dragon | Who's grabbing a bite before or at the Ubuntu Hour tonight? | 00:13 |
jtatum | dragon: i reserved the board room at pizza my heart for after the hour if you can wait ;) | 00:26 |
dragon | jtatum: sounds good. 8pm-9pm? | 00:28 |
jtatum | i did 8-10 for good measure :) | 00:28 |
jtatum | i like that room. comfy seats and lots of power | 00:29 |
dragon | alright, I'm in. | 00:29 |
jtatum | argh. trying to stop using emoticons for the rest of the year and failing miserably. | 00:30 |
dragon | you did it right though? | 00:31 |
akk | It's a tough habit to break. | 00:31 |
jtatum | yes, dragon, it's done | 00:32 |
jtatum | indeed akk. but also it's obvious that my emoticon usage was out of control. | 00:32 |
dragon | jtatum: I was referring to the smiley. I mean :) looked fine to me in that context. | 00:33 |
akk | I use them a lot more than I ought to, and have been trying to cut down. | 00:33 |
* pleia2 has out of control emoticon usage | 00:34 | |
jtatum | dragon: even if it's appropriate for the context and situation, i'm just trying to flat out stop. | 00:34 |
pleia2 | but I don't mind :) | 00:34 |
dragon | jtatum: fair enough ;) | 00:34 |
akk | Is this like blowing cigarette smoke at someone who's trying to quit, you two? | 00:34 |
* akk struggles and manages not to tack a smiley on the end of that | 00:35 | |
pleia2 | hehe | 00:35 |
dragon | Except smileys don't cause cancer, or do they? | 00:35 |
pleia2 | I try very hard to keep them out of written word outside of chat (blogs, emails) but even that is hard these days | 00:36 |
yantrashilpi | akk: put on yer :) and do a happy dance | 00:36 |
yantrashilpi | addictions are good sometimes. | 00:36 |
jtatum | hehe | 00:50 |
jamalta | sounds fun, sorry i can't make it again | 00:55 |
jamalta | work has been crazy this week, so i can't get out with enough time to get all the way down there | 00:56 |
jtatum | bummer jamalta | 00:56 |
jamalta | jtatum: i know :( | 00:56 |
jamalta | telepathy and i want to get around to meeting up with you already | 00:56 |
pleia2 | we just assume you moved back to florida and aren't willing to tell us | 00:57 |
jamalta | pleia2: not true :( | 00:58 |
jamalta | i'm around | 00:58 |
pleia2 | suuuure :) | 00:58 |
jamalta | sort of. :\ | 00:58 |
jamalta | i'm sure the FL team would be happy if i moved back, haha. | 00:58 |
jamalta | you guys have been stealing their members lately :P | 00:58 |
pleia2 | california does that | 00:59 |
jamalta | how many of us have moved out here this year.. 3 i think? | 00:59 |
jamalta | yeah, :P | 00:59 |
* MarkDude just got off the phone with Norm aaditya - that show will be real interesting | 01:39 | |
MarkDude | He told me that after he laughed for about a minute or so. | 01:40 |
MarkDude | I will share a link with pictures he took of the cast | 01:40 |
MarkDude | in OT | 01:40 |
dragon | MarkDude: the TV show? | 01:41 |
MarkDude | No the theater that Suzanne invited us to | 01:41 |
dragon | oh that, alright. So far I'm definitely coming. | 01:41 |
MarkDude | Me too , I think we might need eye-bleach tho. | 01:42 |
dragon | lol. btw I totally forgot to ask norm for the pics from the party we had at Saxbys. | 01:42 |
MarkDude | Up until today I had never seen any of ufonorms pics | 01:42 |
dragon | and I accidentally checked his flickr profile to see if he uploaded them there. >.< | 01:43 |
MarkDude | Thumbnails were enough | 01:43 |
MarkDude | lol | 01:43 |
MarkDude | His pg and r rated pics go up on GK | 01:43 |
MarkDude | he has 2 gears apparently | 01:43 |
MarkDude | X and helping gk | 01:44 |
dragon | Having two separate flickr accounts for those would be a great idea. | 01:45 |
