charlie-tca | Well, that was just oodles of fun | 01:23 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: a plus... more than 30 minutes of reading without blurring tonight. | 02:06 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: okeydokey, sounds like making the text-color black is a win | 10:51 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: i just pushed the change to the repository | 10:59 |
charlie-tca | Good morning | 15:01 |
davmor2 | morning charlie-tca | 15:02 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: Really glad we got things working earlier to even suggest possible changes this time! | 15:02 |
charlie-tca | Hello, davmor2 | 15:02 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu Alternate images are the right size today | 15:09 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu alternate i386 fails to install; probably not ready yet :-( | 16:59 |
ochosi | charlie-tca: yep, i just recently joined the discussion on ubuntu-art-ml | 17:10 |
charlie-tca | Good! I am trying to understand just a little bit of what they try to tell me, but it isn't easy. | 17:16 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: | 18:21 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: might be a bad hilight color? | 18:21 |
charlie-tca | The black stripe is hilighting a message to please enter your name; it only shows it hilighted if nothing was entered | 18:22 |
charlie-tca | ochosi: Maybe we can blame that one on Thunderbird? | 18:42 |
charlie-tca | micahg: is this generated by TBird or the theme used? | 18:43 |
charlie-tca | | 18:43 |
micahg | charlie-tca: I missed the first aprt | 18:43 |
micahg | *part | 18:43 |
charlie-tca | entering new accounts in Thunderbird | 18:44 |
micahg | what about it | 18:44 |
mr_pouit | ah, lightdm is in new | 18:44 |
charlie-tca | really? | 18:44 |
mr_pouit | yup | 18:45 |
charlie-tca | making progress, then | 18:46 |
charlie-tca | micahg: missed something there. When I enter a new account, if I skip the name, I get a black hilight saying enter name, I think. It actually shows up as a black stripe | 19:21 |
micahg | charlie-tca: what video drier? | 19:21 |
charlie-tca | nvidia hardware driver | 19:21 |
micahg | charlie-tca: yeah, there are some nvidia issues w/Thunderbird | 19:22 |
micahg | and Firefox for that matter | 19:22 |
charlie-tca | I see. I set up thunderbird to check things out in natty. | 19:22 |
micahg | charlie-tca: does the upstream build have the same issue? | 19:23 |
charlie-tca | huh? | 19:23 |
charlie-tca | and I would find out by... | 19:23 |
micahg | charlie-tca:, download into your home directory and decompress, then run | 19:24 |
charlie-tca | looking | 19:24 |
charlie-tca | That's 3.1.7 | 19:25 |
charlie-tca | That's what I got in Natty already | 19:25 |
charlie-tca | Or did Ubuntu make changes? | 19:25 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: it could be a backend lib issue | 19:26 |
charlie-tca | downloading | 19:26 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: are both FF and TB effected | 19:26 |
charlie-tca | I don't know. I don't know how to trigger hilighting in ff | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | This is gray background, gray text, black hilight | 19:27 |
davmor2 | ouch | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | heh, I guess that says it all lol | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | It's kind of hard to read | 19:28 |
micahg | davmor2: FF in which series? | 19:28 |
micahg | davmor2: Firefox in natty is 4.0b7, also, we don't use system cairo for Firefox | 19:29 |
micahg | so that might be affecting it as well | 19:29 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: I think bug report with screenshot/screencast and mark it urgent :) | 19:30 |
charlie-tca | checking the upstream version first | 19:31 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: what the highlighting in other email clients like as well? claws for example | 19:34 |
davmor2 | that should help rule out theme issues | 19:34 |
charlie-tca | white on gray hilight | 19:34 |
charlie-tca | heh, you are right. | 19:35 |
charlie-tca | I will switch themes and see, too, then | 19:35 |
charlie-tca | Looks like the gtk theme | 19:38 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: Yay! | 19:48 |
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