=== Snowhog_ is now known as Snowhog | ||
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at2500 | meine numlock led funktioniert bei meiner ps/2 tastatur schon länger nicht mehr, jetzt hat die tastatur angefangen, bullshit zu machen wir plötzlich einfach nicht mehr zu funktionieren oder bei w hängenzubleiben auch wenn ich die tastatur ausstecke. angesteckte usbtastatur läuft, aber die numlock led ist falschrum. unter windows geht die tastatur und die num led einwandfrei. es hängt auch nicht vom kernel (32,35,37) ab. was ist | 00:14 |
at2500 | kaputt? | 00:14 |
FloodBotK1 | at2500: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:14 |
Snowhog | !de | at2500 | 00:15 |
ubottu | at2500: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 00:15 |
Pici | !de | at2500 | 00:15 |
at2500 | my problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/542863/ | 00:19 |
joan | What text procesor is better for KDE integration? | 00:24 |
Snowhog | joan: If you want simple, Kate, and it's installed in Kubuntu by default. | 00:26 |
joan | I need for odt | 00:27 |
joan | Like OpenOffice | 00:27 |
joan | but better integration | 00:27 |
yofel | kword then (part of koffice) | 00:27 |
Junaos | Personally, I think OpenOffice integrates better than KWord. | 00:28 |
Snowhog | You could also consider libreoffice - http://www.documentfoundation.org/download/ | 00:29 |
bdizzle | hi, I keep having issues connecting to a couple of networks via IRC, yet I can run them just fine from the web interface | 00:32 |
bdizzle | could someone help me out with Konversation? | 00:33 |
bdizzle | I haven't had this issue before and I'd really like it to start working again | 00:33 |
joan | I'ts posible to install | 00:35 |
joan | ubuntu one in KDE? | 00:35 |
joan | It's posible to install Ubuntu One in KDE? | 00:42 |
Snowhog | joan: Yes. From a console type: sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client | 00:43 |
at2500 | i'm having keyboard problems http://paste.ubuntu.com/542863/ | 00:46 |
jschall | i've yet to find a plasmoid that was worth putting on my desktop/workspace. any suggestions? | 00:56 |
Snowhog | jschall: That's strictly a personal choice. I leave my desktop clean of anything - by choice. | 00:58 |
jschall | Snowhog: that's kind of how i am, but i've tried quite a lot and most of them end up failing somehow - for example, anything that fetches information from the internet tends to fail when you're not connected to the internet, and then when the system does get connected, they don't figure that out and fix themselves. | 00:59 |
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claydoh | I use folderview and sometimes the picture frame, and weather. seldom have troubles when not connected/reconnect | 01:05 |
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claydoh | o0h, and the Boxee remote I used to use before I got a proper remote control dongle | 01:06 |
claydoh | ^^^ to control Boxee on my htpc from my laptop | 01:09 |
=== ko2_ is now known as ko2 | ||
joan | It's posible to install Ubuntu One in KDE? | 01:17 |
joan | Don't work well | 01:17 |
valorie | it's possible, but you're right, it doesn't work well | 01:19 |
valorie | ubuntuone devels sort of shot down our KDE implementation | 01:19 |
joan | I see | 01:20 |
joan | alpha for KDE in google | 01:20 |
valorie | it awaits another devel | 01:20 |
joan | but the repo die | 01:20 |
valorie | right | 01:20 |
valorie | it's sad; I wanted to use ubuntuone | 01:22 |
valorie | this time around I didn't even bother to install it | 01:22 |
soreau | !k3b | 01:40 |
ubottu | k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 01:40 |
soreau | Ok so I'm lost. That page give little info and neither does http://userbase.kde.org/K3b | 01:41 |
soreau | I just want to burn an avi file to dvd with any program under linux. I figured k3b would do the trick but it gives an error that it cannot determine final size and fails | 01:42 |
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ubuntu4shane | ok, I think a simple question, I want to put a background in Dolphin file manager. | 02:25 |
ubuntu4shane | like a texture, or a color, white looks plain, is this possible? | 02:26 |
phoenix_firebrd | hello everyone | 02:41 |
phoenix_firebrd | can anyone check and tell me if bluetooth works properly in kubuntu 10.10 | 02:42 |
phoenix_firebrd | mine is not working properly | 02:42 |
phoenix_firebrd | i reinstalled bluedevil, installed the latest bluez, still bluetooth works randomly. checked with 2 mobiles and 2 bluetooth dongles same problem | 02:44 |
ubuntu4shane | phoenix_firebrd: I'm not sure if this will help much, bu tmine was crashing on Ubuntu with gnome desktop too, I think it is a bluetooth prob | 03:02 |
ubuntu4shane | I mean a package issue. | 03:03 |
draik | Hello everyone | 03:10 |
draik | I've had this issue for a while, but not known the solution yet. | 03:10 |
draik | I keep getting "Invalid URL" when going to different sites. Regardless of the browser, it will either show "Invalid URL" or a page with the CSS lacking. | 03:11 |
draik | NO solution appears to be documented anywhere about this | 03:11 |
draik | I am on a different computer and I don't get this issue | 03:11 |
draik | Both computers are on the same network; wired, too (if that matters). | 03:12 |
ubuntu4shane | draik: not many people around tonight, that is strange, is the network setup correctly on the kubuntu install? | 03:14 |
