
czajkowskiebel: davisc ping15:47
czajkowskiTranslate Ubuntu into your language  - what would that translate into Iris ?15:47
ebelahoy ahoy15:48
ebel"Ubuntu as Gaeilge" ? :P15:48
ebelI'm not 100% sure myself, I'll ask15:48
slashtomAistrigh Ubuntu isteach i do theanga?15:48
ebelslashtom: google translate? :P It's pretty poor for irish...15:49
czajkowskiwell do theanga would be right15:49
czajkowskii do theanga15:49
ebelyep that's right15:50
slashtomebel: i admit, i'm only just learning irish :P15:50
czajkowskiit's the translate bit I'm struggling wiht15:50
czajkowskislashtom: well done15:50
slashtomthanks :)15:50
* ebel asks on #gaeilge on QuakeNet15:51
ebelLeftmost might be able to help aswell15:51
czajkowskihe's not really active in here :(15:51
czajkowskiit's not a biggie15:51
czajkowskijust trying to verify something15:51
LeftmostAistrigh Ubuntu go dtí do theanga15:56
LeftmostThat's how I'd put it.15:56
czajkowskiLeftmost: thanks15:57
czajkowskiLeftmost: how are you keeping long time no see15:57
LeftmostI've been indisposed for a fair while, but I'm doing well, thanks.15:58
czajkowskigood to hear15:58
czajkowskinot too bad moved to uk and in a new job, every week is a new week/new project/new client to me16:00
Leftmost Oh my. Sounds a bit chaotic.16:00
czajkowskijust a bit16:01
czajkowskibut rather interestin as well16:01
LeftmostFair enough.16:02
LeftmostI've been hoping to get started on some lexicographical software. That's my interesting project, but who knows how feasible it is.16:02
czajkowskiwork or college?16:02
czajkowskiwork or college16:03
czajkowskiaren't you still in college?16:03
LeftmostYeah. Not this semester, though, due to the circumstances that have kept me indisposed.16:04
czajkowskiah ok16:07
tdr112infoturtle: are you still coming up tomorrow19:53
infoturtletdr112: sure am, ill be up by 620:26
czajkowskiplease take photos! :D20:29
infoturtlewill do ^-^20:29
infoturtletdr112: what time is the official start time of the quiz? hugh will be rushing after a test20:31
infoturtlei know it says 7 but i figure there will be some time before it starts20:32

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