damariei | yofel, looks like it since this is a duplicate: 666932 | 00:00 |
yofel | right, you should always look for possible duplicates first usually (that counts for me too *sigh*) | 00:01 |
damariei | yofel, should I mark mine as a duplicate now then? | 00:01 |
damariei | *sigh* well I can't believe I must those | 00:02 |
yofel | yes, and use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20duplicate (replacing NUMBER) | 00:02 |
damariei | yofel, ok done, thanks for the help | 00:05 |
yofel | np, sorry for the additional work | 00:05 |
yofel | damariei: and thanks for helping us ;) | 00:05 |
damariei | yofel, one more thing, what happens if a user reports a bug in the current version of a package but it is actually already fixed upstream | 00:07 |
yofel | then we mark the bug triaged until the bug is fixed in the development release, and possibly link the fixed upstream bug | 00:07 |
damariei | yofel, in that case can you triage this one: 688219? | 00:23 |
yofel | (can you add 'bug' before the number? that'll trigger the bot) bug 688219 | 00:24 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 688219 in youtube-dl (Ubuntu) "Youtube-dl no longer works (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688219 | 00:24 |
damariei | ok thanks for the heads up | 00:25 |
yofel | damariei: can you try to reproduce this in a Natty live disk or virtual machine? Natty has 2010.11.19 so it would be good to know if that works or not | 00:29 |
damariei | yofel, I am a bit late in getting the Natty alpha so im just downloading it right now | 00:31 |
yofel | damariei: you can check if the development release has a newer version by looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/youtube-dl or with 'rmadison youtube-dl' (rmadison is part of the devscripts package) | 00:33 |
damariei | yofel, ahh ok, any other devscripts that I should get acquainted with for the future? | 00:38 |
yofel | damariei: there's the 'hugday' command from the ubuntu-qa-tools package which is used for hugdays and ubuntu-dev-tools has usefull things, but usually not for triaging | 00:42 |
yofel | damariei: I just remembered that there's Testdrive if you look for an easy way to run a devel release virtual machine | 00:43 |
damariei | yofel, thanks those should help with testing | 00:51 |
c2tarun | anyone here using Asus Eee PC 1005? | 03:27 |
bcurtiswx | ubuntu is the upstream for indicator applet.. right? | 03:59 |
charlie-tca | Is it ubuntu or canonical? | 04:01 |
charlie-tca | but anyway, yes | 04:01 |
bcurtiswx | charlie-tca, thx | 04:32 |
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c2tarun | bug 688434 | 06:09 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 688434 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "package bcmwl-kernel-source bdcom-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688434 | 06:09 |
c2tarun | can anyone take a look please... do we need laptop configuration?? | 06:10 |
c2tarun | vish ping | 06:18 |
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rusivi | Quick question for the chat, reading a previously mentioned bug 544108 w/ 4 duplicates, it seems logical that anytime a bug is marked a duplicate of another, the duplicated bug should have the "Affected by" incremented by the number of distinct duplicate OP. So for this bug, the number affected should be 5 (all the dup's OP + the OP of the original duplicated bug). Is this a known issue? | 07:30 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 544108 in simple-scan (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Offer to number/date filename if file already exists (affects: 7) (dups: 4) (heat: 50)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/544108 | 07:30 |
micahg | rusivi: bug 678090 | 07:34 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 678090 in malone "Affected people from duplicates aren't included in the master bug's affected count (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/678090 | 07:34 |
rusivi | micahg: ty ;) | 07:34 |
vish | charlie-tca, hggdh: hi, should we add more members to the new mentor team? looks like there are around 21 members who have applied for the old mentorship team ? | 07:38 |
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kaushal | hi | 08:30 |
kaushal | How do i file a bug ? | 08:30 |
micahg | kaushal: ubuntu-bug | 08:33 |
kaushal | micahg: ubuntu-bug tomboy | 08:39 |
kaushal | ? | 08:39 |
micahg | kaushal: yep | 08:39 |
kaushal | micahg: you are an awesome guy | 08:43 |
kaushal | Thanks micahg | 08:43 |
