
=== ryan_ is now known as a2enmod
a2enmodsvn question.. I managed to setup svn on a seperate machine than I am on, have got a repository called mysite and from netbeans I managed to commit for the first time but I cannot seem to find the actual files on the machine that I commit to00:21
a2enmodwhere are the files stored?00:21
* UndiFineD makes some rooster noises06:17
MooDoohello all07:38
=== MartijnV1S is now known as MartijnVdS
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
Apacheukmorning all o/08:38
Apacheukor is it too early?08:39
diploit's normally quiet this early, morning08:39
ApacheukI just downloaded the natty alpha so I can test it on a spare laptop I have, when I try and burn it to disk its reporting its too large (716.6mb) for burning08:43
diployeah it's to big for a CD08:45
diploI take it that's why there is so much work slimming down other apps08:45
Apacheukok, I think I got a dvd disk round here somewhere08:45
diplousb pen ?08:46
diplojono bacon did a tutorial on his site08:46
Apacheukits way too early for tutorials :)08:47
daubersApacheuk: It does say that in the release notes08:51
Apacheukyeah, I can see that...... now that I've read them :)08:52
bigcalmMorning peeps09:06
exobuzzim not sure. after boozing till 5am its wise to be awake during the hangover09:14
exobuzzmy current feeling is that i've made a mistake.. starting around 9pm last night09:15
gordhuh,  itv and 4 on demand are coming to the playstation 3, thats kinda interesting09:24
AlanBellmorning all09:36
bigcalmI don't want to do work today. Just want to continue coding my clock/alarm app for the Joggler09:36
bigcalmHi AlanBell09:36
JamesTaitHappy Monday!09:36
screen-xmorning all :)09:39
screen-xwhat are those revo-like viglen boxes called?09:40
* screen-x finds tonywhitmore's mpc-l blog post :)09:40
bigcalmscreen-x: what do you want to do with one?09:41
bigcalmThey are horribly under powered09:41
screen-xMy boss is after a print + backup server that's cheaper than a revo.09:41
bigcalmI guess it'll do that09:41
bigcalmI'm just a little bitter as I bought one to be a web dev server. Not long after I bought a Revo09:42
bigcalmThe MPC-L isn't great at number crunching, but should cope with being a print server and do backups slowly09:42
screen-xbigcalm: at the moment he backs up over wifi to a machine with usb connected disks, so speed may not be a big issue.09:44
screen-xwifi however might be..09:44
bigcalmYes, no internal wifi09:44
bigcalmUSB wifi is cheap though09:44
bigcalmPersonally I'd plug it into a router though09:44
bigcalmAlso, ditch the print server, get a network printer :)09:45
kazademorning all09:46
bigcalmHi kazade09:46
Apacheukplaying around with natty this morning, I like the idea of "unity" but I miss my applications menu09:47
MartijnVdSIve disabled unity09:49
kazadeI'm trying to like unity..09:49
kazadeThe more I use/learn about it, the less I like it09:49
bigcalmIt's very irritating on my netbook09:50
kazadeI got rid of indicator-appmenu the moment I installed it..09:51
kazadeI hate global menus :)09:51
Apacheukadding new apps is not intuitive IMHO, I had to got the wiki in order to figure it out09:55
Apacheukmaybe thats just me09:55
MartijnVdSyeah but it's DESIGNED for USABILITY09:55
MartijnVdSso it MUST be good!09:55
kazadeApacheuk, I haven't figured that out yet!09:55
kazadeMartijnVdS, I'm not totally convinced it is..09:56
kazadeI think it's designed around decisions that Mark is making (e.g. window controls), rather than a clean-slate and usability studies09:56
MartijnVdSsomeone buy Mark a mac please 8-)09:57
kazadeI mean, I notice now that the window controls interfere with dock autohide atm and when the controls move into the panel (on a desktop? wtf?) they will be right next to the Ubuntu button09:57
Apacheukoh no a spider just crawled into my printer10:02
ApacheukI tried to squish it before it made it in, but missed10:02