ubuntu4shane | I'm a complete noob to kde stuff, not new to Linux, but kubuntu is pretty foreign to me, so not sure I can be of much help | 03:15 |
draik | ubuntu4shane: No worries. Yes, it is setup just fine. This happens from time to time. The only so-called solution is restarting the computer. I also restart the 'nscd' service, but that doesn't do it for me like it seems to have worked for others. | 03:16 |
draik | ...and now it all works | 03:17 |
ubuntu4shane | draik: hmm, I'm not sure I have used Ubuntu for a long time and never run into that, oodd. | 03:17 |
draik | It's a nuisance (sp?), really. | 03:17 |
ubuntu4shane | I'm sure, only thing I could recommend is to try out wicd, that is what I have used for years for my network stuff, and it works like a charm | 03:18 |
ubuntu4shane | !wicd | 03:18 |
ubuntu4shane | well, wicd is a network manager replacement, if the bug is in network manager, using wicd would avoid it. | 03:19 |
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draik | That's just it. This only came about as of 10.10 or 10.04 (can't really recall right now, but it was this year) | 03:20 |
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Guest93861 | alo | 03:26 |
draik | ...and now it's back :( | 03:27 |
shcherbak | How to disable/edit silly "glow" around active window in KDE? | 03:49 |
=== dustin_ is now known as dustin__ | ||
=== Onyx` is now known as `Onyx | ||
reisi | shcherbak: system settings -> desktop -> desktop effects i believe | 06:29 |
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eagles0513875 | hey guys im on 64bit maverick and i am trying to install the openoffice.org dependencies so i can get the new LibreOffice fork compiled | 07:02 |
eagles0513875 | yet when it tries to install the dependencies its telling me a number of them have not been met | 07:03 |
eagles0513875 | tried -f install and same thing | 07:03 |
bigbrovar | has anyone installed amarok 2.4 on kubuntu 10.10 without having to update to kde 4.6 beta 2 | 07:05 |
ko2 | hello, could someone help me with this question: http://dpaste.com/285764/ | 07:22 |
tilted_mind1 | how do I configure a keyboard shortcut to switch workplaces? | 07:25 |
valorie | bigbrovar: I have GIT installed, with KDE 4.5.4 | 07:26 |
sqwertle | tilted_mind1: There is probably an easier way but compiz will allow you to do that | 07:26 |
valorie | I don't think that is even necessary | 07:26 |
tilted_mind1 | sqwertle: do I have to make a choice between compiz and plasma? | 07:27 |
Abhish | compiz and plasma are two different layers. | 07:57 |
Abhish | Compiz does fancy special effects. Plasma is a widget layer that handles your desktop, task bar, and other desktop UI elements. | 07:58 |
kub | this is a test | 08:15 |
kub | ok cu later | 08:16 |
ko2 | hello | 08:16 |
ko2 | how can i get to the composite settings? | 08:16 |
ko2 | i want to switch the effects on/off | 08:16 |
valorie | ko2: systemsettings | 08:20 |
ko2 | I searched for COMPOSITE in the menu, but composite does NOT exist in Hardy heron (=8.04). It exists since 8.10 i think! | 08:20 |
ko2 | i have to modify the kwin effects | 08:21 |
Abhish | System Settings>Desktop Effects | 08:21 |
sresu | I've a compressed file .rar of a podcast which are in parts as in part1.rar till part4.rar. But every file extracted doesn't work individually. Neither .rar files nor the podcast files(.ogg) are corrupt. How should I run it? Should I extract all the files in sequence to one as indivaidually its not working? Or how? | 08:26 |
ko2 | is it able to have compisiting and compiz both installed? | 08:29 |
Abhish | Compiz is the thing that does the compositing. | 08:32 |
ko2 | and kwin compsites too | 08:33 |
Abhish | Ah, I think different compositing systems will fight. | 08:36 |
amichair | sresu_: you put all of the rar parts together, and extract the first part (usually it has a .rar extension, but maybe it's the part1.rar file) - and the extracter should pick up the rest of the parts | 08:41 |
sresu_ | amichair: How will it know when to stop? How does it follow te sequence? | 08:42 |
ko2 | where can i see which kde version i have? in adept? | 08:42 |
ko2 | in adept i have kdebase-bin-kde3 installed (version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy2) | 08:42 |
valorie | ko2 -- simple way is to check the Help section in any KDE app | 08:46 |
valorie | Help > About KDE | 08:46 |
amichair | sresu: I don't know technically how it works - probably some indication in the rar format headers that there are additional parts (or total size is seen greater than available data in first part)... but the point is, it's handled automatically and you don't need to process the subsequent parts manually | 08:54 |
amichair | sresu: and with or without parts, it has its own checksumming mechanism so it can tell if anything is missing or invalid | 08:57 |
seicherlbob | hi! I'm running Kubuntu Karmic (9.10) with KDE 4.3.2. It looks like there was a Kontact/Kmail update, since then KMail is no longer integrated into Kontacts Window, but instead shows in a separate Windows. I could not find a Setting to disable this behaviour. Can anyone help me with that, its really annoying. | 08:59 |
ko2 | i have a "Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)". Can i update that in Kubuntu Hardy Heron with adept? | 09:07 |
valorie | seicherlbob: any reason in particular you are running such an old version of Kub.? | 09:09 |
