steve__ | I think I missed the meeting | 00:25 |
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=== doko_ is now known as doko | ||
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skaet_ | hi smb, you representing kernel for apw? | 15:55 |
smb | skaet_, Yes as he warned you about. :) | 15:56 |
cjwatson | hi | 15:56 |
skaet_ | smb, cool. :) | 15:56 |
skaet_ | hi cjwatson | 15:56 |
* ara waves | 15:57 | |
ara | skaet_, I will be representing hwcert | 15:57 |
* skaet_ waves back at ara | 15:57 | |
pitti | hello | 15:57 |
* skaet_ waves at pitti, too. | 15:58 | |
* rsalveti waves | 15:59 | |
rsalveti | I'll be representing ogra | 15:59 |
skaet_ | welcome rsalveti. :) | 15:59 |
rsalveti | thanks :-) | 16:00 |
skaet_ | ok... time to get started I think. | 16:00 |
skaet_ | #startmeeting | 16:00 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is skaet_. | 16:00 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 16:00 |
skaet_ | Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment on the last point, please "o/", so we know to wait | 16:00 |
* marjo_ waves | 16:01 | |
* skaet_ waves back | 16:02 | |
skaet_ | Agenda can be found at | 16:02 |
skaet_ | [Topic] update on action items - skaet | 16:02 |
MootBot | New Topic: update on action items - skaet | 16:02 |
skaet_ | o-series and p-series now available to use. Thanks to launchpad team! :D | 16:03 |
skaet_ | Release Candidate vs. beta 2 (and associated date tweaks?) still needs meeting called, was waiting for testing sprint to finish. Look for request early next week. | 16:03 |
skaet_ | and... last but not least.. | 16:03 |
skaet_ | Python 2.7 transition has started. Any initial feedback? | 16:04 |
skaet_ | .. | 16:04 |
doko | looks good | 16:04 |
* robbiew turns off updates :P | 16:04 | |
cjwatson | just upgraded my laptop; had to remove one or two things but it does seem to be approaching consistency again noww | 16:04 |
cjwatson | *now | 16:05 |
* smb looks at his pyton-2.7 minimal failed message | 16:05 | |
pitti | the last package that currently breaks CD builds is python-uno | 16:05 |
rsalveti | for arm we're still waiting most of the new packages to build | 16:05 |
pitti | I'll get to that in my report | 16:05 |
doko | pitti is fighting with OOo, any other desktop stuff should be almost ready | 16:05 |
skaet_ | sounds better than I was hoping. :) cool! | 16:05 |
doko | we'll need to get python2.6-minimal from the chroot images to be able to address remaining build failures | 16:06 |
cjwatson | lamont is/was on that | 16:06 |
skaet_ | ok doko, cjwatson. thanks. | 16:07 |
doko | current list of issues: | 16:07 |
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth | ||
skaet_ | good to know. I'll keep an eye on it. :) | 16:07 |
skaet_ | any other comments/updates on the open action items? | 16:08 |
skaet_ | .. | 16:08 |
skaet_ | ok, on to the round tables... | 16:08 |
skaet_ | [Topic] QA team update - marjo | 16:09 |
MootBot | New Topic: QA team update - marjo | 16:09 |
marjo_ | Alpha 1 test report: | 16:09 |
marjo_ | | 16:09 |
marjo_ | Thanks to all the folks who helped out with the ISO testing | 16:09 |
marjo_ | Thanks to jibel for the report | 16:09 |
marjo_ | weekly testing status: | 16:09 |
marjo_ | | 16:09 |
marjo_ | please note compiz in top 5 of new bugs | 16:10 |
marjo_ | and new mago desktop test results | 16:10 |
marjo_ | the QA dashboard also now includes server automated test results | 16:11 |
skaet_ | :) | 16:11 |
marjo_ | thanks to hggdh | 16:11 |
marjo_ | .. | 16:11 |
skaet_ | thanks marjo. | 16:12 |
skaet_ | quick question | 16:12 |
marjo_ | sure | 16:12 |
skaet_ | any work item charts I should be pointing to in the agenda for your team? alpha2 deliverables to track? | 16:12 |
marjo_ | can't show work items because it's broken; i believe pitti is working on it | 16:13 |
pitti | should be back up again | 16:13 |
marjo_ | but alpha2 work items are in-progress | 16:13 |
pitti | we lost the data from yesterday | 16:13 |