kazadequick, print something :)10:02
Apacheukprinting now10:04
Apacheukno traces of bits of spider10:04
kazadejeez, our server farm want us out by Jan 1st or they want another year contract ... we're mid-way through moving to AWS :/10:43
kazadeso now I have 2 weeks to move all our services to Amazon - no pressure!10:44
bigcalmWhere has the year gone?10:45
* czajkowski stabs sharepoint10:45
evilchristelczajkowski! hows bath?10:46
* MooDoo prods czajkowski, as she don't like hugs10:46
evilchristelshe loves hugs!10:46
czajkowskievilchristel: soo pretty10:46
evilchristel(maybe just with me tho)10:47
evilchristelit is pretty isnt it10:47
evilchristeldo you go straight from there to ireland ? :)10:47
czajkowskiyes next saturday10:47
evilchristellooking forward to it?10:47
czajkowskiaye should be nice10:48
czajkowski2 weeks over there10:48
czajkowskiback on the 31st and not back at wwork till the 4th10:48
screen-xkazade: late comment, but do you use puppet or something like that?10:51
directhexbigcalm: you probably want to change that10:52
bigcalmdirecthex: I would if it were of any importance10:52
bigcalmdirecthex: Copy/pasted from pwgen. Needed something random for a client's WP site10:53
popeymorning all10:55
bigcalmHi popey10:56
MooDoomorning alan10:56
bigcalmpopey: working on a JS alarm clock. Once I figure out how to disable the screensaver, I think it'll become quite useable10:56
kazadescreen-x, puppet?10:56
screen-x!info puppet10:57
lubotu3puppet (source: puppet): Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 204 kB, installed size 364 kB10:57
davmor2morning all10:58
* davmor2 hugs czajkowski get the week off to a nice start10:58
MooDoodavmor2: pah! looser :p10:59
screen-xdavmor2: don't listen to him, your reformation is going well.10:59
MooDooscreen-x: at this rate i'll be chief of the czajkowski poking club lol11:00
kazadescreen-x, probably overkill for us, although thanks for the link11:00
davmor2screen-x: why it goes downhill from here and czajkowski knows it :D11:00
X3NI've explained how this new mail system is going to work to one person, now they send out an email to everyone on how it's going to work but got it wrong, now I have to scoop up the mess11:13
X3Nwell, they didn't get it wrong, which is half the problem they were really vauge and confusing11:14
bigcalmStatus of a friend makes me glad not to be a lady: Why is it that every time I wax my brows and stache I end up looking like a domestic violence victim?11:15
MartijnVdSnext time, shave 8-)11:17
* dutchie wonders why offlineimap keeps failing assertions11:23
dutchieseems to be http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=396443 :(11:25
bigcalmCan you do a string replace in mysql?11:25
dutchiewhich should have been fixed11:26
dutchiebigcalm: UPDATE, no?11:26
bigcalmdutchie: That's how to update a record, yes. But not how to replace a substring within a field11:27
dutchiei think you'd have to use substatements or something11:28
bigcalmGot it11:28
bigcalmUPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE(wp_options, 'from', 'to');11:28
bigcalmOops, 2nd instance of wp_options should be option_value11:30
popeydutchie: i used to have issues with offlineimap11:31
dutchiepopey: what sort of issues?11:33
popeyit crashed11:33
popeydoesnt anymore11:33
popeyit used to not like being inside screen and window resizes11:33
Davieypopey: irssi used to crash with me doing that sometimes...11:34
Daviey... if i resized too fast11:34
popeysame here11:34
dwatkinswow, I've never seen irssi crash11:34
dutchieit seems to be particular messages that crash it here, not screen resizing11:34
dutchiejust like that debian bug from 200611:35
popeyuse upstream offlineimap?11:35
popeyI've done that before11:35
dwatkinsI manage an IRC infobot which crashes if you say 'exchange' at the beginning of a line (no, I'm not even kidding) :)11:35
Davieydwatkins: surely not just that string?11:36
