
Picithat was original.00:53
zhxkstuff, help: someone as a manager to #ubuntu-cn baned my ip just because of a little angry freedom speech02:34
bazhangzhxk, what you were pasting all over just last week?02:34
zhxkthats the freedom speech02:35
tonyyarussozhxk: a) #ubuntu-cn is not managed by this channel, b) you are required to follow the channel guidelines anywhere on IRC.02:35
bazhangzhxk, #ubuntu-irc is the place to address this, by the way02:35
* tonyyarusso didn't see those pastes, but HIGHLY doubts anything described as "angry freedom speech" (whatever that is) and "stories" could possibly be on-topic for a support channel02:36
bazhangzhxk, /join #ubuntu-irc and /msg their ops02:36
PiciHes been a problem in #ubuntu in the past.02:38
PiciAnd in #freenode02:38
* rww ponders "FloodBot9" in #ubuntu02:38
bazhang* [FloodBot9] (~root@ Suttiwit02:38
tonyyarussoI've seen that tactic before.02:39
bazhangI'd have banned him in #ubuntu if I've could have read the format at the time.02:50
bazhangerr I02:50
rwwand OpenVMS wandered in as "Floodbot8". I take it there's an active trollpit somewhere.03:13
bazhang* [FloodBot8] (~Machine0@cdm-75-109-71-162.asbnva.dh.suddenlink.net): Wintervenom03:13
rwwOrmie was the other Floodbotposter, btw.03:20
bazhangnice catch03:20
rwwFloodboster? I don't know, I'm not good at smashing words together.03:21
bazhangsuttiwit ^^03:21
IdleOnehe joined as floodbot9?03:21
IdleOnehe can seek support elsewhere03:22
bazhanghe and openvms seem to be tag-trolling03:22
IdleOneI got openvms banned already for floodbot803:22
IdleOnethey should no better then to impersonate official channel bots03:23
tonyyarussorww: I believe you were going for "Floodposter"03:23
rwwthat works03:23
tonyyarussoIdleOne should know the difference between homonymns.03:23
tonyyarussoguess I had an extra n in there.03:24
IdleOneyour going to make me look it up03:24
bazhangsound alikes03:25
tonyyarussoHe did it again :(03:25
tonyyarussoIdleOne.  Using the wrong words.03:25
tonyyarussoAnd here I thought Canucks had better educations.03:25
IdleOneok splain it to me teach03:25
IdleOnewhat words did I use wrong03:26
tonyyarussoIdleOne: "no" != "know".  "your" != "you're"03:26
IdleOneahh, hell. 1 beer and I am all stupid type03:26
IdleOnefine. no more drikning fro me03:26
IdleOnebtw you guys realize I do it to keep you on your toes03:27
IdleOneif not for me who would you correct03:27
rwwIdleOne: ikonia03:27
IdleOnewe take shifts03:28
IdleOneit's my time03:28
IdleOnelisten correct my spelling, correct my grammar. DON"T tell me what I meant :P03:30
rwwstill needs making :(03:31
tonyyarussointernationalized user interface?03:31
IdleOnefunny thing is I haven't had a drink in months, not even that 1 beer I mentioned up there. /me was pretending/lying/faking it03:32
IdleOneI just proved my lack of edumacation didn't I?03:33
tonyyarussonxt ul b all lik, tlkin lik sum ideeut tween w a nu fon03:34
IdleOneneed a vowel?03:35
rwwu and a and i and e are vowels03:35
rwwalso o03:35
IdleOnelook who went to high school03:36
IdleOneshow off03:36
rwwalso sometimes y i think i don't know03:36
IdleOneI used to have a really lame leet talk script03:37
IdleOnewonder if it'll work in xchat03:37
rwwubottu needs @moonphase03:37
tonyyarussorww: this data seems surprisingly hard to get with a script03:45
rwwwhy you need script03:46
rwwisn't it calculateable from the current date03:46
tonyyarussoI suppose you should in theory be able to do that.03:47
tonyyarussoNot sure it's easier though :P03:47
tonyyarussothat would still be a script though, of course03:47
rwwit's pretty easy. you only need to know 1) the moon phase on one date, 2) the period of moon phase cycling, 3) arithmetic03:48
rwwFlannel figured it out for me a while back when I was graphing ops calls as a function of moon phase, iirc.03:49
* tonyyarusso scripts it up03:51
* tonyyarusso wonders how to divide a timedelta by a timedelta04:04
IdleOnesamurai sword04:21
tonyyarussorww: Apparently the velocity of the moon has significant variation, as I suspected, but the arithmetic way should be close enough for our purposes.04:32
IdleOnethe speed the moon orbits earth is not constant?04:33
IdleOneArchbuntu: Can we help you. Also please don't swear or use racial slurs04:35
IdleOneArchbuntu: Please read the topic and specifically the part about not idling in here. Thanks.04:36
IdleOnemanaged to change his ident but doesn't know how to join a channel04:44
IdleOneerrr ip not ident04:44
IdleOnethank you Ormie04:46
OrmieIdleOne: Yo are very welcome04:46