skaet_ | marjo, pitti, thanks! :) ok, let me know the links I should be adding before next wednesday please. | 16:13 |
skaet_ | any other questions for marjo? | 16:14 |
pitti | | 16:14 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:14 |
* skaet_ likes pitti's efficiency | 16:14 | |
skaet_ | thanks! | 16:15 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - ara | 16:15 |
MootBot | New Topic: Hardware Certification team update - ara | 16:15 |
ara | hello! | 16:15 |
skaet_ | hello | 16:15 |
ara | so this week we have started with the weekly testing and actually getting some results ;-) | 16:15 |
ara | the report has now been moved to: | 16:15 |
ara | [LINK] | 16:15 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:15 |
ara | The first thing you can notice in that report is that the servers didn't get much coverage | 16:16 |
ara | cr3 is already on this and he found that the root cause is bug 56679 | 16:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 56679 in netcfg (Ubuntu Natty) "provide a method to use a specified MAC-address as the installation device" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 16:16 |
ara | he found a workaround and if it works it will submit it as a patch | 16:17 |
skaet_ | ok, will keep an eye on it. Probably should be higher priority than wishlist though? | 16:17 |
ara | yes, it would be nice | 16:17 |
ara | Also, in the clients, we found a couple of pdus timing out. To improve things in the future we are now tracking this kind of errors in a project | 16:18 |
cjwatson | it's wishlist because it's a design issue | 16:18 |
ara | cjwatson, thanks for clarifying that :) | 16:19 |
ara | Also, SRU testing | 16:19 |
cjwatson | my philosophy on wishlist follows because I'm a crusty sort :) | 16:19 |
skaet_ | lol | 16:19 |
cjwatson | so I always mark feature requests as wishlist | 16:19 |
ara | :D | 16:19 |
ara | Next week we will be testing the proposed kernels | 16:19 |
ara | and this time we aim to test them in up to 75 systems!! | 16:20 |
ara | isn't that great? | 16:20 |
sconklin-afk | ;-) | 16:20 |
skaet_ | excellent!! | 16:20 |
=== sconklin-afk is now known as sconklin | ||
ara | we will see if we can do weekly testing on natty as well | 16:20 |
ara | it all depends on how the sru testing goes | 16:20 |
* skaet_ :D | 16:21 | |
ara | so I can't promise that, but we will do our best | 16:21 |
skaet_ | would be good to know how its looking before the holidays, so appreciate you trying. :) | 16:21 |
ara | ;-) | 16:21 |
ara | and that's all for me, or how you like to put it: | 16:22 |
ara | .. | 16:22 |
skaet_ | thanks ara! questions? | 16:22 |
* skaet_ looks around.. | 16:22 | |
skaet_ | [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand | 16:22 |
MootBot | New Topic: Security team update - jdstrand | 16:22 |
jdstrand | o/ | 16:22 |
skaet_ | o/ | 16:22 |
jdstrand | [LINK] | 16:23 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:23 |
jdstrand | [LINK] | 16:23 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:23 |
jdstrand | Not a lot to report as we have been focusing on the stable releases of late. We have no open release targeted bugs and we have no open milestoned bugs or features for alpha-2. Any questions for the security team? | 16:23 |
jdstrand | .. | 16:23 |
skaet_ | heh, you answered my question. :) | 16:23 |
jdstrand | hehe | 16:23 |
skaet_ | thanks jdstrand! other questions? | 16:23 |
jdstrand | I also am only semi-present here due to another issue. please ping me directly if I'm needed | 16:24 |
skaet_ | will do. | 16:24 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Kernel team update - smb | 16:24 |
MootBot | New Topic: Kernel team update - smb | 16:24 |
smb | parting from apw's notes | 16:24 |
smb | Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the | 16:24 |
smb | release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle | 16:24 |
smb | is at the third link: | 16:24 |
smb | [LINK] | 16:24 |
smb | [LINK] | 16:24 |