micahg | kaushal: np | 08:43 |
kaushal | it worked like a charm | 08:43 |
kaushal | really appreciated | 08:43 |
kaushal | micahg: also do i need to look for that email always | 08:43 |
kaushal | for any updates ? | 08:44 |
micahg | kaushal: email? | 08:44 |
kaushal | or do i need to always keep an watch on the lp ? | 08:44 |
micahg | kaushal: ideally, you would respond if information is requested | 08:44 |
kaushal | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/688474 | 08:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 688474 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Tomboy Notes Reminder Plugin (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 08:44 |
micahg | kaushal: yeah, you should get an email update | 08:44 |
kaushal | ok | 08:44 |
kaushal | micahg: whats the preferred method to download any iso file | 08:48 |
kaushal | on releases.ubuntu.com | 08:49 |
micahg | kaushal: torrent? | 08:49 |
kaushal | why is it so ? | 08:49 |
micahg | kaushal: less load on teh servers :) | 08:49 |
kaushal | why not zsync or metalink or jigdo | 08:49 |
micahg | zsync works too | 08:49 |
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kim0 | I think I've fixed bug 687968 (Bacula FTBFS). I've proposed for merge (my first time ever) would someone like to pick it up :) | 12:08 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 687968 in bacula (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'bacula' (5.0.2-2ubuntu1) failed to build on natty (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687968 | 12:08 |
vish | c2tarun: pong.. ;) when you have a Q , just ask … if the person is not around, someone else might answer it. :) | 12:43 |
c2tarun | vish: sure :) it was just u were around and i just found it so i asked :) | 12:44 |
vish | c2tarun: nah, i'm logged in here 24x7, but not always here.. :) | 12:44 |
* vish just creates the illusion … as do so many of us … ;p | 12:45 | |
c2tarun | i just found a python editor designed by someone and source code available on internet. this one is good but other python editors are also available | 12:47 |
c2tarun | should i file a need-packaging bug?? | 12:48 |
vish | c2tarun: if you want it in Ubuntu, you'd have to file one.. | 12:50 |
c2tarun | vish: sure :) i'll play around with that editor for few days, and if i really find it different then i'll file the bug | 12:51 |
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c2tarun | can anyone please take look at bug 688599. it may be duplicate of two other bugs(mentioned in the report, those bugs dont have proper information). What i want to ask is, this bug may be due to some fault in reporters hardware(also mentioned in report). should i ask him to try reproduce bug on good hardware or reproduce bug by myself. | 15:54 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 688599 in audacious (Ubuntu) "audacious2 crashed with SIGSEGV when quitting (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688599 | 15:54 |
charlie-tca | c2tarun: without a valid stacktrace, we can not determine if that is a duplicte of any other bug. If you want to try to reproduce it, you should try getting a backtrace for it, too. | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash | 16:14 |
charlie-tca | otherwise, leave it alone until apport team processes it. I don't know if re-trace is working again or not, but if it is, they will get the stacktrace, and then we decide what to do with it. | 16:15 |
c2tarun | charlie-tca: sure i'll try to reproduce it. | 16:15 |
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bdmurray | mvo: so what is next for bug 571392? | 17:21 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 571392 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "package bcmwl-kernel-source bdcom-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 197) (dups: 127) (heat: 1236)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/571392 | 17:21 |
awb | Hi | 17:44 |
AbhiJit | hi | 17:48 |
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bdmurray | I believe I saw couchdbuser in my gdm screen today and libuuid(?) anybody else seeing this? | 20:02 |
hggdh | bdmurray: will check in a few, right now in the middle of a KVM install | 20:05 |
d-kessel | is "libubuntuone1.0-cil (0.3.8-0ubuntu5)" failing to install on natty worth reporting at this time? | 20:57 |
fatharrahman | Hi | 21:03 |
fatharrahman | Once I start up my computer it auto reboot once and then continue normally no other auto reboot until I restart or shut down and start up again | 21:05 |
