poolie | spiv, go ahead and land to 2.2 | 00:03 |
poolie | i might add something to the coding guide about making exceptions error objects? | 00:03 |
poolie | i wonder if we should just have call a '.hint' method if it exists? | 00:04 |
poolie | actually maybe we do have a rule about repr methods being passive? | 00:05 |
spiv | Hmm, a .hint method might work well. | 00:06 |
spiv | I'm not sure a written rule about repr methods being passive would have caught this problem much sooner. | 00:07 |
poolie | it would have to either trip something in the brain of the person writing it or a person doing a review | 00:08 |
poolie | i don't know if writing it in a doc really makes that more likely | 00:08 |
poolie | _saying it_ now might | 00:08 |
spiv | I'm not sure I realised that repr(BzrError) would invoke that code path when I wrote it. If someone had specifically asked about it I probably would have guessed correctly, but it's thinking about it in the first place that's the tricky bit... | 00:08 |
poolie | putting it in a doc gives people something to point to as "we agreed we wouldn't do this" | 00:09 |
spiv | Actually, that reminds me of something I was wondering: perhaps BzrError.__repr__ shouldn't invoke str(self) | 00:10 |
spiv | Precisely because people writing subclasses might not realise that __str__ and thus _format need to be as careful as a __repr__ should be. | 00:11 |
spiv | I guess in practice it would have only prevented this one problem in however many years BzrError.__repr__ has had that implemenation. | 00:12 |
poolie | ah, i didn't realize that calling str was something we added, rather than the default | 00:15 |
poolie | i have seen several other bugs to do with complex repr methods | 00:15 |
spiv | Yeah, the default repr doesn't call str. | 00:17 |
spiv | I wonder if the use cases for repr-of-BzrError are better served by showing repr(self.__dict__) rather than str(self) there? | 00:18 |
poolie | could very well be | 00:19 |
poolie | i wonder what an uncaught exception does? | 00:19 |
spiv | Shows the traceback and str(e) | 00:22 |
spiv | http://paste.ubuntu.com/542865/ | 00:22 |
poolie | i'm just trying to work out why we called repr here | 00:23 |
spiv | It's a mystery to me :) | 00:23 |
spiv | I guess because it looked nice? | 00:23 |
poolie | it's not obviously called by anything on the stack | 00:24 |
poolie | perhaps twisted was trying to warn about a (what would you call it) leaked exception? | 00:24 |
poolie | how about | 00:25 |
poolie | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/542866/ | 00:25 |
spiv | Possibly. But also Twisted turns raised exceptions during callbacks/errbacks into "Failure" objects, as a sort of async error+traceback | 00:25 |
spiv | But Failure has a fairly obnoxious behaviour of eagerly taking the traceback and turning it into a string (so it can discard the original traceback and all the probably circular references) | 00:26 |
spiv | And that stringification reprs lots of stuff. | 00:26 |
spiv | poolie: I'm ok with that. It's a shame we don't have a good answer for "what about when we want to show hints for that error that may require IO to generate". But that's just a wishlist thing rather than something important. | 00:29 |
poolie | i'd be ok with having .get_suggestions() optionally present | 00:30 |
poolie | then the ui code can call it, and perhaps suppress knock on errors while calling it | 00:30 |
poolie | ok, i'll put that patch up | 00:30 |
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX | ||
vila | hi all ! | 07:26 |
poolie | hi there vila | 07:31 |
vila | poolie: hey ! | 07:32 |
vila | hmm, where are core dumps dumped ? In the process working dir ? In the user home ? In some fixed place ? | 07:33 |
spm | bonjour vila! | 07:34 |
vila | :) | 07:34 |
* spm exhausts his high school french in one word. | 07:34 | |
vila | spm: ...on the other hand, I'm sure you can teach me a lot about core dumps :D | 07:39 |
spm | apple cores are nicest | 07:39 |
poolie | vila, normally they go into the process cwd | 07:44 |
poolie | but on ubuntu they're configured into /var/crash by default i believe | 07:44 |