MarkDude | He is pretty famous, every time I go out with him, people recognize him. | 01:46 |
MarkDude | dragon, I went to call you earlier, and your voice sounded weird, until I realized I had called Ashe esh by accident | 01:59 |
MarkDude | *A* names close to each other | 01:59 |
dragon | oh haha. Remember the consecutive A's. | 02:00 |
MarkDude | Well he has consecutive *ee*s | 02:05 |
dragon | at one time my classmates started calling me "double A" for some reason. | 02:06 |
crashsystems1 | Did someone say my name? | 02:06 |
dragon | crashsystems1: not me | 02:07 |
dragon | oh wait, I just did. | 02:07 |
crashsystems1 | :p | 02:07 |
crashsystems1 | On my way to the meet up | 02:08 |
MarkDude | Triple A would work for a nickname for you if you did not already have dragon | 02:09 |
dragon | Ubuntu Hour? See you there! | 02:09 |
dragon | MarkDude: triple/ | 02:09 |
dragon | s/\//?/ | 02:09 |
MarkDude | standing for *awesome* | 02:11 |
MarkDude | maybe agro? | 02:11 |
* MarkDude would figure it out | 02:11 | |
MarkDude | Bethany is happy with the nick Mistress Queenlove :) | 02:11 |
MarkDude | A-hole? Admin? Action? | 02:12 |
MarkDude | :) | 02:13 |
dragon | ಠ_ಠ | 02:13 |
MarkDude | Anti-gravity? | 02:13 |
MarkDude | lol | 02:13 |
crashsystems1 | Yay, track blockage! | 02:18 |
MarkDude | audacious? Ananda? Ace? | 02:21 |
* MarkDude can tell people you are really 57 and it stands for *ageless* | 02:21 | |
* MarkDude will stop with the A names, now. I think I have the flu/cold now. My appetite is gone :( | 02:22 | |
pleia2 | oh no | 02:24 |
crashsystems1 | I am here | 02:53 |
biosshadow-w_ | hellos | 03:23 |
pleia2 | hello | 03:23 |
nhaines | Do we know what's going on with the Ubuntu Hour San Diego project? | 03:26 |
nhaines | Are there going to be more in the future or should I return the CDs to the LoCo? | 03:27 |
pleia2 | the last one was on the 20th, based on discussions it looks like they'll be planning more | 03:28 |
nhaines | pleia2: thanks. I'll keep an eye out then. | 03:30 |
biosshadow-w | there we go | 03:42 |
biosshadow-w | sorry folks | 03:42 |
nuboon2age__ | We're here at the after party for The Ubuntu Hour: San Jose. had a nice little turn out of 8 people and we got to pitch Ubuntu to the manager of Philz(!) | 06:06 |
akk | yay | 06:08 |
nuboon2age__ | we'll be taking off in a few minutes. | 06:09 |
nuboon2age__ | crashsystems made it and his friend bioshadow | 06:10 |
nuboon2age__ | aaditya, byron, jtatum, scott, moi, crashsystems and bioshadow, and the manager of Philz, Valdimar | 06:17 |
nUboon2Age | jtatum & jledbetter, The Lindependence/Ubuntu Hour: Santa Cruz rev 0.1.will be 12/29/2010. | 16:13 |
nUboon2Age | Details and RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/574/detail/ | 16:14 |
nUboon2Age | MarkDude: ^^^ | 16:15 |
nUboon2Age | I'm not sure if they'll RSVP, but lcafiero and quaid will be there. | 16:15 |
jledbetter | nUboon2Age, Thank you! I think we're going to it already. I have some fam there. | 16:16 |
nUboon2Age | sweet! jledbetter | 16:16 |
nUboon2Age | yeah, i see now you two are already rsvp'd, but jtatum was asking about the date last night. | 16:17 |
jledbetter | Okie | 16:17 |
Eureka | wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited | 16:22 |
yantrashilpi | hey y'all, how was the ubuntu hour last night? | 17:10 |
nUboon2Age | yantrashilpi, i thought it was pretty good. 8 people and got to 'sell' Ubuntu to the manager of Phillz(!). | 18:28 |
pleia2 | cool :) | 18:29 |
nUboon2Age | yeah he's an artistic/designer sort and i showed him gimp, inkscape and at least the blurbs off of USC for several CAD packages. Valdimar is his name. pleia2 | 18:31 |
akk | yay | 18:31 |
akk | though I mostly don't hear good things about the state of CAD on linux | 18:31 |