smb | [LINK] | 16:24 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:24 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:24 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:24 |
smb | We are progressing on our natty-alpha-2 items, but as a number of | 16:25 |
smb | smaller natty-alpha-1 items bled over we are somewhat over the line | 16:25 |
smb | currently. Many are small and we hope to make up some of the short fall | 16:25 |
smb | before the break. The remaining pushed out items are listed with | 16:25 |
smb | background on the overall status above (first link). | 16:25 |
smb | Of the bugs called out on the agenda: more testing is requested on the | 16:25 |
smb | first three, there seems to be a common thread of failing to a black | 16:25 |
smb | screen here. The next three are new bugs, on each investigation is | 16:25 |
smb | starting and we expect to have more information early next week. | 16:25 |
smb | Finally the EC2 i386 issues appear to be resolved, though the t1.micro | 16:25 |
smb | issues have been pulled out to a new bug. | 16:25 |
smb | The main distro kernel is now rebased forward to mainline v2.6.37-rc4 | 16:25 |
smb | and published. A futher upload carrying a rebase to v2.6.37-rc5 has | 16:25 |
smb | just uploaded and is currently building. This latest kernel carries | 16:25 |
smb | updates which reneable the NX support for modules, and reenable a number | 16:25 |
smb | of Ubuntu drivers which were disabled during rebases. | 16:25 |
smb | .. | 16:25 |
* skaet_ digests.... | 16:26 | |
smb | apw_, sounds right? ;) | 16:26 |
skaet_ | thanks smb! good info. | 16:26 |
skaet_ | any one have questions? | 16:26 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson | 16:27 |
MootBot | New Topic: Foundations team update - cjwatson | 16:27 |
cjwatson | I would link to, but *cough* we aren't maintaining subcycle distinctions very well; mostly just working off the main list right now: | 16:29 |
cjwatson | [LINK] | 16:29 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:29 |
cjwatson | We finally have a release status page: | 16:29 |
cjwatson | | 16:29 |
cjwatson | Main summary this week: | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * excellent progress on installer testing by Evan, now running regularly and soon going to gain things like bootchart support (though public viewing blocked by RT#40560) | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * significant software-center speed improvements, large searches from ~5s to instant | 16:29 |
skaet_ | *\o/* | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * now updates more or less instantly | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * natty upstart spec belatedly finalised: planned improvements are debug stanza, override files (with manual stanza for disabling jobs), job visualisation, socket activation, D-Bus activation, chroot support, user sessions, and visible job start/stop in plymouth details view | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * Qt builds on ARM again, thanks to gcc fix | 16:29 |
cjwatson | * python2.7 now default version, working through build failures | 16:29 |
marjo_ | cjwatson: agree on Ev's progress | 16:29 |
cjwatson | bug summary in the release status page, not hugely interesting at the moment though | 16:29 |
cjwatson | .. | 16:30 |
skaet_ | thanks for getting the release status created. :D | 16:30 |
skaet_ | other things sound like they're moving along quite nicely. | 16:30 |
skaet_ | any one have questions? | 16:31 |
cjwatson | BTW, the upstart items are a *very* cut-down version of the full wishlist: basically top three per developer | 16:31 |
cjwatson | I think it's an achievable set of goals | 16:31 |
skaet_ | ack | 16:31 |
* skaet_ makes a note to go give it a good review. | 16:31 | |
skaet_ | thanks cjwatson. | 16:31 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Server team update - robbiew | 16:32 |
MootBot | New Topic: Server team update - robbiew | 16:32 |
robbiew | o/ | 16:33 |
robbiew | sorry...running behind | 16:33 |