seicherlbob | valorie: never change a running system | 09:09 |
seicherlbob | valorie: actually, "I'll do it tomorrow" | 09:10 |
valorie | haha | 09:10 |
amichair | seicherlbob: then don't change your drivers, either :-P | 09:10 |
oyster | hi | 09:10 |
oyster | is there a good guide on ncmpcpp for noobs? | 09:11 |
seicherlbob | amichair: my drivers? i guess they are not responsible for the kmail issue i have. | 09:11 |
reisi | seicherlbob: running .10 does not sound a particulary good idea, especially if you are using it for desktop stuff | 09:11 |
reisi | seicherlbob: running old .10 ... | 09:11 |
amichair | seicherlbob: oh sorry, mixed up the nicks :-) | 09:11 |
seicherlbob | amichair: np | 09:11 |
seicherlbob | reisi: yeah, but it used to work well until i started the machine yesterday (or the other day) | 09:12 |
seicherlbob | reisi: so i should just update to 10.4 LTS? because my kmail annoyes me? | 09:14 |
sresu_ | amichair: Sorry I lost connection before. About unrar x command. How will it know when to stop? How does it follow the sequence? Is .partx.rar extension required or only .rar is sufficient? | 09:15 |
amichair | sresu: I don't know technically how it works - probably some indication in the rar format headers that there are additional parts (or total size is seen greater than available data in first part)... but the point is, it's handled automatically and you don't need to process the subsequent parts manually | 09:15 |
amichair | you should leave the part extensions (the first part is just .rar if I remember correctly) | 09:16 |
sresu_ | amichair: Ah-ok. Thanks | 09:16 |
sresu_ | amichair: No its like .part1.rar till .part4.rar.. podcast file | 09:16 |
amichair | the part extensions have 2 different forms, the old one is .r00, .r01... and the newer scheme is .part1.rar, .part2.rar... both systems should work (as long as you're consistent within a given archive) | 09:17 |
amichair | in any case, just try unraring the first part while having the rest of them in the same directory, and it should work | 09:18 |
reisi | seicherlbob: i like using .10 versions as well so i run 10.10 atm, but running .4 lts for long-term usage sounds much wiser than old .10 | 09:18 |
reisi | seicherlbob: if this bug is still present in 10.04 there will be much more willingness to fix it than for 9.10 | 09:18 |
sresu_ | amichair: Well, I found that even parts of .rar as in file1.rar till file4.rar works | 09:19 |
seicherlbob | reisi: grmpf... so i will finally have to update. thanks! I'll check my laptop as it has 10.4 installed. | 09:19 |
seicherlbob | thanks so far and bye everybody | 09:19 |
* seicherlbob is going to update to 10.4 LTS | 09:19 | |
sresu_ | amichair: Anyway, I'd be unrar x file.part1.rar, right? Rest it will handle | 09:19 |
amichair | sresu_: try it :-) | 09:20 |
sresu_ | Yep. Thanks | 09:20 |
ko2 | if i want to update my intel graphics driver (Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)), can i just pick one package from http://intellinuxgraphics.org/ ? | 09:27 |
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valorie | !drivers | 09:35 |
valorie | !intel | 10:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. | 10:13 |
valorie | that's a bit out of date | 10:13 |
eagles0513875 | !skype | 10:24 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 10:24 |
lightman | hi all. any help getting DVB-T to work in kubuntu 10.10 on a toshiba notebook A660 the card is in built... | 10:26 |
UglyNakedGuy | -l | 10:59 |
ko2 | valorie: i have kubuntu hardy heron (=8.04) | 11:14 |
eagles0513875 | !hardy | ko2 | 11:16 |
ubottu | ko2: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details. | 11:16 |
amichair | ktorrent just crashed for the 4th time in half an hour :-( | 11:34 |
bigbrovar | does any one knows an up to date doc on who I can build the latest amarok 2.4 beta on Kubuntu 10.10 I dont want to have to install kde 4.6 beta to use it | 11:36 |
bigbrovar | valorie: you said you amarok 2.4 running using git. can u point me to the documentation you followed ? | 11:37 |
Joan | It's posible to install Ubuntu One in KDE? | 12:06 |
Joan | I try and don't works well | 12:06 |
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Guest58206 | hi, anyone want to help to help debug a vpn issue? | 12:59 |
kennyF | hi, anyone want to help to help debug a vpn issue I have? | 13:02 |
kennyF | Is everyone sleeping?... :) | 13:03 |
kennyF | hi, anyone want to help to help debug a vpn issue I have? | 13:08 |
gribouille | hi | 13:20 |
gribouille | are newer versions of kde than 4.5.1 available for maverick ? | 13:20 |
=== m_ is now known as mongo | ||
gribouille | does kde 4.5.4 work well on maverick ? | 13:25 |
gribouille | does kde 4.5.4 work well on maverick ? | 13:27 |
amichair | gribouille: works well for me. | 13:31 |
gribouille | If I want kde 4.5.4, do I have to type apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 13:33 |
amichair | gribouille: you can try upgrade, see what it plans on upgrading, and if anything is held back that you need, do a dist-upgrade instead. In other words, I don't remember :-) | 13:35 |
amichair | (assuming you added the kubuntu PPA to get the KDE updates) | 13:35 |
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bigbrovar | has anyone ever gotten their modem 3g card to work with kubuntu? I cant get kppp nor network manager to work. | 13:46 |
