netritious | hey chris4585 | 00:07 |
netritious | wrst: mall food can be ok | 00:07 |
wrst | whay mall im in cookeville :) | 00:08 |
wrst | *what | 00:09 |
wrst | buy its cracker barrel netritious | 00:09 |
wrst | *but | 00:09 |
netritious | Cracker Barrel isn't so bad | 00:20 |
* cyberanger gags a little | 00:23 | |
wrst | why cyberanger? | 00:41 |
cyberanger | cracker barrel, of course | 00:42 |
* cyberanger can think of local places at least as nice, usually nicer | 00:42 | |
wrst | me too | 00:43 |
netritious | afk | 00:58 |
wrst | ok cyberanger is there a way to have screen / irssi to start at boot? | 01:15 |
wrst | netritious: i actually like cracker barrel just wasn't my choice tonight but when the wife says go... i go | 01:15 |
cyberanger | wrst: yes, in a bootscript, one for your user, which is a trick, screen -d irssi | 01:17 |
wrst | ok cyberanger i think that is next on my list :) i will do some googling | 01:20 |
wrst | brb... hopefully | 01:22 |
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu | ||
wrst | ok cyberanger i like the log its not like quassel but in ways its better | 01:31 |
cyberanger | glad to hear | 01:31 |
wrst | so that's about an even trade just somethings better than others, i was just setting auto joins and identifies up | 01:32 |
cyberanger | hey pace_t_zulu | 01:47 |
pace_t_zulu | what's up cyberanger | 01:47 |
wrst | hey pace_t_zulu | 01:47 |
pace_t_zulu | hey wrst | 01:48 |
wrst | pace_t_zulu: watching the titans? | 01:48 |
pace_t_zulu | wrst: yea... it'd be nice if our defense could be a little more consistent on 3rd down | 01:49 |
wrst | i was listening to 3 hour lunch today and blaine bishop said they should just blow it up fire fisher send vy packing and trade CJ for draft picks | 01:50 |
pace_t_zulu | i don't think getting rid of fisher is a good idea | 01:51 |
pace_t_zulu | vy is a problem | 01:51 |
pace_t_zulu | he is so talented... but he has a bad attitude | 01:52 |
wrst | yeah i wish he was gone yesterday | 01:52 |
cyberanger | not much pace_t_zulu | 01:52 |
wrst | but i don't know what you do for a QB whatever you do probably going to be rebuilding gotta have a QB to win it all | 01:53 |
pace_t_zulu | we need to get a new qb in the offsease | 01:53 |
pace_t_zulu | offseason | 01:53 |
pace_t_zulu | vy has definitely not earned the money we've paid him | 01:53 |
wrst | no or the respect of any of the fans either i don't think he's a big crybaby | 01:53 |
wrst | and i wish he had manned up a little bit because if he had the mental, he sure has the other | 01:54 |
wrst | just saw the overhead shot not exactly a full house there | 01:56 |
pace_t_zulu | the way this team is playing - you can't really blame someone for not wanting to go in this weather | 02:13 |
wrst | no not at all pace_t_zulu | 02:19 |
pace_t_zulu | it is so difficult to get a first down ... and also difficult to stop our opponent on 3rd down | 02:20 |
pace_t_zulu | can't win football games under those circumstances | 02:20 |
wrst | no very frustrating | 02:23 |
wrst | pace_t_zulu sorry for being so chatty I'm trying to get used to this phone since I finally got a phone from this century | 02:25 |
pace_t_zulu | sorry for being chatty? | 02:25 |
wrst | ha ha feels like I havebeenblabbing forever... | 02:26 |
wrst | darn you tiny space bar ! | 02:26 |
Juzzy | Recently you made a post to Apple Discussions that discussed inappropriate activities. We have removed your post titled "Re: Disable Multitasking?", which is included for your reference below. | 02:29 |
Juzzy | heh, they don't like answers that include jailbreaking :/ | 02:29 |
wrst | well with a 14 point defecit I cam stop watching itwill take 5 gaames for the totans to score 14 | 02:29 |
wrst | very bad of you Juzzy | 02:30 |
pace_t_zulu | we look so bad | 02:41 |
wrst | awful | 02:46 |