robbiew | | 16:33 |
skaet_ | heh, no worries - you've got a status now. Yay! | 16:33 |
robbiew | htnx | 16:34 |
robbiew | thnx | 16:34 |
robbiew | nothing really to report on status | 16:34 |
robbiew | in terms of features | 16:35 |
robbiew | pretty much on track | 16:35 |
robbiew | though I need to crack the whip on smoser | 16:35 |
skaet_ | any progress on that one milestoned bug? | 16:35 |
robbiew | Daviey has looked into it | 16:35 |
robbiew | but needs help from doko | 16:35 |
skaet_ | okie. | 16:35 |
Daviey | :( | 16:35 |
skaet_ | any good reason why the alpha-2 work-item chart doesn't match the format of the others? | 16:36 |
robbiew | heh....that will be addressed ;) | 16:37 |
robbiew | short answer is "no" | 16:37 |
skaet_ | sweet. thanks! | 16:37 |
* skaet_ likes consistency | 16:37 | |
skaet_ | thanks robbiew. any other questions? | 16:37 |
robbiew | we have one release targeted bug | 16:38 |
robbiew | but around syncing in xen-tools | 16:38 |
* skaet_ oops my bad, didn't wait for the .. | 16:38 | |
robbiew | new Debian package | 16:38 |
skaet_ | ..? | 16:41 |
robbiew | .. | 16:41 |
robbiew | sorry | 16:41 |
skaet_ | heh, thanks. | 16:41 |
skaet_ | any other questions? | 16:41 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Desktop team update - pitti | 16:42 |
MootBot | New Topic: Desktop team update - pitti | 16:42 |
pitti | Lots of firefighting this week due to various major breakages (OO.o, Python transition, python-launchpadlib, broken login in gdm), so feature development went a bit slower. | 16:42 |
pitti | We are falling behind on the alpha-2 WIs, especially with the holidays in front of us. We have quite a lot of "Low" priority WIs (targets of opportunity) which we can drop if necessary. | 16:42 |
pitti | Martin is currently fighting with OO.o to get it to build in current Natty. This is the last package that currently breaks CD builds due to the Python 2.7 transition (python-uno). | 16:42 |
pitti | DISCUSSION: Since this is by far not an easy task, should we aim to work around this for now by somehow suppressing from CDs (recommends of | 16:42 |
pitti | = CD space savings = | 16:42 |
pitti | Currently still 11 MB (i386)/20 MB (amd64) oversized. | 16:42 |
pitti | Still some space to be gained from package rebuilds (changelogs, PNGs). | 16:42 |
pitti | Once we rebuild OO.o, we'll drop another ~ 9 MB due to dropping the NBS libicu42 and changelogs. | 16:42 |
pitti | /usr/lib/python2.{6,7} each need ~ 9.5 MB of CD space, i. e. due to the transition we added 9.5 MB. It would be nice if we could drop support for 2.6 during Natty to reclaim them. | 16:42 |
pitti | RC bug status: nothing too worrying right now, details at | 16:42 |
pitti | [LINK] | 16:42 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:42 |
pitti | .. | 16:42 |
pitti | cjwatson: just to have some ideas up our sleeve, is it possible to blacklist oo.o-emailmerge in the seeds, so that the recommends won't pull it in? | 16:43 |
skaet_ | thanks pitti. | 16:43 |
pitti | (btw, I get 1.5 hours into the OO.o build now, making progress..) | 16:43 |
pitti | but this will be my last attempt for today | 16:43 |
pitti | (the one I started 10 mins ago) | 16:43 |
doko | pitti: I'm all for dropping 2.6, but there are people who don't like it. launchpad guys and such | 16:45 |
pitti | I guess dropping 2.6 is a sprint/rallye topic? | 16:45 |
doko | yes | 16:45 |
pitti | right, next alpha isn't due until after that | 16:45 |
skaet_ | yeah, seems like a good topic for the rally. | 16:45 |
pitti | (who uses real CDs anyway :) ) | 16:46 |
cjwatson | pitti: seed blacklisting generally isn't a useful approach | 16:46 |
cjwatson | pitti: it won't influence what apt does | 16:46 |
* skaet_ uses real CDs to test from time to time... ;) | 16:46 | |
pitti | cjwatson: ok; so I guess we'll just temporarily unseed it completely until we get it to build again | 16:47 |
pitti | with some luck, I'll get through it by Monday | 16:47 |
