
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
MezSucks. Got woken up cause there was a burst pipe downstairs.00:33
MezCold and wet now00:33
* BigRedS would've slept through it00:36
BigRedSIn fact, I should really be sleeping now, come to think o fit00:36
* BigRedS goes to bed00:37
Mezdamn caps00:40
gord|afkdownloading the tron legacy album on ubuntu one, i love u1 -_-00:47
=== gord|afk is now known as gord
gordalso, turns out i set myself afk on the wrong server hours ago but only just noticed \o/00:48
ooo_join #loic03:25
screen-xmorning :)06:52
MooDoohello all07:59
exobuzzas this channel is not for political content but ubuntu, i wish there was an ubuntu tool, that allowed me to punch the government and the police in the face..08:01
exobuzzthanks.. cary on08:01
screen-xmorning exobuzz08:07
screen-xexobuzz: you can use any standard web browser for issuing remote punches, the problem is installing remote-punch-daemon in a location near enough to the target.08:08
screen-xand in other news, I reported a bug.08:09
screen-xbug 68846408:09
lubotu3Launchpad bug 688464 in krb5 (Ubuntu) "Wrong default path for kpropd.acl in kpropd man page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68846408:09
exobuzzscreen-x, haha thanks :)08:10
exobuzzscreen-x, i believe a remote punch daemon was unsuccessfully installed into the princes car yesterday although a window got slightly cracked.. bbc news is busy crying about it on his behalf currently.08:11
exobuzzbecause the most important thing about yesterday is this. and nothing else happened.08:12
MooDoowhat happened yesterday [he says crawling out his bubble]08:13
screen-xhmm, I can't get to bbc new from here, I think I killed in /etc/hosts in a last ditch attempt at some productivity.08:13
MooDooi'm guessing i missed something yesterday then, suppose i better read the news08:16
exobuzzthe news missed the policeman i saw in the background during a news report where he pushed a peaceful protester violently out the way even before any of the stuff really started. it also missed everything the police did but saw lots of violent students making trouble. it also saw the poor prince, going out to the variety performance have a window slightly broken.. the news also has seen how bad the internet is to allow recent ddos attacks and no08:20
exobuzzw it will need more restrictions. the news has spoken08:20
MooDooah nothing interesting then ;)08:20
dogmatic69i am having problems uploading files to my server08:22
screen-x27k tuition fees + 9k living costs, I don't think the uni is worth 36k debt to most people.08:22
dogmatic69ive tried all sorts and i cant get it right08:22
screen-xdogmatic69: ubuntu server?08:22
dogmatic69[public_html dev] $ sudo chmod 755 views/themed/ -vR08:23
dogmatic69mode of `views/themed/' changed to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)08:23
exobuzzdogmatic69, your server has been disabled by the government as you are an unlawful dissident .. or its some other problem08:23
screen-xdogmatic69: upload via http?08:23
dogmatic69ssh / ftp whatever08:23
screen-xdogmatic69: ubuntu client?08:24
exobuzzscreen-x, but for those that can afford it, there will be plenty of space at the uni ;-)08:24
boeheidim bored08:24
screen-xboeheid: write me an uber ldap/kerberos identity management webinterface, thanks.08:24
dogmatic69screen-x: ubuntu 10.10x64 both machines and it was working 5 min ago08:24
exobuzzanyway. im going to rest now. just angry at the crap bbc news reporting about yesterday.. incredibly one sided.. which seems in recent years to be the case.. sad.08:25
dogmatic69i deleted the folder, created a new one and tried to upload stuff08:25
boeheidscreen-x i already did08:25
screen-xboeheid: linky?08:25
boeheidexo dont watch bbc then, they are nazi08:25
exobuzzthey are.08:25
exobuzzi never thought i would get a more balanced view from RT!08:25
boeheidTV licence is a farce08:25
* MooDoo loves reading stuff in here08:26
exobuzzthat too08:26
screen-xdogmatic69: are you using scp? do you get any errors?08:26
boeheidsmart people dont pay it08:26
exobuzzmines up for non renewal this year i think. **ck em08:26
boeheidyou actually paid? lol what a n00b08:26
MooDoooooooo can i use the !offtopic08:26
exobuzzill unplug it .. no law broken. its all crap anyway08:26
exobuzzyeh i know08:26
lubotu3Please take political discussion to ##politics-uk. Thank you!08:26
exobuzzwhat an idiot!08:26
exobuzzim finished. thanks bye bed :-)08:26
dogmatic69screen-x: http://pastebin.com/6RD7G85p08:27
dogmatic69ftp ^08:27
boeheidwhos talking politics?08:27
MartijnVdSboeheid: TV licensing = politics08:27
boeheidaw chill oot08:27
exobuzzactually.. tv licensing = cnuts08:27
exobuzzok. im gone really..08:27
screen-xdogmatic69: for transfering files between two ubuntu boxes, scp is great.08:27
boeheidits nothing to do with politics08:27
screen-xscp = secure copy, it uses ssh.08:27
boeheidbut then he proll got caught08:27
