dmcglone | HP officejet 6500 is a piece of shit! | 00:03 |
canthus13 | dmcglone: Boil it in buttermilk. | 00:06 |
dmcglone | I'm about to take a sledge hammer to it | 00:27 |
dmcglone | any recommendations for a new networkable all in one printer | 00:27 |
Cheri703 | not hp | 00:31 |
Cheri703 | brothers are good from what I understand | 00:32 |
dmcglone | any experience with brothers? | 00:32 |
Cheri703 | not personally, but thafreak was recommending one the other day I thought, and I have read good reviews of brother + ubuntu | 00:33 |
canthus13 | Meh. my server got mad at me, left a 1.5" gash in my hand. | 00:53 |
dmcglone | kick it! | 00:54 |
deejoe | we have a trio of brothers at work | 00:54 |
deejoe | one I got to work OK | 00:54 |
deejoe | the NIC in the other ones are sort of dodgy | 00:54 |
deejoe | but they're old | 00:54 |
canthus13 | dmcglone: Meh. Titan lost all network access in the middle of the night... so now Titan is running on the new old machine I just dragged home. | 00:55 |
dmcglone1 | I gave up on that stupid printer | 02:46 |
deejoe | sounds like a fine stepper-motor donor | 02:48 |
Cheri703 | dmcglone1: I missed what was going wrong with it | 02:48 |
dmcglone1 | Cheri703: when I go to print it gives an error message about the ink cartridges missing and I need to shut down and start back up. | 02:59 |
dmcglone1 | it will not print at all | 02:59 |
dmcglone1 | I think the print head is bad, so I'm going to get me one soon. I'm regretting giving my 6310 to my sister now | 03:01 |
Cheri703 | hmm...weird | 03:01 |
dmcglone1 | my uncle gave me this 6500 and I kept it because of the ethernet capabilities | 03:02 |
dmcglone1 | and my sister is trying to make a full time switch to linux, but she didn't have a printer that would work, (she had a crappy lexmark) so I gave her my 6310 | 03:03 |
dmcglone1 | this woman on TV got arrested for shoplifting and her comment was "I was trying on the sweater and I put my jacket on over it and forgot and was walking out the door" haha and I thought I was the dumbest person on this planet! | 03:12 |
Unit193PPC | 2nd? | 03:18 |
Unit193PPC | :D | 03:18 |
dmcglone1 | haha | 03:19 |
Unit193PPC | you can't be that bad... you use Linux | 03:22 |
dmcglone1 | True | 03:26 |
dmcglone1 | lol | 03:26 |
dmcglone1 | but sometimes I wonder if we are the stupid ones... haha | 03:26 |
Unit193PPC | watching SGA | 03:27 |
dmcglone1 | I'll bite. What is SGA? | 03:36 |
dmcglone1 | because I'm watching TLC LOL | 03:36 |
Unit193PPC | Stargate! you don't know? | 03:37 |
dmcglone1 | yeah, but I didn't know it was called SGA | 03:37 |
Unit193PPC | SGA SGU SG1 | 03:38 |
dmcglone1 | I didn't know that. 2nd dumbest told ya. | 03:38 |
Cheri703 | stargate is the movie, stargate sg1 first tv show, sga stargate atlantis, sgu stargate universe | 03:38 |
Unit193PPC | thanks Cheri703 | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | Unit193PPC: I am still good for tomorrow if you are, I will get my stuff ready and toss it in the truck | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | :) | 03:39 |
dmcglone1 | I don't care too much for stuff that has a lot of SCI-FI in it | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | easier for me to type it than for you on the ppc :) | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | sci fi = awesome (to a degree) | 03:39 |
Cheri703 | I always liked sci fi novels as a kid | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | still like some of them | 03:40 |
dmcglone1 | I like movies with just a little sci-fi | 03:40 |
Unit193PPC | yeah | 03:40 |
dmcglone1 | too much and it just takes the realism out of it all | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | not all movies are intended to be realistic | 03:41 |
dmcglone1 | true | 03:42 |