poolie | there is a /proc file that controls it | 07:45 |
vila | well, in this case it's a karmic VM that says: 'invalid environment block' and the Virtual Box is supposed to have crashed, but I can't find any core... | 07:45 |
vila | poolie: ha, one more place to rey | 07:45 |
vila | no luck, no /var/crash dir on the host either... puzzling | 07:45 |
poolie | they may just be off by default | 07:45 |
poolie | 'invalid environment block' is an interesting error | 07:46 |
vila | I turned them on in /etc/limits.conf | 07:46 |
vila | I turned them on in /etc/security/limits.conf or something | 07:46 |
poolie | that probably only takes effect on new logins or something | 07:46 |
poolie | try 'ulimit -c' | 07:46 |
gorakhargosh | Can bzr determine when a file is renamed/moved to a different directory on Windows? | 07:46 |
gorakhargosh | s/determine when/determine whether/ | 07:47 |
poolie | i think 'bzr mv --auto' will automatically detect it | 07:47 |
poolie | but you need to run that command | 07:47 |
gorakhargosh | ah, so if i did a mv foobar blah/foobar it wouldn't? | 07:47 |
vila | poolie: checked, I did that last Friday, I'm lazily hunting them, but that's the third time the VM can't boot at all anymore which make the problem more... interesting | 07:47 |
vila | ouchy, > 100 errors fixed by fsck... | 07:49 |
vila | make that >1000.... sounds like I may restore from a backup instead... | 07:51 |
poolie | gorakhargosh: if you do that it will also work | 07:51 |
poolie | there's a lot of it around :) | 07:52 |
gorakhargosh | poolie: so my next question would be: how does it detect that? windows has no concept of inodes. how does it know it's the same file that is moved? | 07:52 |
poolie | vila, i was going to ask what you were going today but i think now i know :) | 07:52 |
vila | hehe, no, it's only a VM | 07:52 |
vila | wt.... stupid hudson ! Don't even try to start this VM, I just told you it was offline ! | 07:55 |
gorakhargosh | poolie: I'm asking this because I'm writing a directory monitoring library which needs to do this on Windows (detect file movement, that is) and there is no reliable way of determining movement to my knowledge. | 07:59 |
gorakhargosh | Without this bit of info, I would think the 'bzr mv' command is not irrelevant. It is very relevant on filesystems like NTFS. It's hard (or I don't know yet how) to detect file movement on Windows. | 08:06 |
vila | gorakhargosh: mv --auto looks at the content of the files to guess renames, it didn't track it at the file system level | 08:08 |
gorakhargosh | vila: What do you mean by "guess renames"? | 08:08 |
gorakhargosh | <— currently downloading the source for bzr | 08:09 |
vila | gorakhargosh: we know the last versioned content of a file and we look at the actual content of files for close enough content | 08:09 |
gorakhargosh | vila: bzr mv should need to guess renames. it's a command known to bzr that renames. how would bzr determine movement if i used plain old "mv" instead? | 08:10 |
gorakhargosh | s/should need/shouldn't need/ | 08:10 |
vila | mv doesn't guess, mv --auto does | 08:10 |
gorakhargosh | vila: ah | 08:10 |
gorakhargosh | ah | 08:11 |
gorakhargosh | also, by the latter "mv" i don't mean the bzr subcommand. i mean the UNIX mv tool. | 08:11 |
vila | gorakhargosh: I meant 'bzr mv' | 08:13 |
gorakhargosh | vila: yep | 08:13 |
=== idnaria is now known as idnar | ||
DonDiego | hi everybody | 12:12 |
DonDiego | i patched the bzr text_checker plugin | 12:12 |
DonDiego | what is the preferred method for submitting a patch? | 12:12 |
beuno | DonDiego, merge proposals on launchpad | 12:14 |
DonDiego | so i push my local branch to my private space on lp and then connect it to the text_checker lp home with a merge proposal? | 12:17 |
jelmer | DonDiego: yep | 12:19 |
DonDiego | ok, thx, will do | 12:20 |
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths | ||
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=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
