
mgzal, there was a bug for that testtools StringIO thing, whoops.00:12
jelmer'evening mgz00:13
mgzhey jelmer!00:13
mgzlifeless: an idle note, I see you're using 'Critical' to indicated "can't release next version without this" for bugs about test failures and things, but I think jml's way of setting a lower priority for Python 2.4/3 failures and adding the 'testtools next' milestone was actually a bit easier to understand.00:21
ryanpriormkanat: my friend got bzr for Windows working really easily. I bet it could be somewhat more usable, as the interface wasn't obvious to somebody unfamiliar with bzr lingo (push, pull, launchpad, etc) but we worked through it in about 15 minutes. So give my thanks to the folks who got the Windows experience to this point. =D00:23
mkanatryanprior: Awesome! :-)00:23
lifelessmgz: the milestone represents inventory; generally we put things on it *once* they are closed, not speculative. perhaps criticals deserve an exemption00:30
mgzthat's certainly true for bazaar, but the "next" thing for testtools was quite cute I think.00:31
mgznone of the issues were big or sprawly enough to actually risk slipping, and it gets them on the release page.00:31
jmlmgz: thanks so much for all the fixes00:34
jmlmgz: sorry I can't stay around to debug the windows thing. I need sleep.00:35
mgzich auch.00:35
jmlwell then, gute Nacht00:35
mgzcan probably just cheat on that test, but do bug me in the future if you want anything.00:36
lifelessmgz: we've slipped 2 weeks already00:40
lifelessmgz: so I disagree on that assessment00:40
mgznot on specific bugs, rather the release as a whole from re-breaking things with new features.00:43
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* maxb sends bzr-upload to bzr/proposed03:15
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
mathrickhiya guys14:48
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mathrickdoes running bzr join result in something like svn externals yet?14:49
mathrickor is that still on TODO?14:49
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rjekI use it to import svn-hosted stuff in my own project, and then merge in future versions.15:23
rjekOr have done one, at least.15:23
mathrickrjek: ah, so it can still pull things in even after merging in?15:51
mathrickif so, that's enough for my needs15:52
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=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
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damdhi.  i'm having troubles branching my launchpad project.  i have set up my SSH key pair and i'm using pageant for my private key.23:01
damdi get the old familiar: bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host as damd@bazaar.launchpad.net23:01
damdany ideas?23:01
jelmerdamd: hi23:23
jelmerdamd: did you read the FAQ, do you have the right ssh key registered on Launchpad as well?23:23
damdyes, i've read every piece of information and documentation i've been able to find23:23
damdand yes, i've registered the public key on launchpad23:24

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