coz_ | good day all | 08:18 |
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre | ||
vish | thorwil: hey, does the backgrounds setup install /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/easy-install.pth or does that exist even earlier? | 15:59 |
thorwil | vish: the "local" part tells us it's not from a package | 16:00 |
vish | thorwil: right, but is it from /your/ package? | 16:02 |
thorwil | vish: setuptools is what makes work. ez-install is an addition of a script called by to download what is necessary | 16:02 |
vish | ah, cool! | 16:03 |
thorwil | vish: if you installed no other python stuff the way, then yes | 16:03 |
vish | yea, no other one pythong stuff.. thx.. | 16:03 |
vish | -g | 16:03 |
thorwil | now writing a script that can take a "context.png" and recreate it for other resolutions will be fun | 16:05 |
andreasn | kwwii, ping | 16:31 |
kwwii | andreasn: hey | 17:15 |
andreasn | hi! do you have this image, but without the lines? | 17:15 |
andreasn | if it was you that drew it, that is :) | 17:15 |
kwwii | andreasn: yes, I have it as an SVG file (very large) | 17:16 |
kwwii | andreasn: and yes, I did make it | 17:16 |
andreasn | how large, like 1 GB? | 17:16 |
andreasn | :) | 17:16 |
kwwii | not that large, let me check | 17:16 |
kwwii | only 20mb or so | 17:16 |
andreasn | that's all right | 17:16 |
andreasn | what license does it have btw? | 17:17 |
kwwii | I guess it is CCbySA | 17:18 |
kwwii | cleaning out the file I had leaves only 2.9MB | 17:18 |
kwwii | :P | 17:18 |
andreasn | haha | 17:18 |
kwwii | I made it while working for canonical, but it was not an official project (ie secret) so I think it can be CCbySA | 17:19 |
kwwii | andreasn: do you need it for anything specific? | 17:19 |
andreasn | yes, for the new GNOME website. ccbysa is ok | 17:19 |
andreasn | I thought it was for the installer (too maybe?) | 17:19 |
andreasn | oh, you're not with canonical any more? | 17:19 |
kwwii | nope | 17:20 |
kwwii | since a couple of months | 17:20 |
kwwii | working for a small start-up near my home | 17:20 |
andreasn | cool, nice with stuff that are close | 17:20 |
kwwii | indeed | 17:20 |
andreasn | what does the company do? | 17:21 |
kwwii | well, software naturally ;-) they are writing a huge backend and front-end solution for e-commerce sites | 17:21 |
andreasn | cool | 17:22 |
thorwil | vish: "Not many had noticed this before he mentioned it" how you know? hundreds of the silent subscribers might have seen it the same way ;) | 17:29 |
vish | thorwil: ;p | 17:29 |
vish | thorwil: no one knows that.. sssh! ;) | 17:29 |
vish | thorwil: but still, you have a wicked eye, and i imagine very few would have noticed it.. :) | 17:30 |
thorwil | nah, my eye isn't wicked. it happens seldom that it goes out to town on its own | 17:31 |
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train | ||
ivanka-train | hey thorwil | 18:13 |
thorwil | hey ivanka-train | 18:13 |
ivanka-train | thorwil: I finally put together the artwork survey | 18:14 |
ivanka-train | but then Survey Monkey was being really annoying and I had to come and get my train | 18:14 |
ivanka-train | grrr | 18:14 |
thorwil | bad monkey | 18:14 |
thorwil | ivanka-train: so the survey will actually happen next week? | 18:15 |
ivanka-train | It actually might happen tomorrow if I take a deep breath and fight with survey monkey | 18:16 |
thorwil | cool | 18:16 |
ivanka-train | thorwil: Can you think of any alternative tools? | 18:16 |
thorwil | ivanka-train: the only survey i ever did was done on paper (and analyzed with ... access!) | 18:17 |
thorwil | i was young and needed the money | 18:18 |
thorwil | well ok, there was no money | 18:19 |
ivanka-train | thorwil: heh | 18:20 |
thorwil | vish: i think the potential on the list is rather low, if you want to drum up more contributors, the forum and announcements on the planet might work | 18:26 |
thorwil | vish: i have been wondering if we should try to invite blender and maybe processing folks to create wallpapers to our specs | 18:28 |
vish | thorwil: yea.. maybe.. | 18:29 |
vish | thorwil: we should also make sure doctormo announces on deviantart | 18:37 |
doctormo | hel-lo | 18:37 |
thorwil | hola | 18:37 |
vish | HELLo ;) | 18:37 |
thorwil | vish: how to make sure? do cookies work? | 18:37 |
vish | thorwil: nah, poke him on irc just like how i did above.. ;) | 18:38 |
thorwil | vish: you are so ruthless! | 18:38 |
vish | thorwil: btw, i guess, he prefers biscuits (better for tea..) | 18:39 |
vish | s/for/with | 18:39 |
doctormo | It's true | 18:55 |
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