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=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
dholbach | good morning! | 07:45 |
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cdbs | tumbleweed: :o Thanks for the guidance, I will take care of it from the next time onwards, when I will work on python packages | 09:50 |
tumbleweed | cdbs: no problem, your changes weren't actually harmful, just non-optimal :) | 09:52 |
cdbs | tumbleweed: yeah :) Its nice to see uploads tricling into your system when using a development release | 09:52 |
cdbs | *trickling | 09:52 |
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udienz | cdbs: thanks for reviewing my merge. i'll try to fix it | 10:22 |
cdbs | good | 10:24 |
udienz | cdbs: already fix | 10:27 |
cdbs | done? /me looks again | 10:28 |
cdbs | udienz: I would highly recommend you to forward that diff to Debian | 10:28 |
udienz | done :) sukron | 10:28 |
udienz | cdbs: forwarding with submittodebian tool? | 10:29 |
cdbs | udienz: If you forwarded manually, its fine | 10:31 |
udienz | cdbs: ok, i'll submitting to debian now | 10:37 |
udienz | cdbs: done submitting to debian | 10:42 |
cdbs | udienz: BTW, is signalled already in the list? | 10:42 |
udienz | cdbs: yes, signalled. but not signaled | 10:43 |
cdbs | udienz: oh, then it looks good from my end, except: | 10:43 |
cdbs | in debian/changelog its mentioned that you '+ give Ubuntu MOTU to maintainer' and 'Give Brian Nelson to XSBC-Original-Maintainer' | 10:45 |
cdbs | There's no need to mention that in two lines, remove those and add instead: | 10:45 |
cdbs | + Set Maintainer: field according to DebianMaintainerField spec. | 10:45 |
cdbs | '+ error to download upstream tarball' should become '+ Correct URL to fix downloading of upstream tarball' | 10:46 |
cdbs | udienz: ^ | 10:46 |
cdbs | '+ per Debian Policy, put version number to 3.9.1 ' should become '+ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1' | 10:47 |
cdbs | then it would be fine | 10:47 |
udienz | cdbs: done, can i push it again? | 10:48 |
cdbs | udienz: yes, please :) | 10:48 |
udienz | Pushed up to revision 13. | 10:50 |
udienz | cdbs: done pushed | 10:50 |
* cdbs looks again | 10:52 | |
cdbs | udienz: approved | 10:54 |
udienz | thanks Bilal | 10:54 |
cdbs | udienz: request another review on the ubuntu-sponsors team, since I can't upload to main | 10:55 |
udienz | cdbs: sorry, who can send my request? | 10:56 |
cdbs | udienz: Click the 'Request another review' link there on that page and then enter ubuntu-sponsors | 10:56 |
udienz | cdbs: okay, done. Ubuntu Sponsors Team has been added | 10:57 |
cdbs | udienz: good, and thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu! | 10:57 |
udienz | cdbs: :D thanks for reviewing. i hope i can help Ubuntu again | 10:58 |
udienz | btw, i have another proposed merge | 11:00 |
udienz | https://code.launchpad.net/~udienz/ubuntu/maverick/light-themes/light-themes.fix549365/+merge/42840 | 11:00 |
udienz | https://code.launchpad.net/~udienz/ubuntu-docs/natty-ubuntu-docs.fix677998/+merge/42857 | 11:00 |
udienz | and i need review from ubuntu-sponsors | 11:00 |
evaluate | hello | 11:21 |
evaluate | does anyone have a link to the sf logos? | 11:21 |
evaluate | I've been searching for them for 15 minutes and can't find the link anywhere... | 11:22 |
zul | /msg Daviey funny i dont remember us saying we should do cobbler | 11:50 |
Daviey | zul: funny, how /msg with a space infront fails aswell :) | 11:50 |
zul | frig | 11:51 |
kim0 | I think I've fixed 687968 (Bacula FTBFS). I've proposed for merge (my first time ever) would someone like to pick it up :) | 12:05 |
c2tarun | bug 687968 | 12:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 687968 in bacula (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'bacula' (5.0.2-2ubuntu1) failed to build on natty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687968 | 12:06 |
c2tarun | kim0: i think you should tell this in #ubuntu-bugs someone from review team will check it. | 12:07 |
kim0 | okie | 12:08 |