IdleOneThe reason I banned you earlier is because you joined #ubuntu with the nick floodbot9 and that is IMO a bad idea04:46
IdleOneimpersonating a channel bot or channel op is never good04:47
OrmieYou know i want you to check my home work for me please?04:47
IdleOneOrmie: what?04:47
Ormie111111111x111111111=12345678987654321 Is it correct?04:48
IdleOneok, I see this is not going to be productive04:48
rwwOrmie: yes04:48
OrmieThanks and now where am i?04:49
IdleOneyou are now in #ubuntu-ops04:50
IdleOneOrmie: Can I trust that you plan on following the channel guidelines?04:50
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:50
OrmieWhat is the diffrent bettwen ubuntu and ubuntu-ops04:50
OrmieMy english is not that good04:51
IdleOneOrmie: Please read the link ubottu just posted04:51
rwwOrmie: #ubuntu is the technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux. #ubuntu-ops is the channel where operators in Ubuntu's core channels reside.04:51
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
Ormierww: Could you make it easier to understand beacause my english is not realy good04:53
IdleOneyour English was fine two days ago when you were looking for help installing google earth04:53
IdleOneyour english is fine enough for you to figure out changing your ip04:54
macoer i dont think ip changing requires english..04:54
OrmieIdleOne: I don't speak much enlish so i am not good at english now04:55
rwwIdleOne: mind if I have a try?04:55
rwwOrmie: IdleOne took you out of #ubuntu because you changed your name to 'FloodBot9'. Copying our channel bots is confusing and not allowed, so don't do it again.04:56
rwwOrmie: Also, when you're in Ubuntu channels, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:57
rwwOrmie: Do you understand these two things?04:57
OrmieIdleOne: How do you ban people Professor IdleOne?04:57
Ormierww: ye.....yes04:57
rwwOrmie: Alright. Please feel free to go back to #ubuntu. Remember that if you don't follow the IRC Guidelines and we have to talk to you again about it, you'll stop being able to go into #ubuntu for a while.04:59
Ormierww: You know i am starting to have some fun here can i be here for a few moments05:00
OrmieWhere is idleOne?05:03
IdleOneHow can I help you?05:03
IdleOneI removed the ban I set, you can /part this channel and then /join #ubuntu05:04
OrmieHow can you ban people?05:04
OrmieNo don't answer i know05:04
macoby being an operator05:04
Ormiedude i want to be an operator05:05
ubottuIf you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.05:05
IdleOneI have seen crazier things happen05:05
rwwIdleOne becoming an op, for example05:06
OrmieIdleOne: What is crazy?05:06
IdleOnewanting to become an op05:06
IdleOnebut I wish you luck.05:06
OrmieDude Please i want to be op05:07
IdleOneOrmie: we are done in here so please part this channel as we do not allow non-ops to idle here05:07
rwwOrmie: then read the links that ubottu said05:07
IdleOnelook at the link ubottu just gave you05:07
OrmieGoodbye all my friends i'm sure gonna miss you05:08
IdleOneerr script fail. didn't remove when I set the forward05:17
bazhangif someone wants to help walk ormie through setting up his operator application, he's in -irc; I am off for a bit06:25
ubottuAlertEye called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:04
tonyyarussowha?  #ubuntu lacks ChanServ.09:02
bazhangso does #kubuntu09:03
tonyyarussoAnd, I seem unable to add bans?09:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:04
bazhangbut you opped up09:04
tonyyarussoYes, I did.09:04
tonyyarussoOkay, I can *remove* bans...09:05
bazhangperhaps the banlist is full and the floodbots are not telling us09:08
tonyyarussoActually, I can add bans, just not THIS one, apparently.09:09
tonyyarussoAll right, I give up.  FYI, cokecig@66-168-255-112.static.mtgm.al.charter.com was spamming channel advertisement in #python a bit ago, might circle around.09:10
bazhanglooks like openmike09:12
bazhangthe floodbots already got him I thought09:12
tonyyarussoIn that case, catch up bantracker!09:16
bazhangormie was the one sockpuppeting as suttiwit and asking to be an op not too long ago09:17
Jordan_UIt's probably innocent but a931bw may be phishing.11:11
elkywhat makes you say that?11:11
elkyoh, -ot11:11
elkyphix == thefeds iirc11:14
Jordan_UIf you could get someone to *send* a text it can automatically cause a charge to be made to your phone's account, e.g. the texts for charity and bad puns.11:14
Jordan_UBut that doesn't sound like you would be able to make enough to be worth phishing that way.11:15
elkyJordan_U, ok, i was mostly trying to get you to explain the accusation in the flow of this channel.11:15
