
BookmanIs there a Linux flavour that boots extremely quickly on standard hardware into just a browser?02:23
UndiFineDBookman, chrome os ?02:26
BookmanYes, but not a standard Linux disto02:27
UndiFineDwell you could look  for an mirco linux distro, like Damn Small Linux02:29
UndiFineDbut I am not sure on the browser02:30
BookmanYeah, tried a few of those, still not quick enough.  This little netbook I bought my son for Christmas books so fast. Maybe 7 seconds or something02:30
=== AndrewMC changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu 10.10 has been released || Please use the Bit-Torrent to download at http://j.mp/lu-10-10 || Off-topic discussion in #lubuntu-offtopic || Documentation can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu
UndiFineDBookman, Ubuntu can do 1502:32
BookmanNot on my machines!02:32
BookmanAnyways, this is offtopic I suppose!02:32
BookmanLater UndiFineD02:33
mcgee42Hello world\02:51
BookmanWould any conversation here be better than no conversation here?  Even if offtopic?03:06
BookmanAndrewMC, no conversation is better than offtopic conversation?03:17
AndrewMCBookman: off topic to #lubuntu-offtopic please03:18
BookmanAndrewMC, got you!03:18
sagacihi #lubuntu04:15
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sagaciany suggestions for a dropdown terminal in lxde05:02
sagacinvm, guake doesn't need gnome deps05:03
sagacii don't know whether it's a bug but it's quite annoying when you right click and the top option is already highlighted05:05
bioterrorI use urxvt and it fills my needs05:10
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
IAmNotThatGuywb IdleOne =]11:58
Alex-Zionhi everyone , I have a problem to be machine boot up a live Lubuntu 10.10, the machine where I'm trying is an old P3 with 192 mb of ram ....15:21
Alex-Zionthere is some special options to pass to the kernel , in order to get a kind of basic  system boot !?!15:22
Alex-ZionanytimeI tried , the system freeze at "Generating locales ...  it_IT.UTF-8..."15:23
Alex-Zionafter that not even the cd get used anymore ....15:24
YorvykAlex-Zion, what graphics card do you have?15:27
Alex-Zionis an integrated one ....,the machine where I'm trying is an Acer veriton FP2....,a quite strange machine15:28
Alex-ZionYorvyk:  is thisone http://ixbtlabs.com/articles/acerveritonfp2/  , any idea !?!15:36
YorvykAlex-Zion, Probably not enough RAM due to the on-board video15:39
YorvykI have had some success by adding 'i915.modeset=1'  to the boot line15:43
Yorvykor 'i915.modeset=0'15:45
pipYorvyk; no joy here with upgrade.  It bombs out after a problem with python2.7 minimal.15:47
Yorvykpip, You should have upgraded yesterday, they are upgrading Python, as you’ve found, and warned of problems.15:48
pipfrom what I can gather it's a waiting game .........:-(15:49
Yorvykor good luck with diving in at just the right time :)15:49
piplol.  I suppose a mini.iso install will be pointless also, as it'll hit the same issue, yes?15:50
Yorvykpip, not necessarily as you aren’t doing an upgrade, it’s clean install15:53
AlexZionYorvyk: I tried with "i915.modeset=1" andI got a restart, noe I'm trying with "i915.modeset=0" but seemsthe same as before ...15:54
YorvykAlexZion,  OK15:54
pipwell okay.........15:54
Yorvykpip, it can’t be any worse going the minimal install root if you really want Natty Alpha15:56
pipshame I can't get any natty related discs to run on this machine15:56
pipwhich I find really weird15:56
Yorvykpip, it what way will they not run15:57
pipthey take me to the options list & whatevr I choose then to a black screen with an underscore type cursor which doesn't react to anything15:58
piphard shutdown is the only way out15:59
pipoddly the full isos dont even give me that on 2 boxes at home.  Those boxes just boot as usual, ignoring the discs16:01
Yorvykpip, the later two sound like the boot order in BIOS16:03
piphaha, I checked that really early on hoping it was that simple...16:04
pipI've been proper baffled for a week now :)16:04
pipI thought I'd found a way out with the mini.iso as I managed an install on one of the home boxes a couple of days ago16:05
pipit's just this machine, & yet it boots everything else I throw at it16:05
pipthis is the main reason for upgrading as I do prefer a clean install16:06