vish | c2tarun: kim0 is right, this is a better place or #ubuntu-devel (but not in -bugs) | 12:34 |
c2tarun | vish: sorry i mostly saw u in bugs and u said that u are in review team, so i suggested him :x | 12:35 |
c2tarun | :| | 12:36 |
vish | c2tarun: np.. :) | 12:36 |
c2tarun | if i find some application on net and it is good but not in ubuntu repositories, who should i ask for its addition into repositories | 12:37 |
vish | c2tarun: you need to file a needs packaging bug | 12:38 |
c2tarun | vish: ok... | 12:38 |
vish | c2tarun: check if one already exists : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=needs-packaging | 12:40 |
c2tarun | vish: sure | 12:41 |
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hakermania | Hello everybody. | 13:29 |
udienz | Riddell: thanks for your comment at Revu | 13:29 |
hakermania | udienz: what's your upload's name ? | 13:31 |
udienz | hakermania: udienz | 13:32 |
udienz | hakermania: are you MOTU? | 13:33 |
hakermania | wish to be :P | 13:33 |
hakermania | no | 13:33 |
hakermania | I have uploaded wallch in REVU, that's why I asked. | 13:33 |
hakermania | xD | 13:34 |
udienz | hakermania: hm.. same like me, i;m interest at Ubuntu-MOTU | 13:34 |
udienz | ah.. i forget now.. you have problems uploading to revu | 13:34 |
hakermania | udienz: I solved them :) | 13:35 |
udienz | hakermania: so, how to solved it? | 13:36 |
hakermania | udienz: At first I used 'dput revu *changes' but next you have to use 'dput -f revu *changes' (If this was my problem :P). Btw I can't find your upload :/ | 13:37 |
udienz | hakermania: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8733 | 13:38 |
hakermania | udienz: There are some Warnings/Notices as I can see... Do you want help to solve them? | 13:39 |
udienz | yes why not | 13:40 |
udienz | hakermania: this is your package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch | 13:41 |
hakermania | yep | 13:41 |
hakermania | if you want you can see my debian/control file to fix yours. It is at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/wallch-1012091930/wallch-1.0/debian/control | 13:43 |
udienz | hakermania: ok, but ubuntu-devel-discuss is for main | 13:43 |
udienz | why you don't use Ubuntu MOTU? | 13:44 |
cdbs | udienz: ubuntu-devel-discuss is for both nowadays | 13:45 |
cdbs | that was the old rule | 13:45 |
cdbs | that devel-discuss would be for main and motu for universe | 13:45 |
cdbs | but now onwards, all packages are using ubuntu-devel-discuss | 13:45 |
hakermania | Ok, I don;t think that it's a big deal. | 13:46 |
udienz | cdbs: owh.. thanks | 13:46 |
hakermania | You must change the Maintainer field with Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> | 13:46 |
udienz | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField | 13:46 |
hakermania | exactly:Otherwise, the Maintainer field will be set to Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> If the Maintainer field is modified, the old value will be saved in a field named XSBC-Original-Maintainer | 13:48 |
G__81 | whats the channel for unity ? | 13:48 |
udienz | hakermania: well my last upload has unsuccessfull | 13:48 |
hakermania | udienz: Ok, now change the maintainer to ubuntu-devel bla bla and make a new field named XSBC-Original-Maintainer: with your real name and eail address | 13:49 |
hakermania | email* | 13:49 |
udienz | hakermania: okay | 13:49 |
udienz | hakermania: do you know mailing list to discussing packaging? maybe like debian-mentors | 13:51 |
hakermania | No, I don't/ | 13:51 |
udienz | hakermania: do you have sponsors or mentors? | 13:52 |
hakermania | No, omg I'm 16 --_-- | 13:52 |
udienz | hm.. i dont have mentors now, maybe we can try it :D | 13:52 |
udienz | hm.. no problem, if you know cdbs or bilal Akhtar, he is 16 too | 13:53 |
hakermania | udienz: No, I don't, Ok, now change debian/changelog from unstable to natty | 13:54 |
udienz | hakermania: hm.. but my package has been uploaded now | 13:56 |
hakermania | Uploaded and accepted? | 13:57 |
udienz | hakermania: yup, sponsored by Riddell | 13:57 |
