buuo | Hey any one can help a cloud noob with some questions? :P | 00:55 |
flaccid | no | 00:57 |
flaccid | how long is a piece of string? | 00:57 |
zoopster | that wasn't nice flaccid | 01:57 |
zoopster | buuo: ask your question | 01:57 |
flaccid | :) | 01:58 |
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mathiaz | smoser: hi! | 15:29 |
mathiaz | smoser: where are the new releases of Ubuntu EC2 images usually announced? | 15:29 |
mathiaz | smoser: ie which blog/mailing list should I follow? | 15:29 |
smoser | ubuntu-cloud and ubunt-server i think | 15:29 |
mathiaz | smoser: great - thanks! | 15:30 |
smoser | but programattically, you should just check at http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query | 15:30 |
mathiaz | smoser: is ubuntu-ec2@lists.ubuntu.com still active? | 15:31 |
smoser | no. folded into -cloud | 15:32 |
mathiaz | smoser: hm - nope | 15:32 |
mathiaz | smoser: can the lucid images from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/ be used with kvm/libvirt? | 15:36 |
smoser | not terribly easily. | 15:36 |
smoser | https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/boothooks is what i used in that timeframe to do local testing. | 15:37 |
asac | smoser: so a script in user-data ... where does that log to? | 15:39 |
smoser | asac, console | 15:40 |
smoser | ie /dev/console, in ec2/uec that should be seeable in euca-get-console-output | 15:40 |
asac | smoser: nice... thx. will try!! | 15:41 |
smoser | asac, you can also very easily write it wherever you want | 15:41 |
smoser | if its shell, just do | 15:41 |
smoser | { | 15:41 |
smoser | my script here | 15:41 |
smoser | } 2>&1 | tee some-other-file.txt | 15:42 |
asac | good idea ... now i would have to figure how to make wiki show my #!/bin/sh if i place it at beginning of line ;) | 15:42 |
asac | smoser: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/Specs/LinaroAndroidBuildInfrastructure#Experimental%20Node%20Scripts ... is that about the right approach to do something like this? | 15:50 |
smoser | asac, yeah, that should work. | 15:52 |
smoser | 2 things, though | 15:52 |
smoser | a.) "cloud-config" can do similar things (the update an package install) | 15:52 |
smoser | b.) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit for multipart information on user data. | 15:52 |
smoser | multipart becomes useful if you've got separate sections of code that want to add things to cloud-config or cloud-init . then you can keep them separated in input parts | 15:53 |
asac | right | 15:54 |
asac | looks interesting | 15:54 |
asac | for now its prototyping ... more important for me is to remember the internal ip of the controller so i can copy the results and logs back ;) | 15:54 |
asac | i thought about encoding that in user-data ... but guess | 15:55 |
asac | i will read through that page and see how i can make things cleaner with cloud-init/config | 15:55 |
asac | smoser: user-data is constrained to 16k, right? | 15:56 |
smoser | yes, but it can be compressed. | 15:56 |
asac | ok ... just wonder how to best ensure that i dont grow more than that ... but seems its better to put everything in bzr like i try now | 15:56 |
asac | and just have the update, apt, etc. stuff and then run that | 15:57 |
smoser | "runit" in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eawstrial-dev/awstrial/trunk/annotate/head%3A/awstrial/trial/ec2_helper.py is an example of appending parts | 15:57 |
asac | smoser: i know its lame, but is it safe to just copy a script like i have there in the user data field when launching instances on the webUI? | 15:58 |
asac | or better use ec2- commands with --user-data-file? | 15:58 |
asac | (well better is wrong question ...) | 15:58 |
smoser | yes, it should work. | 15:58 |
asac | cool ;) | 15:59 |
smoser | regarding 'safe' no one makes promises on sensitive data you put in there though. | 15:59 |
smoser | asac, please let me know if pasting into that box does not work when running from command line does (for plain text) | 15:59 |
smoser | i dont ever launch from that ui | 15:59 |
