akgraner | pleia2, sorry I was offline most of the weekend but I'll be working on UWN this afternoon and tonight - if anyone has time - also just email me and let me know schedules and I'll figure out how I can make it work this week | 15:19 |
alourie | akgraner: hi Amber | 19:13 |
akgraner | alourie, Hey! Oh, how late will you be online today? | 19:16 |
alourie | akgraner: for couple of hours now, and then all day tomorrow (my time that is :-) ) | 19:17 |
akgraner | awesome! Just under a deadline atm - should have more time tomorrow :-) | 19:22 |
alourie | akgraner: do you need help with anything? today? tomorrow? | 19:23 |
alourie | tomorrow would be better... | 19:23 |
akgraner | tomorrow definitely :-) | 19:27 |
alourie | ok then | 19:29 |
pleia2 | nhandler, akgraner: aside from openid log in problems, is there anything else to review on the canonical ubuntu news site? where do we go from here? | 20:01 |
akgraner | I don't think so.. | 20:04 |
pleia2 | it all seemed to be working ok for me | 20:05 |
akgraner | pleia2, I'll email Charlie et al - and let them know to import the articles we have added since they did their last pull and that we can stand up fridge.ubuntu.com :-) | 20:05 |
pleia2 | \o/ | 20:05 |
pleia2 | thanks akgraner :) | 20:05 |
akgraner | not sure how long that will take them - but as soon as I hear back from them - I'll let you know :-) | 20:06 |
pleia2 | great | 20:06 |
akgraner | pleia2, nhandler thanks for looking at the test site and seeing if you could find any issues... | 20:06 |
pleia2 | I just remembered I wanted to do a photo upload test.. /me does now | 20:08 |
pleia2 | yep, works, all good :) | 20:10 |
nhandler | pleia2, akgraner: We should look through the other settings and make sure that they all match up. i.e. I had to remove the akgraner donation box from the test site. | 22:17 |
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