dpm | good morning all | 08:53 |
happyaron | morning, :) | 08:56 |
dpm | morning happyaron | 09:11 |
dpm | ok, it seems that the language packs are there, so let's do the call for testing! | 09:12 |
andrejz | morning | 09:13 |
dpm | hey andrejz | 09:16 |
andrejz | so now if we find mistakes are the langpackg going to be rebuilt? | 09:17 |
dpm | andrejz, if they are important ones, that's the idea, yes | 09:24 |
andrejz | so far i only have one minor one error inthe menu | 09:32 |
TLE | dpm: hey | 09:37 |
TLE | I was thinking, this might be a good oppotinuty to publish the calendar as well, but then you would need to decide if it is to be moved before | 09:38 |
TLE | it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes anyway, it's just about making the decision about the placement | 09:38 |
dpm | hey TLE, good idea. I've just updated the wiki page, and I'll do that too. Note that due to the delays in publishing the langpacks, I've moved the deadline for testing to the 17th this time round. In the future though, I'll make sure we can stick to the calendar dates | 09:40 |
dpm | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA | 09:40 |
TLE | dpm: ok, I'll update the google calendar, so testing deadline on friday 17th at what time? and when will they be pushed to updates? | 09:42 |
dpm | TLE, I've used the same time you proposed originally (14:00UTC). At that time I'll ask pitti to copy the ones on maverick-proposed for which people have provided a signoff to maverick-updates | 09:44 |
TLE | dpm: ok, he'll have time for that? I mean I don't know when he goes on weekend ;) | 09:46 |
dpm | TLE, afaik, it's a very simple process that will be run on Friday, so no need to run into the weekend. But let me check with him if he's in on that Friday :) | 09:47 |
dpm | i.e. the copy (or upload, I'm not sure) from -proposed to -maverick takes a matter of minutes to initiate | 09:47 |
TLE | ok, so if he is in, we could put in the calendar that the release will be like 3 hours after or something | 09:48 |
happyaron | dpm: Someone in our team told me most of untranslated strings are for Chromium OS, the templates seems to be not just for Chromium browser | 09:49 |
dpm | TLE, I can't remember off the top of my head how long it takes from the copy to -proposed to -updates to be initiated to complete, so perhaps we should just leave as it is, and watch it next week to see how it goes. I'd prefer perhaps not to be too specific until we road-test it the first time | 09:51 |
andrejz | @Happaron: i have been translating it a bit and noticed some strings are indeed related to chromium OS | 09:52 |
dpm | In any case, I've updated the dates in the wiki calendar and moved the page one position up in the calendar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/MaverickLanguagePackUpdateSchedule | 09:52 |
dpm | happyaron, andrejz, so you get the benefit of getting Chromium OS translated as well :) (at least the browser part, afaik) | 09:53 |
happyaron | andrejz dpm: well should we notify the mainling list? | 09:53 |
andrejz | @dpm: I don't mind :). The more the merrier | 09:53 |
TLE | ahh ok, so you have just put in an conservative date for the release, good, I'll update the google calendar, 5 min | 09:54 |
happyaron | Ours are nearly completed overnight, it looks quite good :) | 09:54 |
andrejz | we decided to first review existing translations | 09:57 |
TLE | dpm: calendar updated | 09:57 |
happyaron | andrejz: well I think we'd better wait for actions on chromium.org after translations committed to upstream | 09:59 |
andrejz | @happyaron: how many members are in your team? you seem to move quite fast | 09:59 |
happyaron | andrejz: I don't know whether they'll merge Google Chrome's translations back to trunk | 09:59 |
happyaron | andrejz: around 45 | 10:00 |
andrejz | now it makes sense ;) | 10:00 |
happyaron | chromium-browser's translation was backported from google chrome at least for Chinese, we don't know what will happen in chromium.org's trunk when there are conflicts between these two sources of translations. | 10:02 |