cjwatson | I suppose it *might* get it off the CD, but I don't really like using blacklisting for this because it spreads confusion about its purpose (which is really an alarm bell to make sure that things break if certain packages are ever pulled in by accident) | 16:48 |
skaet_ | thanks pitti! any other comments/questions? | 16:48 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover | 16:49 |
MootBot | New Topic: Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | [LINK] | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | details on where we're at with blueprints and releases is in the link above | 16:49 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | couchdb bug #682866 is fixed, which means we can release desktopcouch 1.0, which should happen today, monday at the latest | 16:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 682866 in couchdb (Ubuntu Natty) "CouchDatabase() call hangs" [High,Fix released] | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | we'll be releasing an update with our initial zeitgeist integration next week, with the coding and testing finishing up today | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | we're testing all our python stuff against 2.7 currently and fixing issues when/if they arise | 16:49 |
skaet_ | :) | 16:49 |
joshuahoover | and that's about it for u1 this week | 16:50 |
joshuahoover | .. | 16:50 |
skaet_ | thanks joshuahoover! sounds like solid progress. any questions? | 16:50 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell | 16:50 |
MootBot | New Topic: Kubuntu Team update - Riddell | 16:50 |
Riddell | hi | 16:51 |
skaet_ | hi | 16:51 |
Riddell | * KDE SC 4.6 Beta 2 uploadedpackaging now in progress, release and natty upload expected tomorrow | 16:51 |
Riddell | * GCC fixes on ARM, Qt compiled, KDE packages now compiling | 16:51 |
Riddell | is all :) | 16:51 |
skaet_ | nice news about GCC! | 16:51 |
Riddell | hmm, that didn't even work | 16:52 |
Riddell | * KDE SC 4.6 Beta 2 uploaded | 16:52 |
Riddell | dunno where the rest came from | 16:52 |
skaet_ | ?? | 16:52 |
Riddell | editing error | 16:52 |
skaet_ | :( | 16:52 |
ScottK | It's not wrong though. gcc is fixed (or at least worked around) | 16:53 |
skaet_ | :) again.... | 16:53 |
Riddell | yes second line is fine | 16:54 |
skaet_ | Thanks Riddell, ScottK. any other questions/comments? | 16:54 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_ | 16:55 |
MootBot | New Topic: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_ | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | hi | 16:55 |
skaet_ | hi | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | [LINK] | 16:55 |
MootBot | LINK received: | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | ...before i get disconnected again :( | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | not much to report this week | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | we've released unity 3.2.2 for alpha-1 | 16:55 |
dbarth_ | we've been developing for the next release for next week | 16:56 |
dbarth_ | setting goals for alpha-2 | 16:56 |
dbarth_ | the milestoned blueprints are on the report | 16:56 |
dbarth_ | on the a11y front, we're a bit behind, it's proving harder to implement that initially planned | 16:57 |
dbarth_ | we're in touch with the Desktop team and rick to find a solution; more news next week | 16:57 |
skaet_ | okie | 16:57 |
dbarth_ | last, on the unity foundations part | 16:57 |
dbarth_ | the gdbus port are now completed for dbusmenu, applindicator, libzeitgeist; indicator-application has been split as well | 16:58 |
dbarth_ | we won't upload things before january however, to avoid creating a dependency hell for the end of the year | 16:58 |
dbarth_ | you don't want that under the christmas tree, do you? ;) | 16:58 |
skaet_ | lol | 16:58 |
ara | :D | 16:58 |
dbarth_ | questions, tomatoes? | 16:59 |
* skaet_ wants the python 2.7 issues resolved first... | 16:59 | |
dbarth_ | yeah, i'll let python first, no worries | 16:59 |
skaet_ | any update on the bugs in the agenda? | 16:59 |