rethus | have kde 4.5.3, how can i get 4.5.4 ? | 13:52 |
caekbot | penis | 14:01 |
Pici | caekbot: This is a support channel, lets try to keep it family friendly and professional, thanks. | 14:02 |
amichair | rethus: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-454 | 14:04 |
akssps011_ | Which package contains intel iasl compiler for Kubuntu ? | 14:06 |
Imagineer | any one using 4.6? | 14:19 |
repinfo | geg | 14:21 |
shane4ubuntu | !language > shane4ubuntu | 14:26 |
ubottu | shane4ubuntu, please see my private message | 14:26 |
dasKreech | I read that as please see me in my office for some reason | 14:26 |
shane4ubuntu | ? | 14:27 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: I finally just went ahead and installed kubuntu-desktop, basically, except the Oo.o packages. | 14:28 |
rethus | amichair: i have added this to ma kpackagemanager... but keep no upgrade | 14:28 |
rethus | s | 14:28 |
vbgunz | I am getting bit by a comreset failed error -16 or something. it's really upsetting. It hits me out of no where. im googling but coming up empty. anybody know anything about this? I read disabling ncq works but I have no idea how I can disable it. anyhow, anybody know anything that can help me here? | 14:29 |
amichair | rethus: can you explain what you did and what happened? | 14:30 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: why with that exception? | 14:31 |
rethus | amichair: start kpackagekit | 14:32 |
rethus | settings | 14:32 |
rethus | other software | 14:32 |
rethus | add ppa-adress | 14:32 |
rethus | save | 14:32 |
dasKreech | vbgunz: what is that related to? | 14:32 |
rethus | close | 14:32 |
rethus | nothing happends | 14:32 |
rethus | no error-message... nothing at all | 14:33 |
amichair | rethus: did you check for new updates afterwards? | 14:33 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: there is an ongoing bug in *Buntu's OO.o packages, for several releases that takes an eternity to open up a very large spreadsheet I have, then editing and saving takes even longer, so I can't use it. I try it with every release, not fixed. | 14:33 |
rethus | i check for updates and now i got this: | 14:34 |
vbgunz | dasKreech: to my hdd I believe. my system goes fine for an arbitrary amount of time then locks itself up as read only. if I go to tty1 I usually see the error there scrolling by. this used to happen a lot with an esata disk I had *but* now this is happening with or without it plugged in on my main internal disk :/ | 14:34 |
rethus | http://pastebin.com/qSTNGfKU | 14:34 |
amichair | rethus: hmmm... maybe a bug? | 14:35 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: try removing the ppa, check for updates and see if you still get the error, I'm guessing probably the ppa line was not correct. | 14:35 |
amichair | rethus: can you try using apt-get from the console? | 14:35 |
rethus | i have now uncheck th ppa-kubuntu, and click save | 14:36 |
rethus | now he freeze on 167 off 169 | 14:36 |
rethus | (99%) | 14:36 |
amichair | (you'll have to close kpk first) | 14:36 |
rethus | on "downloading additional package files - DIaloge | 14:36 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: hmm that isn't good, cli: sudo apt-get update | 14:36 |
=== root is now known as Guest82452 | ||
rethus | E: one indexfile xouln't be downloaded. | 14:37 |
amichair | rethus: try re-enabling the ppa, then closing kpk, and doing the update/upgrade from console using apt-get | 14:38 |
rethus | same result | 14:39 |
amichair | rethus: does it say which file/repo the error is on? | 14:39 |
rethus | no | 14:40 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.lst /etc/apt/sources.lst.bak that will backup your sources.lst and then we can open it up and manually edit it. | 14:40 |
amichair | rethus: since you said it happened also with the ppa unchecked, it must be one of your previously added repos... | 14:40 |
rethus | i only have one package without signature, | 14:41 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: is there a way to change the Dolphin background like add a texture or something? | 14:42 |
amichair | rethus: it may be signature, or network error, or problem at the repo... maybe try removing all unofficial ones for now | 14:42 |
rethus | my source.list http://pastebin.com/9NxeQEiw | 14:42 |
rethus | i have some karmic-packeges, cause i use php 5.2 | 14:43 |
rethus | don't wondering about this | 14:43 |
bigbrovar | did anyone ever get 3g modem cards working with the plasma network manager on kubuntu 10.10 | 14:44 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: I would comment out the added ones at the bottom and see which one is causing the problem, enabling them one by one. | 14:44 |
amichair | rethus: you have a handful of unofficial repos, try disabling them temporarily until you find the bad one | 14:44 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: from line 47 and below is potential problems. | 14:45 |
rethus | they all work well, till i try to add this ppd-kubuntu repo | 14:45 |
bigbrovar | the only way I could get any contiviting working with my modem was via wvdial (bless its soul) which is not really ideal for me. not even kppp would work. | 14:45 |
amichair | rethus: you said above that you got an error even with the new ppa disabled, so that's not it... | 14:45 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: yes, but if they start to install conflicting dependencies, you could have a problem on your hands. | 14:46 |
