
charlie-tcaGood morning13:58
insomaniacalAny devs on?15:46
charlie-tcadid you miss the 2 second response time?15:48
mr_pouityeah :P15:49
TheSheepdon't worry, I'm pretty sure he had a support question15:52
charlie-tcaWe will never know now ;-)16:03
j3mchi all17:46
j3mcit's really j1mc, but i'm on free wifi that apparently blocks irc17:47
j3mcso i had to join via the freenode webchat17:47
j3mci will share this with "Dan the Man" (? I think that's his name . . . ), but I'm looking to refactor the Xubuntu docs17:50
j3mcI think we can repurpose pretty much all of the content, but I would like to reorganize things and make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.17:50
j3mcHere is a screenshot of what I have worked up so far: http://yfrog.com/3vthexubuntuhelpguide008p17:51
j3mcSome of the sections are cut-off, so you can't see them.17:51
j3mcI'm going to push them to an experimental branch for now, but the silly wifi here apparently blocks SSH?17:51
charlie-tcaFantastic idea! will it make it easier to maintain?17:52
j3mccharlie-tca: here we go: bzr branch lp:~jwcampbell/+junk/xubuntu-mallard17:53
charlie-tcaj3mc: think the guy is "Book_em_Dano" on IRC17:53
j3mccharlie-tca: yes, that's his name17:54
j3mcyes, i think it would be easier to maintain17:54
charlie-tcaGood. We like easy.17:54
j3mci *just* pushed to that branch, so it may take a few minutes to sync up.  if you want to view it / play w/ it . . .   you could pull the branch, then do "yelp xubuntu-mallard/"17:54
j3mcthe docs are viewable in yelp, but would be converted to html for the actual docs17:55
charlie-tcaOkay, I will try. I am pretty bad in bzr, though17:55
charlie-tcaI like the html part17:55
j3mcjust doing "bzr branch lp:~jwcampbell/+junk/xubuntu-mallard" and then "yelp xubuntu-mallard/" should do it17:56
charlie-tcaI will try17:56
charlie-tcaThanks for doing that, j3mc 17:57
j3mcyw, charlie-tca - i hope that Book 'em Danno is open to this17:58
charlie-tcame too17:59
j3mci'm going to work on it just a bit more, and will send a note out to the mailing list.18:01
charlie-tcaThat does look nicer !18:22
* charlie-tca managed to get the file downloaded18:22
* charlie-tca installed Dropbox, tired of fighting with UbuntuOne without Gnome18:29
j3mccharlie-tca: ah, yes, i had a good experience with dropbox when i was using it18:30
charlie-tcaheh, I been fighting with UbuntuOne for about a year now, and it doesn't work 18:30
j3mci'm headed offline for a bit, but will send a note out about the docs a little later today.18:31
charlie-tcaOkay, have a good day!18:31
j3mcyou, too!  thanks, charlie18:31
charlie-tcaochosi: is it intended that the sliders have no defined area; it blends into the background - 20:34
charlie-tcaochosi: http://imgebin.org/127621 bottom and shortcuts sliders defined by arrows only20:34
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_away

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