nUboon2Age | i gave him a 10.10 destop and 10.04 server (for a friend of his), (which is what i had on me at the time, although what he really preferred was 10.04 desktop) | 18:32 |
akk | If he's new to linux, why does he have a preference of 10.04 over 10.10? | 18:33 |
nUboon2Age | i told him it is easy to download and burn w/ the instruction at Ubuntu.com though. I also told him about wubi-install.com | 18:33 |
nUboon2Age | because he wanted the LTS akk | 18:33 |
akk | Ah, doesn't want to upgrade often. | 18:33 |
nUboon2Age | exactly akk | 18:34 |
akk | If he wants to do graphics stuff, though, keeping up with latest versions is helpful -- those apps do improve. | 18:34 |
nUboon2Age | a lot of people don't want to upgrade every 6 mo. from what i've found. | 18:34 |
nUboon2Age | yeah, its a dilemna for sure akk | 18:35 |
akk | I find that being a year back isn't a problem, but by 1.5 years the desktop is getting a bit stale and I'm way behind in features and support. | 18:35 |
nUboon2Age | an LTS, especially Lucid won't be a problem though imo. akk | 18:35 |
nUboon2Age | its a huge hit! | 18:36 |
akk | I'm talking about LTS. I had several machines on hardy. | 18:36 |
nUboon2Age | yeah Lucid is a different story | 18:36 |
nUboon2Age | its an enormous hit | 18:36 |
akk | Why? Hardy was quite solid and popular. | 18:36 |
nUboon2Age | yes it was, but Lucid has taken popularity to a whole new level for Ubuntu akk | 18:37 |
nUboon2Age | as a matter of fact | 18:37 |
akk | Lucid is very good now (I'm still using it) but meanwhile, gimp and inkscape and firefox are moving on, and in another 6-12 months people are going to want newer versions. | 18:37 |
nUboon2Age | i was talking to jtatum about creating a project to make sure the most important stuff gets properly backported to Lucid since its so dang popular. | 18:38 |
nUboon2Age | akk: ^ | 18:38 |
nhaines | akk: I know they're trying to offer updates to major apps on a more stable, rolling basis. Maybe this will be availalbe for 10.04 LTS as well when they have everything in place. | 18:38 |
nhaines | akk: because otherwise I quite agree with you. :) | 18:38 |
akk | That would be very nice, and would have made hardy usable for a lot longer. | 18:38 |
nUboon2Age | yes, even now i'd like to be able to use Hardy since it works better on certain hardware. | 18:39 |
akk | For gimp, the limiting factor that always makes it hard to upgrade is gtk libraries. Not sure if that's true of inkscape and firefox too. | 18:40 |
akk | A lot of kde apps do that too, depend on cutting edge features from library versions that the ubuntu LTS doesn't have. | 18:41 |
akk | If there were backports of the latest gtk and qt libs that would be fantastic. | 18:41 |
nhaines | That tends to break other stuff, too, unfortunately. :( | 18:44 |
akk | They'd have to coexist side by side, certainly, and not be the default. | 18:45 |
akk | Ubuntu already does that for lots of libraries and packages, even by default without backports. | 18:46 |
nUboon2Age | aaditya: here's that Wubi bug i was telling you about at The Ubuntu Hour: SJ last night: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/610898 | 19:03 |
nUboon2Age | aaditya: if you would mark on the bug that it affects you too (even if its actually a friend) it helps to give focus to the bug. | 19:04 |
akk | Does marking "affects me too" automatically cc you? I've always wondered that (always add myself to the cc manually since I'm not sure). | 19:08 |
jdeslip | akk: I think it does | 19:15 |
nUboon2Age | i'm not sure if it subscribes you automatically or not akk, but that seems like it would be simple to check and see if your name pops up on the subscriber list after marking it. i don't think it does. | 19:15 |