dbarth_ | oops, that i haven't checked thoroughly | 16:59 |
dbarth_ | we've solved the keyboard accelerator issue | 16:59 |
dbarth_ | at the beginning of the week | 17:00 |
dbarth_ | let me get back to you before the end of the meeting | 17:00 |
dbarth_ | checking quickly | 17:00 |
skaet_ | sounds good. | 17:00 |
skaet_ | Thanks dbarth_! any other questions/comments? | 17:00 |
skaet_ | [Topic] ARM team update - rsalveti | 17:00 |
MootBot | New Topic: ARM team update - rsalveti | 17:00 |
* rsalveti waves | 17:01 | |
* skaet_ waves back | 17:01 | |
rsalveti | Full Status at | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Bug 686320: Network Manager is crashing at ARM, fix is available (backport from upstream), but waiting cyphermox to update the package | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - OMAP4 image is currently broken, mainly because of the python upgrade (still lots of jobs at the ARM builders) | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Bug 633227: Brian was able to test with latest omap 4 tree available (2.6.37 based) and the issue is still there, work still ongoing | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Thunderbird is now buildable again | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 686320 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager crashes with SIGSEGV while loading the usb0 interface on Panda" [High,In progress] | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Issues with the SRU process with kernel fixes | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - There are still some open SRU bugs left | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Qt is finally buildable again, and soon it'll start cleaning the KDE FTBFS | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 633227 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) "instabilities with highmem activated" [High,Confirmed] | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Half of the team in vacation, so no much WI done by this week | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | Image Status | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Latest one is from 20101206, before the python breakage | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | Work Items | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Entire | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Next Milestone | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | Bugs | 17:01 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Bug 673504 finally released | 17:01 |
rsalveti | - Bug 682742 thunderbird is working again | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 673504 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "Pandaboard chooses a new IP address on each boot" [High,Triaged] | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 682742 in thunderbird (Ubuntu Natty) "thunderbird doesn't build on armel in natty (Error: thumb conditional instruction should be in IT block)" [High,Fix released] | 17:02 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:02 |
ScottK | rsalveti: KDE is ~half built now and all the Qt packages (non-KDE) I know of are rebuilt. | 17:02 |
rsalveti | great, that will decrease a lot the ftbfs list | 17:03 |
rsalveti | that's all from me | 17:03 |
skaet_ | thanks rsalveti! any other questions/comments? | 17:04 |
rsalveti | hopefully we'll starting progressing more on the WI when the people get back from vacation | 17:04 |
rsalveti | .. | 17:04 |
* skaet_ expecting the holidays to start kicking into progress for all teams shortly.... | 17:04 | |
skaet_ | [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK | 17:05 |
MootBot | New Topic: MOTU team update - ScottK | 17:05 |
ScottK | Hello. | 17:05 |
skaet_ | hello | 17:05 |
ScottK | Other than several hundred unbuildable packages due to linker changes and buildds clogged with Python transition rebuilds everything is fine. | 17:05 |
skaet_ | lol | 17:06 |