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dev001 | hi. i've added to my .bzrignore, "./sites/mysite/files/". but when i 'bzr add', that subdir & contents is still added. wrong sytax on my part? | 18:11 |
soren | Can someone smarter than me take a peek at http://hudson.openstack.org/job/nova-tarmac/43312/console ? | 19:23 |
soren | Search on that page for "Lockable". | 19:23 |
soren | What is that? | 19:23 |
lifeless | soren: oh | 19:27 |
lifeless | either a bug, or a bad bzrlib script that isn't calling 'thing.unlock()' | 19:28 |
lifeless | make sure you have the latest release, then file a bug | 19:28 |
* soren glances at tarmac | 19:29 | |
soren | ...and by extension rockstar`. | 19:29 |
soren | mtaylor: btw ^ | 19:34 |
* mtaylor pokes rockstar | 19:36 | |
lifeless | mgz: can you join #subunit ? | 19:53 |
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar | ||
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths | ||
lifeless | jam: hey, around? | 20:31 |
jam | hi lifeless, yep | 20:31 |
lifeless | wondering if you could do a small favour | 20:31 |
lifeless | we had a test failing on windows | 20:31 |
lifeless | in lp:testtools | 20:31 |
lifeless | rev 158 was broken, 159 should be fixed | 20:32 |
lifeless | wondering if you could run the tests on native windows python | 20:32 |
lifeless | for those two revs | 20:32 |
jam | lifeless: certainly | 20:32 |
lifeless | thanks! | 20:32 |
jam | lifeless: how does one run the tests | 20:33 |
jam | I think I found it | 20:34 |
lifeless | make check | 20:34 |
lifeless | or look at the makefile | 20:34 |
jam | lifeless: "make check PYTHON=.../python26" has 2 failures at r158, but 1 failure at r159 | 20:36 |
lifeless | interesting! | 20:36 |
lifeless | what are the test ids | 20:36 |
jam | Failure for 159: http://paste.ubuntu.com/543271/ | 20:37 |
lifeless | ahha | 20:39 |
lifeless | ok we didn't know about that one | 20:39 |
lifeless | jam: what was the additional failure in 158 ? | 20:39 |
jam | lifeless: testtools.tests.test_testresult.TestNonAsciiResults.test_unprintable_exception | 20:42 |
jam | and testtools.tests.test_testresult.TestNonAsciiResultsWithUnittest.test_unprintable_exception | 20:42 |
lifeless | ah, you didn't see a spinner test failure in either case? | 20:42 |
jam | nope | 20:42 |
jam | r157 has the same failures | 20:43 |
lifeless | and this is with native python ? | 20:43 |
jam | yep | 20:43 |
jam | python 2.6 | 20:43 |
lifeless | its bizarre that 159 would fix testtools.tests.test_testresult.TestNonAsciiResults.test_unprintable_exception | 20:43 |
jam | well, now I'm getting the failure again | 20:43 |
jam | maybe there is a race? | 20:43 |
lifeless | perhaps | 20:43 |
lifeless | mgz: ^ wrote those tests | 20:44 |
jam | is there a randomize? | 20:44 |
lifeless | I was hoping to see a fix for a threaded twisted support thing. | 20:44 |
lifeless | no, I don't think so | 20:44 |
jam | lifeless: I might also need to have appropriate deps installed. how many tests should be running? | 20:44 |
lifeless | oh, good point! | 20:45 |
lifeless | 585 with no skips | 20:45 |
jam | lifeless: test suite at r159 runs 100% clean on python2.5 | 20:45 |
jam | yeah, I'm getting 585 both ways | 20:45 |
jam | of course, r158 also passes on py2.5 fails on py2.6 | 20:45 |
lifeless | mgz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/689858 | 20:45 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 689858 in testtools "test failures on windows w/python 2.6" [Undecided,New] | 20:46 |
lifeless | jam: can you import twisted successfully in those pythons ? | 20:46 |
jam | lifeless: no twisted for py2.5, there *is* twisted for py2.6 | 20:46 |
jam | but both claim 585 tests ran and no skipping | 20:46 |
lifeless | grr :( | 20:47 |
lifeless | we need a skip summary like bzr does | 20:47 |
jam | lifeless: Ran 585 tests in 1.091s | 20:48 |
jam | seems awfully fast | 20:48 |
jam | and -v doesn't show any actual "running test XX" | 20:48 |
lifeless | Ran 585 tests in 0.950s | 20:49 |
lifeless | testtools test suite is reasonably healthy | 20:49 |
lifeless | we could bear to make it a bit faster I think | 20:49 |