fatharrahman | udienz advised me to report a bug he worked hard for me but there was error in the apport as he noticed | 21:07 |
fatharrahman | Once I start up my computer it auto reboot once and then continue normally no other auto reboot until I restart or shut down and start up again | 21:28 |
fatharrahman | mine is hp mini 110-1100 1.6,1.6 RAM intel atom | 21:29 |
fatharrahman | no no | 21:29 |
fatharrahman | 1.6,1.6 Intel atom | 21:29 |
fatharrahman | 1 GB RAM | 21:29 |
fatharrahman | 160 Hdd | 21:30 |
fatharrahman | only ubuntu 10.10 on it | 21:30 |
fatharrahman | new from market there was windows 7 starter in it but I formated windows for Ubuntu | 21:31 |
holstein | fatharrahman: how does 10.04 run? | 21:31 |
holstein | or another kernel? | 21:31 |
fatharrahman | did not try 10.04 | 21:31 |
fatharrahman | did not try any thing than Maverik Meerkat | 21:32 |
holstein | might want to try the long term support release | 21:32 |
holstein | you could try it live and see | 21:32 |
holstein | cant hurt | 21:32 |
holstein | might learn something helpful | 21:32 |
holstein | i find thats an easy way to try different packages and kernels | 21:33 |
holstein | for testing purposes | 21:33 |
fatharrahman | so do you think I need not to report a bug? | 21:33 |
holstein | fatharrahman: OH | 21:33 |
holstein | i thouth you had | 21:33 |
holstein | i would look around and see if you already see one | 21:34 |
holstein | and go from there | 21:34 |
fatharrahman | I dont know what type of bug is this | 21:34 |
holstein | i would just search by model | 21:34 |
holstein | in LP | 21:34 |
holstein | and see what you find | 21:34 |
holstein | can be challenging | 21:34 |
fatharrahman | should I contineu this may you take a look? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+filebug/34e455e6-049c-11e0-91b7-0025b3df357a?field.title=Xorg+crash | 21:36 |
holstein | i would search around a bit first | 21:36 |
holstein | see what you find | 21:37 |
holstein | could just as well be a kernel bug for that matter | 21:37 |
holstein | maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keystroke/+bug/687641 ?? | 21:39 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 687641 in ubuntu-keystroke "After start up auto log out after opening an application (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 21:39 |
fatharrahman | ubot I did that but is this accurate ? | 21:42 |
holstein | lol | 21:42 |
fatharrahman | no I was not aware of what information needed ubot2 | 21:42 |
holstein | i didnt notice that was your post ;) | 21:42 |
holstein | yeah, that looks fine | 21:43 |
fatharrahman | but the informations is not through apport-bug? | 21:43 |
holstein | somebody will ask for what they need prolly | 21:43 |
fatharrahman | ok if you said thats enough ok ok | 21:44 |
holstein | im not totally sure | 21:44 |
holstein | but it looks like a good start | 21:44 |
fatharrahman | ok now should I un install 10.10 and install 10.04?? | 21:45 |
holstein | well, if you want | 21:45 |
yofel | ok, let's start slowly, first: that bug is about ubuntu-keystroke (not sure what it does), *not* Ubuntu, second: your issue is weird... let me read the backlog | 21:45 |
holstein | i would suggest running it live | 21:45 |
holstein | and see if ther is a need for that | 21:45 |
holstein | there* | 21:46 |
* holstein will leave you with yofel fatharrahman :) | 21:46 | |
holstein | fatharrahman: no need to wipe 10.10 though | 21:46 |
fatharrahman | ok | 21:46 |
yofel | fatharrahman: does it actually shut down or simply reset the pc to the bios screen when it reboots? | 21:46 |
fatharrahman | ok | 21:47 |
fatharrahman | I think it is a reboot because the oppened items are closed and the music of log in is playing but I find my self on the Choose username yofel | 21:48 |
yofel | fatharrahman: is it just back to 'choose username' or a complete system reboot? | 21:49 |
fatharrahman | suddunly I find my self at username | 21:49 |
fatharrahman | log in but to a new session | 21:50 |
yofel | fatharrahman: so you don't get back to the bios screen but you land on the login screen where you enter your username, correct? | 21:50 |
fatharrahman | yes | 21:50 |
yofel | fatharrahman: did it do that on the previous session before your current session? | 21:50 |
fatharrahman | at every new session after the second one no other relog | 21:51 |
fatharrahman | I mean how can I explain | 21:51 |
yofel | ok, can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old please? | 21:51 |
fatharrahman | ok | 21:52 |