pace_t_zulu | at least it won't be a shutout | 02:56 |
Juzzy | here's a nice annual excel template if anyone gives a rat:| | 04:08 |
Juzzy | I know I just cussed in here :o | 04:08 |
electricus | Announcement ((LPI Exams Retail price for all tests (except 301): US $99 through Dec 31st)) | 04:15 |
cyberanger | Juzzy: really, the only forbidden words I see are excel and Microsoft (without citing a reason to hate it) | 04:18 |
cyberanger | and they aren't cuss words last I checked | 04:19 |
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu | ||
Juzzy | :p | 04:29 |
Juzzy | I wish googledocs could import xls into it's online spreadsheets | 04:30 |
netritious | Juzzy: try exporting to csv from excel, unless you have some calculations you need imported to it should work | 04:33 |
netritious | back :) | 04:33 |
netritious | played drums with my bro's band for the first time in a looooong time...was fun | 04:34 |
Juzzy | yea it's loaded with formulas | 04:35 |
Juzzy | I could copy/paste each one I guess | 04:35 |
techMiles | or you could have it show the formulae and copy and paste those. | 04:35 |
techMiles | though iirc not all of them are 100% the same between google docs and excel | 04:36 |
techMiles | hmm. newp. formulas break | 04:39 |
netritious | well that sucks | 04:41 |
netritious | all this incompatibility...what's the point | 04:41 |
netritious | "My proprietary system/software is better than your proprietary system/software" just doesn't compute. | 04:43 |
techMiles | hrm | 04:45 |
techMiles | acksuwally | 04:45 |
techMiles | uploading it with .xls works fine | 04:45 |
techMiles | Juzzy: | 04:45 |
Juzzy | sure, as an xls | 04:46 |
Juzzy | but not as a google live document | 04:46 |
techMiles | and anyone else, ofc. :) | 04:46 |
Juzzy | that you can change on their website | 04:46 |
techMiles | What are you wanting to do? | 04:46 |
Juzzy | if you upload a .xls, you simply store it on their server | 04:47 |
techMiles | I am editing it, too. | 04:47 |
Juzzy | you still need excel/openoffice/etc to open/edit it | 04:47 |
techMiles | I told it to convert it to google docs. | 04:47 |
Juzzy | ah | 04:47 |
Juzzy | where'd you tell it that? | 04:47 |
techMiles | the upload screen. | 04:47 |
techMiles | there's a tick mark | 04:47 |
techMiles | 'convert to google docs format' or some such | 04:48 |
Juzzy | ah i found "make a google docs copy" | 04:48 |
Juzzy | thanks, nice find | 04:50 |
techMiles | :) np | 04:51 |
netritious | tada..good job techMiles | 05:27 |
wrst | good morning TN! | 13:27 |
Worldspice_Will | peace! | 15:05 |
Worldspice_Will | installing win2k3 for a customer this morning, yuck, i'll be rebooting all day. | 15:06 |
cyberanger | hey wrst | 15:10 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: uh, enjoy? | 15:10 |
wrst | hey cyberanger how's it going? | 15:11 |
cyberanger | better than Worldspice_Will, I'll be in linux all day | 15:13 |
wrst | | 15:14 |
wrst | yeah that sounds no fun Worldspice_Will | 15:14 |
Dan9186 | Worldspice_Will: you work at worldspice here in memphis? | 15:29 |
Worldspice_Will | sorry i got busy, yes i've just started at Worldspice in Mphs | 15:51 |
Worldspice_Will | i'm now the jr. linux engineer here. | 15:52 |
Dan9186 | ah interesting, so you know Ryan then | 16:22 |
AE-Guest | hey guys it is xpistos, quick question having a brain fart. Chown recursive is chown -R correct? | 16:28 |
AE-Guest | Oh, and hi | 16:28 |
AE-Guest | Oh I see how we are rolling now | 16:34 |
AE-Guest | wrst help a brother out | 16:34 |
Worldspice_Will | chown -R is correct | 16:39 |
Worldspice_Will | chown -R william:william /home/william | 16:39 |
netritious | good afternoon locotn | 18:43 |
techMiles | hey netritious | 18:44 |
netritious | howdy techMiles | 18:44 |
techMiles | wassap? | 18:44 |
netritious | oh not much...taking it easy today | 18:44 |