dwatkinsDaviey: yes, I commented-out the offending lines in the perl source11:37
MartijnVdSit's appropriate though ;)11:37
* popey anticipates kaushal to arrive imminently11:41
screen-x\\o    _o/   _o_   \o_   o//  last.fm is on a roll this morning.11:43
dwatkinsDaviey:        and ( $message =~ /^\s*(?:ex)?cha_NO_DO_NOT_RUN_YOU_MUPPET_nge\s+/i or $m11:44
dwatkinsessage =~ /^\s*currenc(?:ies|y) for\s/i )){11:44
dutchie*sigh* offlineimap from git has the same problem11:49
dwatkinsDaviey: my modifications, of course11:49
* dutchie starts a thread on the ML11:49
=== denny_ is now known as denny
Laneymmm ML11:56
bigcalm[mob]Bored, wish I had brought my netbook12:02
MartijnVdSscreen-x: what are you listening to on lastfm?12:10
screen-x"my mix"12:10
bigcalm[mob]I forogt how quiet it got in here at luncy12:12
screen-xMartijnVdS: including Gorillaz, Morcheeba, The Prodigy, Röyksopp and Logistics12:14
MartijnVdSscreen-x: add some Lemongrass :)12:14
bigcalm[mob]Lemon Jelly12:17
MartijnVdSpopey: Woof12:21
screen-xfeeding time at the #uk-zoo?12:22
MartijnVdSTime for some more tea!12:29
davmor2popey: OMO! back, from the dyslexic cow12:38
MartijnVdSdavmor2: http://www.omo.com/ ?12:38
davmor2MartijnVdS: ha that's areil over here I think :)12:39
MartijnVdSdavmor2: we have that as well :)12:39
MartijnVdS(also, that's P&G, OMO is Unilever :))12:40
davmor2MartijnVdS: Oh are might be daz then12:41
MartijnVdSdavmor2: that's also P&G :)12:41
MartijnVdSdavmor2: the logo matches Persil, but not the one we have over here :)12:42
MartijnVdSdavmor2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omo_(detergent)12:43
davmor2MartijnVdS: ah it's surf12:44
MartijnVdSI'm always amazed at the number of brands those companies (Unilever, P&G) sell12:45
davmor2MartijnVdS: Yeah there is a lot of it over here,  we have PCworld, Currys Dixons.  All of the are part of dixons stores group, along with some other interests,  comet, do it all, and the now defunct woolworths were part of the kingfisher group along with a lod of others, Focus, wickes are owned by focus and they bough do it all etc etc etc12:49
MezExcuse me for a moment.13:07
* Mez does a happy dance round the room13:07
* Mez calms down13:07
MooDooMez: crazy fool lol :)13:07
MezMooDoo: I'm in a good mood 0- passed my driving test this morning.13:07
MooDooMez: well done :D13:08
MooDooyay o/13:08
daubersMez: *\o/*13:11
diploFirst try Mez ?13:12
Azelphurdo any UK providers carry the G2/HTC Desire Z yet?13:16
dwatkinshttp://g2.t-mobile.com/, Azelphur?13:22
dwatkinsI like that it has a keyboard.13:22
dwatkinsI'm tempted to get a bluetooth keyboard for my phone.13:22
Azelphurdwatkins: american xD13:22
dwatkinsoops, sorry Azelphur13:25
screen-xMez: Yay!13:26
Azelphurdwatkins: apparently our T-Mobile only has the "G2 Touch" -.-13:27
dwatkinsAzelphur: I see; I didn't realise T-Mobile existed outside the UK13:30
Pendulumdwatkins: they're crap in the US, but they do exist. And somehow I thought they were a German brand originally13:31
Pendulum(wikipedia is agreeing with me)13:31
MartijnVdSthey're one of three networks in NL as well13:32
MartijnVdSY^HVodafone too13:32
MartijnVdSWhen using it, talk like this you must hm?13:33
popeyhttp://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/newsevents/newsevents-pressreleases/newsevents-pressreleases-item.htm?id=159296 eek14:08
MartijnVdSpopey: around the corner?14:09
TheOpenSourcererThat's where brobostigan lives I think. My Sister-in-law lives in a village a few miles away.14:10
popeyit is14:10
directhexoh, i know a couple who live round the corner14:12
directhexhah, you can report crimes to tvp via the web14:13
directhexwhatever next? "subject: fire!!!!"14:13
MartijnVdSdirecthex: nah, that'd be twitter14:14
* dutchie is reminded of the it crowd14:14
directhexdutchie: yup!14:15
MartijnVdSWe had part of a flat explode here last week (~500m from where I live)14:15
popey0118 999 881 999 119 72514:15
