=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere | ||
kaushal | hi | 06:25 |
kaushal | Any event going on ? | 06:26 |
pleia2 | kaushal: not right now, the next one is on Wednesday, check out http://is.gd/8rtIi for the schedule | 06:30 |
kaushal | pleia2: so do i need to be online here ? | 06:37 |
kaushal | I am here for the first time | 06:37 |
kaushal | How do i make use of it | 06:38 |
pleia2 | kaushal: yes, the instructor will give the session in this channel | 06:38 |
pleia2 | kaushal: you'll also want to join #ubuntu-classroom-chat so you can ask questions and talk with other attendees | 06:39 |
kaushal | pleia2: ok | 06:39 |
kaushal | pleia2: 5pm UK time ? | 06:39 |
pleia2 | kaushal: yes | 06:40 |
kaushal | ok | 06:41 |
kaushal | pleia2: Thanks | 06:41 |
pleia2 | sure :) | 06:41 |
kaushal | I am from India | 06:41 |
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe | ||
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe | ||
=== emil is now known as Guest13973 | ||
=== croppa is now known as croppa_ | ||
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy | ||
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere | ||
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk | ||
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!