jam | lifeless: well, I miss stuff like "-v" printing what tests are running and individual status | 20:49 |
lifeless | yeah | 20:49 |
lifeless | agreed | 20:49 |
jam | Verbose doesn't seem very, verbose | 20:49 |
lifeless | real 0m1.221s | 20:50 |
lifeless | real 0m1.512s | 20:50 |
lifeless | time() with parallel/serial | 20:50 |
jam | lifeless: anyway, I can't confirm or deny what tests are being run, it says everything is fine | 20:52 |
jam | at least for py2.5, but I don't have twisted there | 20:52 |
jam | so I *know* it is lying :) | 20:53 |
jam | installing 10.2 now | 20:53 |
lifeless | thank you! | 20:55 |
lifeless | if that still shows nothing unusual changing between the two revs, I think we should let mgz look at it | 20:56 |
jam | lifeless: 2.5 passes cleanly on both 158 and 159. This time it prompted me that it was trying to open up a port, so installing twisted did change something. | 20:57 |
lifeless | interesting, thanks! | 20:57 |
lifeless | I think mgz has something different again | 20:58 |
jam | lifeless: he used to have 2.4, and then I've seen him run bzr against 2.7 | 20:58 |
=== yhager_ is now known as yhager | ||
yhager | Hi, we are working on a central SVN repo, and I want a subteam to work on a DVCS repo. I am seeing that git-svn has quite a bit of limitations, and would like to check bzr-svn - as it looks better. Any good references to this? I know git, but don't know bzr, so any pointers to "bzr for gitters" would be appreciated too | 21:25 |
spiv | Good morning folks. | 21:26 |
spiv | yhager: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-svn-projects.html http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/survival/index.html | 21:27 |
yhager | spiv: thanks! | 21:28 |
* yhager sits back and starts reading... | 21:28 | |
mgz | lifeless: that's certainly odd. it's possible that the twisted somehow screws up that test, as it involves traceback formatting, but really twisted shouldn't see it. | 21:40 |
mgz | jam: if you could get that rev where you were having the random failures again, and try moving twisted off your python path, might answer that question. | 21:40 |
lifeless | mgz: can you check if 159 fixes the _spinner issue you reported ? | 21:41 |
mgz | lifeless: on the r159 change, that doesn't fix it for my default install | 21:41 |
lifeless | mgz: grah, srs? | 21:42 |
lifeless | mgz: can you pastebin the code in your threadpool.py then ? | 21:42 |
mgz | gra, I hate twisted, the package structure makes no sense to me and the names are all too cute to be meaningful | 21:46 |
mgz | (under 'python' for future self-reference) | 21:46 |
yhager | Can anybody testify that working with bzr under an SVN repo is almost seamless, as opposed to trying to do the same with git? | 21:46 |
mgz | http://float.endofinternet.org/temp/threadpool.py | 21:47 |
lifeless | yhager: many folk have praised it | 21:47 |
mgz | lifeless: if the result is "upgrade your damn twisted install", I can live with that. | 21:47 |
yhager | lifeless: You see, I usually use git, and I want to introduce DVCS to the team. git-svn has put me down in that it is fairly easy to get wrong, especially for DVCS newbies. bzr looks better in that sense.. | 21:48 |
lifeless | cool | 21:51 |
yhager | I am now looking for reassurance :) | 21:52 |
lifeless | mgz: that source appears to have the same bug - check _worker and stop() | 21:52 |
lifeless | mgz: what I don't understand is why it wouldn't be working | 21:52 |
mgz | reading your notes on the bug now. | 21:52 |
lifeless | mgz: care to put a print in before the self.threads.remove(ct) in _worker, before/after the threads copy | 21:52 |
lifeless | mgz: also try a gc.collect :P | 21:52 |
mgz | http://paste.ubuntu.com/543309/ <- like that? | 21:57 |
mgz | or do I also need to weakref the ct itself? | 21:57 |
lifeless | yeah | 21:58 |
lifeless | try that | 21:58 |
lifeless | In principle the thread exits to the Threading wrapper function | 21:58 |
lifeless | yhager: Lots of folk use bzr-svn and enjoy it | 21:58 |
lifeless | yhager: the mailing list has active helpful users of it | 21:58 |
lifeless | yhager: and launchpad.net uses it for mirroring many many svn repositories | 21:59 |
