
holsteinwhos in charlotte?00:10
_marx_who is in High Point.00:16
_marx_and what is the name of the guy in Asheville00:17
holsteinim just in charlotte right now00:18
_marx_it's an old radio show comedy routine, who's on first...00:18
holsteini dont know whos on 3rd00:18
_marx_so who is playing second?00:19
_marx_no who's on first...etc00:19
holsteini play with a drummer00:21
holsteinjustin watt00:21
holsteinand a guy the other day asked 'and Justin's last name is what?'00:22
holsteinthats it00:25
_marx_well i'm in winston00:26
holsteinright on... im gonna scoot before my batteries die00:27
_marx_play well, have a good gig, break a leg doesn't seem quite right00:39
_marx_my day included a guard goat00:43

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