asac | sure ... safe == script is properly run ;) | 15:59 |
asac | smoser: i am still not sure how to copy stuff back ... :/ | 15:59 |
smoser | copy back ? | 16:00 |
smoser | as in phone data home ? | 16:00 |
asac | smoser: is hte idea to create a keypair for one run ... copy back to controller and then invalidate keypair? | 16:00 |
asac | smoser: yeah | 16:00 |
asac | like i want the logs and the image produced come back to my controller | 16:00 |
asac | for persistence | 16:00 |
smoser | right. | 16:00 |
asac | but i dont know what best to do ... and how to ensure that that is not completely insecure | 16:00 |
smoser | so it really just depends on how secure you want to be. | 16:01 |
asac | like ... putting private id_rsa in user-data ;) | 16:01 |
asac | what are the options? | 16:01 |
smoser | well, no one makes promises on secure. but realistically, nothing outside your instance is going to get at that. | 16:01 |
asac | yeah ... but what are the options? | 16:02 |
smoser | so, you could: | 16:02 |
smoser | - create a set of iam credentials, share that with the instance, let hte instance write to s3, then invalidate the credentials | 16:02 |
smoser | (you can even make a set of credentials that only work from a single IP address) | 16:03 |
smoser | - share a secret in user data or in an snapshot/ebs-volume or s3 to the instance, then have it use that to post back to the controller | 16:04 |
smoser | (ie, in a header of http post) | 16:04 |
smoser | probably lots of other ways... | 16:05 |
asac | yeah | 16:05 |
asac | i think i like the idea to http post a notification back ... and then have the controller pull stuff over | 16:05 |
asac | rather than a push from the instance | 16:05 |
asac | but i dont want to muss the notification because then i guess the shutdown would have to be done by controller as well | 16:06 |
asac | and i hate having logic to shut down stuff after a certain amount of time if nothing happened ... though maybe i hav eto do that anyway | 16:06 |
asac | i will think a bit more about it ;) | 16:06 |
asac | so you say i can create a bucket for each instance and create a special key for just that bucket? | 16:06 |
asac | in s3? | 16:06 |
asac | hmm. i think there was a constrained of number of buckets | 16:07 |
asac | smoser: last thing for today ... in user data web field ... base64 encoded ... should i check that? | 16:07 |
asac | or does it mean that i pasted base64 encoded stuff? | 16:08 |
asac | (guess the latter) | 16:08 |
asac | ok fired off without base64 | 16:09 |
smoser | there is a limit to the number of buckets you can have (i think) | 16:09 |
smoser | but you may be able to limit to s3 bucket path | 16:09 |
smoser | yeah, i would think it means you're pasting base64. | 16:10 |
asac | ok ... will check that out... also look into messaging stuff etc. | 16:10 |
smoser | i didn't know you coudl do that. | 16:10 |
asac | let me see if my job runs ;) | 16:10 |
smoser | asac, http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithS3.html | 16:11 |
smoser | Example 5: Allow a partner to drop files into a specific portion of the corporate bucket | 16:11 |
smoser | so you could have a bucketk "results" | 16:11 |
asac | smoser: one question wrt to money ... if i shutdown after 5 minutes do i pay for full hour? | 16:11 |
smoser | asac, yeah. | 16:11 |
asac | damn ;) | 16:11 |
smoser | the ceiling function kinda sucks. | 16:12 |
asac | my script failed now i cannot shut it down | 16:12 |
asac | guess i will try on micro next time ;) | 16:12 |
smoser | there are ways to play faking user data post-first boot | 16:12 |
asac | so the user data script is not run in /root/ home directory it seems | 16:12 |
smoser | in maverick its fairly easy | 16:12 |
asac | cannot find where it did the checkout :/ | 16:12 |
smoser | hm... i dont actually know what the path woudl be. | 16:13 |
asac | etting up bzrtools (2.2.0-2) ... | 16:13 |
asac | Processing triggers for python-central ... | 16:13 |
asac | You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to | 16:13 |