lubotu3Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.08:28
MooDoojust keep it out the channel as most of use aren't really interested08:28
boeheidand im interesed in your rubbush most of the time?08:28
boeheidi dont complain08:28
dogmatic69screen-x: ssh nautilus http://i.min.us/iCmiA.png08:28
dogmatic69screen-x: i use git 99% of the time08:29
screen-xdogmatic69: try and create the dir, on the server as your user. Fix permissions till it works, then go back to trying remote copying08:30
TheOpenSourcererMorning all :-)08:30
screen-x\o TheOpenSourcerer08:31
TheOpenSourcererSomeone wants to give me a donation for my WP theme :-) 1st time that has happened.08:31
screen-x\o/ nice people08:31
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: yes i saw that :)  nice link a the bottom of the page too :)08:32
dogmatic69screen-x: i own everything and the chmod looks right to me http://pastebin.com/zJpweQQy08:33
dogmatic69the path is view/themed/clean/*08:33
TheOpenSourcererdogmatic69: Do an ls -l rather than "o" so we can see the group too.08:35
TheOpenSourcererThe do a "whoami"08:35
dogmatic69drwxr-xr-x 5 dogmatic69 users 4096 2010-12-10 08:20 clean08:35
dogmatic69TheOpenSourcerer: ^08:36
dogmatic69its a slicehost server and "users" is the normal group08:36
dogmatic69[themed dev] $ groups dogmatic6908:36
dogmatic69dogmatic69 : users08:36
TheOpenSourcerercan you create stuff from the command line? i.e. touch test.file08:37
TheOpenSourcererSo you have the right perms. Where did the nautilus error come from? Are you running it over ssh -X?08:40
dogmatic69ssh user@server08:40
dogmatic69also ftp aint working08:40
screen-xdogmatic69: does copying files/folders to other locations work? eg /tmp08:41
dogmatic69i just copied to /var/www/sites/dogmatic69.com/public_html08:42
dogmatic69the one that does not work is /var/www/sites/dogmatic69.com/public_html/view/themed/*08:42
TheOpenSourcerercan you do scp? From your local machine: scp test.file user@host: will put it in your home dir08:42
TheOpenSourcererYou can put the full path after the colon if you want to try and dump something in the problem dir.08:43
dogmatic69i copied the files to /var/www/sites/dogmatic69.com/public_html and then cp'ed them to the right location08:45
dogmatic69now everything is there08:45
dogmatic69that is balls08:47
dogmatic69perms for working drwxr-xr-x 14 dogmatic69 users 4096 2010-12-10 08:43 public_html08:48
dogmatic69not working drwxr-xr-x 4 dogmatic69 users 4096 2010-12-10 08:43 themed08:48
dogmatic69what is the 14 and 408:48
screen-x4 is the link count, I can't see 14.08:49
screen-xoh, on the previous line...08:50
dogmatic69there are other places i cant copy to also08:51
screen-x\o/ kerberos replication to slave KDC finally working08:54
MooDoomorning daubers08:58
dogmatic69screen-x: i just rm -r the whole lot, will upload a .gz of the repo09:00
dogmatic69i think its the git clone that fked it up09:00
screen-xdogmatic69: if you use git consistently it should be ok, and that would be a very good way of managing it.09:00
dogmatic69that is what i normally do09:00
dogmatic69as its just a os project the repo is on github so git clone address is easy09:01
TheOpenSourcererMind your eyes: http://www.dokimos.org/ajff/ (ouch)09:03
BigRedSI thought they'd killed Geocities?09:04
nigelbMorning Uk-ites09:04
nigelbTheOpenSourcerer: Oh dear09:04
nigelb"How not to design websites"09:04
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: that's an awesomely modern bar the Christians have at the top of their page09:05
BigRedSsort-of implies somebody's actually maintaining that site still09:05
screen-xWhen TheOpenSourcerer said "mind your eyes" I thought you meant brace yourself for horrible design, not epileptic fit warning!09:07
MooDoosorry can't read this i'm blind09:15
kazademorning all09:18
FlashtekMooDoo: I do have a friend on IRC that actually is blind..09:18
MooDooFlashtek: awesome, do they use some braile reader?09:19
popeyboeheid looks like it was Linuxsapien09:24
Flashtekmorning popey09:25
TheOpenSourcererlo popey - Ignortion seemed the best approach.09:25
TheOpenSourcererDO NOT follow the link I posted here earlier.09:26
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: you're telling us now ;)09:26
FlashtekTheOpenSourcerer: which ?09:26
TheOpenSourcererThis one: http://www.dokimos.org/ajff/ Don't go here. Whatever you do.09:26
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: why?  apart from it looking aweful09:27
TheOpenSourcerermorning kaushal09:27
kaushalI have 4 Gigs Physical RAM on my laptop09:27
Flashtekkaushal: cool09:27
kaushalBut Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 recognizes only 3.4 GB09:27
Flashtekkaushal: 32bit or 64bit ?09:27
TheOpenSourcererMooDoo I was just trying to be a tad ironic.09:28
kaushaland what can be done about remaining 600MB09:28
kaushal32 Bit09:28
MooDooTheOpenSourcerer: ah sorry lol thought it was virused or something09:28