* popey sings to himself14:16
Azelphurbetter looking ambulance crews14:16
Azelphurfaster response times!14:16
dutchiethat sounds quite a lot worse than i imagine it was14:17
dutchielike "omg the entire country has exploded"14:17
MartijnVdSdutchie: http://www.alphenstadfm.nl/images/nieuwsitems/7602.jpg14:17
dutchiequite a hole14:18
MartijnVdSdutchie: the floor is cracked as well, so the entire column will have to be rebuilt14:18
* czajkowski stabs sharepoint14:21
kazadepopey, Did you type that number from memory? or is it only me that's sad enough to have memorized it? :)14:23
popeyOn advice of council, I decline to answer.14:23
MartijnVdSkazade: !info glipper ;)14:23
screen-x90k/s from releases.ubuntu.com :(14:26
MartijnVdStry <countrycode>.releases.ubuntu.com14:29
screen-xah yes, that would have been sensible14:30
daubersczajkowski: You echo the sentiments of the majority of the sharepoint userbase14:31
TheOpenSourcererczajkowski: Alfresco (LGPL): an alternative to Sharepoint.14:33
TheOpenSourcererOn that note - must be off. School run and swimming this afternoon. :-(14:33
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Car would be quicker14:34
popeyhello otaku_coder14:34
czajkowskibalor: re your sound issue yesterday, same happens me today on ibm thinkpad . how odd14:41
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: not our choice clients.14:41
diploSharepoint is the devils work :) Had to spend a fair bit of time on it myself14:42
davmor2czajkowski: tell your computers to stop coming out in sympathy with others faults :P14:43
balorczajkowski: Did you figure out how to fix it?  As I now know the fix.14:47
balorczajkowski: And how do you do your identi.ca to twitter bridge...I used to know this stuff when I were a lad.14:48
czajkowskibalor: nope not fixed it, kinda busy and tis work lappy14:48
czajkowskibalor: I post to identi.ca and it goes to twitter, or use gwibber and post at the same time14:48
czajkowskibalor: you off this week ?15:01
czajkowskibalor: did you resort to putting fedora on the latop15:01
balorczajkowski: I'm not off.  Just working from home.15:01
balorczajkowski: The sound issue means you have to turn the left channel up to 90% and the right channel down to 10%15:02
balorczajkowski: I think they're using a stereo mix for noise cancellation15:02
balorczajkowski: Which kinda makes sense....but....15:02
balorczajkowski: To fix it for the mother in law, I proscribed an external mic.  A much easier solution.15:03
ubuntuuk-planet[Phil Bull] Meteor shower - http://philbull.livejournal.com/57174.html15:15
czajkowskibalor: interesting, thanks15:19
=== denny- is now known as denny
daubersConsidering setting up a corporate jabber server... not sure chich server to run though15:26
MattJJabber \o/15:26
daubersMattJ: Any advice welcome :)15:26
MartijnVdSejabberd seems to be often-used15:26
MattJdaubers: I wrote Prosody, so... :)15:26
MattJI used to use ejabberd, that's the main reason I wrote Prosody :)15:27
daubersI've used ejabberd before and it was a pig15:27
MartijnVdShaha.. "I'm sick of niche language #1, so I'm writing something in niche language #2"15:27
MattJdaubers: I've heard it called worse :)15:27
daubersMattJ: Heh15:28
MattJMartijnVdS: language isn't really an issue, and I don't think many people would argue that Lua is more cryptic than erlang15:28
MattJand "niche" doesn't really affect anything15:28
MartijnVdSMattJ: true, but why not Python or C or some such15:28
MattJLanguage becomes an issue when like ejabberd, you force the config, logging and crash dumps into an inflexible erlang syntax15:29
MattJAs an example, ejabberd has ejabberdctl, and Prosody has prosodyctl - both need running as root if the server is installed system-wide15:30
MattJThis is what happened when I ran ejabberdctl without root: http://matthewwild.co.uk/uploads/ejabberd_error.txt15:30
