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liam | is there an ubuntu ec2 ami image with only 10gb hdd ebs that anyone can link? | 05:13 |
rsvp | liam, check http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami | 06:21 |
asac | smoser: please let me know when there are new AMIs out after kernel landing for the high memory instances? | 09:34 |
asac | thx!! | 09:34 |
flaccid | asac: you have problem with current AMIs? | 10:28 |
asac | flaccid: yes ... kernel bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/651370 | 10:29 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 651370 in linux "ec2 kernel crash invalid opcode 0000 [#1]" [Medium,Fix committed] | 10:29 |
asac | for high memory instances | 10:29 |
flaccid | ah that one | 10:30 |
* asac would love to see a verification AMI being made for this bug ;) | 10:30 | |
flaccid | smoser is most likely on the case | 10:31 |
asac | yeah ... talked about that with him | 10:31 |
asac | eventually it will go to -updates ... and then new AMIs to be made | 10:31 |
asac | i hope the proposed doesnt take much longer though :/ | 10:32 |
asac | hmm ... i wonder if i need to tweak some sys/proc stuff to get _more_ file caching on high memory | 10:49 |
asac | IO is slow so i would like the full build tree to live in mem | 10:49 |
asac | btw, are there other cloud services with better IO that are nicely integrated with ubuntu? | 10:50 |
asac | i found storm and gogrid, but those seem to be not really well API/tools wise | 10:50 |
flaccid | rackspace is available | 10:51 |
asac | but rackspace doesnt really have better IO, right? | 10:57 |
flaccid | test it out i guess | 10:59 |
asac | http://blog.cloudharmony.com/2010/06/disk-io-benchmarking-in-cloud.html | 11:01 |
asac | yeah ... | 11:01 |
asac | i guess i will wait for high mem and put whole build on tmpfs ;) | 11:01 |
Evet | i want whole server to make a single cloud node | 12:14 |
Evet | do i still need host os, guest os seperation? | 12:14 |
kim0 | Evet: The only supported configuration is 2 machines at least for a cloud, although some people have made it work on a single machine (sort of) | 12:44 |
Evet | kim0: i have multiple servers | 12:44 |
Evet | want to build one node per physical server | 12:45 |
kim0 | Evet: the way it works is to have one cloud controller node (CLC) .. and all other boxes become Node Controllers (NCs) .. would that work for you ? | 12:47 |
Evet | kim0: yes | 12:48 |
kim0 | Evet: great .. that's the standard setup :) | 12:48 |
kim0 | Evet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall | 12:49 |
Evet | kim0: so can create 4gb ram node on a 4gb box? | 12:49 |
kim0 | Evet: 4G VM on 4G physical box .. yeah should be ok I guess (3.5G or so would surely work) otherwise your bare-metal installation would be close to running out of ram | 12:50 |
Evet | hmm, max is 3.5 | 12:55 |
kim0 | Evet: I'm not saying that .. I'm just guessing .. feel free to try it | 13:10 |
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smoser | asac, i'm really hoping that as soon as that kernel is through we'll get updated amis. | 14:11 |
smoser | asac, remember, you'll get better IO to instance store disk than EBS. | 14:12 |
smoser | also people play with raiding EBS volumes, which , depending on report can increase performance. | 14:12 |
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Evet | is there an automatic solution to make slave nodes access public internet through cloud controller master? | 17:11 |
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kim0 | Hi folks .. Can two UEC installations talk to each other ? Check out this question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1644440 | 18:36 |
kiall | kim0, I dont believe that is possible .. And I don't believe it should be supported either :) .. What your probably looking for, is 1 cloud with a HA CLC+Walrus ... | 18:41 |
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