Flashtekkaushal: there is the issue.. 32bit can't count that high09:28
popeyit can09:28
Flashtekkaushal: if you want to use the full RAM amount, use 64bit09:28
popeyuse linux-image-generic-pae09:28
TheOpenSourcererYou should be running the pae kernel09:28
popey!info linux-image-generic-pae09:29
lubotu3linux-image-generic-pae (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)09:29
popeyYA RLY!09:29
Flashtekkaushal: is it a 64bit cpu ?09:29
kaushalFlashtek: how do i find it ?09:31
kaushalis it lm in cpuinfo ?09:32
Flashtekkaushal: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo09:33
kaushalyes its there09:33
Flashtekso, you have a 64bit system..09:34
Flashtekwith 4gb ram09:34
Flashtekand you're running 32bit ?09:34
Flashtekcan i ask why ?09:35
popeywhy not?09:36
popeythere's very little advantage to running 64-bit on a 4GB box09:36
Flashtekpopey: perhaps because he's not using the full power available..09:36
popeyhe will _use_ more memory if he switches to 64-bit too09:37
popeyif he had 8GB then maybe its worth it09:37
popeyand maybe if he does some video encoding or other computationally heavy stuff09:37
Flashtekevery little helps IME09:37
popeybut the vast majority of uses for the vast majority of users, wont notice the difference09:37
FlashtekI notice the difference09:37
popeynot when your computer spends ~90%+ of its time idle09:38
popeyyou are in the minority09:38
Flashtekbut the 10% that's used is more efficiant09:38
popeyprove it :)09:38
Flashtekpopey: no thanks, that'd mean reinstalling a 32bit version09:38
popeyok, I'll dismiss that argument then :)09:38
Flashtek:) oke09:39
Flashtekmakes a difference when doing big compile jobs too09:39
popeyI did say that09:39
popey09:37:31 < popey> and maybe if he does some video encoding or other computationally heavy stuff09:39
popeyI'm not disputing that there's some advantage to running 64-bit, but the advantages are small IMO09:39
Flashtekoh, I also do actualy do video encoding..09:39
popeyyeah, me too, but the difference isnt significant09:40
Flashtek09:37 < Flashtek> every little helps IME09:41
Flashtekanyway, kaushal.. there are options for you..09:41
Flashtekpae kernel, or 64bit system09:41
popeyor just ignore it :)09:41
popeyi have a laptop with 4GB RAM which can only see 3.3 GB :(09:42
FlashtekI have a laptop with 3gb, and I can see all of it :-D09:42
FlashtekI win09:42
popeyYes, you do, congratulations, you win.09:43
MartijnVdSYou wine one internets.09:43
Flashtekan internets all of my own09:43
hoovermornin folks09:43
Flashtekhi hoover09:43
hooverhello Flashtek09:44
Flashtekhoover: is your name henry ?09:44
hooverFlashtek: no, it's my father's name actually ;-)09:45
hooverGerman: Heinz -> English: Henry09:45
Flashteki was wondering about the hoover name..09:45
hooverNah, that's been my nick since the early 80s or so09:46
Flashtekfurry muff09:46
* screen-x sets off on a quest to configure an ldap slave09:47
directhexscreen-x: syncrepl!09:48
screen-x\o/ google fodder09:48
screen-xthanks directhex09:49
popeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm-Vnx58UYo is good fun09:50
* BigRedS wonders if that's a joke aimed at Gnome, or if he's reading too much into this10:00
JamesTaitMorning all. :)10:01
bigcalmpopey: they had a lot of fun with that10:08
bigcalmI tried 2 of the 3 joggler images last night. Both didn't get past grub due to partitions not existing10:18
bigcalmI get the feeling that my sandisk stick has extra partitions on it10:19
JamesTaitOoh, is today the website hack day?10:20
JamesTaitYeah, that sounds bad, doesn't it?10:20
JamesTaitNo, I don't mean we'll be performing illegal activities on web site. :)10:20
bigcalmThat would be cracking10:20
bigcalmWhy can't the media learn the difference?10:21
JamesTaitAlthough a certain amount of hacking may also be involved.10:21
bigcalmThe end result of hacking might be cracking10:21
JamesTaitBut I'm straying from the point.10:21
JamesTaitI thought today (or maybe it's next Friday) was the day we all try and do what we can to get the new Ubuntu-UK web site fit for launch.10:22
JamesTaitWell, all who want to anyway.10:22
Flashtekfirst i've heard of it..10:23
popeyJamesTait: its today10:24
JamesTaitActually, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-November/027677.html10:24
popeyhas the "to-do" / "wish" list10:25
FlashtekI will help in any way I can..10:25
JamesTaitThanks popey. :)10:25
JamesTaitI think I just found my project(s) for this evening.10:27
gord*shudders* the creepy ubuntu desktop background got switched to by the desktop background rotator :(10:42
screen-xwhich one is creepy gord?10:42
gordscreen-x, http://gordallott.com/img/Smile_by_quinn.anya.jpg <-- that one. i have two monitors and that... face.. it just stares at me!10:43
gordand then sometimes i have my netbook in here then there are three of it!10:43
screen-xI'll agree that's a bit creepy..10:44
screen-xWhy not remove it from the rotation?10:44
screen-ximmensely shallow DoF10:44