MattJand this is what happens when you make the same mistake with prosodyctl: http://matthewwild.co.uk/uploads/prosody_error.txt15:30
MattJand Python is too heavy for a lightweight server, Lua is tiny15:31
MattJand C is nice, but development is slow and it's easy to make crasher bugs15:32
MattJLua integrates very nicely with C, which is another plus point - some Prosody routines (like base64 encoding/decoding) are written in C for efficiency15:32
MartijnVdShttp://linux.die.net/man/3/l64a ;)15:33
bigcalmEasy way of converting 3gpp to mp3?15:33
MartijnVdSbigcalm: 3gpp contains video (or can)15:34
MartijnVdSbigcalm: ffmpeg -i file.3gp file.mp315:34
popeystandard answer15:34
bigcalmMartijnVdS: audio recorded on my phone15:34
daubersMattJ: Actually prosody is quite nice to setup....15:34
bigcalmNow I sound like Waffle :(15:34
MattJdaubers: thanks - I'd be very sad if it wasn't :)15:35
MartijnVdSyou might have to specify bit rates etc.15:35
daubersMattJ: Having just done it in the last five minutes... I think ejabberd needs to go in the bin!15:35
bigcalmUnsupported codec (id=73728) for input stream #0.015:36
bigcalmI wonder if I can record something from skype15:36
andylockrananyone good on mod_proxy - need to make the proxy server invisible, so that the request comes from the client ip, rather than the proxy server - any ideas?15:48
MattJThat's like asking how to spoof someone's IP :)15:49
MattJProxies can add a header though, X-Forwarded-For15:49
andylockranok, that'll do15:49
MattJI think Apache already does this by default15:49
MattJbut the receiving app has to be aware of it (and parse it securely)15:49
MartijnVdSyeah that was a headache :)15:51
MartijnVdSWe had IP-based access15:51
MartijnVdSthen added reverse proxies (+ x-forwarded-for)15:51
MartijnVdSso then we had to add X-forwarded-for checking, but only do it if the IP was that of a valid proxy15:52
daubersWoot! Corporate jabber up and running :)15:53
MattJMartijnVdS: Did your code handle multiple X-Forwarded-For headers, and a comma separated list if IPs? :)15:53
MattJdaubers: Yay!15:53
MartijnVdSMattJ: Yes it does. Only takes the last one (added by the last proxy: the one we're talking to)15:53
MattJGood show15:53
MartijnVdSGood thing I had abstracted IP/ACL checking just a few months before, or it would have been hell :)15:54
MartijnVdSlegacy code--15:54
czajkowskidanfish: ping15:56
* bigcalm pokes html5 audio with a stick16:05
gordkeep web pages silent, thats how they should be16:05
bigcalmTrying to get a JS inserted clip to auto play16:06
* gord starts working on a html 5 blocker16:06
bigcalmIt works in FF but doesn't loop16:06
* BigRedS supports the idea of not looping16:06
bigcalmDoesn't autoplay in Chrome but does loop16:06
* czajkowski pokes gord 16:07
gordpoking gord just makes him louder and more obnoxious!16:14
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] LibreOffice: Document Foundation Steering Committee Public Phone Conference 11-Dec-2010 -- Voice Recording - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/libreoffice-document-foundation-steering-committee-public-phone-conference-11-dec-2010-voice16:15
czajkowskigord: you're quiet as a mouse16:21
gordmice can be pretty loud if you have them cornered... and the bite. its always fun when your cat brings one in the house16:26
* davmor2 randomly annoys czajkowski and runs off pulling faces16:29
* czajkowski trips davmor2 up and goes back to her documents16:30
* daubers gives the office xserver a wallop16:49
* awilkins wallops the MS Office Communications Server16:49
daubersblasted xserve's like a one legged stool, keeps falling over16:50
danfishczajkowski: pong16:51
czajkowskidanfish: got the name of that pub aain16:55
davmor2daubers: no it doesn't well not if you bed it in the grown deep enough :)16:56
* awilkins dies of boredom and goes home16:58
daubersdavmor2: Then it's more of a stepping stone, less of a stool16:59
bigcalmUploading to YouTube takes a while...17:00
