JanC | at least, that's what I hear from people who use it | 00:00 |
JanC | like hiding your own mails you send to a mailing list | 00:01 |
JanC | about filtering: maybe gmail does rely too much on the fact that mail is forwarded, somehow? | 00:10 |
JanC | as some peopel complain it filters not (enough) and others complain it filters too much? | 00:11 |
rww | You'd probably get a better response in a channel where GMail's on-topic, like #ubuntu-offtopic. | 00:32 |
JanC | rww: to be honest, I was just ranting I guess (sort of tired to clean up the mess google made from their "mail" offerings) | 00:44 |
JanC | so yeah, off-topic here... ;) | 00:45 |
JanC | and sorry for that | 00:47 |
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althara | Hi I have a uestion about getting the locobot on #ubuntu-us-wa | 17:49 |
althara | *question | 17:49 |
rww | althara: Are you looking for a logging bot or a factoid bot? | 17:50 |
althara | logging | 17:50 |
althara | I've emailed admin@ubuntu-eu.org, almost two months ago and never heard back | 17:50 |
rww | althara: email rt@ubuntu.com asking for ubuntulog to be added to your channel. The LoCo-specific logging bots are deprecated in favor of Canonical's irclogs.ubuntu.com bot now. | 17:51 |
Pici | althara: The locobots are no longer being used for logging. | 17:51 |
Pici | What rww said ;) | 17:51 |
althara | this is out of date then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#LogBots | 17:52 |
Pici | althara: yes, I'll update it. | 17:52 |
althara | thanks | 17:54 |
=== Elk is now known as vorian | ||
zdendo | Can I modify "source: CD-tray" for my Canon MP500? It is printing 5mm out of center. | 20:53 |
AndrewMC | zdendo: try #ubuntu this isnt a support channel | 20:58 |
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