
BUGabundoMerry Xtmas everyone <3 http://goo.gl/SzUUv00:38
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penguin42Hi BUGabundo01:01
BUGabundoyo my pal01:01
* penguin42 is waiting for his netbook for finish an upgrade; it got an error about a failure part way thorugh so it's not happy01:04
bjsnidervlc must be using a built-in amplifier or something, because it has a volume control that is clearly separate from pulse even if it's using pulse as the audio driver01:07
penguin42well, surprisingly it's survived the update even given the python errors, and shockingly unity works01:26
alteregoai got a problem with my smargo cardreader02:58
alteregoai get a error unable to read latency -3202:58
alteregoaaccfnording to this url https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/62073/ i have to patch that, but i don't know how02:59
alteregoa  29.082179] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -3203:02
Volkodavman patch03:09
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=== ryokea|afk is now known as ryokea
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
djhashSo i'm testing out 11.4 on VirtualBox.. I wanted to change my password but I couldn't find.. "Users and Groups" under system->Admin.. is this because it being in alpha.. or was it intentionally removed?07:13
rwwdjhash: It's part of gnome-system-tools, which got removed deliberately per http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/u/ubuntu-meta/ubuntu-meta_1.209/changelog . I don't know the rationale.07:39
rwwdjhash: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-desktop-n-install-footprint -> Looks like the plan is to replace it with GNOME 3's user admin tool.07:42
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
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coz_hey  guys...so far in unity there is no  alt-F2  run dialog...are there plans to change this?11:33
zniavre_coz_,  hello im reading you are using unity > im installing right now an old radeon supplied laptop do you think unity will work?12:14
penguin42zniavre_: Does compiz work? and how old a radeon?12:15
coz_zniavre_,   not sure about the ati card  though   ,,,if it doesn  support that card you will be dropped to classic gnome12:15
zniavre_penguin42,  compiz is running (slowly) with this 320m igp video card12:15
coz_zniavre_,   compiz 0.8  or 0.912:16
zniavre_haha good question last working compiz was with 10.0412:16
coz_zniavre_,  unity is using 0.9  so you may get a slight  speed boost12:16
zniavre_i hav no luck with unity and gnome-shell no one of my computers can make them works im quite sad about it12:17
coz_zniavre_,  and not much is enabled by default ...expo  for sure  is enabled  and zoom animation  I believe  by default12:17
coz_zniavre_,  gnome-shell sucks mainly because of mutter12:18
zniavre_maybe i can't try it ...   :o(12:18
coz_zniavre_,   well  unity doesnt use mutter12:18
coz_zniavre_,  compiz replaces that12:18
coz_zniavre_,  but it is compiz 0.9.x12:18
zniavre_unity can't works with nvidia drivers right ?12:18
coz_zniavre_,  works fine here with nvidia12:19
zniavre_ha ?12:19
coz_zniavre_,  the issue is only  before you install the nvidia driver...12:19
coz_zniavre_,  at first you will be dropped to classic gnome desktop...then install the driver  ,,then it should boot into unity12:20
coz_zniavre_,  sometimes nothing shows on the desktop prior to nvidia driver install12:20
zniavre_even if i hav already nvidia drivers installed?12:20
coz_zniavre_,  well is unity already installed?12:20
coz_zniavre_, oh12:21
coz_zniavre_,   then the drivers wont be installed12:21
zniavre_i fact i wanted to try unity but it looks vbox can't run it12:21
coz_zniavre_, ah12:21
coz_zniavre_,   I dont think it will work virtually12:21
zniavre_so i installed my alod laptop but what you said few lines ago make me think this card can't handle unity (and compiz now)12:22
zniavre_alod > old*12:22
zniavre_but if you said unity can work now with compiz and nvidia driver im thinking about installing 11.04 on my pc12:22
coz_zniavre_,    cant hurt to try12:23
coz_zniavre_,   :)12:23
coz_zniavre_,  unity on a "single"  monitor is fine12:23
zniavre_i really want to see and to know if unity make us love gnome-shell or gnome-desktop12:23
coz_zniavre_,  on dual monitors  because of global menu ... neraly useless12:23
coz_zniavre_,  well actually its not gnome-shell12:24
coz_zniavre_,  its compiz/unity12:24
zniavre_do you know if app-indicator is done by global-menu team ?12:24
coz_not sure12:24
zniavre_i hav the feeling they were a bit "stolen" of their works (even for new firefox globalmenu xpi)12:25
zniavre_hope stolen is nt too radical but it's the only word i know for this12:26
zniavre_so thank you for answering let's see first if the laptop can use unity12:27
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CosmiChaosdoes ubuntu natty narwhale will have support for transparent hugepage?13:11
coz_mm running gnome-about-me  gives me  (gnome-about-me:2813): libebook-WARNING **: e-book.c:2245: cannot get book from factory: Invalid source13:24
