BUGabundo | Merry Xtmas everyone <3 http://goo.gl/SzUUv | 00:38 |
chrisccoulson | Lol | 00:39 |
chrisccoulson | b'ah humbug | 00:40 |
chrisccoulson | it's not christmas for another 12 days ;) | 00:40 |
fta | do we have the flash that has h/w acceleration on nvidia? or not yet? | 01:02 |
Dimmuxx | beta 10.2 have it | 01:22 |
Dimmuxx | 32bit only though | 01:23 |
fta | Dimmuxx, i meant, "do we have" as in "does natty have"? | 01:58 |
Dimmuxx | ah | 01:59 |
Dimmuxx | if https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree is correct then it's still 10.1 | 02:00 |
fta | yep :( | 02:00 |
Dimmuxx | probably good since noone knows when adobe will release final | 02:02 |
Dimmuxx | fta: do you know if/when chromium will get vdpau support for <video>? | 02:03 |
fta | hm, ffmpeg is supposed to support that already | 02:12 |
Dimmuxx | it does | 02:13 |
Dimmuxx | hmm, I haven't tried html5 in chromium since I installed my nvidia card so it might already be there | 02:13 |
micahg | I thought the flash acceleration was only on windows still | 02:14 |
Dimmuxx | the old one in 10.1 is windows and osx but the new one in 10.2 is for linux too | 02:15 |
micahg | ah, nicew | 02:17 |
Dimmuxx | no vdpau in chromium yet though | 02:17 |
fta | i guess i just need libvdpau-dev in build-deps | 02:19 |
fta | but that won't work for hardy..karmic | 02:19 |
fta | hm | 02:19 |
micahg | control.in? | 02:20 |
Dimmuxx | oh so you just need to rebuild it for vdpau? | 02:20 |
fta | Dimmuxx, ffmpeg has it enabled by default in configure, but without the headers, it's silently disabled | 02:20 |
fta | micahg, i'd hate to have to do that | 02:21 |
fta | maybe a backport of that lib in the ppas | 02:21 |
fta | if it works | 02:21 |
Dimmuxx | nice, time to build chromium then | 02:21 |
fta | Dimmuxx, no need, it's in a dedicated package | 02:21 |
Dimmuxx | ? | 02:22 |
fta | chromium-codecs-ffmpeg. | 02:22 |
Dimmuxx | ah yeah forgot about that | 02:23 |
fta | the thing is i can't test on hardy... | 02:25 |
fta | i should drop that soon anyway | 02:26 |
micahg | fta: you could backport libvdpau-dev to karmic, but not hardy | 02:27 |
fta | when is karmic eol? | 02:28 |
fta | !info karmic | 02:28 |
micahg | same time as hardy, April 2011 | 02:28 |
ubot2 | fta: Package karmic does not exist in natty | 02:28 |
fta | !karmic | 02:28 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910 | 02:28 |
fta | pff | 02:28 |
Dimmuxx | hmm, any pointers on how to build it? I downloaded the source package | 02:35 |
fta | like any other package | 02:38 |
Dimmuxx | no autogen.sh or configure or anything in it as far as I can see | 02:40 |
Dimmuxx | Is chromium in pre lucid anyway? | 02:45 |
micahg | Dimmuxx: not in the archive, only is the PPAs | 02:46 |
Dimmuxx | but couldn't the ffmpeg package be built with vdpau in the archives then or are they just moved there from the ppas? | 02:47 |
fta | everything is possible, but i don't experiment with the archives builds, i play in PPAs, let it boil there for a while | 02:50 |
fta | just had a look at the ppa stats, it looks like a complete garbage | 02:51 |
Dimmuxx | fta: since you probably already have everything set up, It would be nice if you could build me a amd64 of chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra for maverick so I can test it ;) | 02:51 |
fta | Dimmuxx, https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/sandbox/+packages | 03:11 |
Dimmuxx | fta: nice, thanks! | 03:13 |
Dimmuxx | it uses less cpu at least but still pretty much | 03:30 |
fta | you need to use the accelerated hardware of chromium (in case you disabled it) | 03:35 |
fta | (i did) | 03:36 |
Dimmuxx | I'm on 8 so I had to enable it | 03:38 |
Dimmuxx | and now the cpu usage looks better | 03:38 |
fta | for me, it breaks google maps | 03:40 |
Dimmuxx | colors seems wrong | 03:42 |
Dimmuxx | like it's 15-240 instead of 0-255 | 03:42 |
fta | where? | 03:42 |
Dimmuxx | http://vimeo.com/16044370 | 03:42 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: apparently the seamonkey release tags since 2.0.8 are missing :( | 04:28 |