pipI did notice that using k3b to burn full isos it seemed to be finding less data than I'd downloaded16:08
=== JoeMaver1ckSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
pipI'm gonna try again.......16:23
bioterrorthat poor pip guy has lost of burning issues16:23
bioterrorit really cant be that hard16:23
mikedep333I thought I'd report a bug on lubuntu.net18:46
mikedep333"get lubuntu" links to 10.10 maverick18:47
mikedep333but "release notes" links to those for lucid lynx (10.04)18:47
stlsaintmikedep333: they may have not just updated that part of the page yet18:48
mikedep333stlsaint, lubuntu 10.10 was released back in october18:48
mikedep333stlsaint, I'm pretty sure they've left that part not updated for 2 months now18:48
mikedep333also, the 10.10 release notes are very important as they list the no longer supported CPUs18:49
mikedep333I wonder if the lack of K6 support includes the K6-218:49
Yorvykmikedep333, the release notes are for the 10.04 beta which is even worse :(18:58
mikedep333Yorvyk, good catch18:58
mikedep333Yorvyk, are you a lubuntu dev? who can we report this to?18:58
mikedep333I looked on the website for a webmaster contact link or something.18:58
Yorvykmikedep333, I’ll put a note on the mailing list and hope the appropriate people see it.18:59
mikedep333Yorvyk, great18:59
mikedep333I would really like to help this project over the next month as I graduate from college in a week, but my last attempts to program in C didn't go well. I'm much better at java and scripting.19:01
Jorvykmikedep333, you don’t have to program to help19:12
mikedep333atlhough last time I tried to report a bug (if you isntall 10.10 from mini or alternate cd, add the ppa, update, and install lubuntu-desktop, it won't let you use gksudo), the develoepr wouldn't believe me19:13
mikedep333*the developer in this channel19:14
Jorvykdon’t know why not as it is listed as a problem in the wiki19:14
Jorvykas I’ve have the same problem19:15
mikedep333that was 2 months ago19:15
mikedep333oh, wow19:16
mikedep333maybe that guy did confirm it19:16
mikedep333so me reporting the bug informally on this channel did accomplish something ;)19:16
JorvykBTW the AMD k5-2 won’t work with 10.1019:17
mikedep333Jorvyk, the non-profit I work for has a K6-219:18
mikedep333*volunteer for19:18
mikedep333that's what I was referring to19:18
mikedep333google is my friend19:19
Jorvyk!0.04 is OK and it is hoped that we can keep it updated so at least the LXDE parts are the latest19:19
mikedep333the k6-2 is considered i586, so it's not supported19:19
mikedep333Jorvyk, how do you contribute to lubuntu?19:19
mikedep333yeah, I know19:19
mikedep333it's ok, the museum probably won't use that K6-2 system anyway19:20
JorvykI meant k6 not k519:20
mikedep333it's being replaced by a ~50 mhz faster celeron :/19:20
mikedep333I hope 10.04 will continue to be a usable and compatible OS for aging computers with i586s19:21
mikedep333does 10.04 have the software center?19:21
JorvykI do testing and have started to do some parts of the bug triaging19:21
mikedep333lubuntu 10.04 that is19:21
mikedep333you know19:22
mikedep333I think www.lubuntu.net needs to have a visible and user-friendly list of features/software that is installed by default19:22
Jorvykno lubuntu doesn’t have the software centre as it is a bit of a resource hog19:22
mikedep333yeah, gotcha19:24
mikedep333I think that only works with firefox (which has the appropriate plugin)19:24
mikedep333are there any good solutions to flash on old machines running Lubuntu?19:26
mikedep333minitube perhaps?19:26
mikedep333although a youtube update just broke compatiblity, so you have to use the minitube PPA with it's latest update19:27
mikedep333*its latest update19:27
* nh2_ just installed lubuntu on his brand new eMachines-350 netbook and is happy with it23:14
mark76Goodo :)23:15
reallyfrustratedcan anybody help me fix my screen resolution and mouse problems?23:48
reallyfrustratedguess not..23:50
AndrewMC!wait | reallyfrustrated23:52
ubot5reallyfrustrated: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:52
reallyfrustratedive been trying to correct my screen resolution for 6 days....is this all that lubuntu has to offer?23:53
reallyfrustratedmy japanese language, bootlegged, buggy version of wondows is looking awesome..23:53

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