shane4ubuntu | !pinning | rethus | 14:47 |
ubottu | rethus: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 14:47 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: ugh. Have you spoken to the libreoffice team | 14:47 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: Umm. Hmm I remember a kinda hack | 14:48 |
dasKreech | You can do that for konqui I think | 14:48 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: no, I filled a bug report a few releases ago, but it didn't go anywhere, seems I'm about the only one affected by it. | 14:48 |
rethus | have comment out now all karmic-pakages.. freeze anyway on 99% but 95 of 97 packages... | 14:48 |
rethus | there are 3 files which broken | 14:48 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: so, I just install the vanilla OO.o packages, and am content. :) | 14:48 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: try: sudo apt-get install -f | 14:49 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: is it a distributable file? | 14:49 |
rethus | all well installed | 14:49 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: oh, the problematic file? | 14:50 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: let me dig up the bug report, I attached a small sample of the same file that was still problematic. | 14:50 |
shane4ubuntu | rethus: I'm not sure, that is odd. | 14:51 |
Snowhog | rethus: In a console, type: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean. This will clean the downloaded .deb packages from the cache. Then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 14:52 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/584220 | 14:52 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 584220 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "[ooo-build] OpenOffice Calc extremely slow opening document" [Low,Triaged] | 14:52 |
rethus | one of the broken is: http://debian.scribus.net/debian/ | 14:53 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: File it directly against libreoffice | 14:53 |
rethus | what could be the problem here | 14:53 |
rethus | that it is broken? | 14:53 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: how do I do that? | 14:54 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: Join #libreoffice and explain to them the situation they will direct you | 14:54 |
shane4ubuntu | dasKreech: ok, thanks | 14:54 |
dasKreech | Snowhog: autoclean and clean are redundant. You just need clean | 14:55 |
rethus | Snowhog: with your advie it works now for scribus repo | 14:56 |
Snowhog | rethus: :) | 14:56 |
dasKreech | Autoclean removes all debs that have an upgraded package available clean just removes all the debs | 14:58 |
rethus | Snowhog: but error was non-ffree in scribus. | 15:00 |
rethus | seems not to exist anymore | 15:00 |
rethus | have now add the ppa, but no upgrades aviable | 15:03 |
amichair | rethus: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (with the kubuntu ppa enabled) | 15:16 |
rethus | no, wan't to keep my 10.04 LTS version | 15:19 |
Snowhog | rethus: 'dist-upgrade' doesn't upgrade your OS. | 15:22 |
rethus | anyway... no upgrades | 15:22 |
rethus | realy strange for me | 15:22 |
rethus | have to go no... come back later | 15:23 |
rethus | thanks | 15:23 |
Elephantman | hi :) I've got a bad refreshing image problem when compositing is activated. Some parts of the screen kind of "stick" in place and dont refresh until some movement happens in that area of the screen. Any clue ? | 15:32 |
dasKreech | shane4ubuntu: Wow that was rude | 15:43 |
dasKreech | Elephantman: Video card and ddriver? | 15:43 |
dasKreech | vbgunz: progress? | 15:43 |
Elephantman | dasKreech: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller. Driver : i915 | 16:00 |
vbgunz | dasKreech: not really, the sata comreset error -16 happens at arbitrary times, I can't predict or repeat when it's going to happen definitively *but* it just happens which makes it all the more annoying :( | 16:00 |
vbgunz | dasKreech: after it happens and I go into comreset -16, the system locks up read only and I lose all control. as far as I know, all I can do is a hard reset pretty much to get things back to normal | 16:01 |
dasKreech | Elephantman: checked to see if it has any issues in #kwin ? | 16:04 |
dasKreech | vbgunz: All control? You can't manipulate /dev or /proc ? | 16:04 |
vbgunz | dasKreech: I haven't tried, the gui is useless and all shortcuts are too. when I switch to tty1 the comreset messages continously scroll by and I am unable to really type anything comfortably. if I wait in tty to see what happens, the system ultimately goes read only and I am dropped into another terminal of some sort, not bash, I think initramfs or something, I forgot :( | 16:06 |
dasKreech | vbgunz: oh wow failsafe from the kernel | 16:08 |
mfraz74 | in kubuntu 10.10 how do i configure a network connection system wide? | 16:08 |
vbgunz | dasKreech: I am grateful in a sense that when it locks up read only everything becomes unusable *but* it's very frustrating to have to deal with it at all :/ | 16:09 |
vbgunz | I gotta reboot to test something but I am trying to just finish up an article about something | 16:09 |
Elephantman | dasKreech: you meen the #kwin channel ? or something else ? | 16:10 |
dasKreech | Elephantman: I do | 16:13 |
