
jamaltaare there any updates on the python 2.7 rebuild?00:03
rwwjamalta: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=python27 may be useful00:26
rww(though I believe it's not comprehensive)00:26
cozziemotohey guys  ..are current updates safe /  ")01:16
BUGabundoI'm fine01:17
BUGabundoI think chromium was broken01:17
BUGabundobut I haven't restarted it01:17
yofelhere updates stopped being broken today, so I think most rebuilds should be done01:18
F3RR1Scozziemoto... safe? well since this is not an official release probably not but they should begin to do more good than harm.01:21
F3RR1Scozziemoto, for example I installed and then updated/upgraded and my wifi did not work... a couple of days later, I upgraded again and it was fixed01:23
F3RR1Scozziemoto, though it is still not perfect.... I can't disconnect via gui01:23
F3RR1Sbut i am able to disconnect wifi via cli01:24
IdleOnecozziemoto: to sum up: update at your own risk01:24
F3RR1Scozziemoto, IdleOne.... EXACTLY.01:24
F3RR1Scozziemoto,  you might limit the number of times you update because you are gettting daily builds... (at least that is the way I understand this)01:25
PKKidHey, I was just curious what the general concensous was for how stable / unstable the alpha is?  Is it worth giving it a run in a VBox (for development)?01:29
F3RR1SPKKid, i am running it01:30
PKKidF3RR1S, Does it crash often?  Im worried with the new UI and Video frontends01:31
F3RR1Sit is pretty stable but there are some headaches as well.... once those headaches were worked out I do not have too many issues01:32
F3RR1SI run gnome01:32
PKKidthats probably what I'll be running01:32
PKKidWayland scares me (much like X did). ;)01:32
F3RR1SI had to get my refresh rates01:32
PKKidbut now its *shudder* new and unknown01:32
PKKidHmm, It almost sounds like I should wait..01:33
F3RR1Sand i am still having issues with my brother wifi printer01:33
PKKidI always had issues with my Brother Printer01:33
F3RR1SI have not updated for a few days so there may be a fix for it01:33
F3RR1Smy printer worked great but now there are issues01:34
PKKidI wont be printing, im running in a VM01:34
PKKidI'll try it.. wont hurt01:34
F3RR1Si expect for them to be fixed as we get closer to the official release01:34
F3RR1Si had an issue with the desktop01:35
F3RR1Sit never actually worked on my system so that was a pain in the aces01:35
PKKidI made the mistake of updating to the VirtualBox 4 BETA..01:35
PKKidthat sucked, I hosed my VM01:35
F3RR1Snot that i cared too much because i am keeping my gnome01:35
F3RR1Sstill it would have been nice to have tried the desktop01:36
PKKidIt works in 4 BETA now, but the Beta crashes often.. I tried to roll back to 3, but that wont work either..01:36
PKKidI should have snapshot it01:36
F3RR1Sand desktop nova doesn't work either01:37
F3RR1Swhich i liked... maybe i should go and update01:37
PKKidNot even sure what that is01:37
PKKidwhats the package to install to get gnome back?01:37
F3RR1Sit is a background switcher01:37
PKKiddownload is SOO slow.. :(01:38
F3RR1Sgdm, gnome-core, gnome-desktop and some others.... i searched in synaptec and installed it all from there01:38
PKKidI was hopinh to use Compiz01:38
PKKidI hear its built in, but I dont quite understand how that works because arn't most windows full screen in their new UI?01:38
F3RR1Sgdm is not the desktop but the desktop manager01:39
F3RR1Si am not sure about that01:39
F3RR1Si really haven't used compiz too much.01:39
PKKidohh well, thanks for the input.. going to play with it now. :)01:39
shcherbakok, folks, after logout/login unity/classical applets are gone. Seems to be not to much hussle for me. Next task - remove Unity-shell of Natty. Funny that system is very fast (even with compiz).01:40
rwwPKKid: Wayland is a long-term goal, not something that'll be in 11.04.01:50
PKKidrww: Ohh, I was thinking this was all changing now.  Good to know, thanks01:51
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py1honAnyone else suddenly unable to link anything? Looks like something fubar with binutils, maybe07:12
adminewb1I need help with ubuntu user switching trouble, on GNOME desktop & login, starting ever since lucid 10.04 or maybe a little before -- even LiveCD sessions exhibit same trouble on this system. That is, it consistently locks up in switching back to the same active user, immediately after password is entered. Lockup meaning the keyboard / mouse completely seizes: NumLock has no effect, no Ctrl-Alt-Fx for text vterminal access, etc. Music play07:25
adminewb1another incidental question: why are there official logs for here, but not the plain #ubuntu channel?07:29
rwwadminewb1: Because Canonical's glorious logbot died again.07:30
adminewb1oh dear, well that explains it07:30
rwwand it has a fun tendency to only pick up random channels when it rights itself.07:30
rwwyou'll notice that ubuntulog is in here and not in there/07:30