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0b7 in Natty (and Firefox Beta PPA 9.10-10.10 http://is.gd/f6TM4) | Seamonkey 2.0.11 in http://is.gd/dsudW needs testing | Firefox 3.6.13 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.7 in Lucid-Natty and Stable PPA | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1 | ||
dpm | hi fta, good morning. I saw this on the launchpad-translators mailing list. I'm not sure if you're subscribed to receive e-mail from there, so I'm mentioning it just in casse you haven't seen it yet: | 10:19 |
dpm | https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-translators/msg00243.html | 10:19 |
fta2 | dpm, hi, could we allow the es_419 files? | 11:52 |
fta2 | dpm, also, i'm wondering why we have so many "changed" strings.. like thousands already. are the upstream (paid) translations really that bad?? | 11:54 |
Dimmuxx | Nice, I've got flash vdpau working on my 64bit system. 8-10% cpu usage instead of 90-110% | 12:11 |
dpm | fta, re: the changed strings, it might be that the upstream translations are indeed not correct. Sometimes they might not follow the terminology for the language, so while not incorrect per se, some things need to be changed to be consistent. In the case of Catalan we're discussing right now what to do, but we've already seen a couple of strings within the translation that use inconsistent terminology. | 12:46 |
dpm | fta2, ^ | 12:46 |
dpm | fta2, re: es_419, I'm not too sure. In Ubuntu (and most OSS projects) we've got one single Spanish team that takes care of all Spanish translations, regardless of the country variants. For some languages, when the variations are big enough (or the translation community behind it is strong), we do allow _CC variants (e.g. pt_BR), but _419 is not even a country code | 12:49 |
dpm | fta2, btw, I pinged you on your other nick earlier on this morning. Did you see the question regarding the handling of \n in strings? | 12:50 |
fta2 | dpm, no, i didn't (i'm at work) | 12:57 |
fta2 | but i will, later today | 12:58 |
dpm | ok, no worries, I wasn't sure how you were using the nicks | 13:01 |
fta2 | dpm, fta2 is always from work | 13:02 |
fta2 | that's why i'm not very responsive | 13:03 |
dpm | ok no worries | 13:03 |
fta2 | dpm, https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/translations/+lang/es notice how the chromium-strings turned green now that it landed upstream | 13:56 |
dpm | fta2, awesome, let me have a look. Btw, whereabouts are they committed in the trunk tree? I tried to have a quick look when you said the first changes had been landed, but I could not find them | 13:58 |
fta2 | dpm, i had some issue with my exports (lp imports), a 'bzr add' missing in a shell script, but they were in trunk and in the deb when i told you so | 13:59 |
fta2 | i fixed that early this morning | 14:00 |
fta2 | very early | 14:00 |
dpm | fta2, ok :). Do you know the location in trunk where they are committed? | 14:00 |
fta2 | dpm, sure: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/chrome/third_party/launchpad_translations/ | 14:01 |
dpm | fta2, ah, great, that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks! | 14:01 |
fta2 | or http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/chrome/third_party/launchpad_translations/ | 14:03 |
fta2 | i hate viewvc | 14:04 |
dpm | I'm not very fond of it either :) | 14:05 |
fta2 | dpm, if you look closely at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translations/trunk/converter-output.html, you'll notice i use third_party/launchpad_translations for new files, and the regular location for improved files | 14:08 |
fta2 | (in the diffstat) | 14:08 |
dpm | looking... | 14:14 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys | 14:18 |
dpm | fta2, btw, the stable Ubuntu packages have got a chromium-browser-l10n additional package, and I noticed the PPA does not have it. I'm guessing in the PPA the translations are being shipped directly in the chromium-browser package, but why this difference? | 14:19 |
