=== apachelogger is now known as urllogger | ||
=== urllogger is now known as apachelogger | ||
rww | the +q *!*@gateway/web/* in #ubuntu should possibly be +q *!*@gateway/web/freenode/* instead. As far as I know, the FloodBots don't deal with other web gateways (a couple of users of which are in #ubuntu), do they? | 00:36 |
LjL | right but the other gateways are simply banned | 00:37 |
rww | ok | 00:37 |
LjL | i'm ready and willing to make the bots deal with more of them if there's a demand, any demand, and the gateway meets certain conditions | 00:37 |
LjL | (namely, providing the host in the realname field) | 00:37 |
LjL | rww: keep in mind i started making the bots do this as a way to let gateway users *back in* after they had been banned by default for a long time | 00:38 |
rww | I forgot about other gateways not doing hostnames in realname. Makes sense to keep that out. | 00:39 |
LjL | actually i think a few of them do, i've just never had anyone requesting access from any | 00:40 |
LjL | actually i have had emma request access from one, and added it | 00:40 |
* rww ponders irccloud.com | 00:43 | |
rww | I wonder if the ident part of their hostmasks are tied to the account. | 00:44 |
LjL | even if they are, that's too much of a hassle to cover | 00:44 |
LjL | it's host or nothing :P | 00:44 |
rww | I know. Mainly curious in case they ever wander into other channels. | 00:45 |
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rww | gord: awaynicks are bad :( | 00:47 |
gord | they are | 00:48 |
elky | bad gord | 00:52 |
rww | no pony | 00:53 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, beegoo44 said: ubottu: What is a bot? | 00:53 |
gord | never get pony anyway, why bother being good if ponies are always taken away? all stick no carrot make gord a sad boy | 01:04 |
LjL | you sound like wastrel | 01:24 |
IdleOne | OMG reboot and call your ISP | 01:33 |
rww | This is clearly a case for the RCMP | 01:34 |
IdleOne | and CSIS | 01:34 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !gnutella =~ s/, !Limewire// | 01:48 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !no, limewire is <alias> frostwire | 01:48 |
Pici | I missed. | 02:55 |
rww | speedy rww is speedy | 02:56 |
Pici | I also missed and removed the wrong person ;) | 02:56 |
rww | Ye gods, this week. | 03:26 |
IdleOne | got your hands full tonight | 03:26 |
Pici | yeah, this wikileaks stuff just brings the trolls out. | 03:28 |
IdleOne | I meant in -ot but that too | 03:28 |
rww | YAY | 05:56 |
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
rww | bazhang: I assume you noticed because I banforwarded someone from #ubuntu over there. We ran out of different ways to say "type /join #ubuntu", so I got creative; feel free to thwap me if it caused any confusion. | 07:53 |
rww | s/#ubuntu"/#ubuntu-cn"/ | 07:54 |
Jordan_U | rww: When you ban foreward someone for that purpose how exactly does it work. Do you have to kick them and hope they try to join again, or are they forewarded immediately? | 08:13 |
Flannel | Jordan_U: It only forwards them on join, so they have to re-join to be forwarded | 08:14 |
Jordan_U | That's what I was afraid of. | 08:14 |
rww | In this particular instance, the user kept /quitting and rejoining (I think their client autojoined #ubuntu, which was part of the confusion), so it wasn't too problematic ;) | 08:15 |
popey | @btlogin | 09:22 |
mneptok | @ka-ching | 09:29 |
bazhang | hehe | 09:41 |
bazhang | rww, thanks | 09:41 |
Jordan_U | Why didn't one of the floodbots quiet horsenounaway before idoru killed them? Just not fast enough? | 09:43 |
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
Pici | Hrm. did someone unmute the floodbots in #kubuntu? | 14:50 |
IdleOne | not me | 14:50 |
LjL | parently | 14:50 |
IdleOne | didn't know they were muted | 14:51 |
LjL | they need to be | 14:51 |
IdleOne | I can't there anyway | 14:51 |
IdleOne | but good to know | 14:51 |
Pici | Only the opped one is supposed to be able to talk. | 14:52 |
Pici | I just fixed it. | 14:52 |
IdleOne | that makes sense | 14:52 |
IdleOne | flooding with 4 bots when you want to tell someone not to flood is LOL | 14:52 |
LjL | that sometimes happens anyway, tbh :P | 14:53 |
LjL | and yeah it's a bit lol, but who am i to stop people from having a bit of lol | 14:53 |
IdleOne | exactly | 14:53 |
IdleOne | heh | 14:53 |
tsimpson | it probably happened during the mass ban removal | 14:54 |