dmcglone1 | I just can't watch a movie that is so "out of this world" | 03:43 |
thafreak | Glad to see some fellow Stargate fans in here :) | 03:46 |
thafreak | I started watching SG1, and ended up watching about 6 or 7 seasons in a matter of a couple months...was watching 4-5 episodes at a time LOL | 03:47 |
Unit193PPC | been there... | 03:47 |
thafreak | loved Richard Dean Anderson in that show... | 03:48 |
Cheri703 | thafreak: I haven't watched EVERY sg1 episode, but many, and most if not all of sga, and husband is SUPER into sgu, so we watch it every week | 03:48 |
Unit193PPC | yes! | 03:48 |
thafreak | best work since macguyver | 03:48 |
thafreak | Oh...I watched EVERY episode of SG1 :) AND all the movies too :) | 03:48 |
Unit193PPC | SGU? | 03:48 |
Cheri703 | stargate universe | 03:49 |
Cheri703 | the newest one | 03:49 |
Unit193PPC | not seen movies | 03:49 |
Cheri703 | tv show | 03:49 |
thafreak | bad thing is...since I know I've seen every episode, I never feel like watching re-runs of it | 03:49 |
Unit193PPC | I knoe... don't like it.... | 03:49 |
thafreak | I'm really liking SGU so far | 03:49 |
Cheri703 | quick poll: better to store extraneous computer bits in plastic bins/drawers or metal of some sort? and/or plastic toolbox or metal? | 03:49 |
thafreak | they need more General McNeal...but other than that, excellent | 03:50 |
Cheri703 | yeah, husband thinks it's like the best show ever, except perhaps the walking dead | 03:50 |
thafreak | haven't seen walking's not on it good? | 03:50 |
dmcglone1 | Did I hear Macgyver? | 03:50 |
Cheri703 | it's a zombie show...if you like zombies, then you'll probably like it | 03:50 |
dmcglone1 | I loved that show | 03:51 |
Cheri703 | I'm meh on it, it's decent, but I feel it's a rehash of oh...I don't know, EVERY ZOMBIE MOVIE EVER MADE?'s ok. 6 episodes in this first season, just ended sunday | 03:51 |
Cheri703 | amc show | 03:51 |
dmcglone1 | anyone remember "the night owl theater" | 03:52 |
Cheri703 | brb | 03:52 |
thafreak | does a computer geek like zombies....seriously | 03:53 |
Unit193 | Why not? | 03:53 |
thafreak | every zombie movie is a rehash of every zombie movie ever made | 03:53 |
thafreak | that's why I want to see a remix of zombie movie, and that new movie surrogates with bruce willis | 03:53 |
thafreak | zombies take over, but you can send out a robot version of your self... | 03:54 |
Unit193 | | 03:55 |
deejoe | how is zombie snack formed? | 03:56 |
Unit193 | with lots of super glue... | 03:57 |
Cheri703 | I'm not a big bruce willis fan, but that movie was ok. though I TOTALLY called the twist with that guy | 04:00 |
dmcglone1 | I'm a Jack Nicholson fan | 04:06 |
dmcglone1 | I'm off to sleep ppl. nighty night! lol | 04:38 |
thafreak | /away AFK | 04:42 |
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703 | ||
Cheri703 | I think I'm going to have to do something I really don't want to do :( | 05:04 |
Cheri703 | install vista >.< | 05:04 |
Unit193 | That laptop? | 05:05 |
Cheri703 | yeah | 05:06 |
Cheri703 | xp is just being ridiculous | 05:06 |
Cheri703 | can't install sound drivers, can't install tons of crap it needs | 05:06 |
Unit193 | If you must go for 7 | 05:06 |
Cheri703 | I can't | 05:06 |
Cheri703 | it NEEDS ie7 at the highest, ie6 or ie7 are the ONLY ones that will let some of the xerox webapps run | 05:07 |
Cheri703 | and win7 can't install anything under ie8 | 05:07 |
Cheri703 | so if I want dell supported drivers, it has to be vista >.< | 05:07 |
Unit193 | I know Vista is annoying.... | 05:07 |
Cheri703 | I hate it | 05:07 |
Cheri703 | but I hate 7 almost as much | 05:08 |
Unit193 | 7 is actually better (in terms of Windows).... | 05:08 |
canthus13 | Yay relativism. | 05:10 |
Cheri703 | well, yeah, but if vista is the only one that can run the software needed and get the drivers, then vista wins :( | 05:10 |
