
miststlkrI've lost my sound.  mythfrontend.log tells me: (snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave; suggestions?03:09
miststlkrwhen I run aumix from CLI I get the error "aumix: no device found: Success"  which, while amusing, I don't know how to fix that03:16
miststlkrhm... for what it is worth, I found something... "sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload" got it running [for now].  We'll have to see if it stays with us after a reboot.  hope everyone has a good weekend.03:25
Shadow__Xmiststlkr: did you just update to .2405:14
Shadow__Xand did you go into the frontend and rescan for audio05:15
miststlkrno, I am still on .2305:38
miststlkrShadow_X:  and not sure what you mean by "rescan for audio"    I realized after phrasing the question above that it was system-wide, not Myth-specific05:39
Shadow__Xoh ok05:51
Shadow__Xwhen you upgrade to .24 you have to go into settings-> general settings and rescan audo on each frontend05:52
miststlkrShadow__X: ahhh.  nope, but thanks for the suggestion.. I've just about gotten my .23 theme how I want it.. I want to at least enjoy it a bit before I go and upgrade and have to start over LOL05:56
qwebirc66208Hey everyone13:05
=== qwebirc66208 is now known as Adrian
=== Adrian is now known as Adyrules
Adyrulesi'm looking into ways to change the bootup screen of mythbuntu so it looks different... any suggestions?13:06

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