LjL | you know initially the bots were slated to be called Conquest, War, Famine and Death | 14:55 |
LjL | i remember i actually checked all the nicks could be dropped | 14:55 |
jpds | Cool. | 14:55 |
* Pici keeps an eye on OpenVMS in #u | 17:06 | |
rww | 'morning | 17:45 |
LjL | 'evening | 17:46 |
Pici | 'afternoon | 17:48 |
Pici | I sense trolls | 19:09 |
bazhang | codenomics? | 19:10 |
Pici | Not just. | 19:10 |
Pici | OpenVMS keeps popping in | 19:10 |
bazhang | ah okay | 19:11 |
bazhang | nice | 19:16 |
bazhang | banforward to here? | 19:16 |
Pici | Please. | 19:16 |
cdbs | bazhang: you beat me! | 19:18 |
cdbs | the only thing I didn't do was come here and ask what to do :_ | 19:18 |
bazhang | cdbs, I have a banforward template already written out and saved | 19:19 |
cdbs | bazhang: and it appeared that when I wrote out that line and pressed enter, the thing came up, with the exception that it had 'by bazhang' at the end and not 'by cdbs' | 19:20 |
Pici | I have too many things rattling in my brain. | 19:20 |
cdbs | bazhang: BTW, I am bilalakhtar if you are confused :) | 19:20 |
bazhang | cdbs, yep I guessed from your cloak :) | 19:22 |
bazhang | alabd, hi | 21:12 |
alabd | Good day all , hi 2 you | 21:12 |
alabd | IdleOne: hello | 21:12 |
IdleOne | hello alabd | 21:13 |
IdleOne | alabd: Can we help you ? | 21:16 |
bazhang | alabd, how can we assist you | 21:16 |
bazhang | whoops | 21:16 |
alabd | IdleOne: did ops labor the issue ? | 21:16 |
IdleOne | alabd: I don't have any new information concerning your ban | 21:16 |
alabd | IdleOne: who should be asked for ? | 21:17 |
IdleOne | alabd: I would have to say that for now the ban will remain. | 21:18 |
IdleOne | alabd: you can email the IRCC and ask them if you like | 21:18 |
IdleOne | !appeals | 21:18 |
ubottu | If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. | 21:18 |
IdleOne | contact info is on the above link | 21:18 |
alabd | IdleOne: why ? you have asked ops to check my behavior in ubuntu-ir or not | 21:21 |
IdleOne | alabd: I have and they have not given me any new information | 21:22 |
IdleOne | you can email the IRCC and request that they update you directly | 21:22 |
alabd | IdleOne: which email exactly ? | 21:22 |
tsimpson | the address is on the page linked | 21:23 |
bazhang | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess alabd that link | 21:23 |
alabd | yes there are more than one email which email ? | 21:24 |
tsimpson | the first | 21:24 |
alabd | thanks everyone | 21:24 |
alabd | god bless you | 21:25 |
IdleOne | welcome alabd | 21:25 |
IdleOne | thank you two | 21:26 |
ubottu | ilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (You've) | 21:56 |
ubottu | ilovefairuz called the ops in #ubuntu (You`ve) | 21:57 |
Seveas | nobody awake? | 21:58 |
bazhang | now we are! | 21:58 |
Seveas | --> You`ve (~ariel@ip-89-174-124-157.multimo.pl) has joined #ubuntu | 21:58 |
Seveas | * You`ve got mail, type /server 1 to read it. | 21:58 |
rww | dealt with it | 21:58 |
rww | IdleOne didn't feel like it, I guess :\ | 21:59 |
IdleOne | Did it really need a ban? | 21:59 |
IdleOne | or even a +q | 21:59 |
bazhang | not klined? | 21:59 |
IdleOne | he said it one time | 21:59 |
IdleOne | was going to point to guidelines | 21:59 |
rww | Pretty sure the user knew before they said it that it wasn't a good idea. | 22:00 |
* rww shrugs, will remove +q in a few days | 22:00 | |
tsimpson | that's not a mistake, it's a deliberate attempt to force people to disconnect | 22:00 |
rww | ^ | 22:00 |
IdleOne | but it isn't harmful, that's why I didn't act right away | 22:00 |
LjL | you`ve eh | 22:01 |
LjL | clever | 22:01 |
tsimpson | it's no different from a dcc exploit, just less direct | 22:01 |
Pici | IdleOne: I think you're looking at the wrong line. | 22:01 |
IdleOne | * You`ve got mail, type /server 1 to read it. | 22:02 |
IdleOne | that ^^ | 22:02 |
Pici | yes | 22:02 |
LjL | yes that's an exploit of people's brains | 22:02 |
Pici | Its intended to be malicious. | 22:02 |
IdleOne | malicious but not harmful to your system | 22:02 |
LjL | neither is DCC SEND etc | 22:02 |
tsimpson | that's not the point, it's disruptive to the channel | 22:02 |
IdleOne | agreed | 22:03 |
rww | i wonder where all the DCC SEND people went. | 22:03 |
IdleOne | I see your points and I raise you APPLE PIE! | 22:03 |
Pici | rww: I don't. | 22:03 |
LjL | rww: nickspamming? | 22:03 |
rww | probably | 22:07 |
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