lifeless | yhager: bzr is somewhat different to git, and some folk love that, others don't :) | 21:59 |
mgz | hm, I think I'd need a context switch for that to work, I'm guessing threading.currentThread will mean something in the interpreter is holding onto it. | 22:00 |
yhager | lifeless: well, I like git, but I am not religious. If bzr works better for me, I'll use it just as happily (or maybe even more..) | 22:00 |
lifeless | mgz: its interesting reading in the core | 22:02 |
jam | mgz: I don't think it is twisted. it is python 2.5 | 22:03 |
jam | vs 2.6 | 22:03 |
jam | py2.6 always fails | 22:03 |
jam | py2.5 never fails with or without twisted | 22:03 |
jam | but *with* twisted it prompted my Firewall alert | 22:03 |
jam | meaning the tests that were running did something different | 22:03 |
jam | (even though the test suite always says "ran 585 tests in 1.0s" | 22:04 |
jam | ) | 22:04 |
mgz | mphf, 2.7.latest works for me though, and that isn't really a complex test | 22:06 |
mgz | (it does involve what happens when exceptions are raised from magic methods, but python doesn't change what happens there if it can help it) | 22:06 |
jam | mgz: Py2.7 without twisted passes cleanly | 22:07 |
jam | looks like 2.6 formats exceptions differently from the rest | 22:07 |
mgz | what's your minor version? | 22:07 |
lifeless | __repr__ and __str__ got fiddled with | 22:07 |
lifeless | :P | 22:07 |
lifeless | yhager: so, give it a spin ? | 22:08 |
yhager | lifeless: yes, I guess I will. I want to read a bit more first... | 22:08 |
mgz | lifeless: failing to make that twisted method do anything different. what exactly is the intention of the workaround? because it seems to me as soon as the `self.threads.remove(ct)` line gets hit we're (maybe) screwed | 22:10 |
lifeless | mgz: see stop() | 22:11 |
lifeless | mgz: its possible that the thread isn't getting any timeslice at all though | 22:11 |
lifeless | mgz: throw some more prints in, and paste the instrumented file/diff so that I can see what you've changed | 22:11 |
mgz | ha, joy. extra prints = delay = bug vanishes! | 22:13 |
mgz | presumably that's io sync | 22:14 |
mgz | okay, os.write saves me. | 22:18 |
mgz | lifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/543321/ | 22:19 |
poolie | hi mgz, jam, lifeless | 22:19 |
mgz | hey poolie. | 22:19 |
mgz | whoops, c/p error, not printing the local threads variable in stop. | 22:21 |
lifeless | hi poolie | 22:21 |
mgz | fixing that gives me the last line instead as: | 22:21 |
mgz | GZ: stop after joining [<Thread(PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-1, stopped)>] | 22:21 |
lifeless | mgz: three tweaks | 22:23 |
mgz | so, the thread does get stopped, but threading.enumerate in the test case still pulls it up. | 22:23 |
lifeless | stop before and stop after joining should prit threads | 22:23 |
mgz | right, did that. | 22:23 |
lifeless | and can you put a print in the for thread in threads loop | 22:23 |
mgz | sure. | 22:24 |
lifeless | and a print of threading.enumerate() as well Iguess | 22:24 |
lifeless | mmm, no that shouldn't be needed | 22:24 |
* poolie is curious about the context | 22:25 | |
lifeless | poolie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/666345 | 22:26 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 666345 in testtools "test_spinner.TestRunInReactor.test_clean_running_threads fails with an extra thread" [Critical,Fix committed] | 22:26 |
mgz | <lifeless> and a print of threading.enumerate() as well Iguess <- already done as well :) | 22:26 |
lifeless | mgz: so, how does it look ? | 22:27 |
mgz | http://paste.ubuntu.com/543326/ | 22:28 |
mgz | looks like I need to check out what threading.enumerate does. | 22:28 |
lifeless | ok, so we're definitely joining | 22:29 |
lifeless | phew | 22:29 |
lifeless | and you can see the context switch to the thread triggered by join | 22:29 |
mgz | yup. | 22:29 |
lifeless | wtf is enumerate returning a stopped, joined thread | 22:30 |