danfishczajkowski: sure, it's the Northcote17:01
davmor2daubers: barstalls only have one leg17:01
bigcalmOr it might just be my phone17:01
bigcalmThe Daft Punk album for Tron 2.0 is a fun listen17:01
popeyyeah, i found it took a while too17:01
bigcalmpopey: Joggler video on its way to the interwebs. Sit right there17:02
bigcalmTaken using my Nexus One, which didn't want to focus on the display's text sadly17:02
czajkowskidanfish: thank you17:02
bigcalmBut I'm pleased with my work so far, all JS17:02
popeyyeah, my kodak zi8 was hard to focus17:03
popeyhad to hold it real close17:03
popeyso couldnt get the whole screen in the frame17:03
popeyso opted for iphone which did focus17:03
bigcalmI might do the next video in daylight and use my Lumix17:03
czajkowskiaye I do find the camera annoying on the HTC :(17:03
* bigcalm whips the phone17:03
bigcalmThe camera on the Nexus One is great :) It's the video that has let me down17:04
bigcalm1st time I've used it though...17:04
bigcalmRight it's uploaded, now to whip YouTube until it's finished processing17:06
* popey watches in HD17:08
bigcalmThat makes it look worse17:09
MartijnVdSsounds like a robot :)17:09
bigcalmI am a robot17:09
bigcalm(said in a robot voice)17:09
popeyheheh, thats funny17:09
andylockranhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-baD9_Q5Kg - if you goto 2 mins 50 :)17:10
daubersThis remote working is fantastic. Especially when you can take over a computer next to a colleague to show them why they're wrong :D17:10
MartijnVdSbigcalm: she is not a robot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_oMD6-6q5Y  8-)17:10
popeywhy is it so many people put videos on youtube with no audio?17:10
MartijnVdSpopey: copyrighted music?17:10
MartijnVdS(hence yt silencing them)?17:10
* bigcalm copyrights his voice17:10
popeyits not that17:10
popeypeople make silent videos17:11
bigcalmpopey: haha, nice comment17:11
andylockranit's retro innit :)17:11
MartijnVdSthrowback to the 1900s :)17:11
* bigcalm feels pleased for a bit17:12
bigcalmRight, best catch up on some work17:12
Ngpopey: what's wrong with silent videos if what you're conveying is visual?17:13
popeybecause often it's nice for someone to explain what's going on17:20
popeyoften it's not clear what they're showing17:20
popeyand silent films are from the past17:20
Ngpopey: suggest to youtube that if they detect a silent film they could offer to inject liberally licensed muzak ;)17:21
screen-xShould I use a 64bit kernel for a VM server with 48GB of ram? or use pae?17:22
MartijnVdS64 bit17:23
* MartijnVdS hasn't had a reason to run a 32-bit kernel for years now.. on a desktop17:23
popeygoogle latitude in ios store17:23
screen-xMartijnVdS: thanks. Having just installed 32bit (habbit) do I need to reinstall, or can I just install a package for a 64bit kernel?17:23
screen-xpopey: with background updates?17:24
MartijnVdSscreen-x: you'll need to do a reinstall17:24
MartijnVdSit's possible to upgrade 32 bits to 64, but it's a bit hacky :)17:24
MartijnVdSa big bit17:24
popeyscreen-x: ya17:24
screen-xthanks MartijnVdS, will get on it.17:25
screen-xpopey: yay, if only my 3g supported iOS "multitasking"17:25
daubersscreen-x: You mean ctrl+z and fg surely?17:27
MartijnVdSI love how android solves that17:28
MartijnVdSat least on the API level17:28
screen-x"This app is incompatible with this iphone" /o\17:28
* Flashtek grins17:28
* daubers ponders the best place to get a real christmas tree17:33
MartijnVdSlocal forest?17:33
screen-xdaubers: a forest17:33
screen-xdaubers:  !sweeden17:33
daubersscreen-x: Heh17:34
daubersThere is both a B&Q and a homebase not far away... not sure if they'd have them17:34
daubersThe horrid url http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/bq/templates/content_lookup.jsp?content=/content/knowledge/buying_guides/christmas/xmastrees_guide.jsp suggests it to be so17:35