dpm | thanks TLE! | 10:06 |
dpm | happyaron, afaik, there are conditional translations. So the ones in chromium take precedence if they are present and you are running chromium, and the ones on google chrome take precedence if you're running chrome. | 10:07 |
dpm | happyaron, if you want to test this, you can run the daily PPA, where the strings will land after a couple of days | 10:07 |
happyaron | dpm: not understand, all of the templates will be shipt and the application choose which to use? | 10:12 |
* happyaron reboot | 10:13 | |
dpm | happyaron, the templates for chromium/chrome are no normal gettext templates. They are XML-like and contain conditional clauses for translations, that's how the application can choose them. What you see in Launchpad is only the result of the conversion from Chromium -> Gettext, so you can't see the conditions anymore | 10:16 |
happyaron | dpm: ah, see | 10:16 |
askhl | Hi. Where is upstream for grub? I thought it was translationproject, but TP only has 270 strings. Ubuntu has 460. | 11:32 |
askhl | And another question: The Chromium translations were recently opened. A large fraction of the Chromium strings are already translated. Where do these come from? | 11:33 |
askhl | Oh, wait. The latter question is actually answered above - they appear to be from Chrome | 11:34 |
dpm | askhl, on the Q+A section of the announcement: | 11:35 |
dpm | "Why do we need community translations? | 11:35 |
dpm | Many of the translations already available in Chromium come from private translations originated in Chrome." | 11:35 |
askhl | dpm: right, thanks, sorry for not keeping up :) | 11:36 |
dpm | askhl, no worries :) | 11:37 |
dpm | askhl, as per grub, the upstream is the TP, afaik. Perhaps a bug in the statistics? Have you downloaded the upstream and downstream PO files and compared them? | 11:37 |
dpm | Or it could be that Ubuntu gets the strings from trunk and the TP only gets stable versions? | 11:37 |
dpm | These are the things that I can think of off the top of my head | 11:37 |
askhl | dpm: that could be the case. It's just a bit strange that trunk has so many more strings. I'll try downloading trunk to compare... | 11:40 |
dpm | askhl, cool, let me know how the investigation goes. | 11:41 |
andrejz | @askhl: i am also interested in that | 11:42 |
andrejz | also i know about 3 weeks ago TP had a broken .POT file | 11:42 |
andrejz | not sure if they fixed it yet | 11:43 |
askhl | andrejz: the current POT file on TP is legal. | 11:46 |
askhl | Trying to find out how to construct the pot file from source... | 11:46 |
askhl | It says there's a `po/grub.pot' make rule in the README, but none of the makefiles contain a rule named like that | 11:54 |
happyaron | askhl: check mkisofs domain on TP | 12:01 |
happyaron | askhl: and debconf template on debian.org | 12:02 |
TLE | dpm: How's it comming with the announcement? | 15:20 |
TLE | dpm: sorry, got to go, talk to you later | 15:38 |
TLE | (quit | 15:38 |
happyaron | Lots of people are now requesting the creation of lp-l10n-* teams, chromium is an attractive project and launchpad/ubuntu get promoted, :) | 15:56 |
happyaron | Good night everybody, :D | 15:56 |
dpm | :) | 16:05 |
dpm | hi Andre_Gondim, there seem to be some errors on the pt-br chromium translations. Do you think you could have a look at them? http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translations/trunk/converter-output.html | 17:15 |
Andre_Gondim | let me see | 17:15 |
dpm | is there anyone here from the German team? There are a couple of errors for German as well. If someone could have a look at them, that'd be great | 17:16 |
dpm | ^^ | 17:16 |
dpm | they're all about translated placeholder variables, which shouldn't be translated | 17:20 |
Andre_Gondim | dpm, may you check it again?;) | 17:32 |
dpm | Andre_Gondim, ah, did you have the chance to fix them? Cool, thanks! | 17:33 |
Andre_Gondim | I think so :D | 17:34 |
dpm | great | 18:17 |
dpm | ok, have a fantastic weekend everyone! | 18:17 |
dpm | See you on Monday | 18:17 |
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