lifeless | 'Return a list of all Thread objects currently alive. The list includes daemonic threads, dummy thread objects created by current_thread(), and the main thread. It excludes terminated threads and threads that have not yet been started.' | 22:31 |
lifeless | per 2.6 docs | 22:31 |
lifeless | 2.4.4 claims the same | 22:32 |
lifeless | mgz: try a sleep(0) after the join | 22:32 |
lifeless | I think you proposed that in the test case | 22:32 |
mgz | yup. that's sufficient. | 22:34 |
lifeless | so | 22:34 |
lifeless | theory: | 22:34 |
lifeless | join() isn't calling the os level pthread_join [the equivalent of, on windows] | 22:34 |
lifeless | mgz: do you get this failure on 2.6/2.7? | 22:35 |
lifeless | jam: how many cores does your machine have? | 22:35 |
lifeless | mgz: ^ | 22:35 |
jam | lifeless: 2 | 22:35 |
mgz | I don't have twisted installed for my svn python, 1. | 22:35 |
mgz | but this may be some long-fixed threading bug. | 22:36 |
spiv | lifeless: I've seen enumerate return stopped, joined threads. | 22:36 |
spiv | It's caused me a bit of grief in the past. | 22:36 |
spiv | I forget if it's a bug fixed in later upstream, but the practical result is that you have to filter the result of enumerate. | 22:36 |
spiv | (if you care about the threads all being alive) | 22:37 |
lifeless | spiv: thanks | 22:38 |
lifeless | mgz: ok, so I'm very glad we investigated this, as I do believe it would have caused memory pressure issues and potential bugs in large test suites | 22:39 |
lifeless | mgz: the fix I've landed fixes that correctness issue (though twisted upstream is still borked if you downsize a threadpool) | 22:39 |
lifeless | mgz: so I think: | 22:39 |
lifeless | - check for a fix in upstream python | 22:40 |
lifeless | - if not, file a bug | 22:40 |
lifeless | - we should filter enumerate(), with a comment and a link to the python bugtrackers bug about this. | 22:40 |
mgz | just installed 10.20 on 2.7 and don't get failure, which may or may not mean it's fixed. | 22:41 |
lifeless | mgz: I suspect its not fixenated | 22:41 |
lifeless | otoh perhaps it is :P | 22:41 |
mgz | timing stuff is sensitive. | 22:41 |
lifeless | http://www.mail-archive.com/python-bugs-list@python.org/msg11648.html | 22:42 |
mgz | http://bugs.python.org/issue1703448 | 22:42 |
mgz | heh, same thing. | 22:43 |
mgz | either lifeless or me could pass for a psychic this evening | 22:43 |
spiv | Oh look, I filed that. | 22:45 |
lifeless | mgz: would love https://bugs.launchpad.net/testtools/+bug/689858 to be figured out ;) | 22:47 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 689858 in testtools "test failures on windows w/python 2.6" [Critical,Triaged] | 22:47 |
mgz | metoo. | 22:47 |
spiv | Gosh, I filed that 3½ years ago, and fixed within a year. It's such a shame we still have to cope with it :( | 22:47 |
lifeless | mgz: I've pushed a fix, can has confirmation ? | 22:48 |
mgz | spiv: you deserve some kind of reward | 22:48 |
mgz | lifeless: passes. | 22:48 |
lifeless | ok great | 22:49 |
mgz | nit: 2.5.2 | 22:49 |
lifeless | mgz: are you going to look into jams' test failure? | 22:49 |
spiv | mgz: I'm just glad I've forgotten whatever horrible thing it was that made me diagnose that. | 22:49 |
lifeless | mgz: E-pic shrug :P | 22:49 |
lifeless | spiv: bzr server threading tests | 22:49 |
mgz | lifeless: I'll branch release26-maint and see if I get anywhere, but I have doubts. | 22:49 |
* spiv puts his fingers in his ears and sings "la la la la" | 22:50 | |
lifeless | grrr | 22:54 |
lifeless | python.threading doesn't say whether one must call join() or not. Just 'can call it' | 22:54 |
lifeless | spiv: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4770 | 22:58 |
mgz | jam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/543343/ <- is there anything else you can suggest? | 23:05 |
mgz | hm, something's up with the importing. | 23:12 |
mgz | okay, twisted tests working, but I can't repo jam's failure. | 23:18 |
lifeless | jam: still playing wow at all? | 23:23 |
lifeless | mgz: oh | 23:41 |
lifeless | mgz: i finished my parallel test stuff for testrepository | 23:41 |
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