asac | write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login". | 16:13 |
asac | Branched 2 revision(s). | 16:13 |
smoser | nothing changes cwd so, whatever upstart would run something at | 16:13 |
asac | /var/lib/cloud/data/scripts/part-000: 8: ./ec2-tools/node/setup-android-build-node: not found | 16:13 |
smoser | https://groups.google.com/group/ec2ubuntu/browse_thread/thread/d4d51238a2afb55b/bca69f3e89c88d0b?lnk=gst&q=user+data#bca69f3e89c88d0b discusses how you can test user data after initial launch | 16:14 |
asac | thx | 16:15 |
asac | guess i will use a spot instance next time i try it ;) | 16:19 |
smoser | asac, its only $0.10 | 16:19 |
asac | let me check | 16:19 |
asac | smoser: 0,34 | 16:20 |
asac | smoser: problem is i need 64-bit for android | 16:20 |
asac | so either micro with slow EBS ... or large :/ | 16:20 |
smoser | true. | 16:20 |
asac | not really a big problem either ;) ... will just expense it | 16:20 |
smoser | i do use spots a lot for playing. the problem with them for development is that they're slower to start | 16:21 |
smoser | ie, total time till up and reachable will be probably 8 minutes rather than < 3. | 16:21 |
asac | damn | 16:21 |
asac | my auto java license accept didnt work :((( | 16:21 |
asac | guess i have to set seen as well | 16:21 |
asac | yeah | 16:22 |
asac | smoser: do spot instances get killed earliest after 1h? e.g. if i pay in 1h rates? | 16:22 |
smoser | you always pay in 1 hour in crements. | 16:23 |
smoser | i was always under the impression that spot instances would be killed on 1 hour units. but i'm not sure. | 16:24 |
smoser | ie, it would seem somewhat unfair for you got get a spot instance, and then them kill you after 10 minutes and charge you for 55 | 16:24 |
smoser | er... for 60 | 16:24 |
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smoser | soren, you around ? | 17:59 |
patrickw | Why don't UEC images have devpts in fstab? Is it unnecessary because of the kernel? I'm customizing a Centos image (that will use an Ubuntu kernel) and was wondering about this difference. | 19:48 |
asac | smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/542014/ ... m2.xlarge with latest instance store 64-bit maverick :/ | 20:12 |
asac | doesnt boot :/ | 20:12 |
smoser | known issue | 20:12 |
asac | smoser: oh ... so just for that instance type? | 20:13 |
smoser | hold on. getting bug | 20:13 |
asac | can i select a different kernel? | 20:13 |
smoser | bug 651370 | 20:15 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 651370 in linux "ec2 kernel crash invalid opcode 0000 [#1]" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/651370 | 20:15 |
smoser | you can't specify a different kernel | 20:15 |
smoser | asac, hopefully updates next week maybe, with that through -proposed | 20:16 |
asac | hmm | 20:16 |
asac | i can select kernels when creating an instance ... whats that? | 20:17 |
smoser | its what you think. | 20:17 |
smoser | sort of | 20:17 |
smoser | :) | 20:17 |
asac | why cant proposed kernels be made available there? | 20:17 |
smoser | you can select a kernel, and prior to maverick, we would have published that kernel to ec2 that you could select | 20:17 |
asac | ah | 20:17 |
smoser | but with maverick the kernel is "pv-grub" | 20:17 |
asac | maybe "proposed" AMIs ? | 20:17 |
smoser | and pv-grub loads the kernel from inside the image | 20:17 |
asac | oh | 20:18 |
asac | ok | 20:18 |
smoser | proposed amis woudl be somewhat useful for this sort of thing | 20:18 |
asac | yeah | 20:18 |
asac | definitly ;) | 20:18 |
asac | i would use it!! | 20:18 |
smoser | and right now, lucid is building with --proposed | 20:18 |
smoser | because i wanted to test some things, but in general, the idea is that the dailies get turned into the rleeases | 20:18 |
smoser | bit for bit | 20:18 |
smoser | maybe i could start doing a weekly -proposed, which would never get promoted | 20:19 |
smoser | but i tihnk in general we have too much selection up there (with the daily builds) and that confuses people. | 20:19 |
asac | hmm | 20:19 |
