
dholbachgood morning!07:37
dholbachhighvoltage, are we done with schooltool now? just waiting for archive admins?11:14
highvoltagedholbach: the zope packages, yes. I think there is 1 or two schooltool packages itself that are still pending, should I look at them and upload as well?13:55
highvoltagedholbach: but yes, they're in NEW and awaiting archive admin work13:55
dholbachhighvoltage, if you let me know which ones are missing I can take a look at them too13:57
highvoltagedholbach: I stand corrected, quadrispro uploaded schooltool-common, I believe everything that's for natty in that PPA is now uploaded14:27
dholbachlet's see what the archive admins say then :)14:34
highvoltagethey'll no doubt pick up something that I missed, but I'll just tab it down as learning experience and I'll learn for new things to look out for in the future14:35
dholbachI'm looking forward to getting it in for natty14:37
highvoltageyep! been a long time since it's been in ubuntu14:37
highvoltagedholbach: Is there any archive admin I should poke? I suppose you did talk to them about the schooltool packages before since they are clearly an exception to the standard process (no needs-packaging bug, etc)15:34
dholbachno, I just waited until somebody got to reviewing thenm15:36
highvoltagedholbach: ok15:39
dholbachbut if you have your favourite archive admin, feel free to ping them :)15:39
highvoltageczajkowski: sorry15:47
czajkowskisorry wrong channel and lag15:48
highvoltageah ok :)15:48

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