Jordan_UTo make things easier to follow, a931bw has been asking for someone in the UK, when asked why he responded: 03:08 < a931bw> registering somewhere and there is : half of your password will be sent by text message to this phone11:16
* elky feeds him some rope.11:24
Jordan_Uelky: I wouldn't go so far as to assume it's phishing and accuse. I have never heard of a scam like this, and I can't see a way of making enough to be worthwile.11:27
elkyi'm not11:28
Jordan_UI'm pretty sure that if it just involved filing in the person's number on a web form, and having them recieve the text (i.e. no text sent by the person, only recieved) that there's no way their account could be billed.11:30
elkyare you actually reading what i've said in -ot?11:31
Jordan_UIt's 3:30 AM for me, so I'm not at my best.11:31
elkyand btw, you can be subscribed to godonlyknowswhat that will cost lots of moneys to receive texts.11:32
elkyand no, it doesn't require you to do anything11:33
Jordan_UYes, but you would notice 500 texts sent to your phone.11:33
elkysure, but this is the point after you've given your number out.11:33
Jordan_UAnd I don't see how anyone could profit from that, just troll.11:33
elkywho says it's for profit?r11:33
elky"for the lulz" means more to most trolls than money11:34
Jordan_UYes, but I would feel much worse having let someone unwittingly be charged money than having let someone troll "for the lulz".11:35
elkyyou're assuming the result differs there11:36
Jordan_UAnd in the case of trolling the person would at least learn a lesson to be more carefull in the future.11:36
Jordan_Uelky: Being charged £20 a month for years (depending on how closely the person reads their bills) will cost much more than texting spam ever could.11:38
Jordan_UBut it seems like it was innocent, and whoever helped them is probably now alerted to pay attention to their bill.11:41
elkyJordan_U, i think you need to go to bed.11:44
Jordan_Uelky: I agree, thank you :)11:45
jribhi, am I missing something or are recent #ubuntu logs not to be found at irclogs.ubuntu.com?11:54
elkyrecent as in since when?11:55
jribI checked december 3rd, 10th, and 11th11:56
jribThey seem to stop appearing on November 2811:58
elkyouch. um, poke the sysadmins channel and submit an rt11:59
elkywe can't actually do anything other than that ourselves11:59
elkyunless someone like jpds spots this11:59
* elky whistles innocently11:59
elky(request tracker)12:00
elkyafaik the log bots are managed by the IS team in canonical, and the IS team look at the rt when they're trying to avoid scrubbing the toilets with a toothbrush.12:01
jribI'll send the e-mail and see what happens I guess12:02
jribnow this means I have to type my question from scratch again :(12:05
elkyyou lack copy-paste?12:08
elkyare you still using an iFailPhone?12:09
jribelky: nah, my question I asked on December 3rd12:10
elkydid nobody respond on any of those days?12:10
* elky has been travelling abroad for work the past fortnight, and hence offgrid a lot12:11
jribI only asked on the 3rd.  I had found a related bug report and included it in my question I think12:11
jribI'm pretty sure I can upgrade if I remove my nvidia drivers, but I'd rather not...12:12
elkyjussi, might i suggest that there be a nagios or icinga set up for the various things like this? It wouldn't take much to do a check to see if $prev_day exists for #ubuntu, for example.12:12
elkycould also do a check on the floodbot hosts.12:13
jriboh well I have an hour to kill... let me break my system...12:17
jriband upgrades going... weird12:20
LjLhey j, want some help breaking the system? i'm good at it12:21
jribLjL: is this going to mess up my system at all?12:21
jribI like that quote12:22
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (fruitwerks bot/annoyscript)12:50
LjLmaybe that's better as a forward to here as he might not realize he has a script enabled in the first place12:51
blackesthi i tried to join #ubuntu and found i was banned any idea why that might be I'm not in the habit of misbehaving12:59
blackesthi Ljl12:59
LjLbazhang: your ban12:59
LjLblackest: you might possibly have been caught in a subnet ban. please wait until the person who set the ban comes up13:00
blackesthow would i know who that was havent been on irc for months13:01
LjLblackest: he'll show up himself, don't worry. or other ops may try to find out what happened.13:02
LjLi can only do so much, as i'm not an op in #ubuntu13:02
blackestok thanks i was looking for someone and hoped they mght be on their13:03
blackestthere  even thanks13:04
