
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
=== RenatoSilva is now known as a
=== a is now known as RenatoSilva
mgzhm, looking at this osutils path manip stuff makes me want to resurrect the old Just van Rossum plan for Path objects.17:36
mgzif we have to make everyone use the osutils versions already we could at least provide an api that doesn't suck quite so much.17:37
pooliehi all22:30
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
peitschiehi poolie22:44
elmois it relatively easy to get the modification time of files that have changed (i.e. would appear in bzr st output) through bzrlib or should I just parse the output of bzr st?22:49
mwhudsonelmo: getting the mtime from a path is pretty easy22:53
mwhudsoni think getting the list of files that would appear in st might be a little annoying22:53
spivelmo: the_tree.get_file_mtime(file_id)22:55
pooliehi peitschie, elmo, spiv, mwhudson22:56
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: poolie | 2.3b4 is officially out ! (rm vila)
spivpoolie: if you can get the code out of the error class without regression performance then that would be nice23:47
pooliei'd much rather regress the feature than the performance23:47
poolieafter all this isn't even something someone specifically asked for23:47
spivThat's true.23:47
poolieit was kind of inferred from "they wouldn't have got confused if ..."23:48
spivI think maybe it's occasionally come up in user support on IRC too, but only very occasionally.23:49
poolieoh, seeing that reminded me of the url escaping thing too23:49
spivI'm personally pretty relaxed about it now that the open_repository call is confined to str(e).  So constructing and repr()ing the exception is simple and safe, and it's only when generating text for display to a user we do the extra work (although I can see an argument for making that be something other than str(e) to be more careful).23:51
spivBut if you'd rather remove this marginal feature, that's fine with me too.23:51
pooliei guess it's dropped down my priority list too now23:53
pooliei would really rather not see code like that come in in future though23:53
pooliei think exceptions really should be value objects, or very close to it23:53
poolie(i realize it's a tradeoff)23:53
spivPerhaps if we had other exceptions that wanted to provide that sort of hint when displayed to a user we'd find a better a home for the hint-generation/error-formatting.23:55

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