mfraz74 | what I want to do is be able to set a wireless connection so that all users on that computer can use it, but that option is greyed otu | 16:13 |
mfraz74 | out | 16:13 |
dasKreech | mfraz74: it should change the system settings as far as I know so all users should be able to get net | 16:16 |
dasKreech | if not then try wicd | 16:16 |
mfraz74 | dasKreech: there is a box in the edit network connection window that says 'system connection' but it is greyed out with now way of un-greying it | 16:17 |
mfraz74 | in older versions of kubuntu there used to be an unlock button and i think ubuntu still has it | 16:18 |
vgs | hi, does anyone knows how insert superscript "~" in kate for regular expression? | 16:22 |
Snowhog | mfraz74: I think that you need to delete the existing wireless connection you see, and then add it in again. The option for system wide is/should be available when the connection is being setup, and you have to check it at that time. | 16:26 |
Snowhog | mfraz74: You can test that theory by adding another wireless entry. | 16:27 |
dasKreech | mfraz74: bug? | 16:31 |
mfraz74 | dasKreech: no it is greyed out still | 16:34 |
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mfraz74 | do i file a bug on launchpad? | 16:38 |
dasKreech | mfraz74: pop into #kubuntu-devel to see if it's something you are overlooking | 16:38 |
susundberg | dasKreech: is that good place to ask natty kubuntu question? | 16:39 |
susundberg | sounds like it | 16:39 |
dasKreech | susundberg: #ubuntu+1 | 16:40 |
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susundberg | dasKreech: they are all idling :/ | 16:48 |
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dany__ | no one? | 18:23 |
dasKreech | dany__: hmm? | 18:24 |
dany__ | I have a networking problem. When I plug in the cable, for the first seconds the connection works but after I get this "error": wired network connection with a self-assigned address.I checked and at the beginning I get a correct address like but after this address disappear and there is a strange address | 18:25 |
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dasKreech | what counts as a strange address? | 18:30 |
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tuttle_ | bonjour ! Je cherche quelqu'un pour m'aider à installer openVPN avec Network Manager, sous KDE. Est-ce possible ? | 20:26 |
gr8m8 | !fr | tuttle_ | 20:27 |
ubottu | tuttle_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 20:27 |
tuttle_ | bonjour ! Je cherche quelqu'un pour m'aider à installer openVPN avec Network Manager, sous KDE. Est-ce possible ? | 20:29 |
gr8m8 | !fr | tuttle_ | 20:30 |
tuttle_ | sorry | 20:30 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: You are more than welcome to ask questions here - just in English please. :) | 20:34 |
tuttle_ | ok, thank you... but my english is very poor... I can try, but please be cool with me :) | 20:35 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: But of course! | 20:36 |
tuttle_ | I want to install openvpn, with networkmanager | 20:36 |
tuttle_ | I install openvpn package | 20:36 |
tuttle_ | that's ok | 20:36 |
tuttle_ | but when I go in networkmanager | 20:36 |
tuttle_ | I can't add a vpn | 20:37 |
tuttle_ | the button is gray | 20:37 |
tuttle_ | I don't know why | 20:37 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: Doing some searching here. | 20:40 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: After having installed openvpn, are these two packages also installed: network-manager-vpnc network-manager-openvpn | 20:42 |
tuttle_ | not now... I will do that now ! | 20:43 |
genii-around | Hm. network-manager-openvpn-kde perhaps | 20:43 |
tuttle_ | could I supress network-manager-openvpn and install network-manager-openvpn-kde in synaptic ? | 20:45 |
tuttle_ | I just do that at the moment : sudo aptitude install network-manager-openvpn | 20:45 |
tuttle_ | before comming here | 20:46 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: I think I'd agree with genii-around, and install just network-manager-openvpn-kde | 20:46 |
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tuttle_ | An error occurred | 20:52 |
tuttle_ | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-help_4%3a4.7.0-0ubuntu2~lucid1~ppa1_i386.deb: tentative de remplacement de « /usr/share/qt4/translations/qt_help_cs.qm », qui appartient aussi au paquet libqtcore4 4 | 20:52 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: What package did you try to install? | 20:52 |
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tuttle_ | network-manager-openvpn-kde Before I uninstall network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome | 20:53 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: Conflicting dependencies. If it were me, I would uninstall/purge the openvpn package you installed before coming here. Then install network-manager-openvpn-kde. | 20:54 |
tuttle_ | I did... I suppressed network-manager-openvpn on synaptic, synaptic add network-manager-openvpn-gnome to suppress too... and, after, I installed network-manager-openvpn-kde with a lot of dependencies (that synaptic add automatically)... | 20:58 |
tuttle_ | Sorry for my english... | 20:58 |
tuttle_ | ok !!! it's ok !!!! | 21:02 |
tuttle_ | I succeed | 21:02 |
tuttle_ | thank you very much | 21:02 |
tuttle_ | I will continue ;) | 21:03 |