hakermania | When why did you accepted the invitation for help? :P | 13:58 |
udienz | :) i open for all help | 13:59 |
udienz | hakermania: i got error when checking your packages | 14:02 |
udienz | wallch source: source-contains-prebuilt-binary wallch | 14:02 |
hakermania | udienz: it's true that I have a little problem with the binary... But I'll solve it... Or you can help me solve it. ! | 14:04 |
udienz | try to remove .pc/ directory at source | 14:05 |
hakermania | udienz:did this worked for you? | 14:09 |
Riddell | kim0: about https://code.launchpad.net/~kim0/ubuntu/natty/bacula/ftbfs-fix/+merge/43327 shouldn't that be a patch? | 14:10 |
\sh | guys, anyone how knows ruby a bit more then I do? is it possible to pass a ruby variable to %x{}? | 14:10 |
Riddell | apachelogger knows ruby, but is more into java these days | 14:11 |
hakermania | \sh: | 14:12 |
hakermania | \sh: #ubuntu-motu not for these issues :) | 14:12 |
ari-tczew | hakermania: \sh asked here because guess that maybe someone from here could help | 14:13 |
ari-tczew | vish: what's for sponsor in bug 15495 ? | 14:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 15495 in One Hundred Paper Cuts ""Archive Manager" doesn't mean anything if you don't know what an "archive" is" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15495 | 14:13 |
\sh | hakermania: well, actually it's ubuntu related, as we are pushing puppet to the cloud world ;) | 14:13 |
udienz | hakermania: it works well | 14:14 |
udienz | ari-tczew, \sh: agreed | 14:14 |
vish | ari-tczew: the patch there "update with the suggested changes" , i'm assuming it has the changes.. i havent test it though.. | 14:15 |
ari-tczew | vish: and this is not adjusted for ubuntu (debdiff) | 14:15 |
hakermania | udienz: Well, there is something unsolved days now... (W: wallch: desktop-command-not-in-package) But it is quite mad. If you check my wallch-1.0.pro file you'll realise that I rename the executable and then place it to /usr/bin/ like the manpages and everything else. I cannot understand why the executable isn't placed where it should. Go private if you want | 14:15 |
vish | ari-tczew: oh! | 14:15 |
ari-tczew | I don't like when someone has subscribed sponsors when there is only a patch (and not tested!) | 14:16 |
vish | ari-tczew: bah! i assumed it was a debdiff! sorry. | 14:16 |
ari-tczew | !debdiff | vish | 14:16 |
ubottu | vish: A simple way to patch Debian/Ubuntu packages is to attach a debdiff to a bug report, or send it to the team which handles the package. Learn more about it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff | 14:16 |
vish | ari-tczew: i know what a debdiff is.. :) | 14:16 |
vish | ari-tczew: just assumed this was one too.. ;) | 14:16 |
ari-tczew | vish: I sent a link to you to show how debdiff looks | 14:17 |
vish | ari-tczew: i should have read the patch :/ | 14:17 |
ari-tczew | vish: yes | 14:17 |
* vish was doing it at 4am.. but not an excuse.. | 14:18 | |
ari-tczew | vish: please remember that we're working on clean up SQ and these activites wasting our time | 14:18 |
ari-tczew | (blind subscribing) | 14:18 |
vish | ari-tczew: will do.. | 14:18 |
ari-tczew | even Canonical pays for it | 14:18 |
udienz | !debian/dirs| hakermania | 14:20 |
hakermania | udienz: ? | 14:21 |
udienz | try to estting debian/dirs | 14:21 |
udienz | *set | 14:21 |
ari-tczew | udienz: maybe send direct link from wiki.u.c will help :) | 14:21 |
udienz | wait... /me searching at wiki | 14:22 |
hakermania | udienz: my .pro file places fine the other files. 'make install' works just fine, debhelper knows how to install Qt pro files. So, I cannot understand why 'make install' works fine and why debuilding the project doesn't place the bin file in /usr/bin/ (although it does rename it(!)) | 14:23 |
udienz | hakermania: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-sourcepkg.html#sC.2.3 | 14:24 |
hakermania | udienz: So, create debian/tmp and place there all the files? (manpage, changelog executables) ? | 14:25 |
hakermania | udienz: and consider debian/tmp as being / | 14:26 |