techMiles | nice | 18:45 |
techMiles | I'd like to, and kinda get to! :) | 18:45 |
netritious | all the repair jobs are finally done | 18:45 |
techMiles | but finals are next week | 18:45 |
netritious | I would say good luck with those, but you're studying so won't need luck :) | 18:45 |
techMiles | I hope so! | 18:46 |
techMiles | also have homework and final projs to finish up | 18:46 |
netritious | what's your major? | 18:46 |
techMiles | CIT | 18:46 |
netritious | nice | 18:47 |
techMiles | Networking and Cyber Sec | 18:47 |
techMiles | it's just an AAS | 18:47 |
netritious | undergrad? | 18:47 |
netritious | ah | 18:47 |
techMiles | I'd love a BS. buttttttttt! | 18:47 |
cyberanger | techMiles: CIS, same degree really, prepare and you'll do well | 18:47 |
techMiles | Yeah, thanks. :) | 18:47 |
techMiles | most of my stuff isn't difficult, just slightly tedious/time consuming | 18:49 |
techMiles | like powerpoint homework | 18:49 |
techMiles | -_- | 18:49 |
techMiles | andl ess tedious but probably more time-consuming is my paper for MS server | 18:49 |
techMiles | only 2 pages, though | 18:50 |
wrst | hey netritious , techMiles | 18:52 |
techMiles | hey wrst. | 18:52 |
wrst | how are you doing techMiles ? | 18:52 |
netritious | hey wrst, cyberanger | 18:52 |
techMiles | doing alright. a little hungry but there's nto too much left to eat here. lol | 18:52 |
wrst | just had grilled cheese :) | 18:52 |
wrst | netritious: just bought accessories for a phone i never do that! | 18:53 |
cyberanger | hey netritious | 18:54 |
* netritious uses his best Arnold impersonation: gurly man buying accessories | 18:54 | |
netritious | :D | 18:54 |
wrst | ha ha netritious i have never loved a phone until now | 18:55 |
wrst | now i wish i had gotten a more powerful phone, but i thought its just a phone... | 18:55 |
netritious | which phone wrst? I think you told me already but forgetting | 18:55 |
wrst | android... lg vortex sorta beginners smartphone | 18:55 |
wrst | or so i'm told my goodness i can administer my server over the thing! | 18:55 |
netritious | yep :D | 18:56 |
wrst | actually started using screen and irrsi for irc to really geek it up! | 18:56 |
netritious | nice wrst | 19:00 |
netritious | who's your carrier | 19:00 |
netritious | So thinking about a Krimas meetup somewhere in Memphis....anyone game? | 19:04 |
wrst | verizon netritious | 19:07 |
netritious | nice wrst | 19:08 |
wrst | yeah on it now really like what little I have seen from android | 19:10 |
netritious | android 2.1 or 2.2 wrst? | 19:12 |
wrst | 2.2 | 19:12 |
netritious | wrst I finally got my 2.1 upgrade that AT&T+Moto promised...probably won't see 2.2 until I upgrade my phone | 19:13 |
netritious | *upgrade=get a new phone | 19:14 |
wrst | why do they lag so much netritous? | 19:14 |
netritious | I'm not sure wrt :-/ maybe trying to be cautious as not to generate to many support calls is my best guess | 19:17 |
netritious | *wrst^^ | 19:18 |
Dan9186 | netritious: so you're coming tomorrow? | 19:19 |
Dan9186 | and i'm game for a meetup | 19:19 |
netritious | Yeah I think so | 19:19 |
Svpernova09 | I'm up for a meetup as well | 19:20 |
netritious | not trying to sound non-committal just can't recall if there is anything on the fam schedule...if there is I don't think it involves me :-/ | 19:20 |
netritious | cool | 19:20 |
netritious | I'll post to the mailing list | 19:20 |
netritious | You guys wanna meetup somewhere besides Memphis Pizza Café? I ask because I rarely get up to Memphis and wouldn't mind going somewhere new | 19:25 |
Dan9186 | i'm game for just about anywhere | 19:26 |
Svpernova09 | I'm flexible | 19:26 |
netritious | suggestions? | 19:26 |
Dan9186 | always Huey's | 19:28 |
Dan9186 | then there's a handful of places to get beer | 19:28 |
Dan9186 | want quiet or noisy? | 19:28 |