fatharrahman | bash: /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old: Permission denied | 21:52 |
yofel | fatharrahman: what does it tell you if you run 'ls -la /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old' in a terminal? | 21:54 |
fatharrahman | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26132 2010-12-10 23:52 /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old | 21:55 |
nemo | huh | 21:56 |
nemo | world readable | 21:56 |
yofel | ok, that looks right, were you trying to execute the file? | 21:56 |
nemo | heh. I bet he was :) | 21:56 |
yofel | fatharrahman: it's a log file, please put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com | 21:56 |
nemo | yofel: oh. btw. thanks for following up on the hedgewars bug. | 21:56 |
nemo | yofel: I look forward to supporting fewer confused ubuntu users | 21:56 |
yofel | err, what was that again? I've completely forgotten about that ^^ | 21:57 |
fatharrahman | pardon | 21:57 |
fatharrahman | is this helpful I dont know how I got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/541903/ | 21:58 |
fatharrahman | this paste was after delet messages files from var/log | 21:59 |
yofel | it contains a few, but I can't really hold them apart, ok, easy way, please install the 'pastebinit' package (just run 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit' in the terminal and give it your password) then run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old' | 22:00 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:01 |
yofel | that will give you a link, that you please post here | 22:01 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:02 |
fatharrahman | http://pastebin.com/wGvDrJ4g | 22:03 |
fatharrahman | done | 22:04 |
yofel | that doesn't really tell me more.. | 22:08 |
yofel | ok, since I don't know too much about how gnome login works, please file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug gdm', one of the gdm triagers will come back to you | 22:08 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:09 |
fatharrahman | thank you yofel , could I change the description of the existed bug report?? | 22:11 |
yofel | fatharrahman: do you mean bug 687641? | 22:11 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 687641 in ubuntu-keystroke "After start up auto log out after opening an application (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687641 | 22:11 |
fatharrahman | yes | 22:11 |
fatharrahman | yes ubot2 | 22:11 |
yofel | possible yes, give me a sec | 22:11 |
yofel | fatharrahman: that's our irc bot ;) | 22:11 |
yofel | !me | 22:11 |
ubot2 | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-bugs's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 22:11 |
fatharrahman | what do you mean?? is Ubot2 not a human? | 22:13 |
yofel | fatharrahman: exactly | 22:13 |
fatharrahman | heheheh | 22:13 |
fatharrahman | I was greeting him every time what a trick?? | 22:14 |
charlie-tca | more like a helper in the channel | 22:14 |
yofel | fatharrahman: can you please run 'apport-collect 687641' on your system please now? | 22:15 |
tuos | ubot2: Ignore them. They are just jealous. Ofcourse your are a human being. Just like the rest of us. | 22:15 |
ubot2 | tuos: Error: 'them.' is not a valid nick or hostmask. | 22:15 |
ubot2 | tuos: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:15 |
yofel | -please | 22:15 |
tuos | I'm sorry. It's sad that you have been brainwashed. :( | 22:16 |
fatharrahman | ok thank you again for help yofel , got a nice weekend, aha! got it charlie-tca thank you | 22:16 |
yofel | poor ubot2 | 22:16 |
yofel | !botsnack | 22:16 |
ubot2 | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 22:16 |
fatharrahman | oh my god tous | 22:16 |
fatharrahman | tell me your prove | 22:16 |
yofel | fatharrahman: did you run apport-collect? | 22:17 |
fatharrahman | ok Iwill | 22:17 |
yofel | that will add some more information to the bug that might be helpful | 22:17 |
fatharrahman | apport-collect: error: You need to specify a report number to update | 22:18 |
yofel | fatharrahman: as I said above, you need to run: apport-collect 687641 | 22:19 |
fatharrahman | done | 22:19 |
yofel | fatharrahman: did it send the information? | 22:20 |
fatharrahman | no acess or change anything? | 22:21 |
yofel | change in this case | 22:21 |
fatharrahman | there are only those two options : no access * change anything, which one? | 22:22 |
yofel | change anything | 22:23 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:23 |
