
karnii'm loosing conciousness I'm so tires.00:08
* karni goes to be. y ya tomorrow guys00:08
JamesTaitNight karni. :)00:08
ryekarni: good night, in case you are still online :)00:15
aromanhello guys. I'm getting "ROOTMISMATCH" when I try and connect to Ubuntu One.02:09
aromanWhat's that about, and how can I fix it?02:09
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duffydackfile publishing down. Service Temporarily Unavailable11:46
a_sorry for my english, im polish but there arent any polish channels about ubuntu one19:04
a_i've got a problem19:04
a_when i run Ubuntu one there should be a login page in my browser19:05
a_but it doesn't show up, only tray icon19:05
a_ubuntu 9.1019:06
pmjdebruijna_: 9.10 is quite old, I'm not sure if the ubuntu one client is up to date there19:09
kklimondait should be as long as 9.10 is supported19:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dutchiehow do i fix State: AUTH_FAILED? looking at the preferences window and can't see anything obvious to re-sign in23:08

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