akk | It doesn't pop up on the visible subscriber list, no. | 19:16 |
nUboon2Age | akk: then i don't think it does | 19:16 |
nUboon2Age | i think the subscriber list is accurate akk | 19:17 |
nUboon2Age | akk: yeah i just tried it too and no dice. i think you have to manually subscribe. | 19:18 |
akk | Bummer ... okay, will keep doing that. | 19:20 |
nUboon2Age | yeah, imo to really stand up and say you're concerned about a bug you have to mark yourself affected, subscribe and add a comment. :-/ akk | 19:23 |
nUboon2Age | and even when it has a long list of affected by and subscribers, most of the time the bug will just sit there indefinitely. akk :-/ imo we'd do well to figure out how to martial our devs to take care of bugs better than we do. | 19:24 |
jtatum | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/BestPractices: "Don't report 'me too' on someone else's defect report." | 19:24 |
nUboon2Age | jtatum: thats an empty page. well i totally 100% disagree with that statement anyway. there'd be no point in having an 'affected by' button then. . although you do need to have firsthand experience with it and hopefully can reproduce it. | 19:29 |
jtatum | affected by button doesn't spam everyone with "me too" :) we're talking about two different things | 19:29 |
pleia2 | the colon is not part of the URL | 19:29 |
pleia2 | but jtatum and the fected by and subscribers, most of the time the bug will just sit there indefinitely. akk :-/ imo we'd do well to figure out how to martial our devs to take care of bugs better than we do. | 19:30 |
pleia2 | oops | 19:30 |
pleia2 | but jtatum and the BestPractices documenation is correct "me too" notes just bug people | 19:31 |
pleia2 | if you have additional useful info to add about the bug to help them find a fix it's good though :) | 19:31 |
nUboon2Age | well if you mean literally don't post a comment that says "me too", yeah of course i agree | 19:31 |
nUboon2Age | but if you are sure you have the same bug and have additional info, then by all means post a comment. | 19:32 |
pleia2 | your comment sounded like your process is alawy "affect button, subscribe, add comment", I'd argue that you only add a comment when you actually have something useful to add | 19:33 |
pleia2 | always | 19:33 |
nUboon2Age | yeah i meant what you said pleia2 | 19:33 |
nUboon2Age | usually i have something useful to add though. :-D pleia2 | 19:34 |
nUboon2Age | from working in QA for many years. | 19:34 |
jtatum | i mention this, nUboon2Age, because posting "me too" comments is a very common problem. it's why the 'affects me too' link was added. if you have to read a few bug reports that are flooded with '+1', 'me too', 'i agree', it gets old. | 19:34 |
jtatum | also as a user, when i subscribe it's because i want to know when progress is being made, not when someone else has the issue | 19:35 |
nUboon2Age | jtatum: okay so i think we've established we agree | 19:35 |
jtatum | cool | 19:36 |
nUboon2Age | imo you rock jtatum | 19:36 |
nUboon2Age | probably jledbetter would agree that jtatum rocks. :-D | 19:37 |
jtatum | hehe, thanks | 19:37 |
pleia2 | we all agree | 19:40 |
nUboon2Age | group hug | 19:40 |
pleia2 | :) | 19:40 |
akk | :) | 19:41 |
akk | BTW, is it annoying to post "Still happens on $ubuntu_version" comments? | 19:41 |
akk | Assuming of course that you don't add "You suck, I can't believe this bug has sat for TWO YEARS NOW, fix it or I'll switch to Windows!!!" | 19:42 |
akk | I ran across a bug last night that was last commented on in 9.something, wondered if it was worth commenting that it still happens in lucid. | 19:42 |