asac | selection where? you mean on uec-images? ... maybe | 20:19 |
smoser | (ie, you wouldn't get or expect an ISO to have -proposed enabled or have been built from there) | 20:20 |
smoser | as in selection, i really mean in number of "ubuntu" images on ec2 | 20:20 |
asac | so this bug ... is that juts for my instance type? or just more frequent for large memory instances? | 20:21 |
asac | the reporter talksa bout t1.micro | 20:22 |
asac | but my previous instances worked well | 20:22 |
asac | like m1.large etc. | 20:22 |
asac | just m2.xlarge is causing pain now | 20:23 |
smoser | its really only the larger memory instances. | 20:24 |
asac | damn ;) | 20:24 |
asac | those i want to test now :-P | 20:24 |
smoser | t1.micro is what the opener (me) opened it with | 20:24 |
asac | ah | 20:24 |
smoser | i just launch a t1.micro and run 'ubuntu-bug' | 20:24 |
smoser | especially if you can't seem to get a instance type that you want to open to start :) | 20:25 |
asac | alrighty | 20:25 |
smoser | the issue is really with getting a certain processor | 20:25 |
asac | so is lucid perfect? | 20:25 |
asac | ;) | 20:25 |
smoser | lucid has some issues too. | 20:25 |
asac | booting big memroy? | 20:26 |
smoser | lucid's big issue is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/614853 | 20:28 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 614853 in linux-ec2 "kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP" [Medium,Confirmed] | 20:28 |
smoser | there is a patch, but you can look at it (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58956370/lp614853.patch) its not that pretty | 20:28 |
soren | smoser: Yes. | 21:47 |
smoser | soren, i'll probaly try to ping you monday | 21:49 |
soren | smoser: I'm intrigued :) | 21:49 |
smoser | soren, well, it was regarding the ec2 metadata swrevi ce | 21:51 |
smoser | andthe fun that that that delivers | 21:51 |
smoser | basically, i'm trying to make "full disk images" of the uec images, that ccan then just be booted under kvm. | 21:52 |
smoser | in maverick i did this, but i did so via a floppy and bootinga partition image. the floppy loaded the kernel from inside the image but passes some custom kernel parameters that disable the waiting for the ec2 metadata service | 21:52 |
soren | smoser: How does that relate to metadata? The block mapping? | 21:52 |
smoser | but if i just have one disk image, i'd like for its contents to boot correctly and not wait some stupid long time for the metadata service to come about. | 21:53 |
smoser | i was wondering if you had any good ideas for how i could decide when to wait for it. but i can't use kernel parameters, because on uec, the grub.cfg is used for passing kernel params (so i can't just have that disable ec2 wiating) | 21:55 |
soren | I remember having this discussion a couple of times. :) | 22:02 |
soren | With you, even :) | 22:02 |
soren | I think our conclusion was that there's no really good way to tell the difference. | 22:03 |
soren | smoser: Ok, let's attack this from a slightly different angle. | 22:03 |
smoser | soren, no, ther isn't. | 22:04 |
soren | smoser: What if we try to minimise the impact of this wait time? Why do we wait for it to turn up? | 22:04 |
smoser | and i said i should have waited till monday as i have to run righ tnow. | 22:04 |
soren | Instead of just letting it wait in the background. | 22:04 |
soren | smoser: Ah. | 22:04 |
soren | :) | 22:04 |
smoser | we wait for it to turn up because its possibly important | 22:04 |
soren | Alright, Monday it is. | 22:04 |
soren | smoser: Use cases? | 22:04 |
smoser | really its only most important on first boot | 22:05 |
smoser | but the idea is that the user can do things on first boot to an instance that will get done | 22:05 |
smoser | such as setting mount points or importing ssh keys... | 22:05 |
smoser | some of the stuff might be difficult to do "later" | 22:06 |
smoser | anyway, i do have to run. | 22:06 |
soren | Sure. | 22:07 |
soren | I'd be happy to talk on Monday. | 22:07 |
soren | Have fun. | 22:07 |
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