine check | 16:23 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: can you change to a tty with ctrl+alt+f2 with 37-7 ? | 16:23 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: yup I can | 16:24 |
alex_mayorga | ctrl+alt+f2 gets me to a terminal ctrl+alt+f7 gets me back here | 16:25 |
kukuNut | daily build stopped at 12/06? | 16:25 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: I meant, can you do that with the natty kernel that get's to gdm? | 16:25 |
alex_mayorga | I'll have to reboot to try that | 16:25 |
alex_mayorga | but I don't think so I get flashing keyboard LEDs and unresponsive keyboard so I don't think that would work | 16:26 |
alex_mayorga | how can I get the complete line to add maverick-updates to my sources? | 16:27 |
charlie-tca | kukuNut: yes, until the python merges finish, I believe | 16:27 |
yofel | sec | 16:27 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted multiverse universe | 16:27 |
charlie-tca | kukuNut: actually, the desktop build stopped, the alternate seems to be updated for today | 16:27 |
kukuNut | charlie-tca: ok thnks | 16:27 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: System> Administration > Software Sources, right? | 16:28 |
yofel | yes | 16:29 |
alex_mayorga | that didn't add anything | 16:32 |
yofel | then add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list by hand, haven't used software-properties in ages | 16:34 |
kukuNut | alex_mayorga: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the maverick-updates line | 16:37 |
alex_mayorga | kukuNut, yofel: let me try editing that one by hand | 16:38 |
alex_mayorga | should I comment out everything else | 16:38 |
yofel | no | 16:39 |
phoenixfirebrd | having problem with bluedevil . not able to browse my mobile | 16:40 |
phoenixfirebrd | i am using kubuntu 11.04, kde 4.6 beta 2 | 16:40 |
kukuNut | alex_mayorga: or in admin->synaptics->settings->softwaresources- update tab - enable whatever you want | 16:40 |
yofel | kukuNut: he's trying to add maverick sources to natty, the gui won't help there much | 16:41 |
kukuNut | yofel: ohh.. sorry. | 16:41 |
kukuNut | but what for? | 16:41 |
yofel | kukuNut: trying to update the maverick kernel so apport will let him report that the natty kernels panick | 16:42 |
kukuNut | yofel: there is an 'add' button where you can add whatever..cut and paste | 16:43 |
yofel | alex_mayorga: ^ that didn't work? | 16:43 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: adding deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted multiverse universe | 16:46 |
alex_mayorga | should I just replace natty for maverick on /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 16:46 |
kukuNut | yofel: I just did and it works | 16:46 |
yofel | well, you could, then update, reboot, report bug, and change back | 16:47 |
kukuNut | alex_mayorga: are you crazy? | 16:47 |
alex_mayorga | kukuNut: a little I guess, I'm using alpha software after all, right? :D | 16:48 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: I should take just the kernel right? | 16:48 |
yofel | all it should update is the kernel, everything else is already higher for lucid | 16:48 |
yofel | s/lucid/natty/ | 16:48 |
kukuNut | alex_mayorga: just get the mainline kernel for maverick and install | 16:49 |
yofel | kukuNut: that won't help with reporting the bug | 16:49 |
kukuNut | get it from packages.ubuntu.com | 16:49 |
yofel | since apport is too stupid for such cases | 16:50 |
yofel | well, I have to go for a while, bbl | 16:50 |
alex_mayorga | yofel: thanks for the help | 16:51 |
phoenixfirebrd | anyone using kubuntu? | 16:56 |
phoenixfirebrd | problem with qapt | 16:57 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: don't know qapt | 16:58 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: I use apt-get | 16:58 |
phoenixfirebrd | when i started amarok, it asked for optional installation of restricted codecs, i proceeded to install by clicking ok, then qapt popped up and is displaying a message Title:qapt batch installer,Message: waiting for authorization | 16:59 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: i think it is a bug in qapt | 17:00 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: are you using kubuntu? | 17:00 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: I saw that the first time Amarok started and didn't see any problem | 17:01 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: did you install the restricted codecs when it asked for it? | 17:01 |
kukuNut | yes | 17:02 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: may be the problem was because i answered the request after a long time. | 17:03 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: could be but amarok ususally bugs me about the flash so I just say don't bother anymore | 17:05 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: ok | 17:06 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: you can install them manually with apt-get though - I believe those are ffmpeg xine..just take note of what they are | 17:07 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: xine? | 17:07 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: did you mean gstreamer? | 17:08 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: libxine-ffmpeg | 17:08 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: does 11.04 use xine as backend? | 17:09 |
kukuNut | phoenixfirebrd: phonon as backend but xine is for mp3 i think | 17:09 |