nUboon2Age | akk: imo reporting that it is still happening on later versions is vital info. | 19:43 |
jledbetter | nUboon2Age, Yes | 20:56 |
nUboon2Age | jtatum: do you have any opinion on where/when you'd like us to have The Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto on Dec 30th? jledbetter | 21:21 |
jledbetter | Someplace *awesome* | 21:21 |
nUboon2Age | :-) | 21:22 |
jledbetter | Has to be a coffee shop type place right? | 21:24 |
jledbetter | nUboon2Age, http://www.philzcoffee.com/ ? | 21:27 |
pleia2 | only in the sense that it's good if you can have casual discussions with random people | 21:27 |
nUboon2Age | jledbetter: doesn't absolutely have to be a coffee place, but that tends to be good | 21:27 |
nUboon2Age | jledbetter: Philz is an idea i hadn't thought of. there present location's not too conducive for mass transit, but their future location looks like a possibility, though its at University instead of California Ave. Not a bad idea though. | 21:30 |
jledbetter | Last time I was there, I went someplace near Stanford that was great but don't remember the name. Not sure how it'd be for mass transit since I had a car. | 21:31 |
nUboon2Age | if its somewhere near Stanford its probably fine for mass transit. so if you might recall some clues that place might work well. jledbetter | 21:33 |
nUboon2Age | was it on El Camino jledbetter? | 21:34 |
jledbetter | Maybe. It was dark and I was wandering. Not Pizza My Heart though. Went there too. | 21:35 |
jledbetter | Might be too close to shopping which might be crowded? I dunno. | 21:35 |
nUboon2Age | El Camino is the main road, which goes roughly north/south | 21:36 |
nUboon2Age | was it near Pizza My Heart jledbetter? | 21:37 |
nUboon2Age | or if you might recall other things that were near it, that could help jledbetter | 21:38 |
jledbetter | It was dark. There was a restaurant. Not near Pizza My Heart. McDonald's? Ok, might have been in Stanford Shopping Center. | 21:39 |
jledbetter | I was staying at SLAC | 21:40 |
jledbetter | Philz might be too small, but they look highly rated for coffee and such. | 21:41 |
nUboon2Age | yeah philz last night was nice. sometimes a little on the too small side. | 21:41 |
nUboon2Age | the issue with their present location is distance from train and bus | 21:42 |
nUboon2Age | i just called them and they don't have a date yet for their new location opening. 6-9 mo. maybe | 21:42 |
jledbetter | Oh, it was at Philz last night? Well, drat. | 21:43 |
nUboon2Age | no, no drat about it. they were good. jledbetter | 21:43 |
nUboon2Age | just that the one in PA is on middlefield which is pretty far from Caltrain | 21:43 |
jledbetter | GMTA I guess. | 21:43 |
nUboon2Age | yeah, i sort of stumbled on them via browsing the web. then i went and checked it out and liked it (though the smalle size is not perfect) jledbetter | 21:45 |
jledbetter | http://www.yelp.com/biz/tootsies-at-the-stanford-barn-palo-alto ? | 21:45 |
jledbetter | Yes, bigger would be better and wi-fi. Tootsie's doesn't have wi-fi. | 21:45 |
jledbetter | And they close too soon. Gracious. I should read more carefully. | 21:48 |
nUboon2Age | they don't have wifi? i was just trying to find that out. where'd you see that? jledbetter | 21:49 |
jledbetter | Wi-Fi: | 21:50 |
jledbetter | No on their yelp page. Might be out dated though. But they close at 5. | 21:50 |
nUboon2Age | oh, i see only open till 5. darn | 21:50 |
jledbetter | That looks like a great place though. Might have to check it out earlier. | 21:51 |
nUboon2Age | so i take it that was the place you'd been to jledbetter? | 22:06 |
nUboon2Age | or i guess not from your last post | 22:06 |
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