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wqapol | Are there any alternatives to amarok which has library management? A KDE app that is. | 21:05 |
Snowhog | tuttle_: Glad you got it. :) And you English is okay - better than my French!! | 21:05 |
tuttle_ | loool thanks | 21:06 |
senorpedro | hi folks | 21:15 |
senorpedro | how can i make the alt-f2 quickstarter to appear in the middle of the desktop like in previous versions? | 21:15 |
senorpedro | in 10.10 its at the top of the windows which doesnt appeal to my natural view field | 21:16 |
Snowhog | senorpedro: Edit the ~/.kde/share/config/krunnerrc file. | 21:17 |
senorpedro | Snowhog, i did. do i have to restart something after the change? | 21:18 |
senorpedro | because it doesnt apply | 21:18 |
Snowhog | senorpedro: Restart KDE. | 21:18 |
Snowhog | senorpedro: logout/login. | 21:19 |
senorpedro | hm but i have so many windows open .... | 21:19 |
senorpedro | is there no other solution? | 21:19 |
senorpedro | cant i just restart krunner? | 21:19 |
yofel | senorpedro: restarting krunner should be enough | 21:20 |
senorpedro | hm doesnt work either | 21:20 |
yofel | and you can set that in the krunner settings, no need to edit the config file | 21:20 |
senorpedro | thats the saddest thing that ever happened to me | 21:20 |
senorpedro | yofel, where in the settings? | 21:20 |
yofel | open krunner -> klick on the settings button -> user interface -> free floating window | 21:21 |
senorpedro | ah i found it | 21:21 |
senorpedro | very hidden btw | 21:21 |
Snowhog | yofel: Cool. | 21:22 |
Snowhog | I checked the wrench, but didn't notice the 'menu' in KRunner. | 21:22 |
Scunizi | pavucontrol will not start .. it errors with "Connection Failed: Connection refused".. how do I fix this? or should I? I'm trying to record my google voice outgoing call to a teleconference | 21:27 |
Scunizi | I guess kubuntu doesn't have pulse audio installed as part of the default audio package.. how can I record my outgoing google voice call? | 21:31 |
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HmpfCBR | Hm virtuoso was idling around. I used the nepomuk krunner to find a document. That worked. However virtuoso is now using 100% of one one cpu core and does not go down again. indexing is suspended. anyone an idea what is happening here (kde 4.5.4 on maverick). | 21:39 |
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yofel | Scunizi: pulseaudio is installed by default since maverick, so it should be there | 21:54 |
Scunizi | yofel: well that would explain it.. I'm on LTS 10.04 | 21:54 |
yofel | ah, phonon still uses alsa there by default | 21:55 |
Scunizi | yofel: or is 10.04 actually a kubunt LTS release this time? | 21:55 |
yofel | Scunizi: IIRC it is, but pulseaudio won't be added to the default installation because of that | 21:55 |
Scunizi | yofel: humm... is it worth the upgrade to Mav.? on a production machine? and if not do you have any idea how I can record from (google voice / skype / etc) on an outgoing call? | 21:56 |
yofel | Scunizi: first try to install pulseaudio, I don't think maverick is worth just for that, and I don't do calls on my pc, sry | 21:58 |
Scunizi | yofel: I don't normally either.. but google voice seems to be serving me well espicailly for conference calls. I've read that the install for pulseaudio on kubuntu 10.04 is broken. The work-a-round being to install ubuntu and add kde.. yick. not a path I want to take. | 22:00 |
Scunizi | yofel: despite it being google voice, recording should be the same as if you were streaming in audio from the net.. | 22:01 |
yofel | hm, IIRC I had pulse running in lucid when I used it, you need to tell phonon to use pulseaudio though | 22:01 |
Scunizi | how do you do that? | 22:02 |
Scunizi | ah.. perhaps in the "Multimedia" section? | 22:03 |
_sudo | does anyone everhave the issue with the cursor becoming tiny and repeated on the y axis like 20 times to create a rectangular shape??? | 22:03 |
yofel | In the multimedia settings use pulesaudio as output device, I'm not really sure what it's called in lucid | 22:03 |
Scunizi | same.. and for capture should be the same I'd think | 22:04 |
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Scunizi | yofel: ok.. installed pulseaudio.. I must have to restart some service to be able to see it as a selection in Multimedia.. does that sound right? (no pun intened) | 22:07 |
yofel | pulseaudio isn't used as a service but started on demand, so start something that uses it, then logout so phonon sees it on login I think | 22:08 |
Scunizi | like pavucontrol? other than that I'm not sure how to designate something to start with pulseaudio. | 22:09 |
yofel | that should be fine probably.. | 22:10 |
Scunizi | crazy.. for devices it's only showing my INport usb device I use to record from analog sources :( | 22:11 |
Scunizi | yofel: yea.. still not showing in Multimedia.. I'll have to mess with it later. I've got a deadline to meet. | 22:15 |
yofel | k, it's been a while since I used lucid :/ | 22:16 |
Roey | hey all | 22:21 |
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basso | kde looks quite good | 22:36 |
Snowhog | basso: KDE is very good - IMHO. Been running Kubuntu since Edgy Eft. | 22:42 |
Snowhog | basso: Do you have a question or problem? | 22:43 |
basso | Snowhog: not yet, and i even played OpenArena in the VM ;3 | 22:44 |
shane4ubuntu | how can I be sure that port 5154 is open on my system? | 22:45 |