LjLsomeone who might be on #ubuntu you mean? you know you can check with /whois anyway?13:04
blackestwould that return the channel he is on ?13:05
LjLno, not unless he's set -i, but everyone is +i by default13:06
LjLbut you can always start a private conversation13:06
blackestwell whois returns his name13:06
LjL /whois name name (with the name twice) should also tell you when he last spoke, so you can decide whether it's worth trying to contact him now13:07
LjLif so, then /query name should open a private message window13:07
blackestcool thanks i've used irc on and off for years but i never remember the commnds13:07
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
LjLwould someone kindly check the bantracker for whether blackest's ban was intended on him?13:08
blackestI've a feeling its not since every time my ip shows up as dublin and i'm in cork13:10
LjLi have a feeling it's not too, since it's a pretty broad ban that covers a lot of IPs13:10
topylinot by nick, username, or ip unless my search fails13:12
topyliwell username is common enough to be discarded i suppose13:12
blackesti usually use blackest_knight13:13
topyliah there is a ban on the ip13:13
LjLthe relevant ban is *!*@92.251.*threembb.ie13:13
blackestgreat thats about 77,000 banned any way found the guy i was looking for13:14
blackestthanks for your help guys13:15
LjL(and then they complain about my open proxy banforwarding ;\)13:15
LjLblackest: sorry for the trouble13:15
blackestno worries i've been around long enough not to get upset13:16
jpdselky: You will find that the RT is quite clean of remaining tickets at the moment.13:36
jpdselky / jrib: I believe the situation is that the raw logs are there, however the sheer quantity of logs means that HTML generation takes a little while longer.13:37
jribjpds: raw logs don't seem to be there13:38
jribubuntulog isn't in #ubuntu atm13:38
jpdsjrib: raw logs are moved across when HTML is done.13:38
jribjpds: ah13:38
jpdsOh, cool.13:38
nhandlerelky: Maybe make that suggestion to Canonical. We have no access, so anything we do on our side to check about logs would still need to end up getting sent to Canonical to sort out.14:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, pumba_ said: ubottu, the problem is that there's not an exact and solely answer...14:22
jpdsnhandler: Hmm.14:31
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, VillageIdiot said: !42 is not 4216:54
Myrttitroll is trolling17:48
Picimaybe if we ignore it he'll go away.17:49
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from RoboIRC)17:50
Myrtti!guidelines > Solnce17:54
Myrttitopyli: damn ;-)17:54
PiciI wouldn't expect much, he was trolling #freenode earlier17:54
Myrttime neither17:54
topyliwell, they asked17:55
MyrttiPici: it will, cause next time I'll ban 'im17:59
Myrttitopyli: are you going to remove im too?18:03
Myrttior what is your logic18:03
LjLmaking him stop steaking while keeping a pretence of not having banned him?18:04
topylihe left as i expected18:04
IdleOnescare tactic, he is pointing the missiles at him with the threat of launching18:04
MyrttiI guess that works...18:05
Myrttinow just have to keep eyes peeled for other channels18:05
rwwHI HAY SIR18:33
LjLnoooo :(21:24
LjLthis way no one ever learns the urls :(21:25
PiciBut now we know if people click them21:26
PiciPlus the topic is a lot shorter21:27
LjLi see, but i don't like it, it looks so much less professional :(21:30
topyliLjL: maybe you should speak in the meetings more :)21:33
LjLnot if i care about my blood pressure21:34
tsimpsonLjL: it doesn't matter anyway, no one reads the topic ;)21:34
topylithe only channel i know where people read the topic is -ot21:34
mneptok22:35 -!- mneptok changed the topic of #unix to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuaiLIUQz5M21:40
mneptokhappy holidays :)21:40
LjLbtw since at this point i've felt compelled to read the meeting logs21:58
LjLwhy instead of having yet another boring official document about bot style guides21:58
LjLwhoever feels the need for style in the bot doesn't just edit the factoids to that effect21:58
LjLbecause you know, i've been doing that since 200621:58
LjLit's why a large number of factoids show my name when you !- them21:58
LjLsometimes doing things is better than writing collegial, well-thought documents about doing things21:59
tsimpsonsimple: if more people have edit right, and so more people edit factoids, I'd rather they did it "right" than have to go through all the factoids and edit them22:00