* screen-x despises diy.com and wellbeing.com get a url that matches the name of your company17:37
screen-xI am not going to think "hmm I want to do diy, lets see if diy.com exists"17:37
daubersscreen-x: wellbeing does redirect to boots.com17:38
screen-xgood, it didn't used to.17:38
daubers(other pharmaceuitical chains may also exist)17:38
popeywell, technically lots of sites have different websites than their parent company17:38
bigcalmhttp://www.jkhp.it/OS-tan/desktops.htm # awww17:42
* daubers goes to buy a chrustmas tree17:42
Flashtekmake one out of cat517:43
AlanBelldaubers: I went hunting for my tree17:44
daubersAlanBell: Was it wiley and cunning?17:44
AlanBellit was in whitley and cunning17:45
daubersheh :)17:45
AlanBellthere was a help yourself forestry clearup of invasive pine trees17:45
AlanBellgreat fun, take a bow saw and let off some agression!17:46
AlanBellthe trees were a bit sparse this year, not as nice and bushy as the ones last year from a similar clearup at Frensham17:47
Flashtekbest thing for agression is a crow bar17:47
screen-xFlashtek: nooo someone did that to my house :(17:47
Flashtekuh oh17:47
AlanBellthe tree I hacked down last year would have cost about £100 from a garden centre17:49
MartijnVdSnice thing about living alone: no need to do any christmas decoration :)17:52
popeyhello paln _H17:58
palnpopey: How are you?17:58
popeytickety boo, you?17:59
_Hpaln: you missed an I out17:59
_Hme? popey I am getting fired17:59
paln"I out"?17:59
_Hpaln:  palin17:59
popey_H: I didn't17:59
paln_H: huh?17:59
_Hit was a joke17:59
popeyAh, humour. I've heard of that.18:00
paln_H: wotev18:00
palnpopey: ;)18:00
palnpopey: Hey, I thought of something this morning relating to my RAM...18:00
_Hpopey: I just asked mother for money18:01
_HI'm 22 and acting like a teenager18:01
palnpopey: Couldn't I just put on a Linux-Swap partition to accomodate for my useless amount of RAM during the Installation?18:01
popeypaln: no18:02
popeyand no18:02
popeymore no than yes though18:02
palnpopey: ??? Why's that?18:02
popeypaln: it will die swapping18:02
palnAhh...so it's possible, but would just take Eternity?18:03
popeyit would18:04
popeytried puppy linux?18:04
palnAnyways, I just burnt a copy of GPartEd so I can make my install partition for Xubuntu...18:04
popeyor DSL18:04
popeyI wouldn't bother with xubuntu18:05
popeyit's too hungry18:05
palnWhy not?18:05
palnHungry for what?18:05
popeyDSL or Puppy, or Crunchbang, maybe Lubuntu18:05
palnYeah, but I downloaded the alternate CD, which only requires 128MB RAM18:05
palnSo, I'm gonna go test GParted...BRB!18:06
hamitronis Lubuntu mature yet?18:06
AlanBellit has been around some time18:07
popeydefine mature18:07
AlanBellask in #lubuntu I guess18:07
popeyit's more mature than unity :)18:07
hamitronby mature, I mean old and getting to a point of perfection18:07
popeyname something that is?18:08
hamitronUbuntu is up there tbh18:08
popeythat event horizon of perfection is getting further away by the day AlanBell18:08
hamitronbut I was using MS Windows as the scale to judge perfection I'm afraid :(18:09
palnWell, tbh, Ubuntu one of the most famous Linux distros out there...18:09
palnIt would seem Unity would gain popularity through UNE more thatn it would if it was ported to Desktop Edition18:09
palnPersonally, I have Unity installed18:09
palnSo I can choose at login...18:10
palnUnity loads quicker18:10
palnMUCH quicker!18:10
hamitronnever used Unity18:10
palnyou can do: sudo apt-get install unity18:10
palnIt'll atke about 2 mins to download all the dependencies...18:11
palnpopey: Say, how much RAM does GParted-Live need?18:11
popeyno idea18:11
hamitronmore than 64Mb18:12
palnDoesn't matter...it's booted now!18:12
palnhamitron: I've got 128MB18:12
palnThe Ubuntu/WinVista lappy I'm using now has 2GB18:12
hamitronyou are hoping to run Xubuntu?18:12
palnOh, how I adore the constant improvement to the technological world!18:13