hakermania | ? | 14:26 |
kim0 | Riddell: Hi regarding https://code.launchpad.net/~kim0/ubuntu/natty/bacula/ftbfs-fix/+merge/43327 .. You say shouldn't that be a patch | 14:27 |
kim0 | Riddell: I'm quite a newbie about packaging .. any hints as to what I should do | 14:27 |
udienz | hakermania: no.. use debian/dirs | 14:27 |
udienz | hakermania: do you want wallch ro /usr/bin/wallch? | 14:28 |
hakermania | udienz: Yes, and my .pro file normally does this! | 14:29 |
udienz | hakermania: just create debain/dirs | 14:29 |
udienz | *debian | 14:29 |
hakermania | udienz: I cannot understand. Create a folder named 'dirs' in debian/ will solve my problem? | 14:30 |
udienz | hakermania: no not folder, but file | 14:31 |
hakermania | udienz: Oh, and what should it contain? | 14:31 |
udienz | i test your package, i can't build it via pbuilder | 14:31 |
udienz | usr/bin | 14:31 |
hakermania | Ok, w8 | 14:31 |
udienz | hakermania: btw, i got "Can't exec "qmake": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Lib.pm line 179" during building | 14:32 |
hakermania | qtcreator is needed for building :) | 14:33 |
udienz | maybe you missing qmake at debian/control | 14:33 |
hakermania | qtcreator includes qmake :) | 14:33 |
udienz | owh i mean qt4-qmake | 14:33 |
hakermania | I think this is included in qtcreator as well! | 14:34 |
udienz | hakermania: well i successfully build your package, but i add some depends | 14:38 |
hakermania | udienz: which? | 14:39 |
udienz | hakermania: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541889/ | 14:39 |
hakermania | Aren't qt4-qmake, libqt4-dev included in qtcreator? | 14:40 |
udienz | hakermania, i don't know | 14:41 |
hakermania | udienz: I do :) | 14:41 |
udienz | hakermania: http://paste.ubuntu.com/541891/ | 14:41 |
hakermania | udienz: After making the 'dirs' file, /usr/bin/ directory is created but nothing is placed there! So I got lintian error package-contains-empty-directory usr/bin/ | 14:50 |
hakermania | :/ | 14:50 |
Riddell | kim0: take the diff and put it into debian/patches | 14:54 |
Riddell | kim0: although that has a messy debian/rules, I can't see how the patches get applied | 14:55 |
kim0 | Riddell: Just commented "Bacula does not use a proper patch system. In the diff.gz file there's a lot of direct patching of the source anyway" | 14:55 |
Riddell | messy messy | 14:56 |
Riddell | kim0: ok thanks, I'll commit and upload | 14:57 |
kim0 | Riddell: cool .. indeed it's a messy pkg | 14:57 |
hakermania | udienz: Check the new upload: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8760 | 15:16 |
hakermania | Does it work? | 15:16 |
kim0 | Riddell: not to be pushy :) but you didn't push my bacula patch yet .. It's my first fix, so I'm over excited hehe | 15:31 |
Riddell | kim0: I'm onto it | 15:34 |
kim0 | thnx | 15:34 |
hakermania | kim0: what's the bacula patch? | 15:35 |
hakermania | :) | 15:35 |
kim0 | hakermania: just a small fix to bacula FTBFS on natty | 15:36 |
hakermania | kim0: Is Riddel a MOTU working on your fix? | 15:36 |
Riddell | kim0: committed and uploaded! | 15:39 |
kim0 | Riddell: Yipee thanks man | 15:39 |
Riddell | hakermania: I'm an ubuntu dev reviewing his fix | 15:39 |
hakermania | Riddell: Are you responsible for revu's uploads as well? | 15:39 |
Riddell | hakermania: I can do reviews if wanted | 15:40 |
hakermania | Riddell: So, if I want I can tell you please go and review my project? :) | 15:41 |
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kim0 | Riddell: shouldn't that merge auto-close this bug 687968 (which I link to the branch) | 15:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 687968 in bacula (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'bacula' (5.0.2-2ubuntu1) failed to build on natty" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687968 | 15:41 |
Riddell | kim0: looks like it's closed | 15:42 |
Riddell | hakermania: if you want yes | 15:42 |
kim0 | ah .. wasn't a moment ago :) | 15:42 |