topyliLjL may have a wiki-style point there. wikis don't always deteriotate to a mess, although they sometimes do22:07
LjLtsimpson: you do remember that initially, bot editing was open to *everyone*22:08
topylithe factoids may be more important than you think though LjL, people actually rely on them to do pretty critical stuff on their systems22:08
LjLinstead of being discussed which select few it should be restricted to, while all the suggestions get ignored22:08
tsimpsonyep, twice in fact22:08
tsimpsonthough no one knew the second time22:08
topyliLjL: it's not a good idea to refer to what things were like in the beginning. they are different now that ubuntu is big22:09
LjLtopyli: if i didn't think they were very important i'd not have spent between 2006 and 2008 going through them daily22:09
LjLyes they're crap22:09
LjLgood factoid suggestions get systematically ignored22:09
topylithey do, agreed22:09
LjLand when people come here asking about it you go "ignored? when were they ignored? can you provide logs?"22:09
tsimpsonthat's a different issue to the one we discussed in -meeting22:10
LjLand the factoids, and for that matter http://help.ubuntu.com/, have become an utter joke22:10
tsimpsonbut related, yeah22:10
LjLwhile everyone is busy making styleguides about them22:10
tsimpsonI don't want anything complex, just a general format guide22:11
tsimpsonbased on what they are already like22:11
topyliLjL: if we're going to give edit rights to lots of new people, don't you think it's a good idea to have some documentation on how to do it?22:13
topylii don't have access, if i'm going to be granted it i would like to know how it's done22:13
LjLhaving some documentation is not a bad idea22:41
LjLi'm just reacting to what i feel is behind it22:41
LjLbut for instance i think it's an even better idea if new editors *ask* things and they're coached kindly and professionally by whoever is around to do it that knows. just like it would be nice if good suggestions were accepted into the bot by whoever is around that can put them there.22:42
IdleOneyeah not so crazy about all the goo.gl shortlinks22:42
LjLthings that somehow just don't seem to happen. then perhaps i'm wrong to put it down to what i feel is an excessive eagerness to write guides and regulations, but it's human to try to find a culprit22:42
rwwPolicy is the enthusiasm killer. Policy is the little death that brings total inaction.22:43
LjLwell the real reason i don't like the shortlinks is that i've always (and yes, this has come up before) seen it as a point of honor of #ubuntu compared to other channels on #freenode that its ops were careful to keep the topic short by being clever, while not crushing the links22:44
LjLreal links that mean something are professional22:44
LjL37s292D#" is nto22:44
IdleOneI feel more comfortable clicking a link that has some actual words in it22:45
IdleOne37s292D# doesn't instill confidence in me or make we want to click it22:45
IdleOnetelling people to "read the topic" is going to be a joke now22:46
PiciIts not like we just threw links up there with no descriptions.22:47
IdleOnePici: I know, but I rather click on wiki.ubuntu.com/Guidelines the goo.gl/gooblygoo22:47
jribI don't like the short links either22:48
IdleOneseeing the ubuntu.com for one makes it seem in my mind more official.22:48
topylii don't think documentation on how to edit factoids will make new editors any less likely to ask for help from more experienced ones22:48
PiciI still ask for input and I'm trapped in the factoid factory.22:49
IdleOneLeave the topic as is if you wish but IMHO it looks bad22:50
PiciWe can revisit it later.22:51
PiciTheres only been 4 clicks for the guidelines anyway, and its probably all of you based on the countries: http://goo.gl/info/cEF1w#day22:51
topylimeanwhile, please complain on the mailing list22:51
IdleOneWhy do we need to keep track of the number of clicks. We getting paid for them?22:52
PiciIdleOne: Actually we wanted to see if we could track if people actually read the topic.22:53
topyliwe don't need to keep track. but i think it's useful to know if anybody really do click them22:53
IdleOnewell, I am not trying to start a war over this. just wanted to say i didn't like the color of paint chosen :)22:54
Jordan_UPici: If #grub is any reference, very few people actually read the channel topic.22:59
LjLtopyli: why don't you take the complain to the mailing list attitude to the mailing list23:05
topylithe mailing list really is better though, it's more forgiving to timezones and allows everyone to chip in better23:11

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