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nuvolari | fp | 04:55 |
nuvolari | mornings | 04:55 |
superfly | morning nuvolari | 04:58 |
nlsthzn | morning nuvolari, superfly, all | 04:59 |
nuvolari | morings nlsthzn | 05:02 |
nlsthzn | It's the week-end BABY! | 05:02 |
nlsthzn | miss 5 FM when it didn't suck | 05:03 |
superfly | not quite yet :-P | 05:03 |
superfly | there was a time when 5fm didn't suck? | 05:03 |
nlsthzn | sure.. a few years ago... mark pilgrim on saturdays etc... Barney Simon at night... | 05:12 |
oomkoos | morning all | 05:37 |
nlsthzn | hi oomkoos, | 05:47 |
superfly | so more stuff blowing up around oracle, I see | 06:00 |
superfly | nuvolari: your job is in jeopardy :-P | 06:00 |
nlsthzn | what oracle killing off today? | 06:01 |
superfly | nlsthzn: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/12/apache-resigns-from-jcp-in-protest-of-oracle-governance-failures.ars | 06:35 |
Kilos | morning superfly nuvolari inetpro and all others | 06:46 |
oomkoos | morning kilos | 06:46 |
Kilos | hi oomkoos | 06:46 |
nuvolari | superfly: not funny >:( I hate oracle | 07:42 |
nuvolari | :P | 07:42 |
nlsthzn | superfly: nuvolari, oh wow... that sucks... | 08:42 |
nuvolari | end of the story: all java devs switch over to scala, and oracle sits with its finger in its ear | 09:19 |
nuvolari | just need a new "JVM" that's not controlled by oracle | 09:20 |
nuvolari | SVM maybe? :P | 09:20 |
superfly | nuvolari: maybe you should start brushing up your python skills? | 09:35 |
superfly | :-P | 09:35 |
cocooncrash | Symmetria: Your fedora mirror script is also broken. | 09:37 |
nuvolari | superfly: as long as I can code using IntelliJ :P | 09:43 |
nuvolari | I don't think I'll ever use anything else | 09:43 |
superfly | nuvolari: that's because you've only ever used Eclipse. Enough said. :-P | 09:43 |
nuvolari | not true, I did try out netbeans too | 09:44 |
superfly | heh | 09:49 |
rossouwap | hey guys - anybody ever used zimbra and fetchmail together? or just fetchmail and another multi-user messaging system? | 12:18 |
superfly | rossouwap: from what I've heard, it's generally not a good idea to use fetchmail... I think there's a newer alternative called "getmail" | 12:44 |
rossouwap | superfly:shot for the info - I'll investigate. Everything I've seen so far has been fetchmail. thanks | 12:47 |
nuvolari | yo guiz, what's the #FF tag on twitter for? | 19:28 |
nuvolari | i'm kinda lost :P | 19:28 |
nuvolari | :O skynet is bashing vodacom | 19:34 |
nuvolari | crappy speeds tonight :( | 19:34 |
superfly | nuvolari: follow friday | 19:40 |
nuvolari | superfly: ah thanks! | 19:58 |
nuvolari | what's the purpose? :P | 19:58 |
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