
yangsterI'm trying to install on a beagleboard-xm, how long does the install normally take?00:04
yangsterseems to be working, i got the "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel." on the serial console00:05
yangsterI guess it's undergoing the install process right now00:06
yangsterand I have one of the LEDs blinking00:06
yangsterbut its been going at it for awhile now00:06
yangsterjust curious if it is working normally00:07
rsalvetiyangster: normally it takes around 10 minutes00:11
yangsterhmm...okay it has been way longer than that00:11
rsalvetithe process boots the first time to resize the sd card, then reboots again to show the oem-config at the hdmi output, so you can continue the setup00:11
rsalvetiif it's just one led blinking it means that's just the heartbeat00:12
rsalvetithe other is the mmc usage, and if it's not blinking than it's probably stopped somehow00:12
rsalvetiyangster: did you follow the instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall?00:13
yangsterill try the alternative method now i guess00:13
rsalvetido you have a monitor connected at the hdmi output?00:13
rsalvetidid you get at least something at your monitor?00:13
rsalvetiyangster: what is your beagle revision?00:13
rsalvetiyangster: probably needs the a3 fix00:15
rsalvetiyangster: try doing what's described for beagle xm a3 at the wiki page00:15
yangsterokay ill give that a go00:16
yangsterrsalveti thanks for the help ealier, I got everything running06:34
yangsterthough it seems very slow06:37
yangsterso i thought i would change to xfce4 but when i do the apt-get it says it can locate the package?06:43
tubacan somebody help me with fb driver developement?11:29
hrwtuba: #elinux maybe11:34
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