
embossebel: Recently?09:54
ebelemboss: *read scrollback* No not recently. circa 2 years ago NTL problem09:57
embossI've just spent most of the morning on to them, really is a painful exirience10:04
ebelemboss: they are liars IME. Go to comreg.10:09
ebelDon't deal with UPC. Deal wit Comreg. Your problems will get fixed10:10
davemdoes anyone homebrew? and if so where do you get your stuff from?10:11
terrandavem: http://www.thehomebrewcompany.ie/10:12
davemyou used them? I've found a few websites and want to know if they're any way good at all10:14
embossdavem: I used too, I got all my stuff from here, very helpful and friendly http://www.grapengraindublin.com/10:16
embossI went physically to the shop tho10:17
davemwhere is the shop? I can't find anything on their website about the actual location of the place10:21
terranI like the idea of brewing my own beer but I imagine I'd screw it up10:21
embossterran: If you're paitent it's very hard to screw it up badly10:21
embossIf not you're more likley to screw up your liver :)10:22
terranI'm using that liver!10:22
* terran hisses at czajkowski10:23
embossloa chikovski10:24
czajkowskiterran: oi watch it buddy10:28
czajkowskiemboss: ello brat10:28
embossczajkowski: Hows it?10:30
czajkowskigrand thanks10:30
czajkowskitryingto work out what to tackle first this morning10:30
embossYou can tackle my battle with UPC if you like10:30
embossWe're having our xmas drinks tonight, much black stuff to be consumed10:31
czajkowskiwhat you tackling them about10:36
ebelemboss: complain to comreg10:36
embossebel: It's not really a comreg issue10:37
ebelemboss: everything is a comreg issue.10:37
ebelAnd more like, it's the only way to get UPC to fix stuff10:37
embosscomreg have as much power as my left pinky :/10:38
ebelcomreg scare upc and other telecos. Ergo they have power. :P10:38
embossscare them? in my exprience they don't give a hoot about comreg at all10:38
ebelIME complaining to comreg works much much better than complain to UPC10:39
embossebel: I would prefer to sit here and complain to you :-)10:39
ebelAh you're irish :P10:39
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