coz_mm also noticed that setting an new item in the menu to "Applications in terminal"  it doesnt work13:34
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coz_zniavre_,  did you go ahead with the install?14:27
IdleOneWhat is the status with python 2.7?15:11
IdleOnehave the rebuilds finished, settled down?15:11
Volkodavdoes not look finished last time I checked15:15
susundbergHello. I am having bad performance with KDE file browser -- opening the 'open' and 'save as' dialogs take quite much more time than what it should16:06
susundbergany idea on problem source?16:06
susundberghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1144718 <- this talks something about 'tracker' but its not installed in natty?16:06
susundberg(or is the problem solely on kubuntu natty?)16:06
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pace_t_zuluanyone know where the "recover a broken system" option is on natty alpha 1 live cd?17:36
pace_t_zuluso i see that i have to go int "Try Ubuntu"17:37
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charlie-tcapace_t_zulu: the option was removed completely in maverick, I think. You now use the live environment instead18:24
BUGabundowho wants an head hake?19:52
charlie-tcame, me19:53
charlie-tcaI take on every day ;-)19:53
BUGabundoyou want pain killers19:53
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, that's right19:53
charlie-tcaHard to keep it all straight sometimes ;-)19:55
BUGabundocharlie-tca: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL19:56
charlie-tcaif it works,19:57
BUGabundohumm compiz and ubuntu-desktop in circular depencies?? Amaranth20:17
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_fewd
lucas-argheey guys, is broadcom wireless cards going to be supported in 11.04 out of the box?20:57
lucas-argi heard soemthing about broadcom wireless being added to the kernel or something like that20:59
lucas-argknock knock21:01
histothey have written drivers I don't know if they are open21:07
histoYou could always fire up 11.04 and see but I'm not sure if they are added yet21:08
histoDrivers are already built in frimware is the issue21:10
histolucas-arg: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/09/broadcom-announces-official-open-source-drivers-for-linux.ars21:12
lucas-argbut still is it gonna be in 11.04?21:13
lucas-argi read that article21:13
histolucas-arg: you'd prolly have to ask the kernel dev team I don't21:14
histolucas-arg: it's not mentioned  here http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha121:14
lucas-argthanks histo21:14
lucas-argit would really rock21:15
lucas-argand so if nvidia works oob too21:15
histolucas-arg: well nvidia works oob just with the free drivers which aren't as good.21:15
lucas-argi couldnt use unity when i tried 11.0421:16
yofelnouveau has no opengl support by default which unity (compiz) needs21:18
yofelso you need to run classic, install the nvidia driver and then run unity21:18
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bjsniderlibg1-mesa-dri-experimental gives nouveau opengl support21:22
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VolkodavI have a partial update that offers to remove compiz and install a bunch of libs - should i go for it or wait until more updates will be available to avoid any troubles22:17
BUGabundodon't do it22:18
VolkodavI thoight so too22:18
AmaranthBUGabundo: compiz doesn't depend on ubuntu-desktop22:50
BUGabundodon't tell me that22:51
BUGabundoaptitude says other wise :)22:51
Amaranthaptitude is lying22:51
BUGabundoupgrading one is uninstaling the other :(22:51
ldunnSo, I just installed Natty, all seemed good, then I installed fglrx. Now it hangs when I log in. Wireless still connects, but apart from that nothing seems to be happening23:20
coz_ldunn,    opean a terminal and try    gnome-wm  --replace & disown23:21
ldunnwell, ... hm, I wonder if Alt+F2 still works.23:22
coz_I dont think so23:22
ldunn(Virtual terminals don't seem to work once I log in)23:22
ldunnOh dear. :|23:22
coz_ldunn,  you can in stall gmrun in its place23:22
ldunnHm, well I just noticed I can start GNOME instead of Unity at the login screen, so that works for now I guess23:27
coz_yes you can get classic gnome at login23:27
coz_ldunn,  the  gnome-wm --replace didnt work?23:28
ldunncoz_: I didn't bother trying, but I doubt it would have worked once I tried to start Unity23:28
ldunnWell, if i could run it it probably would have. But I can't.23:28
coz_ldunn,  actually I have to use  that command every time i enable  twinview with nvidia  while unity is running23:29
coz_ldunn,  it restarts a new instance of nux23:29
coz_ldunn,  although I dont think "instance" is the correct terminology for this23:32
* ldunn shrugs23:33
coz_ldunn,  i do know that it is nux being cranky23:33
coz_ldunn,   the only part of your issue I am unsure of is the "fglrx"   I know too little about ati in general and even less  about its working capabilities on natty /unity23:37
ldunnmmm. Meh, GNOME is fine for now23:38
coz_ldunn,  :)23:38

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