fatharrahman | it say almost finished??? | 22:24 |
yofel | now you need to go to the terminal and press enter | 22:24 |
fatharrahman | done | 22:25 |
yofel | apport should pop up now | 22:25 |
fatharrahman | collecting information | 22:25 |
yofel | good | 22:25 |
fatharrahman | report sent | 22:26 |
fatharrahman | that's all ? | 22:27 |
yofel | seems like it worked | 22:28 |
yofel | charlie-tca: shouldn't the gdm hook add a bit more than that o.O? | 22:28 |
charlie-tca | looking | 22:29 |
fatharrahman | ah who added gdm-ubuntu? | 22:30 |
yofel | fatharrahman: I did | 22:30 |
fatharrahman | oh | 22:30 |
fatharrahman | are you a hacker ? | 22:31 |
fatharrahman | :) | 22:31 |
charlie-tca | It's against GDM, the hook doesn't ask for any logs | 22:31 |
fatharrahman | :) | 22:31 |
yofel | hm, thought they had a useful one by now :/ | 22:31 |
charlie-tca | Need to copy /var/log/syslog to the user directory, then attach it as a plain text file using add attachment | 22:32 |
charlie-tca | add bootlog if it is enabled | 22:32 |
fatharrahman | charlie-tca : are you with me? | 22:33 |
charlie-tca | but most of the users don't have it, so we grab syslog instead | 22:33 |
charlie-tca | yes | 22:33 |
charlie-tca | fatharrahman: Need to copy /var/log/syslog to the user directory, then attach it as a plain text file using add attachment | 22:33 |
fatharrahman | this is the sort of computer jargon I dont understand | 22:34 |
fatharrahman | it is like my medical terms to you:) | 22:34 |
charlie-tca | open nautilus, make it go to computer | 22:34 |
fatharrahman | am very very new | 22:34 |
charlie-tca | then go to var | 22:34 |
charlie-tca | then to log | 22:34 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:34 |
fatharrahman | done | 22:35 |
charlie-tca | now find syslog and right-click it | 22:35 |
charlie-tca | left-click copy | 22:35 |
charlie-tca | paste to the desktop | 22:35 |
charlie-tca | do you have the bug report open in firefox? | 22:36 |
fatharrahman | done | 22:36 |
fatharrahman | chrom | 22:37 |
charlie-tca | okay | 22:37 |
charlie-tca | at the bottom of the report it says "add attachment or patch with a green + | 22:37 |
charlie-tca | click the plus sign | 22:37 |
charlie-tca | In the box under Attachment, click the mouse | 22:38 |
charlie-tca | click Desktop on the left column | 22:38 |
charlie-tca | find syslog and double-click it | 22:38 |
charlie-tca | It should be back at chrome now | 22:39 |
charlie-tca | click Post Comment | 22:39 |
* charlie-tca probably does this way too much | 22:39 | |
fatharrahman | done | 22:39 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 22:39 |
charlie-tca | If they ask in the report for anything else, do it the same way, okay? | 22:40 |
fatharrahman | you who I should thank and serve | 22:40 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:40 |
charlie-tca | If you refresh now, you will see that syslog is part of the report | 22:40 |
fatharrahman | ok | 22:40 |
fatharrahman | Thank you again Master | 22:41 |
BUGabundo | heya | 22:41 |
BUGabundo | good news, my work contract was renewed !! WOOT | 22:41 |
charlie-tca | you are welcome. Don't let the bug scare you, it will be fine | 22:41 |
charlie-tca | Hello, bug | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | me? scare anyone? :( | 22:42 |
charlie-tca | Hello, BUGabundo | 22:42 |
charlie-tca | Not you, fatharrahman | 22:42 |
charlie-tca | Glad to hear you got renewed, BUGabundo | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 22:42 |
fatharrahman | :D | 22:42 |
charlie-tca | newbie filing a bug report and attaching a log | 22:42 |
fatharrahman | were a newbie | 22:43 |
* charlie-tca never thought he would be able to walk someone through that procedure | 22:43 | |
charlie-tca | I had to paste the text in comments the first time they asked me for a log file. I couldn't find where to attach it | 22:44 |
fatharrahman | charlie-tca, yofel: I'll never be able to thank you , you too ubot2:) gd night and nice weekend | 22:45 |
yofel | no problem | 22:45 |
charlie-tca | You helping with this is thanks enough | 22:45 |
charlie-tca | willingness to get the attachment in helps | 22:45 |
charlie-tca | yofel: work for you? | 22:48 |
charlie-tca | well, does that work? | 22:48 |
yofel | does what work? | 22:48 |
charlie-tca | the attachment | 22:48 |
yofel | er, let me check | 22:49 |
yofel | looks fine, someone with more knowledge about gdm will have to look at it | 22:51 |
charlie-tca | Great! thanks | 22:52 |
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