fta2 | dpm, the ppa has it too, it's the same packaging everywhere | 14:19 |
dpm | fta2, ah, then I must have missed it. Sorry for the noise | 14:20 |
fta2 | np | 14:20 |
fta2 | dpm, but the real question is, should it stay a Suggests or become a Recommends or even a Depends | 14:21 |
fta2 | or simply be merged into the main deb like upstream | 14:21 |
dpm | fta2, yeah, someone asked me on the weekend why his Chromium was in English, and it turned out he hadn't installed the -l10n package | 14:21 |
fta2 | dpm, initially, i did it that way to 1/ make the main deb smaller (as most users don't need those translations) and 2/ to build it only once (arch all) | 14:23 |
fta2 | dpm, but now, the main deb is so big, i'm not sure it still matters | 14:23 |
dpm | right | 14:24 |
fta2 | 16M vs 1.2M | 14:24 |
dpm | oh | 14:24 |
fta2 | +0.5M for inspector | 14:24 |
dpm | I think it might make sense to put the translations there then, otherwise people get confused when they are missing. I think even keeping it as it is and changing it to Recommends or Depends would be a big improvement, and people who care about the extra 1.2 MB might have the option of unistalling it (depending on how you end up implementing it) | 14:26 |
fta2 | i for one don't auto install Recommends | 14:27 |
fta2 | but i'm probably out of the scope | 14:27 |
dpm | is it not default now in Ubuntu? | 14:27 |
fta | dpm, hey, read it. 1/ no, i'm not a subscriber of that list (btw, did my email make sense? ie, not too technical?) 2/ it's expected, upstream has both real \n and \ + n, so to achieve the full bijection, i had to respect that | 15:41 |
fta | ..Reading the other thread now.. | 15:46 |
dpm | fta, the e-mail was great. The link on the error output with the search URL to pinpoint strings with errors is a really nice touch :) | 15:52 |
fta | dpm, if you can, please remove the "fta2" from your blog entry, also, i'm always in #chromium, which seems more appropriate, name wise | 16:33 |
dpm | fta, done | 16:36 |
fta | thx | 16:36 |
fta | chrisccoulson, hm, bug 689687 | 17:03 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 689687 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Warnings in desktop file (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/689687 | 17:03 |
chrisccoulson | fta - i wonder if it needs adding to shared-mime-info? | 17:04 |
chrisccoulson | i see that too btw | 17:04 |
fta | dpm, can you please bounce me the email about \n, i can't find a a way to get it from lp, it's not a real mailing list archive | 17:06 |
fta | chrisccoulson, i'm not sure what i should answer for this bug | 17:08 |
chrisccoulson | fta - i commented already | 17:10 |
chrisccoulson | i don't know where to reassign it though ;) | 17:11 |
chrisccoulson | i guess someone will investigate it at some point, but i don't really have time to atm | 17:11 |
fta | chrisccoulson, desktop-file-utils maybe? | 17:12 |
chrisccoulson | fta - possibly, i'm not sure though | 17:12 |
fta | chrisccoulson, they will bounce it someplace else if it's not right ;) | 17:13 |
BUGabundo | o/ | 19:52 |
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_fewd | ||
micahg | chrisccoulson: do you have the release tag for seamonkey in natty locally? | 21:15 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - yeah ;) | 21:15 |
chrisccoulson | just pushed it though | 21:15 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: ok, thanks, I'll push the arm fix to natty tonight then | 21:16 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: so, we discussed dropping gnome-shell from natty in -desktop last week, do you think we should do this now? It seems that the gnome3 infrastructure will only be in the PPA for natty and then end up in natty+1 | 21:17 |
chrisccoulson | yes, we should drop it, it's in pretty bad shape | 21:17 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k, I'll file the bug later and subscribe the -desktop team so they are away? | 21:18 |
micahg | *aware | 21:18 |
chrisccoulson | thanks | 21:18 |
=== BUGa_fewd is now known as BUGabundo |
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