[01:31] nothing worse than climbing telephone poles in a blizzard [02:03] maybe portapotty scrubbing duty on free buffalo wings night [02:03] wilugbot: right? [02:03] ...Are you room 7F? [02:15] sgtd: yeah that would be worse [02:17] lostson: so what are you in the business of doing, affixed to telephone poles? [02:17] cable [02:18] gotcha [02:22] yeah im just a lowly cable guy [02:23] lowly? [02:24] i don't know how to do cable installs/maintenance. am i lowly? [02:24] no i wouldnt think so [02:25] i certainly am if i'm a cable guy and i can't do that stuff. [02:25] * sgtd talks in circles [02:25] ok somehow i got confused here === sgtd is now known as mikeputnam