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nit-witanybody have their unity disappear from the login choice after using the regular desktop, me about a week or so of regular Ubuntu desktop11:04
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penguin42heck, the left panel is working for me for the 1st time12:29
coz_howdy doody12:40
coz_penguin42, hey guy12:54
BUGabundoanyone here uses android or develops for android, would be willing to package the SDK to a PPA or Universe?13:03
BUGabundoerk. let me ask that in the proper place too13:03
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nperryBUGabundo: I could give the packaging a go :/13:29
coz_mm last updates  do not allow the launcher to autohide unless window is maximized13:31
nperrycoz_: Disable autohide and reenable... Worked for me :)13:32
coz_nperry,   yeah tried that all morning with no luck :(13:32
nperryBut I lost all the applets in top bar13:32
coz_nperry,   you could either mouse over where they should be to see if they are still there or   run    gnome-wm --replace13:33
nperryThey are there in gnome-wm :)13:35
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pumba_is any expert available?14:20
pumba_to help me a second step by step with a thing?14:20
rork!ask | pumba14:21
ubottupumba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:21
pumba_do i have to put also that !  ?14:21
pumba_ubottu, the problem is that there's not an exact and solely answer...14:22
pumba_it needs more explanation :(14:22
pumba_its not something you just reply with a... single solution...14:22
pumba_i dont know if u can understand me... :/14:22
rorkyes, but nobody has an idea what your problem is...14:22
rorkso nobody knows wether he's the expert14:23
pumba_the problem is that I just installed ubuntu 10.10 over a laptop, and the wireless is not recognized14:23
pumba_so doing a search over the net, i have found a program for the solution (driver)14:23
pumba_but i dont know what to do with this file...14:23
rorkfor ubuntu 10.10 #ubuntu is the support channel14:23
pumba_I just need help to install it...14:23
pumba_there are almost 2000 people there...14:24
pumba_they dont even notice me :(14:24
rorkif you asked for help like here that doesn't surprise me, ask the question, tell which hardware you use, where you found the driver and if someone can talk you trough installing14:27
pumba_the site is this : http://hostap.epitest.fi/14:28
pumba_in few words i have to install this "Host AP"14:28
pumba_can someone help me and tell me how?14:29
nperrypumba_: As you don't seem to be listening to rork, You need to ask in #ubuntu14:34
nperryWe are running the devlopment cycle, as much as we could help you - we won't be sining of the same sheet!14:35
pumba_i understand nperry :((14:47
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* penguin42 wonders about upgrading his main machine to +114:51
nperryThe more the better, just need to make sure you know what your doing and how to report bugs in launchpad :)14:52
penguin42oh yeh, I mean <---- this machine has been running it for a few weeks14:52
nperryAh, I see, my bad  :)14:53
nperryI'm upset that i've not hit any show-stopping bugs.14:53
penguin42you're not trying hard enough!14:53
fenerlitkanyone here ?15:19
fenerlitkdoes anyone know how to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.0415:20
holsteinfenerlitk: is this for testing purposes?15:21
fenerlitkholstein: no15:22
holsteini would suggest waiting15:23
holsteintil the upgrade path is clean15:23
fenerlitkim having problems with 101015:23
fenerlitkit's asking me to login to a command line15:23
fenerlitkwhen i boot15:23
fenerlitkand sometimes it doesn't15:23
charlie-tcaI would read the topic anyway. Upgrades are broken right now15:24
fenerlitkwhen I shut down some purple screen appears15:24
fenerlitkwritting some errors before it shuts15:24
holsteinyeah, unless your into finding bugs and reporting, i would suggest trouble shooting your 10.10 install15:24
holsteinthat being said http://zeeis.me/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-04/15:24
holsteinBUT again, not a good idea15:25
fenerlitki wont upgrade15:25
charlie-tcaIf 10.10 is broken, upgrading WILL break 11.0415:25
holsteinfenerlitk: you can PM me if you want15:25
fenerlitkbut i don't know how to fix my 10.1015:25
holsteinand ill give you some suggestions15:25
filosofixitI did an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 on my netbook and I am now unable to login. The screen dumps back to the GDM-loginscreen. Any ideas?15:55
charlie-tcafrom the topic - Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, please wait with updates/upgrades until the rebuilds are done.15:59
penguin42filosofixit: If you select the classic desktop does it work?15:59
charlie-tcaYou can try switching to a tty and updating with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, there was a fix for that.16:00