netritious | actually I like Huey's but a little burned out on it...we have one in Southaven | 19:30 |
netritious | Dan9186: that's a good question...I'm loud so it makes no diff to me :D | 19:31 |
=== excid3|mbp is now known as broseph_stalin | ||
techMiles | question. | 19:32 |
netritious | shoot | 19:32 |
techMiles | when starting something in python. it's be python yes? | 19:32 |
techMiles | someone suggested python -c what is the -c flag? | 19:32 |
netritious | <-- not a python guy | 19:33 |
netritious | but there are a few in here | 19:33 |
wrst | btw netritious your facebook status thos morning saddened me | 19:35 |
netritious | It saddened me more :-/ | 19:35 |
netritious | I made a lot of converts with Hardy, but Lucid has been a tough sell | 19:35 |
netritious | now, I do not mean that for server | 19:36 |
netritious | I still think ubuntu server is awesome | 19:36 |
netritious | Ubuntu Server > Windows Server | 19:36 |
netritious | it doesn't need to be said really...anyone that has Administered a Windows Server and has used Ubuntu Server then they know ;) | 19:37 |
wrst | I have installed on lots of hardware and had no boot issues at all but that is very frustrating | 19:37 |
netritious | and I did try everything...checked ISO for defects, ran additional diag on the hardware, etc...all came up the same way with several CDs and several machines | 19:38 |
netritious | two laptops and one desktop, all diff make/models took Win7 ez-pz, Lucid not so much | 19:39 |
netritious | I even had to add an extra step to my procedures...backup the win7 install before attempting to installing Lucid | 19:40 |
netritious | *install | 19:40 |
netritious | I mean, I'm not upset about it but it's really disappointing that three clients will never be exposed to Ubuntu because of it | 19:41 |
netritious | besides hearing me talk about how great it is | 19:41 |
techMiles | crap | 19:42 |
techMiles | I wanna boot up my server now | 19:42 |
netritious | wrst: it's not like it can't be fixed from the grub rescue prompt, but what happens when a client upgrades the kernel, which in turn updates grub, and brings the PC back? I'm installing it for free so already upside down on the work...can't have more time lost on it | 19:44 |
netritious | I've experienced these problems since Ubuntu moved to grub2, just never really complained about it | 19:45 |
netritious | techMiles: what server | 19:47 |
techMiles | netritious: my server. it's just an old desktop I installed ubuntu server on | 19:47 |
netritious | is there a problem with it? | 19:47 |
techMiles | needz moar jiggawatts! | 19:48 |
netritious | hehe | 19:48 |
techMiles | other than that, newp. | 19:48 |
techMiles | I need to know more about ubuntu server, but that's my problem, no its | 19:48 |
techMiles | running upgrades now | 19:48 |
netritious | if you want to run a LAMP stack it's too ez... | 19:48 |
wrst | grub 2 sucks netritious I agree 100% dont blame you at all | 19:49 |
netritious | techMiles: sudo tasksel install lamp-server | 19:49 |
techMiles | I already have all those. :) | 19:49 |
netritious | :D | 19:49 |
netritious | wrst: it does | 19:49 |
techMiles | think I also have CUPS | 19:49 |
techMiles | and SAMBA | 19:49 |
netritious | cool techMiles...have you installed webmin yet? | 19:50 |
techMiles | no, I tried at one point and idr what went wrong | 19:50 |
netritious | wrst: I used to downgrade but stopped bothering...grub1 will eventually be obsolete for ubuntu | 19:51 |
techMiles | anybody have an IRC bot recommendation? | 19:51 |
netritious | techMiles: what is your server specs? | 19:51 |
techMiles | uhh | 19:51 |
techMiles | old as crap? came with the original XP. | 19:51 |
techMiles | uhh. Pentium IV? 512MB of ram | 19:52 |
netritious | pentium 4? | 19:52 |
netritious | ah | 19:52 |