gordgnome background rotation stuff is a pain and the file that controls it will just get overwritten when i next get an upgrade on that package anyway10:44
gordyou would think that for rotating the backgrounds you would have a simple list of files right? maybe a gconf key that states the minutes for each rotation? gnome thinks you need a whole xml file with this undocumentated schema10:45
czajkowskigord: yer very special at times10:46
* Flashtek has a warm kitten on his left forearm.. :)10:53
nigelbgord: I tend to think of food seeing that image10:54
BigRedSFlashtek: they don't normally stay in the same place for very long11:01
davmor2morning all11:04
MooDoodavmor2: morning11:04
* davmor2 prods czajkowski to get that out of the way11:04
awilkinsMmm. Warm kitten sandwich.11:04
* czajkowski trips davmor2 up 11:06
FlashtekBigRedS: this one is..11:06
Flashtekawilkins: lol11:06
Flashteknot much meat on this one..11:06
screen-xFlashtek: unfortunately the topic no longer contains kittens  :(11:07
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday December 16th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2 ☃ | Kittens \o/
Flashteksure it does11:07
FlashtekKITTENZ !11:08
davmor2czajkowski: now I got hot coffee all down me, git!11:08
* Flashtek passes davmor2 some paper towels11:09
* davmor2 goes and gets another coffee11:09
Flashtekkitteh is reading IRC....11:09
screen-xlo kitteh11:10
BigRedSAh! Coffee! That's what's missing!11:11
* popey puts catnip on the keyboard11:11
* popey is on coffee #311:11
* Flashtek has not had any 0xC0FFEE yet today11:11
* davmor2 awaits the gibberish from popey as the cat walks all over his keyboard for the rest of the day11:12
czajkowskidavmor2: brat11:12
davmor2czajkowski: pleasure11:12
* MooDoo pokes czajkowski :p11:12
czajkowskitag teaming are ye11:12
MooDoodavmor2: phew was feeling left out there11:12
* davmor2 tags MooDoo and prods czajkowski leaps back to the corner of the ring and tags MooDoo back in. czajkowski No we're not tag teaming at all11:13
* MooDoo stands in front of czajkowski ready to pounce with the four figure leg lock in mind....11:14
screen-xerrr !ohmy ?11:23
MooDooscreen-x: don't worry myself and davmor2 are running a tag team against czajkowski11:24
* AlanBell thinks MooDoo is going to get a pounding11:40
AlanBellanyhow, website stuff11:40
AlanBellanyone want more access to it to do stuff?11:41
MooDooAlanBell: a pounding?11:42
AlanBellthe tag team thing11:42
MooDooAlanBell: ah i see, i'm past being scared of czajkowski now ;)11:42
indyhi folks11:45
MooDoohi indy11:45
X3Ntalking of websites, are we ever going to switch ubuntu-uk.org over to the new site?11:47
JamesTaitAlanBell: (not sure why you're not showing on the user list) Yes please. Do I need to do anything other than register?11:47
UndiFineDAlanBell, is special JamesTait11:50
UndiFineDhe is second on the userlist, probably out of your view11:51
screen-xPresumably the relevant people know about: Warning: split() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /srv/beta.ubuntu-uk.org/www/wp-content/plugins/osm/osm.php on line 21111:51
JamesTaitTime for tea.11:53
indyguys i'm having trouble getting my Sony Laptop working with U10.10 and nvidia. Does anyone here have any suggestion on how to get the graphics to work?11:53
awilkinsindy, Are you using the nvidia binary driver, or nouveau?11:53
awilkinsindy, It will be using nouveau by default, you wil lhave had to approve a "restricted driver" to gt the binary.11:54
indyawilkins, the nvidia driver...had to disable nouveau cause it didn't set my screen properly11:54
awilkinsSo what is not working correctly?11:54
* AlanBell upgrades subscribers to authors11:55
indyonce i disable the nouveau driver and install the nvidia the system doesn't login. I think this all to do with the EDID file not being generated by the nvidia driver11:55
screen-xmistyped twitter.com, missing one of the middle 't's and ended up at a very NSFW site :(11:58
SuperMatthuh, arista-transcode cli tool doesn't work inf I use arista-transcode -p Desire filename.avi, but it does work if I replace filename.avi with /path/to/file/filename.avi12:02
MartijnVdSindy: nothing 'generates edid files'12:03
JamesTaitindy: I feel your pain. I have a Vaio with the GT330M and had quite a bit of bother.12:05
* JamesTait should keep better notes about things like this.12:05
awilkinsI had trouble with EDIDs on a Viewsonic monitor because it's internal storage got wiped... I don't know what they use to store them in but it seems quite fragile, had to replace the damn thing twice just for this.12:06
awilkinsI just hope the refurbed units get a better EDID store than the factory models.12:07
indybut the thing is 10.04 does work with the 256.xx driver12:07
indyi think it's a combo problem with 10.10 and 260.xx driver12:08
MartijnVdSguess why I've stopped buying nvidia :)12:08
indyi wanted 10.10 cause it looks better than 10.0412:08
JamesTaitindy: Currently I'm pinned at nvidia-current 256.53-ubuntu312:09