hakermania | RIddell: Oh, this was quite an unexpected answer for me :) My upload is named 'wallch'. Can you have a look on it, please :) | 15:43 |
hakermania | ? | 15:43 |
boulabiar | hi | 15:44 |
boulabiar | can I find here some help for packaging ? | 15:45 |
hakermania | boulabiar: #ubuntu-packaging | 15:45 |
udienz | hi all, can anyone review bug 687483 | 15:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 687483 in aspell-en (Ubuntu) "debian/watch is incorrect, some words missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687483 | 15:54 |
udienz | thanks before | 15:56 |
hakermania | Riddell: ? | 16:02 |
Riddell | hakermania: comments added to revu | 16:04 |
hakermania | Riddell: Thanx! I'll try to fix the errors the sooner. | 16:09 |
Riddell | udienz: committed, I'll upload | 16:10 |
Riddell | udienz: please file a bug with debian with your patch | 16:10 |
Riddell | boulabiar: did you get the help you needed? | 16:11 |
boulabiar | no | 16:11 |
boulabiar | no one answered me there | 16:11 |
Riddell | boulabiar: what do you need to know? | 16:11 |
boulabiar | I want to package this https://launchpad.net/ginn | 16:11 |
Riddell | boulabiar: have you asked Duncan McGreggor if it's ready to package? | 16:12 |
boulabiar | he asked me to package it | 16:13 |
boulabiar | to the utouch ppa | 16:13 |
Riddell | groovy | 16:13 |
boulabiar | he is my manager | 16:13 |
Riddell | boulabiar: you don't know where to start or you have a specific problem? | 16:13 |
boulabiar | I prepared some stuff here https://code.launchpad.net/~boulabiar/ginn/ginn-packaging | 16:14 |
boulabiar | I don't know what to do next | 16:14 |
Riddell | boulabiar: looks fine at a glace, does it build? | 16:17 |
boulabiar | configure && make generate the app, but bzr bd don't | 16:19 |
Riddell | jr@wido:~/src/ginn/ginn-packaging>./configure | 16:24 |
Riddell | configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in config-aux "."/config-aux | 16:24 |
Riddell | boulabiar: doesn't work here | 16:24 |
Riddell | boulabiar: you've committed various files into bzr that shouldn't be there and some are missing which should | 16:25 |
Riddell | boulabiar: if I take your debian/ directory and the upstream tar and put them together it builds ok | 16:26 |
udienz | Riddell: i have done submitting to debian via submittodebian tool | 16:27 |
Riddell | udienz: great | 16:28 |
udienz | and thanks | 16:28 |
Riddell | boulabiar: I recommend taking the upstream tar, renaming to ginn_0.2.3.orig.tar.bz2 putting in your debian/ directory, building (with debuild) fixing until it all works then uploading to revu | 16:28 |
Riddell | then ask me or whoever for a review | 16:28 |
udienz | Riddell: and thanks for reviewing aspell-id package | 16:28 |
boulabiar | will do, | 16:29 |
hakermania | Riddell: All errors fixed except one , thx :) I cannot understand the error about debian/source/ directory. Debuild errors forced me to place at include-binaries file some sound and executable files' paths. What should I do? orig.tar.gz is created after running 'dh_make -c gpl -s -f ../wallch-1.0.tar.gz', where wallch-1.0.tar.gz is the tarball. So, do I have to include the debian/source/ directory in my source directory before the first compressing? | 16:31 |
udienz | hakermania: try without -f | 16:32 |
udienz | dh_make -c gpl -s | 16:32 |
hakermania | udienz: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8760 As you see on the last comment, there is a problem in /source/include-binaries Will this solve this error or what? | 16:34 |
Riddell | I'd make the .orig.tar.gz by moving the debian/ directory out of the way then running tar zcf wallch_1.0.orig.tar.gz wallch-1.0 | 16:36 |
udienz | hakermania: do you have own branch for this package? | 16:38 |
hakermania | Riddell: i think I'm missing something! The steps I follow are: have the source (including the working makefile, project file, README, COPYING etc etc but NOT the debian/ dir). Then, I compress this source-dir to tar.gz and then I run 'dh_make -c gpl -s -f ../wallch-1.0.tar.gz' .Once the debian/ directory is created I edit the changelog, rules, control files etc. And then run debuild. | 16:39 |
