
kaushal have Dell Laptop A860 Core2 Duo wishing to install Ubuntu 10.10 with 4 Gigs RAM01:05
kaushalis it better to go for 32 Bit or 64 Bit01:05
head_victimIn my experience if you have a computer that is 64bit capable there is not reason not to go with 64bit but there will be others who disagree.01:07
kaushalSo video card Memory is shared in RAM01:08
head_victimThat has nothing to do with 32/64 bit it's got to do with what specific hardware you have01:09
kaushalso is there a way to know how much RAM a Video Card uses ?01:12
kaushalis it cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep RAM01:12
head_victimNot sure, I've only ever had video cards with their own ram, not system shared01:12
kaushalso i did ran that command01:13
kaushalis it cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i RAM01:13
kaushalis it returned 256MB01:14
head_victimSorry mate, I wouldn't know where to start. It's possible though as that sounds about normal. The laptop specifications should list how much it uses though01:14
kaushalhead_victim: sure01:15
kaushalhead_victim: Thanks01:15
kaushalso ideally I should go for 64 Bit01:15
head_victimI would use it but for some reason http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download always suggests the 32bit as recommended. I personally haven't had an issue with 64bit in a couple of years.01:16
head_victimI guess the decision is split depending on what website you're looking at.01:17
kaushalhead_victim: At the moment I am running 32 Bit 10.1001:22
kaushalis it better to use pae kernel or better to use 64 Bit OS ?01:23
dns53what are you running? do you have more than 4gb of ram and do you have a program that will need more than 4gb of memory?01:24
kaushalI have just 4 GB RAM01:25
dns53personally i'd run a 64 bit os, but flash is not quite as stable01:25
kaushalbut the 32 Bit OS reports 3.4 GB and out of 3.4 GB 256mb is shared by Video Card01:25
kaushalflash ?01:26
dns53yes, that is why you need a pae kernel (this is a hack to allow a 32 bit os to address more than 3 gb of memory) or a native 64 bit kernel01:27
kaushaldns53: i didnot understand about flash ?01:27
dns53adobe flash has a 64 bit port, it works but it is not the best port01:27
kaushaloh ok01:27
dns53it's fine for me, but results may vary01:28
kaushaldns53: so i would reinstall 10.10 with 64 Bit OS01:29
kaushalhead_victim: Thanks01:29
kaushaldns53: Thanks01:29
kaushalapologies for bugging01:29
dns53nothing wrong with asking01:30
head_victimNo worries at all01:33
kaushalAlso I have found something interesting also01:44
kaushalso HT means Hyperthreading01:45
kaushalso HT is enabled in the BIOS ?01:45
kaushaland I have HT as flag in cpuinfo01:46
kaushalso to use HT i need to use SMP kernel ?01:46
kaushalplease help me understand01:46
dns53so hyperthreading can be disabled in the bios as it could potentially cause problems01:48
dns53there is no smtp kernel any more, you do not need a different kernel to use smtp anymore, you did need one 1998-2002 ish01:50
kaushaloh ok01:50
head_victimdns53: ever seen an issue with HT though?01:50
kaushaldns53: you said potential problems 01:51
dns53head_victim never, but bios manufacturers put flags like that in case there are problems01:51
kaushalnot sure i understand that01:51
head_victimdns53: ah ok, just curious because again I'd heard it was possible but another of those things I'd never seen in real life.01:51
dns53so it is not a problem but it was new so they have the option to dissable things incase01:51
head_victimYep, sounds fair.01:52
dns53head_victim i've had occasional problems with the virtualisation extensions so it can be useful to have01:52
head_victimdns53: ah ok, I guess it would make sense to be able to switch "features" on and off, especially from a "stable" point of view.01:53
dns53kaushal back to your question, hyper threading is more like 1 1/2 cpu's, so you can do a little more than you would if you just had the single core01:54
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kaushaldns53: sorry i got disconnected01:55
dns53a computer does processing a small chunk at a time, so you would read a file for a fraction of a second, draw something on screen for a fraction, read something off a network etc 01:56
dns53so hyper threading allows the cpu to do one thing and part of another thing in the time slice01:56
kaushalso if i enable HT in my BIOS01:58
kaushalif I am having Core 2 Duo 01:58
kaushalso it would lead to issues ?01:58
kaushalas far as yes01:58
dns53i have not heard of any problems, you get more performance01:58
kaushaldns53: but you said potential problems 01:59
dns53there are none but hardware manufacturers put things in because it is almost impossible to fix later02:00
kaushalAlso as per http://www.brandonhutchinson.com/Understanding_proc_cpuinfo.html02:01
kaushalit specifies about Intel02:01
kaushalHow do i understand if its AMD 02:01
dns53it will have it will say: vendor_id: AuthenticAMD02:03
dns53my server's cpu info:   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/542134/02:03
kaushalbut how to make out ifs single core or dual core 02:05
dns53you look and see how many cores it describes, amd does not have hyper threading02:06
kaushalit says 2 cores02:07
kaushalso its a single physical processor ?02:07
dns53it probably has 1 02:07
dns531 chip itself, 2 cores02:08
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head_victimIs it just me or has FF been a bit crashy of late?05:31
head_victimMy bad, it's flash that's buggy, not FF.05:50
kaushalcan someone please guide me to install Flash on firefox 64 Bit 08:22
kaushalI am on 10.10 64 Bit OS08:22
=== yama` is now known as yama

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