JamesTaitInsert a '0' before the ubuntu.12:09
awilkinsCan you still write your own Xorg.conf or will it just get ignored now?12:10
JamesTaitindy: But I'm pretty certain I had to do more fiddling around than just installing that to get it to work.12:10
awilkinsAha, the nvidia tool writes one for you12:10
indyJamesTait, yeah you're right. i had to add 2 lines to my xorg file12:11
indyi think these are the sort of problems that's holding Linux adoption back12:12
popeythere are many things holding linux adoption back12:13
MartijnVdSlet's fix them one at a time :)12:13
indypopey, i know, but i'm just talking of the basic things that a user needs in order to get the PC to work12:14
awilkinsIt's a symptom of the overall distribution of the market - these problems no doubt occur in Windows but there's a lot more incentive and funding to test them out and fix them.12:14
indyin general i think the Linux community is doing a fantastic job trying to keep things afloat12:14
BigRedSAlso, people genuinely expect Windows to have faults. They just accept them. It's really peculiar.12:14
popeyindy: people shouldn't need to "get the pc to work", it should come with the OS pre-configured out of the box12:15
popeysee Google Chrome for an example :)12:15
awilkinsI think there is a phenomenon where the larger a piece of software is perceived, the more likely you'll put up with faults because your little problem with it seems insignificant - esp in Office and Windows12:16
indypopey, true12:16
awilkinsMaybe you could have a Linux Clinic where you charge some fraction of the Windows license fee to install Linux and get it working. You'd be fine in the majority of cases. And then you'd earn your keep on machines like indy's12:17
popeyCharge in bitcoins!12:17
awilkinsOnly when I can spend them in  Tesco12:19
indyawilkins, good idea. problem is may prove costly in the long run cause kernel upgrades can break things and that would really pi$$ people off12:19
awilkinsThe other thing it would provide is invaluable - a list of faults that people really care about (enough to wave cash around)12:20
awilkinsI suppose commercial Linux support covers that to a degree12:21
indyi installed 10.10 on my wife's pc and everything was working fine. i did an upgrade and for some reason her mic stop working and she went mad cause she couldn't talk to her family on skype...got a right ear full that day12:21
popeythats why i rarey update my mums computer :)12:21
popeyi get emailed about the updates required each day12:21
popeyand choose when to do them carefully12:21
indypopey, that's exactly what i do now12:22
awilkinsI too have this kind of phenomenon with my wife. She expects that because I'm a "computer guy" that I'm an expert on using Office (avoid it) or even EndNote (!)12:22
indyat least i got her onto Linux12:22
awilkinsMy dear old mumsy loves it.12:22
awilkinsOr at least, doesn't pester me with problems12:23
awilkinsShe was a legal secretary before she retired so does have some familiarity with computers12:23
cocoa117anyone here use scheduleworld.com sync their PIM data? Are they/he/she shutting down for good?12:24
awilkinsWifey was on Linux but was re-infected with Windows because she's doing a research project and her IT dept don't comprehend full-disk encryption products that work on anything but Windows12:24
popeycocoa117: that host doesn't resolve12:24
awilkinsHer machine now takes about 10 minutes to boot ; painful to watch it constantly thrashing the disk too.12:25
cocoa117popey, DNS issue?12:25
awilkinsBogged down with very poor antivirus product and the horrible enterprisey disk encryption that we have to use at work.12:25
indyawilkins, i know what you mean. my wife had the same problem with her laptop. i put Linux on and it was booting in seconds and responding better overall12:26
screen-xdirecthex: do I need "overlay syncprov" on the slapd master, when using syncrepl?12:26
indyof course i had to mess about with the setting to get her webcam to work with skype12:26
indyok guys gotta go now...12:27
dutchiemothers :(12:28
awilkinsMine :-)    ... hers    :-S12:29
MooDooawilkins: i think you'll find it is, what's hers is hers, what's yours is hers :)12:29
dutchieleft my laptop overnight doing an initial offlineimap sync, and woke up this morning at student o'clock to find computer turned off, and don't know whether the offlineimap job finished12:29
dutchienow i'm worried to run it again in case it deletes all my email server-side12:30
awilkinsIsn't that what IMAP doesn't do? I thought that was POP?12:30
dutchie!info offlineimap12:30
lubotu3offlineimap (source: offlineimap): IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 153 kB, installed size 552 kB12:30
BigRedSif you delete stuff that offlineimap has downloaded, it will delete it on the server12:32
BigRedSif offlineimap hasn't finished downloading, it should just carry on as before12:32