shane4ubuntu | I don't have ufw enabled, or running, so must be something else I need to do. | 22:45 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | 22:50 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: how can I know if it is tcp or the other? | 22:53 |
shane4ubuntu | running bzflag as server? would you guess tcp? | 22:54 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: What exactly are you trying to figure out? That the port is or is not open, or who/what is using it? | 22:55 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: I need port 5154 open so that my bzserver can receive connections from LAN | 22:55 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: I don't think the port is open, or, perhaps it would be easier to switch to a port I know is open, like my ssh port? | 22:56 |
basso | !ratio+ | 22:56 |
shane4ubuntu | lol, well, it didn't like port 22. :) | 22:57 |
shane4ubuntu | incompatible ssh it said, I did this before, but I think I was using ufw and opened up the port there, | 22:57 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: Open a console and type: netstat -lntup | 22:58 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: ok, udp, that was the other one, I'm not good at this port/network stuff. | 22:59 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: ok, and pick a port from there that says 'Listen" ? | 23:00 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: That command lists the open ports. To see all, preface the command with sudo. If the port you need to be open isn't listed, then it isn't open as I understand it. | 23:01 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: ok, thanks! | 23:01 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: Ultimately, you might need to utilize iptables (man iptables) to configure the port and/or your router. | 23:02 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: *and/or your rounter, meaning checking the router configuration for the port desired. | 23:03 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: ok, I should be fine with the router, since, I'm only accessing via local LAN | 23:03 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: when I did this before I don't think I had to touch my router. | 23:03 |
Roey | hey all | 23:04 |
Snowhog | shane4ubuntu: Does sudo netstat -lntup show the desired port? | 23:04 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: no, not even after I enable it with the web page you sent. :( I hate iptables. :) | 23:04 |
yofel | you can use 'nmap' too for port listing, 'nmap localhost' should show what's open | 23:04 |
Snowhog | Roey: This is not a 'chat' channel. If you have a question, please just ask. If anyone has an answer, they will reply. ;) | 23:04 |
Roey | kde 4.6beta2: app launcher buttons on my panel no longer respond to clicks, and Keyboard Settings are ignored. I have tried this with multiple user accounts on this system and it holds. | 23:05 |
Roey | Snowhog: lemme ask the f*cking question | 23:05 |
Roey | Snowhog: like, seriously, we're not ignorant, just writing the question. | 23:05 |
yofel | Roey: someone else had that, either lock the widgets, or wait for RC1 | 23:05 |
Roey | I had that | 23:05 |
Roey | how do I lock the widgets? | 23:05 |
Roey | why lock them? | 23:05 |
Roey | yofel: they had that AND the keyboard stuff? | 23:06 |
Roey | When's RC1 coming? | 23:06 |
yofel | kde bug 259410 | 23:06 |
ubottu | KDE bug 259410 in general "Icon plasmoid is not clickable" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259410 | 23:06 |
yofel | not sure about the keyboard stuff, *what* doesn't work? | 23:06 |
Roey | ya know, I'll check the schedules, otherwise someone might bug me about checking it for myself. | 23:06 |
Roey | well none of the keyboard settings that i have configured under "Keyboard Settings" appear to work | 23:06 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: ufw is looking easier right about now. :) | 23:06 |
Roey | including language layout switch key, keyboard repeat delay, the grave/compose key, Capslock key that I've set as an additional Control, etc. | 23:07 |
shane4ubuntu | Snowhog: thanks though | 23:08 |
yofel | Roey: setting alt+space to switch layouts works here for example | 23:08 |
Roey | yeah? not here. | 23:09 |
Roey | I mean the settings appear set when I go into System Settings -> Keyboard | 23:09 |
Roey | but I do not see it respected by any app | 23:09 |
yofel | system settings -> input devices -> keyboard | 23:09 |
Roey | right | 23:09 |
Roey | I meant that, my bad | 23:09 |
yofel | hm, kate respects it here (I'm on 4.6 natty) | 23:10 |
Roey | ok | 23:10 |
Roey | I'm on... one sec | 23:10 |
Roey | maverick here. | 23:10 |
vbgunz | Can somebody please help me out and please paste (if it's just one line) the contents of /usr/local/sbin/cgroup_clean ... I am hoping it is only one line. you can get the contents by saying: cat /usr/local/sbin/cgroup_clean | 23:23 |
yofel | vbgunz: /usr/local contains software *you* installed, we won't have that | 23:27 |
vbgunz | yofel: that's a beautiful answer, I really appreciate it! | 23:28 |
vbgunz | thanks! | 23:28 |
vbgunz | I need to reboot to make a change, brb | 23:29 |
yofel | and apt-file can't find that file in any package, so we won't be able to help, sorry | 23:29 |
vbgunz | heres hoping I no longer see the comreset errors | 23:35 |
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