hakermania | udienz: No, it is a simple package from a simple kid. Nothing less nothing more. Democracy :) | 16:39 |
Riddell | hakermania: some of the files are missing from the .orig.tar.gz so you should make it again | 16:42 |
hakermania | Riddell: Which files specifically? | 16:42 |
Riddell | the data/ directory | 16:43 |
Riddell | which is why you have had to add it to debian/source/include-binaries | 16:43 |
hakermania | Riddell: Oh! | 16:43 |
udienz | hakermania: well, debian/dirs is maybe become usr/bin/ | 16:44 |
udienz | not /usr/bin/ | 16:44 |
hakermania | I will be back in 1 hour 20 minutes. English lesson --_--' Btw I'll try out what you suggested | 16:44 |
hakermania | udienz: Ok | 16:44 |
udienz | Riddell: if you are not busy, can you review my merge at bug 677998 | 16:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 677998 in Ubuntu Documentation "openldap-server instructions have a small bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/677998 | 16:47 |
udienz | kirkland already approved this merging | 16:47 |
Riddell | udienz: looking | 16:49 |
Riddell | udienz: done | 16:59 |
udienz | Riddell: thanks! | 16:59 |
* udienz looking for other bugs | 17:01 | |
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joaopinto | hello | 17:53 |
joaopinto | dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libenet.so.1 needed by debian/assaultcube/usr/lib/games/assaultcube/ac_server (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: ''). | 17:53 |
joaopinto | Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file. | 17:53 |
joaopinto | To help dpkg-shlibdeps find private libraries, you might need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. | 17:53 |
joaopinto | using dh7, how do I tell dpkg-shlibdeps that the required .so is also provided by the package ? | 17:54 |
udienz | hello, i have question again. if upstream package from debian is outdate and i have uploaded to mentors.debian.net and since this minutes a package has not been uploaded can i submit to ubuntu? | 18:08 |
micahg | udienz: unless it's urgent, give it a few days on mentors | 18:17 |
udienz | micahg: thanks, my packages has been submitting to debian-mentors since 6th Dec | 18:22 |
kklimonda | udienz: it's just as hard to get something into ubuntu as it is to get it into debian. Maybe even harder ;) | 18:24 |
hakermania | Riddell: my orig.tar.gz is not missing the data/ folder! | 18:29 |
ScottK | kklimonda: It looks like one of your rebuilds misbuilt on powerpc as python-visual still pulls in the older gtkmm-2.4-dev. I'm trying to figure out which one ... | 18:45 |
mhall119 | if I have a new upstream verion of a package already accepted into the archives, do I still submit it to revu? | 18:47 |
ScottK | No | 18:52 |
ScottK | File a bug against the package in LP. Attach the new diff.gz or diff.tar.gz to the bug and subscribe sponsors | 18:52 |
mhall119 | file a bug for getting the new version? | 18:54 |
mhall119 | or for the fixes in it? | 18:54 |
mhall119 | hmmm, the needs-packaging bug is still open, so maybe its not in the archives yet | 18:55 |
ScottK | mhall119: Those have to be closed by hand, so possibly someone forgot too. | 18:58 |
mhall119 | ok | 18:58 |
ScottK | A bug for getting the new version. | 18:58 |
udienz | Hello all, if you have more time please review my proposal at bug 549365 | 19:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 549365 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Terminals have a translucent background" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/549365 | 19:01 |
ebroder | udienz: Someone from the design team needs to review that change. It's not an issue of technical review | 19:02 |
udienz | ebroder: which team? do you mean ubuntu-artwork? | 19:03 |
ebroder | udienz: It looks like vish already pinged the appropriate people. Have some patience, please | 19:05 |
udienz | ebroder: okay i'll waiting | 19:06 |
vish | udienz: you can directly ping Cimi either on #ubuntu-desktop or on #ayatana | 19:07 |