BigRedSexactly like any other 'imap' client12:32
directhexscreen-x: i have it, so it's at worst not harmful12:35
dutchieBigRedS: oh, it "knows" when it hasn't finished? that's reassurin12:36
BigRedSdutchie: well, it certainly should12:48
screen-xdirecthex: Thanks. I was getting "overlay \"syncprov\" not found" whenever I added that line. Found the problem, I was missing loadmodule syncprov.la12:49
=== emma is now known as em
BigRedSOh wow. The empathy ':(' emoticon looks _really_ sad13:26
BigRedSI almost feel sorry for it13:26
UndiFineDalmost :P13:34
screen-xdirecthex: are your slapd slaves started with -c rid=xxx?13:59
directhexthere's just a rid setting in the syncrepl stanza in slapd.conf14:07
directhexopenldap 26358     1  0 Mar16 ?        1-04:49:36 /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldaps:/// -g openldap -u openldap -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf14:07
screen-xthanks again directhex :)14:09
brobostigonafternoonings all.14:36
MooDoobrobostigon: hello14:37
brobostigonMooDoo: hello. :)14:37
AlanBellthrough a sequence of missdials I have discovered our business phone number is very similar to that of Mac User, and a 1 to 1 chat service with hot girls apparently14:41
=== denny- is now known as denny
TheOpenSourcererIt is also very close to Maplins support line too ;-)14:42
bigcalmA client continues to use google translate, but what's with the capitlisation? 'For the moment we don't have subcategories, but maybe WE can HAVE just one as example, call i "Test" under "Scenic Highlights"'14:46
evilchristelall the cool kids do random capitalisation of words14:53
MooDooDo They?14:53
* czajkowski hugs evilchristel 14:54
* evilchristel tickles czajkowski 14:54
bigcalmevilchristel: :))14:57
bigcalmWhere have you been hiding?14:58
AlanBellwhere all the cool kids hide!14:58
davmor2bigcalm: just over there behind the watercooler don't tell me you couldn't see evilchristel14:59
czajkowskievilchristel: head away over the weekend to bath, back december 31st we should catch up14:59
gordi get to know amazon customer service far too well these days, i hate royal mail :(15:04
jpdsgord: Likewise.15:04
gordamazon tend to refund me the royal mail charge, but i'm not that fussed about £2, i just want my stuff :(15:04
bigcalmI phoned Amazon customer services to let them know they had sent me 2 copies of the same CD. After a while of scratching their heads, they thanked me, gave me a return lable and credited my account with 5 quid :)15:06
gordyeah, amazon customer services are really good15:08
czajkowskibigcalm: nice15:19
bigcalmczajkowski: just hope the 2nd cd actually turns up at some point15:21
bigcalmCan't leave Hayley CDsless15:21
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
bigcalmI want it to be the 25th already so that I can give her the necklace/earring set15:22
* bigcalm is terrible at keeping surprses15:22
brobostigonbigcalm: you do realise this is publiclly recorded ?15:23
bigcalmbrobostigon: yep, and she doesn't "do" IRC15:23
brobostigonbigcalm: ok.15:23
bigcalmI've tried to get her on here. So have others :)15:23
czajkowskibigcalm: soppy :p15:27
bigcalmczajkowski: indeedie :D15:28
TheOpenSourcererHow cool? http://www.flickr.com/photos/40225877@N03/sets/72157625401839531/15:28
Apacheukhi all o/, are there any firewall guru's out there?15:28
bigcalmiain@ppl:~$ date15:29
bigcalmFri Dec 10 16:11:45 GMT 201015:29
bigcalmSomething wrong there15:29
|Dreams|having a weird problem - on some websites half i keep getting a black rectangle that seems to flash on part of the webpage? i am using latest ubuntu x6415:30
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: rather detailed15:30
|Dreams|disabled compiz and on basic in appearnce15:30
|Dreams|still doing it arghhhhhh15:30
gord|Dreams|, flash? i get that with flash15:34
|Dreams|its only started happening recently15:34
|Dreams|yeah facebook etc15:34
|Dreams|doing my head in15:35
|Dreams|http://imagebin.ca/view/SP39XNiG.html example15:35
|Dreams|that black oblong15:35
|Dreams|it flashes until i click to the left of it15:35
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
bigcalmInstall the web dev tool bar and find out what that object is15:36
|Dreams|i that what happens to u gord15:36
|Dreams|it happens on different parts of the page at different times15:36
andylockranhowdy all15:37
|Dreams|i thought it was either graphics or my monitor on the way out15:37
|Dreams|but disabled propitiatory still does it - must be flash15:37
cocoa117anyone know how to disable "password and encryption keys" prompt when you trying to access remote desktop? each time you have to be physically with your remote desktop and type in default password before I can access it remotely15:38
|Dreams|yeah tell it to remember the password/key permenantly15:39
cocoa117|Dreams|, where?15:39
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
|Dreams|it oul dof aske dyou the first time you accessed the remote15:39
