
prvulIf some political party organize event promoting free software, is it ok for loco to participate in that event?00:52
JanCprvul: that might be tricky01:06
JanCit might depend on local circumstances though01:07
prvulJanC, sorry i was afk01:16
prvuli know that is tricky01:17
prvuli am lookin for some information about this issue01:17
prvullike there can be tricky with locos and money01:18
prvulbut for that "problem" i found this01:18
JanCmoney is no problem if it's used to promote Ubuntu01:18
prvulwe as loco do not support any political party01:19
prvulon event there will be no promo material of that party01:19
prvulonly about ubuntu01:19
JanConly ubuntu or also other projects?01:19
prvulubuntu and free software01:20
prvulfree software in general01:20
JanCI think it would be better is they also invited other political parties  ;)01:20
pleia2I don't see a problem with it as long as everyone knows it's not an endorsement or anything01:21
JanCwell, yeah, but making that clear might be tricky01:22
pleia2and I agree with JanC that it depends on local circumstances01:22
pleia2you could disclaim it in the announcement or something01:22
JanCwhen I said local circumstances, I was also thinking about countries like Vietnam, where there is only one party...  ;)01:22
pleia2we had a loco team member who did things with the boy scouts (they are notoriously discriminatory, I did not participate) and others who invited us to set up at a church flea market01:23
JanCyeah, it's easier if you participate in quite different events, to show you don't favour one over the other01:24
* pleia2 nods01:24
prvulpleia2, Pennsylvania LoCo?01:24
pleia2prvul: boy scouts was pennsylvania, yeah01:25
prvuli read about it01:25
JanCpleia2: boy scouts over here are more sane though  ;)01:25
pleia2the church thing was a question brought up with ubuntu-us, I don't remember which team it was01:25
pleia2JanC: that's fortunate :)01:25
prvuldoes ubuntu have some text for this issues01:26
pleia2prvul: I was pretty opinionated in that thread you read, I've calmed down since :)01:26
JanCespecially the "open scouting" group which is actually "unisex"01:26
JanC(or how do yo ucall that)01:26
pleia2I don't think there is a document discussing this01:26
JanCand which is also not christian like the original group01:26
pleia2there have been some spinoff groups here, but they haven't taken off, and the girl scouts are a completely organization altogether which doesn't discriminate01:27
pleia2s/completely/completely different01:27
JanCso they accept boys?01:27
pleia2well, not as members01:27
JanCso, they still discriminate...  ;)01:28
prvuli like this idea "It looks like the way our LoCo team is going to handle it all is by01:28
prvulincluding a disclaimer (somewhere on our website or wiki) stating that01:28
prvulwhen we work with organizations, we don't necessarily support their01:28
pleia2prvul: I think that's good01:28
JanCprvul: also invite other parties to organize similar events01:29
JanCor co-organize01:29
prvulpromoting ubuntu is our goal01:30
prvulbut some individuals may see this as loco supporting that party01:31
JanCone way to prevent this situation in the future would be to organize something yourself and invite all political parties01:31
prvulwe do organize, but this came from their side01:31
prvulthey organized almost everything01:31
JanCprvul: I assume this partu is genuinely interested in open source?01:32
JanCthis party01:32
prvulwe as loco will have our team leader as speaker01:32
prvulwell, JanC, i am not 100% sure01:32
JanCanother option is to be there as individuals, but not (officially) as a locoteam01:32
prvulsee, im from Serbia, and we do not have very stable political situation01:33
prvulpartys change every foru years01:33
JanCeh, sounds "fun" to follow who supports what that way...01:34
prvulfor example, this same goverment couple a years ago have made agreement with MS01:34
prvullast year, same goverment supported "domestic" linux distro01:35
JanCmaybe cheap MS software was still expensive  ;)01:35
prvulcp6linux, a ubuntu fully translated in serbian, with some modifications01:35
JanCprvul: if this is related to that project, I guess it's okay to participate01:36
prvulalso they supported translation projects for OOo, mozilla ff and mozill thunderbird01:36
JanCdo they pay for translations and such?01:36
prvuli guess01:37
JanCin that case, everybody benefits, I guess01:37
prvulthat projects were given to three major universities in our country01:37
JanCeverybody who speaks serbian01:37
JanClet's hope it's a sustained effort01:38
prvulyes, but project is stalled now, it seems so01:38
JanCaw  :-(01:38
prvulhey, but our loco is doing almost great01:39
prvulwe have very active forum01:39
JanCprvul: maybe you can get contacts in government to poke about sustaining the project...   ;)01:39
JanCthat project or other projects01:40
JanCmaybe sponsor development of an open source serbian grammar checker by a university01:41
JanCsuch things01:41
prvulfor me, the "issue" with this political party is that on radio commercial, they do mention themselfs as one of the organizer01:42
JanCthere are also other organisers?01:42