Unit193 | I don't like the idea of Vista winning anything (except # of crashes) | 05:14 |
Cheri703 | me neither | 05:15 |
Cheri703 | freaking xerox and their ancient software :( | 05:15 |
Unit193 | Have you ever done a SSH proxy tunnel? | 05:16 |
canthus13 | Hahaha... | 05:16 |
Cheri703 | Unit193: for what use? | 05:17 |
* canthus13 has thought about using it to get facebook at work... | 05:17 | |
Unit193 | SOCKS (FileZilla, Firefox) | 05:17 |
Unit193 | Bad canthus13.... ;) | 05:17 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Then I realized I just don't care enough about facebook to be bothered. What's funny is they block facebook, but not 4chan. | 05:18 |
Unit193 | wow.... | 05:19 |
Unit193 | You checked? | 05:19 |
canthus13 | I clicked a link without thinking. | 05:21 |
canthus13 | nothing too bad, but I was still surprised. | 05:21 |
Cheri703 | if my boss can't be bothered to confirm if I have a meeting with her, then I'm not going to show up :) I will sleep in for the first time all week :) | 05:49 |
Unit193 | How is that coming back at you? | 05:53 |
Cheri703 | ? | 05:54 |
Unit193 | Boss going to get mad? yell? cry herself to sleep? ;) | 05:55 |
Cheri703 | meh, I don't care at this point | 05:56 |
Cheri703 | she's insane | 05:57 |
Unit193 | If you call the hospital will they concur? | 05:59 |
Cheri703 | friend of mine who deals with her at church was ranting on the phone the other night, I put her on speaker so my husband could see I'm not the only one who feels this way about her | 06:00 |
Unit193 | what church? | 06:01 |
Cheri703 | it's in galion | 06:02 |
Unit193 | OK | 06:02 |
Unit193 | So a hospital wouldn't commit her? | 06:05 |
Cheri703 | dunno | 06:05 |
thafreak | Morning ohio | 15:02 |
thafreak | I'm almost done with I'm in a good mood | 15:02 |
thafreak | Course, after I finish, then I'll have to figure out what to do next... | 15:02 |
thafreak | So happiness might not last too long :) | 15:02 |
* canthus13 has tactical bacon!! | 15:22 | |
thafreak | nice... | 15:31 |
thafreak | you order it for a christmas present? | 15:31 |
canthus13 | No. A buddy sent it to me. | 15:32 |
* canthus13 got a can of it in teh mail. | 15:32 | |
thafreak | nice | 15:38 |
thafreak | save it in case of zombie invasion | 15:38 |
canthus13 | Mmm.... zombies. | 15:47 |
thafreak | ugh...just got wiki-rolled | 18:52 |
thafreak | there are fake wikileaks docs, that are just the lyrics to never gonna give you up | 18:53 |
Cheri703 | yeah | 18:54 |
deejoe | but with Assange singing that to his sources, amirite? | 18:58 |
BiosElement | Awesome...dude makes a minecraft tool to play around, people call him self-entitled because it doesn't work on windows >.> | 21:05 |
canthus13 | BiosElement: Woo whiners. | 21:16 |
BiosElement | canthus13, Yep | 21:28 |
Cheri703 | Unit193: around? | 21:50 |
Unit193 | Yep | 22:00 |
Cheri703 | kk, I'm available pretty much anytime the rest of the evening to come do the processor swap. when is good for you? I don't want to interrupt dinner or anything :) | 22:01 |
Unit193 | It's just me and my other sister.... | 22:02 |
Cheri703 | ok | 22:04 |
Cheri703 | so any time then? | 22:09 |
Cheri703 | I'll get my stuff together | 22:09 |
Cheri703 | and head over | 22:09 |
Unit193 | What should I do to make it faster/better? | 22:11 |
Cheri703 | you could have the computer already opened up, side panel off and all, do you need me to bring some canned air to clean out any dust/lint? | 22:12 |
Unit193 | maybe, I have a small compressor... | 22:13 |
Cheri703 | kk, I'll head out now, probably be about 15-20 min | 22:19 |
dmcglone1 | Hiya people | 22:47 |
canthus13 | good morning. I has tactical bacon! | 23:02 |
dmcglone1 | tactical bacon? | 23:07 |
canthus13 | | 23:19 |
dmcglone1 | I see | 23:33 |
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