|Dreams|peferences - remote desktop15:40
|Dreams|sorry about the typo my keyboard is dying too15:40
|Dreams|you can change settings there to accept connections automatically15:41
cocoa117|Dreams|, i didn't really get it15:41
cocoa117|Dreams|, so i should set on my remote desktop first?15:42
|Dreams|yeah check automativcally configure to accept conections15:42
cocoa117done that15:42
|Dreams|on the pc your trying to connect to?15:42
cocoa117i use password to login15:42
cocoa117in security section, "require the user to enter this password", i put down my password15:43
|Dreams|so what you are trying to do it get the machine your using to connect to a remote pc without asking for the password?15:43
cocoa117the machine name:500015:44
|Dreams|uncheck you must confirm15:44
=== denny- is now known as denny
|Dreams|onthe pc you are trying to connect too15:44
cocoa117yes, your mast confirm each accesss has been unchcked15:44
|Dreams|and you still physically have to be on the pc you are connecting too, to accept the connectio15:45
cocoa117yes, to type in the password for "password and encryption keys"15:46
cocoa117which is default password as my login15:46
|Dreams|sorry i cant help any further stick around maybe someone better can help15:46
cocoa117|dreams| no worries15:46
Phineasi'm back now16:18
Phineashello all 151 people in this channel16:28
Phineashow do i edit a aac flie16:30
MooDooaudio editor?16:30
PhineasMooDoo,  which one16:31
MooDoomaybe audacity will be able to do it, not sure though16:31
PhineasMooDoo,  nope it wont load the file16:32
evilchristelczajkowski: youre not back before the 31st!?16:33
Phineasaudacity wont load a aac16:33
MooDoophineas - http://www.ehow.com/how_4964854_convert-aac-mp-ubuntu.html16:33
MooDoojust search google16:33
MooDooPhineas: so aac to mp3 then use audacity16:34
czajkowskievilchristel: nope I head to Bath on sunday early16:35
czajkowskithen from there head back16:35
Phineasgod IRC png is hard16:37
Phineascurse  you ffmpeg16:38
Phineasnow i have 50 dud .mp3s which don't play (stream contains no data)16:39
MooDooPhineas: just search google, i'm sure someone has done it before16:40
andylockranhow goes things?16:48
andylockranfancy hearing peoples comments on: http://zrmt.com/article/view/coalition #politics #offtopic16:48
bigcalmIs it just on Windows, or does the gimp take forever to start up on linux as well?16:53
MooDoobigcalm: probably just windows16:55
MooDooseems fine on my laptop16:55
bigcalmSilly Windows16:55
Phineasbigcalm,  gimp takes some time on my laptop16:58
Phineasi'm confused Kindle For Pc wont open16:58
Phineasoh wait i get it Vurtual box16:59
Phineasbigcalm,  its  not just windows being silly gimp is slow ish on my matchine as well17:06
* AlanBell has a hack at the website17:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Coalition - http://zrmt.com/article/view/coalition17:09
AlanBellandylockran: makes a lot of sense to me17:09
andylockranAlanBell: cheers for the feedback17:10
* Phineas swats SWAT17:30
* brobostigon has a local real ale, yummy, :)17:31
brobostigonmaybe pub, it is friday night afterall.17:32
Phineasbrobostigon,  and the weekend woot woot17:33
brobostigonPhineas: a hopefully quiet, relaxing weekend,17:34
Phineasbrobostigon,  hopefully yeah17:34
brobostigonPhineas: :)17:34
* SWAT pinches Phineas 17:35
brobostigonhmm, there is a thread on the german ubuntu mailing list, about sexy linux girls, hmmm.17:37
bigcalmA myth and no mistake17:37
brobostigonbigcalm: there are loads of girls and women who use linux.17:39
brobostigonbigcalm: czajkowski and myrtti to start with,17:40
dutchiebrobostigon: sounds like the sort of thread that would go off-CoC very very very quickly17:41
brobostigondutchie: i am subscribed to the german ubuntu list, i havent fully read it yet, so dont know yet, if it has or not.17:42
jacobwHow can I verify the wireless channel in use in Ubuntu?17:42
jacobwCan you read German brobostigon ?17:42
brobostigonjacobw: yes, and speak, as well.17:42
brobostigonjacobw: iwconfig i think.17:44
brobostigonjacobw: verify ?17:44
jacobwI want to see what channel the wireless is using17:45
brobostigonjacobw: iwconfig then.17:45
brobostigonhowever, i am not sure it gives that much detail, iwconfig's scan, might give it. and show the channel for the AP.17:47
brobostigoniwlist i mean,17:49
jacobwThe problem I'm having is that a laptop with an A/G/N wireless card loses signal about 4 metres from the AP17:52
jacobwI'm trying to determine whether it is a signal mismatch error, I don't think it is now17:52
X3NI've known having N enabled to cause problems17:53
brobostigonjacobw: if it is a linux based router, have you looked at the wifi AP deamon logs onthere, to see if the issue is onthat end,17:53
jacobwThe AP transmits on channel 1, I've changed the laptop to channel 11, worked down the channels and seen the signal strength improve17:54
brobostigonjacobw: ok, thats good.17:54
jacobwX3N, I don't know how to check whether N is enabled in Ubuntu though17:54