ScottK | As it's been for a while, accomodating significant toolchain changes while Debian is in freeze is a challenge. | 17:06 |
ScottK | So any help we can get is very much appreciated. | 17:06 |
ScottK | That's it. | 17:07 |
skaet_ | understood. will see if we can figure out some options to help with the linker side, after the python push gets resolved. | 17:07 |
ScottK | Great. | 17:07 |
skaet_ | Thanks ScottK! any questions/comments? | 17:08 |
skaet_ | [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett | 17:08 |
MootBot | New Topic: Linaro update - JamieBennett | 17:08 |
JamieBennett | hey skaet_ | 17:08 |
skaet_ | hi JamieBennett | 17:08 |
JamieBennett | umm, nothing much to report Linaro->Ubuntu wise. We just got a new kernel packaged and uploaded ready for inclusion in our image | 17:09 |
skaet_ | any updates for us on the interlocks? | 17:09 |
JamieBennett | but that won't affect Ubuntu | 17:09 |
JamieBennett | As for overlaps, nothing yet | 17:09 |
skaet_ | okie. | 17:10 |
skaet_ | do I have the right links in the agenda for tracking now? | 17:10 |
skaet_ | ..? | 17:12 |
* skaet_ wonders if we've lost JamieBennett to another window.... | 17:13 | |
JamieBennett | skaet_: sorry, tracking wise we are still struggling to get tools that work | 17:13 |
JamieBennett | the link is good for seeing what is happening in text form | 17:13 |
skaet_ | okie. thanks JamieBennett! any other questions? | 17:14 |
skaet_ | [TOPIC] any other kudos/comments/concerns? | 17:15 |
MootBot | New Topic: any other kudos/comments/concerns? | 17:15 |
* skaet_ looks around, any hands? | 17:15 | |
ara | o/ | 17:15 |
skaet_ | ara, go ahead | 17:15 |
ara | KUDOS to the Kernel team and the people verifying SRUs that verified all the fixes for the proposed kernels in only TWO days! | 17:16 |
ara | you guys are awesome! | 17:16 |
skaet_ | seconded!! | 17:16 |
ScottK | It might be worth a mention that I filed the bug requesting boost1.40 removal yesterday as the transition is (pending a powerpc build or two) done. | 17:17 |
skaet_ | thanks ScottK. bug number? | 17:17 |
ScottK | Looking | 17:18 |
skaet_ | any one else? | 17:18 |
ScottK | skaet_: Bug 688142 | 17:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 688142 in boost1.40 (Ubuntu) "Please remove boost1.40 source and all binaries from natty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 17:18 |
skaet_ | Thanks ScottK | 17:18 |
skaet_ | ok, will follow up with dbarth_ later. time to end meeting I think... | 17:19 |
skaet_ | #endmeeting | 17:19 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 11:19. | 17:19 |
skaet_ | Thanks marjo, ara, jdstrand, smb, cjwatson, pitti, doko, robbiew, joshuahoover, dbarth, rsalveti, ScottK | 17:19 |
dbarth_ | skaet_: had to hop on a phone call, but did not forget about the bug reports | 17:19 |
ara | thanks skaet_ | 17:19 |
pitti | thanks everyone | 17:19 |
joshuahoover | thank you skaet_ :) | 17:19 |
robbiew | thanks skaet_ | 17:20 |
marjo_ | thx skaet_ | 17:20 |
cjwatson | ScottK: thanks, I'll deal with that | 17:20 |
rsalveti | thanks skaet_ | 17:20 |
ScottK | Cool. | 17:20 |
* cjwatson bumps up the powerpc build | 17:20 | |
ScottK | (don't mean to rush you on it, just thought it was good news worth a mention) | 17:20 |
skaet_ | thanks dbarth_ just ping me offline. | 17:21 |
cjwatson | that's fine, it's an easy one to handle (though I'd like to double-check that the powerpc build finishes first) | 17:21 |
ScottK | cjwatson: OK. It's python-visual I'm waiting on, but I didn't check if all it's depends are built. | 17:22 |
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Messanger | world leaders setting you all up right now to get microchipped by RFID microchips with identity/healthcare/credit information into their new world order why they are folding the economy , their solution to the problem they are causing is the RFID microchip Romans 10:13 all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. | 21:34 |
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