netritious | should be able to handle webmin...let me know if you want to give it a shot again | 19:52 |
techMiles | refresh my memory as to what it does? | 19:52 |
netritious | webmin provides a web interface to your server's services and configuration | 19:53 |
techMiles | ahh that's what I thought. | 19:53 |
techMiles | I'd like an actual VPS by a prof. host. | 19:54 |
netritious | it's written in perl, which compared to native C/C++ or even python for that matter is kinda sluggish, but not to bad...should be fine on a P4 | 19:54 |
techMiles | however, I dont' have the money for that. | 19:54 |
techMiles | well, I'd have the money for it once. :) | 19:54 |
netritious | hehe | 19:54 |
techMiles | this works fine for me | 19:54 |
techMiles | has run any bot i've needed it to.. multiples, actually | 19:55 |
techMiles | and znc | 19:55 |
netritious | techMiles: | 19:56 |
techMiles | netritious: I've tried eggdrop--- for some reason, it never worked for me | 19:56 |
techMiles | would boot up, start to connect, and yet the server-side would never see it. server-side of IRC, that is. | 19:56 |
techMiles | it just got lost in the tubes i guess | 19:56 |
netritious | k, I have only played a little with IRC bots...not much at all | 19:56 |
techMiles_Server | yay IRSSI | 19:57 |
netritious | :) | 19:57 |
* Svpernova09 humps irssi's leg | 20:01 | |
netritious | is there a such thing as a version of Linux with a rolling release? | 20:03 |
netritious | Arch? | 20:03 |
cyberanger | netritious: a few, you named one | 20:03 |
netritious | ugh brb | 20:03 |
netritious | b | 20:13 |
netritious | cyberanger: any that are debian based? | 20:13 |
cyberanger | in a more strict sense of the defination, not really, but testing and unstable fit the bill | 20:16 |
cyberanger | as does crunchbang (uses testing) and others | 20:16 |
elijah-mbp | i run unstable on a lot of things… it's fine most of the time. maybe not for an end user, but for a developer/SA/operations type who has to actually understand a lot of the system… it's not much of a problem. | 21:15 |
netritious | elijah-mbp: do I recall correctly that Ubuntu is based on Debian unstable? | 22:18 |
wrst | netritious Arch is a great rolling distro | 22:19 |
netritious | Arch is appealing...haven't had any experience with it yet though | 22:20 |
netritious | and Arch is pretty much the defacto authority on LXC | 22:21 |
wrst | it is good | 22:45 |
cyberanger | netritious: the packages maybe are imported from sid, or testing | 22:46 |
cyberanger | but at some point it branches off, not entirely sure where | 22:47 |
wrst | netritious I have done a few arch installs only thing great for tinkerers but not so much for the end user loke ubuntu | 22:48 |
cyberanger | wrst: you mean bloke? | 22:49 |
wrst | uhh *like | 22:49 |
cyberanger | still using the phone I take it ;) | 22:50 |
* cyberanger guesses he knows more brits and aussies than most tennessans, cyberanger completely misread that typo ;-) | 22:52 | |
cyberanger | netritious: what is it your looking for? | 23:03 |
wrst | yes on thephone at a deal with my wife tonight cyberanger | 23:11 |
netritious | cyberanger: not anything in particular | 23:12 |
netritious | just curious | 23:12 |
netritious | anywho, to get dinner going | 23:13 |
cyberanger | netritious: cooking or eating | 23:19 |
cyberanger | enjoy, just finished mine | 23:19 |
cyberanger | wrst: could you clarify (sounds a little bad, just saying it's a "deal") | 23:20 |
wrst | cyberanger fundraising coat and tie tupe of thing its ok | 23:22 |
wrst | good music and food I hear | 23:22 |
cyberanger | ah, lol, I've been listening to some good music here (I doubt they'll be playing it there though) | 23:24 |
cyberanger | however the food ought to be better (the day one compares pizza to fish tacos is the day one goes on a diet just to get the taste out) | 23:26 |