ScottK | kklimonda: I think I found it. | 19:08 |
udienz | vish: well done, i have asked to Cimi. thanks! | 19:11 |
vish | np.. | 19:11 |
kklimonda | ScottK: right, as I was afraid gtkglextmm for powerpc is still in queue | 19:19 |
hakermania | Riddell: Package updated. All errors mentioned corrected. If you have time please have a check :) | 19:20 |
kklimonda | ScottK: (the libatkmm-1.6.la reference comes from the gtkglextmm, and not from gtkmm/atkmm as one would suspect :)) | 19:21 |
ScottK | kklimonda: It failed so I just retried it. | 19:22 |
kklimonda | ScottK: ah, you are right - I did mention it to doko the other day | 19:24 |
ScottK | kklimonda: Get your MOTU application done. If you were MOTU now you could've retried it yourself... | 19:25 |
hakermania | Any motu here that can have a check in my upload :) ? | 19:26 |
udienz | Riddell: following bug 63189, aspell-id has been uploaded. but i can't see this package at natty | 19:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 63189 in aspell (Debian) "[needs-packaging] No aspell-id (indonesian) in Ubuntu" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63189 | 19:30 |
micahg | udienz: I asked that the package be removed form the queue since you said you were going through Debian | 19:31 |
micahg | and you made changes after upload | 19:31 |
micahg | in addition the version was incorrectr | 19:32 |
udienz | micahg: hm.. how to solving it? seems like aspell-id at debian mentors is ignored by dd | 19:33 |
udienz | *DD | 19:33 |
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micahg | udienz: you just started over there, also, I thought there was someone who commented in the wnpp bug in Debian | 19:34 |
micahg | udienz: there's an unanswered comment in the wnpp bug | 19:34 |
micahg | cyphermox: BTW, I didn't forget about ofono, I just didn't see an update to do anything with | 19:36 |
* micahg made a mistake about aspell-id, still sitting in NEW | 19:48 | |
micahg | udienz: my apologies, I didn't know Riddell reuploaded it, it's currently sitting in NEW and will probably be processed next week | 19:49 |
udienz | micahg: sorry i have dicconnect | 19:49 |
udienz | micahg: okey no problem.. | 19:50 |
hakermania | Any motu that can review my package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch ? thx | 19:51 |
udienz | micahg: i put this package in ubuntu because this package is very important in Indonesia. when i see aspell-id at mentors is slow i'm very sad... anyway thanks for your help | 19:53 |
micahg | udienz: you need to respond on the wnpp bug, there's an unanswered comment | 19:53 |
udienz | micahg: oke, and answered now | 19:56 |
ari-tczew | micahg: how about libjdic-java? is it on todo list? ;) | 20:08 |
micahg | ari-tczew: yes :) | 20:08 |
ari-tczew | micahg: if you will fix this FTBFS, you're my lord | 20:09 |
micahg | ari-tczew: I'll probably look at it at the end of the month when I have some time off | 20:09 |
ari-tczew | aha | 20:10 |
=== Elk is now known as vorian | ||
hakermania | Is any MOTU here? | 21:24 |
Rhonda | hakermania: Simply ask your question and you shall be answered if someone knows an answer. :) | 21:25 |
hakermania | Rhinda: Thx, I just wanted to ask if someone has time to take alook to my upload :O | 21:26 |
Rhonda | if you are patient, sure someone will be able to answer. Just ask and wait. :) | 21:26 |
ari-tczew | hakermania: what's the problem? | 21:38 |
hakermania | ari-tczew: There's no problem :) | 21:43 |
kim0 | I just fixed bug 687977 .. If anyone is interested to pick it up | 22:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 687977 in ibmasm-utils (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package 'ibmasm-utils' (3.0-1ubuntu10) failed to build on natty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/687977 | 22:01 |
hakermania | OK, if any MOTU or reviewer has time please have a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch Thx in advance. Have a nice night. | 22:51 |
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