phoenixfirebrd | kukuNut: ok | 17:10 |
TDT | hi guys | 17:34 |
TDT | is the Wubi bug fixed on Natty alpha yet? | 17:34 |
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MTecknology | wow.. there's a lot of breaking going on in natty, huh | 17:50 |
TDT | what do you mean? | 17:52 |
MTecknology | at least for my systems, there's a lot of broken apps right now - especially wireless tools | 17:52 |
rww | alpha release is alpha :\ | 17:53 |
TDT | well, it's an alpha... | 17:53 |
MTecknology | are we already to alpha.. wow | 17:53 |
MTecknology | 8 days into it, heh | 17:54 |
MTecknology | aight- time to go do some heavy lifting (apparently a ruptured disk doesn't have me in enough pain already-i need to add to it) | 17:55 |
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* charlie-tca thinks a lot of breakage in alpha is good! keeps it from being breakage in beta | 18:05 | |
alex_mayorga | blank network and bluetooth panel anyone? | 18:21 |
nperry | Hmm, lost all the applets in unity.. | 19:52 |
nperry | Still got them in classic session :/ | 19:52 |
zanus | http://forums.flingbits.com/topic/115-i-have-no-login-screen/ Anybody have any idea on this? | 20:13 |
genii-around | Hello. I have 11.04 server 64bit, clean LAMP with ssh install. Primarily in use for a CCTV box. init freezes during shutdown every time right after stopping MTA. This a known bug or so? | 20:15 |
genii-around | Is there an upstart log someplace? | 20:15 |
zanus | anybody http://forums.flingbits.com/topic/115-i-have-no-login-screen | 21:17 |
bazhang | zanus, on 11.04? | 21:18 |
IdleOne | from that link you posted it says you "messed" with plymouth...undo the mess | 21:21 |
IdleOne | also 10.10 support in #ubuntu | 21:21 |
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kklimonda | hmm, is unity broken? I get an empty desktop when I launch it through the gdm | 22:27 |
penguin42 | kklimonda: Is it still installed? AN update earlier today removed unity and ubuntu-desktop | 22:28 |
kklimonda | yeaj, it is | 22:29 |
penguin42 | it's certainly very flaky for me when it was installed | 22:33 |
coz_ | penguin42, I think that has been resolved | 22:35 |
alex_mayorga | broken notification panels anyone? | 22:37 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, did you recently do an dist-upgrade? | 22:37 |
alex_mayorga | kklimonda: I have the same issue | 22:37 |
alex_mayorga | coz_: not really, should I? | 22:37 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, generally with a prerelease a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would be warranted at least once a week | 22:38 |
coz_ | but | 22:38 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, to day may be an exception | 22:38 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, as mentioned....earlier today it would have removed unity | 22:38 |
alex_mayorga | unity doesn't work for me anyway | 22:39 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, right now a dist-upgrade wants to remove libpolkit-qt | 22:39 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, it doesnt work? | 22:39 |
alex_mayorga | no, if I launch it I get no panels | 22:39 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, ah ok then install gmrun and assign a keyboard shortcut to that in compiz I use alt+F3 | 22:40 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, then run gnome-wm --replace | 22:40 |
alex_mayorga | my problem is that video acceleration doesn't work for my card | 22:41 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, in unity there is only one panel at the top and the side shortcut panel ....right? | 22:41 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, ah ok ,,,which video card is this? | 22:41 |
alex_mayorga | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] (rev a2) | 22:42 |
coz_ | alex_mayorga, and the nvidia-current driver doesnt work for that? | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | heya | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | good news, my work contract was renewed !! WOOT | 22:42 |
alex_mayorga | haven't tried it lately | 22:42 |
alex_mayorga | BUGabundo: good for you | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 22:43 |
coz_ | ok I have to break here....be back later | 22:43 |
coz_ | BUGabundo, cool news guy congratulations | 22:43 |
BUGabundo | *** | 22:43 |
guntbert | BUGabundo: congrats | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 22:47 |
dooglus | today's update: The following packages will be REMOVED: | 22:53 |
dooglus | ubuntu-desktop unity | 22:53 |
dooglus | huh? | 22:53 |
BUGabundo | aahahahahaahah | 22:56 |
BUGabundo | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 22:56 |
BUGabundo | libpolkit-qt-1-0{u} | 22:56 |
BUGabundo | I don't have that | 22:56 |
yofel | dooglus: you're not the only one with that | 22:56 |
dooglus | yofel: any idea why it happens? | 23:00 |
yofel | nope | 23:00 |
dooglus | yofel: not that unity was working for me anyway... | 23:00 |
yofel | temporary dependency conflict I guess | 23:00 |
dooglus | I doubt those packages will ever get reinstalled though, unless I specificially ask for it | 23:01 |
dooglus | and if I hadn't noticed they were being removed, I wouldn't know to reinstall them | 23:01 |
dooglus | also, http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/new-us-cybersecurity-bill-could-threaten-free-software | 23:02 |
penguin42 | dooglus: They're back anyway now | 23:11 |
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