wrst | ha ha | 23:26 |
wrst | well I may be off everything syarts at six | 23:27 |
cyberanger | a half hour to get there, and get in and all | 23:30 |
cyberanger | enjoy ;-) | 23:30 |
wrst | already here she has a small part had to behere early | 23:34 |
cyberanger | ah well, in that case ... | 23:35 |
cyberanger | enjoy ;-) | 23:35 |
techMiles | wow | 23:37 |
techMiles | I was just talking to someone who is using mIRC in Ubuntu | 23:37 |
cyberanger | techMiles: why | 23:38 |
cyberanger | I mean, why use mIRC in ubuntu | 23:39 |
techMiles | apparently, mIRC is configured entirely how he wants it | 23:39 |
techMiles | so he just moves configs | 23:39 |
techMiles | moves/shares | 23:39 |
* cyberanger gags a little at that idea, oh well | 23:39 | |
techMiles | yeah | 23:40 |
techMiles | I use XChat | 23:40 |
techMiles | on bof | 23:40 |
techMiles | what does the apt-get upgrade -y flag do again? :/ | 23:41 |
cyberanger | the -y = yes | 23:41 |
cyberanger | assume yes when asked | 23:41 |
techMiles | ah so it doesn't require that input | 23:41 |
cyberanger | yeah, I wouldn't however, I just use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 23:42 |
techMiles | I am remembering that now a little bit. | 23:42 |
techMiles | I don't either. | 23:42 |
techMiles | saw it in an example once and it popped through as I am running my server again | 23:42 |
cyberanger | a little more error checking (and without the -y, a little less assuming) makes it a little more safer an upgrade | 23:43 |
techMiles | yeah | 23:43 |
techMiles | you wouldn't happen to know what the -c flag in python -c does, would you? | 23:43 |
* cyberanger hands that off to one of a few more seasoned python developers | 23:44 | |
cyberanger | man python: | 23:45 |
cyberanger | -c command | 23:45 |
cyberanger | Specify the command to execute (see next section). This terminates the option | 23:45 |
cyberanger | list (following options are passed as arguments to the command). | 23:45 |
techMiles | ah. | 23:45 |
techMiles | so, unnecessary if you're, say, starting a bot with python | 23:45 |
* cyberanger nods cluelessly, but does believe that to be true | 23:47 | |
techMiles | good news: no flooding/botnets today | 23:47 |
techMiles | on another network, that is. | 23:47 |
* techMiles knocks on wood | 23:47 | |
* cyberanger points out a 2600 Press Release may have helped | 23:51 | |
techMiles | I need to start learning more about this stuff.... | 23:52 |
techMiles | you up for writing me a blog post or page of references to start erading? :P | 23:52 |
techMiles | my main issue is: idk where to start | 23:52 |
techMiles | I really wanna get more into security, so far as local computers, network, etc.. all of it, pretty much | 23:53 |
techMiles | maybe not, like, the kind they need for storing SSN's and credit cards. LOL | 23:53 |
cyberanger | hehe, I understand, as much as I hate this advice, it's how things got rolling for me | 23:54 |
* cyberanger points to his local bookstore, lug, manpages, google and too much freetime | 23:55 | |
techMiles | lug? | 23:55 |
techMiles | what about the 2600 reference you made? lol | 23:55 |
cyberanger | Linux User Group | 23:55 |
techMiles | Ahh | 23:55 |
cyberanger | however, to simplify things, might I suggest and | 23:56 |
techMiles | hmm what about uh crap what is that group | 23:57 |
cyberanger | and a bunch of freetime and manpages (google might also help) | 23:57 |
techMiles | irc-unity ? | 23:57 |
cyberanger | might also be a good one too | 23:58 |
techMiles | one main thing: I don't care to get myself in trouble or anybody else while I'm using their internet to research/learn this stuff. | 23:59 |
techMiles | I'm sure they're watched, and I doon't really have anything to hide | 23:59 |
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