JanCthat are mentioned?01:42
prvulbut they initiated01:43
JanCwell, maybe it makes it easier to say you are not there because of the political party?01:45
prvulwe sure are not, we are there to promote ubuntu01:46
prvulJanC, here is google translation of the message from our forums that anounces event01:49
prvulTower is name of the city translated into english01:50
prvulIt should be Kula01:50
JanCah, was just going to ask whatever that was  :P01:50
JanCthe press, school, companies involved, are they related to the party?01:51
prvulschools - no, press an companies - shouldnt be, but who knoes ;)01:53
JanCI guess local peopel know such things most of the time  ;)01:53
JanClike "newspaper X are friends of the city mayor" (or the opposite)01:54
JanCe.g. the small local independent city/region news agency around here is not exactly "friends" with our mayor   ;-)01:55
prvulim am not local, so for me they are all unbiased01:55
JanC(they run on Ubuntu though)01:55
prvulsee, they do not mention party name, they say municipal of Kula01:59
JanCah, that's okay then IMO01:59
JanCthe "municipality of Kula" is supposed to do what's good for all citizens, not only those who voted for the ruling party02:00
prvulshould be02:00
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czajkowskidaker|afk: can you not change your nick please when you go away from computer 17:09
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dakerczajkowski, sorry :)17:10
nigelbMorning mhall119_ :)18:19
mhall119_afternoon nigelb 20:32
nigelbmhall119_: \o/20:32
nigelbmhall119_: I haz good news20:32
nigelb^^ that is the library that saved a few hours of my life and a lot of hair (or I would have pulled it out in frustrated)20:33
mhall119_what's it do?20:34
nigelbIt parses python config into a dictionary20:35
nigelbvery easy to read and write20:35
mhall119_what kind of config?20:35
nigelbbest part => most of us have it in our system already20:35
nigelbthe ini types, there is a format, similar to standard python format for config files20:35
nigelbthis module is what bzr uses to read branch.conf20:36
nigelbso, since we all have bzr installed, its already in our systems :)20:36
nigelbI finished a good deal of work on that application I was writing20:36
mhall119_I need to find the default python argument parser, it seems argparse isn't installed by default20:36
mhall119_maybe getopt20:36
mhall119_nigelb: cool20:37
nigelbmhall119_: Oh so by default the argument processing module isn't isntalled at all? O_O20:37
mhall119_not python-argparse, not on 10.04 anyway20:37
nigelboh :(20:38
nigelbI'll pick up the slack on summit once I push my app into beta tomorrow :)20:38
mhall119_looks like getopt is installed by default though20:39
mhall119_cool, I don't think anyone's been working on summit since, well, summit20:39
nigelbyeah thought so20:39
nigelbI wanted to start early so you'd have time to review and help me out20:39
nigelbjust trying to 'poke harder'20:39
mhall119_so what's your python app?20:40
nigelbYou've used gitosis?20:41
nigelbIts a very easy to set up git server.  About 5 lines in the command line and its set.  Its in packages etc20:42
nigelbBUt the configuration for that is a git-repo itself and the admin has to modify a text file20:42
nigelbI wrote a web interface to write to the file, upload new keys, and commit and push the repo20:42
nigelbso the entire thing can be controlled from a web UI :D20:43
mhall119_oh right, I remember now20:43
nigelbIt was a fair bit challenging to pick up python coding, but now I got a hang of it :)20:43
mhall119_python's a great language20:44
mhall119_there's really not too many things you need to learn to get going20:44
nigelbIts just more getting used to20:44
nigelbComing from PHP that took a while even though I've coded in python before20:45
mhall119_heh, trying to install bootloaders to partitions were ya?20:45
nigelboh, don't remind me20:46
nigelbI hate HP and I hate Vista20:46
cjohnstonmhall119_: bug 686271 - how do you think the minutes should be? should it just be a text box? should it allow markup?21:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 686271 in loco-directory "Allow users to add meeting minutes after the meeting (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68627121:43
cjohnstonand.. do you think the agenda should go in the same area as the "description" on an event and then the minutes where the "attendees" section of an event is?http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/568/detail/21:44
cjohnstoneffie_jayx: could you please go through some of the branches you have for the LoCo directory and either update them or delete them? https://code.launchpad.net/loco-directory21:55
mhall119_cjohnston: I was just gonna provide a link to mootbot minutes URL21:58
mhall119_cjohnston: I'd put agenda below details, instead of above21:58
mhall119_details (time, channel, chair) at the top, agenda below that21:59
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davidis anyone out there?23:24
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Guest61070hello 23:24
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