brobostigonjacobw: iwconfig as i mentioned earlier will give you that.17:55
dutchiedoes clonezilla support ext4 nowadays?18:01
dutchielast time i tried, it was just dd'ing it18:01
MartijnVdSdutchie: ^18:03
jacobwDisabling N on the router hasn't helped my situation18:03
MartijnVdStry disabling N in the driver :)18:03
jacobwhow do I do that MartijnVdS ?18:03
* jacobw has a bad feeling it will involve recompilation of kernels18:04
dutchiecheers MartijnVdS18:04
MartijnVdSjacobw: most likely a module option18:05
MartijnVdSor an "iw" command18:05
MartijnVdS(iw help)18:05
MartijnVdS*off to the gym*18:08
jacobwaccording to `iwconfig` the card isn't using N, "IEEE 802.11abg"18:10
jacobwhmm :(18:10
=== ivanka is now known as ivanka-train
czajkowskibigcalm aup18:35
bigcalmczajkowski: yo yo18:36
czajkowskisaq mt name highlighted18:37
czajkowskisaw my18:38
bigcalmDid I address you?18:38
czajkowskisomeone else saud talk to me or myrtti18:40
siriuslytest from Android phone18:40
* bigcalm hugs czajkowski :)18:41
bigcalmczajkowski: scroll up a little, you'll see that somebody didn't see I was being silly18:41
* siriusly is impressed :)18:42
daubersfinally get to sit down18:45
coffeebean8888who is from uk then?18:52
dutchieprobably most people in here18:52
coffeebean8888me too18:52
czajkowskibigcalm o- phone18:53
coffeebean8888ubuntu software sites?18:55
coffeebean8888who has some?18:55
X3NAll the software for ubuntu is usually in the repositories18:59
X3Nvia the add/remove software, much like an app store, but everything is free ;)18:59
NafalloUbuntu Software Center19:00
MartijnVdSjacobw: iwconfig doesn't do N, "iw" does20:00
rymate1234i need help!20:02
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] Apache Software Foundation leaves JCP - Red Hat in alliance with proprietary corporations - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/apache-software-foundation-leaves-jcp-red-hat-alliance-proprietary-corporations21:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] LibreOffice: Document Foundation Steering Committee Public Phone Conference 11-Dec-2010 - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/libreoffice-document-foundation-steering-committee-public-phone-conference-11-dec-201021:09
AlanBell!info simon21:19
lubotu3Package simon does not exist in maverick21:19
AzelphurAlanBell: my brother doesn't exist?21:21
AlanBellbeen eaten by a narwhal21:21
Azelphurnoooooooooooooo :(21:21
Nafallodon't ask questions you don't want the answers to21:21
daubersThe Alans will consume you all!!21:22
daubersAlanBell: How goes website hackingness?21:24
AlanBellI was going to chat with the person who wrote the lugmap plugin later21:26
AlanBellI got it kind of working21:26
daubersAh, I see :)21:27
daubersOoooooh, Areca updated their API, it's now got comments!21:29
dauberswhile not brain.Active:21:37
daubers    daubers.sleep()21:37
coffeebean8888usb-imagewriter i cant install it on ubuntu why?21:48
coffeebean8888there no apt package?21:48
coffeebean8888any ideas21:49
DJonesWhich version of Ubuntu are you using21:54
Azelphur!punctuation | coffeebean888821:59
lubotu3coffeebean8888: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter21:59
coffeebean8888shut up lubotu3 u monkey gimp22:04
coffeebean8888ha ha ha ha22:04
coffeebean8888how about that punctuation22:04
Azelphurcoffeebean8888: you know your arguing with a bot right? :p22:04
coffeebean8888how do u install usb image writer?22:06
Azelphurcoffeebean8888: is it not in the software center?22:06
DJonescoffeebean8888: How about answering the question I asked you?22:07
AlanBell!info unetbootin22:07
lubotu3unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 274 kB, installed size 808 kB22:07
AzelphurI use unetbootin too22:07
MooDoo hello all22:08
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Viewsonic gtab update - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/131223.html22:09
* DJones debates whether to install swype on his phone22:15
coffeebean8888i have usb image writer thanks22:18
JamesTaitHello all you wonderful people. :)22:24
DJonesNice, Swype is better in practise than I expected22:26
JamesTaitI was hoping to find someone who could give me the necessary information/access to start hacking on the map or identi.ca integration. I see there's been some discussion about it.22:31
AlanBellJamesTait: stas in #ubuntu-website wrote the map plugin22:31
AlanBellhe is writing a new version22:31
JamesTaitAlanBell I was just about to add that there appear to be two blue pins on the map now.22:32
AlanBell22:19 < stas> I will rewrite it using post types22:32
AlanBell22:19 < stas> great22:32
AlanBell22:20 < stas> also, I will probably add some export/import functionality, and better management22:32
Flashtekevenin' all22:37
JamesTait'ello 'ello 'ello. :)22:37
Flashtekmy boss made a cock up !22:40
FlashtekI made one too.. darn..23:06

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