
smoserrsvp, regarding "not desktop" that is bug 635188 . i hope to get that fixed in 11.04.01:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 635188 in cloud-init "installing cloud-init on a non-ec2/UEC server results in a 20 minute boot wait" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63518801:06
smoserregarding "URL_as_config" where did you see that ?01:06
rsvpsmoser, here's the URL_as_config reference: "Note, the maximum total size that can be passed to user-data is 16K.  If  you are above that limit, you can gzip the data or you can move the  items to files accessable through a URL and pass the URLs to user-data." http://www.rndguy.ca/2010/11/20/using-cloudinit-to-automate-linux-ec2-setup/01:31
smoserah. ok.01:32
smoserrsvp, so if you do do something like:01:32
rsvpso does the URL_as_config "feature (if it really exists -- no time so far this weekend to confirm)" work at the Amazon AWS web console input box ??01:33
smoserprintf "%s\n%s\n" "#include" "http://your.site.here/some-url.cloud-config" > my.config01:33
smoserec2-run-instances --user-data-file my.config01:33
smoserthen cloud-init will read the "#include" and pull the data from the url just as if it had been inline.01:33
smoserrsvp, it should work there, yes. i've not actually tested, but putting the same there should be same as on config line.01:34
smoserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit explains #include some.01:35
rsvpyes, that makes sense... maybe if the web input box only contains one URL line, cloud-init could do that my.config thing implicitly in the background.01:37
smoserit could also at least allow for a single line: #include http://...01:40
rsvpyes, that would be super convenient!01:41
smoserif you want to open a bug on that, i'd look into it more. see if i could fit it in backwards compatibly.01:41
rsvpok cool01:44
Evetwhat are the minimum specs of a vm i can create?08:27
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