filosofixitpenguin42 : nope... all choices end up back at the loginscreen16:00
filosofixitbut it appears that I am logged in when I dump back at the login screen (a green ticker on my username)16:01
filosofixitmaybe I should do a clean install....16:03
IdleOnelibubuntuone1.0-cil is still broken ?16:19
VolkodavAnybody has an idea how long the python rebuild may take ? I never rebooted since I removed a lot of stuff bedore saw the warning lol17:29
Vanishinganyone here use ejabberd?17:37
Vanishingupgrade yesterday added a ejabberd to my gdm user list..17:37
charlie-tcaLike a new user?17:38
Vanishingi had ejabberd user before17:39
Vanishingbut then it didn't show up in gdm login window17:39
Vanishingthis time it did17:39
Vanishingalone with yaws17:39
charlie-tcaHm, maybe it is just looking for all users now?17:39
Vanishingthat would be a bit...out of this world..17:40
charlie-tcaWhat about giving it a UID outside the normal users id?17:40
Vanishingbelow 1000?17:40
charlie-tcayes, but I am just guessing at it...17:40
Vanishingbut how?17:40
Vanishingi checked /etc/group and /etc/passwd17:40
Vanishingthey are well under17:41
charlie-tcawell, then... I have no idea17:41
Vanishingthanks anyways17:41
charlie-tcaMaybe someone else will jump in, or at least answer in a bit17:41
Vanishingthe other 196 ppl are busy..xD17:42
Vanishingcharlie-tca: http://www.danielgibbs.net/journal/how-to-remove-user-names-from-ubuntu-9-10-gdm-login-screen17:44
rigvedor they have no clue on how to help you!17:44
Vanishingcharlie-tca: seems the only way is to disable user list?...T.T17:45
Vanishingrigved: or that..XD17:45
Vanishingcharlie-tca: testing this method..http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9439011#post943901117:51
Vanishingcharlie-tca: ty again...brb17:51
Vanishingcharlie-tca: worked17:53
charlie-tcaGreat! Although I think I did not help with it, anymore then the rest in here.17:55
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detratehi, I've tried installing ubuntu 11.04 by upgrading from 10.10 twice on my laptop18:13
detrateit failed both times18:13
detratesomething about python 2.7-minimal failing to install18:13
detratethis is in a wubi environment, if it matters18:13
detrateI was tempted to upgrade because of the poor performance I was getting in 10.10 netbook version18:14
detrateI have a dell studio, i7 with ATi video that runes like a slug in 10.10 with the ATi drivers installed18:15
detratethe window decorations are littered with fragmented colors18:15
nit-witdetrate, how did it run with generic drivers18:16
detratemuch better but the window decorations still have fragmented colors, however they are different18:16
detrateI'd show you a screenshot but the boot stalls at the wubi virtual drive lookup porition18:16
nit-witdetrate, did load a actual ati diver did you try onr opg the ppa18:17
detrateI can reinstall and take more screenshots if this is helpful18:17
detratethe ati drive from jockey-gtk18:17
detratedriver* >_<18:17
detrateis there any way to recover my system from this python issue?18:18
detrateor do I have to reinstall?18:18
nit-witdetrate, for a downgrade yes18:19
detratewell, I'd like to run 11.04 if possible18:19
detrateAll I did was update-manager -d18:19
detrateand it failed on the python package18:20
detratethis is a touchscreen laptop, so I'm really interested in getting the most out of unity with it if possible18:20
detratebut so far... my thinkpad is kicking the crap out of the dell studio18:20
nit-witdetrate, try this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates18:21
detrateokay, so those are the most up-to-date drivers?18:21
detratebut I probably have to reinstall maverick first, eh?18:21
nit-witdetrate, I think you may not undersatnd the world of open source18:25
detratewell, that is quite the assumption18:26
nit-witdetrate, little or know support for any drivers most are reverse engineered18:26
detrateI understand that18:26
nit-witdetrate, you want help or abuse I can abuse you if you like.;)18:27
detrateI'm just trying to figure out what the best fit for this laptop would be18:27
nit-witdetrate, You might try a thread at the UF that lsts the graphics card bigger base of people to see the information18:28
detratewell, I'm over the ATi issue, I realize that nvidia does much better in this regard18:29
detrateI just want to know about the python issue at this point18:29
detrateshould I just hold off on upgrading to 11.04 beta? or do I need to take additional steps to get the beta installed properly?18:30
detratethe only reason I'm using wubi by the way, is because this is on a windows 7 laptop that they didn't give me a reinstallation CD for18:30
detratebut like I said, it's a touchscreen and I'd be very intersted in getting more involved with linux + touch18:31
detrateokey dokey18:32
detratewell that's cool, I'll see what's happening in the Arch world18:32
coz_hey all22:21
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