popeyah good, someone else who thinks xubuntu wont run well in 128MB18:13
* popey points paln at hamitron 18:13
hamitronit doesn't work well on 256Mb ;/18:13
hamitronI personally use LXDE18:13
* popey points paln at hamitron some more18:14
popeypaln: listen to hamitron, he's frugal with hardware ;)18:14
popey(in a good way)18:14
hamitronI was gonna ask if that was good or bad ;)18:14
palnThanks for that :)18:14
palnAlirght, GParted's done loading XWS18:15
popeyright, stuff this for a lark, I'm going home18:20
palnGParted is taking forever to recognise my partitions!18:20
palnIt still says "Searching /dev/sda partitions"...argh!!!18:21
palnOh...it's done18:21
palnWhat's the difference between MB and MiB18:22
palnand don't say "Men in Black" either!18:22
popeythere is a wikipedia page which explains it nicely18:22
popeythat one18:23
palnalrighty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MiB18:23
popeyright, really going now18:23
palncouldn't be bothered to type it in my browser...18:23
palnpopey: Why?!18:23
ormiretalso man units is a good explanation18:23
dutchie^^ silly explanation18:24
palnOh, right!18:24
palnbinary bytes are the ones divisible by 818:25
palnand metric are like, MB GB, right?18:26
lubotu3Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:26
dutchiepaln: all bytes are 8 bits on any computer you see nowadays18:33
dutchiethe difference is once you start talking about kilobytes (= 1000 bytes) and kibibytes (= 1024 (2^10) bytes)18:33
BigRedSKB = kilobyte, KiB = Kibibyte18:34
dutchiethen different people mean different things when they write kB or KB or KiB...18:34
palndutchie: I get the 8bits = 1B18:34
dutchieoh, seeing "8" confused me18:35
dutchie"powers of 2" wouldn't have18:35
palnbut is it... 1024 MiB = 1GiB; 1024GiB = 1TiB18:35
palnand then of course... 1000MB = 1GB; 1000GB = 1TB, right?18:35
dutchiethough not everyone agrees on this18:36
palnoh yeah...doubling!18:36
AlanBellthat one is a maybe18:36
palndutchie: Whaddya mean "not everyone agrees"? Why wouldn't they?18:36
* hamitron doesn't18:36
BigRedSsome people use 'MB' o be 1025 KB18:37
BigRedS*to be18:37
AlanBellwell because fundamentally it is in powers of 218:37
AlanBellso units of 102418:37
BigRedSand 102418:37
* BigRedS can't type18:37
AlanBellbut marketing people can't handle that18:37
* hamitron was scared for a second some use 1025 now18:37
palnHow are you guys putting those notifications up like "BigRedS can't type", sent by "*"18:37
palnI wanna know.18:38
AlanBellso it depends at which point the technology people hand over the counting to the marketing people18:38
BigRedSpaln: start the line wih '/me'18:38
* AlanBell tells paln to say "/me says foo"18:38
BigRedSso '/me can't type'18:38
BigRedShamitron: Well, it's a nice compromise. It's a round number closer to 1024 :)18:38
* paln is confused with all this blabber18:39
hamitronI always assume someone selling something assumes 1000Mb to 1Gb18:39
hamitronbut they are all against me18:39
palnlemme guess, they all mean GiB?18:40
hamitroncheap ass rip off mercents18:40
BigRedSpaln: Basically, it can make sense both for 1Kb to be 1000b or 1024b. It's arguably more 'correct' to use 1024, but easier to use 1000. So 'kib' _always_ means 1024b since kb normally means 1000b18:40
palnso, can i put up a not with some1 else's display name?18:41
palne.g '/hamitron blah blah blah'?18:41
BigRedSthe people that use 1000 in general wont be persuaded to use different notation to highlight the fact that the multiple is 100018:41
BigRedSpaln: no, but if you start aline with someone's name it's highlighted on their client18:41
palni kno that...18:41
palnBigRedS: duh(!)18:42
BigRedShaha, ah, fair enough18:42
palnIRC acts as if it's a personal message18:42
palnwell, with XChat anyway18:42
palnwill be bak in an hour or so!18:42
* paln is leaving for...reasons.18:42
hamitronall this tech talk got him hot and "ready" no doubt18:43
hamitronbrb, lost my coffee18:47
hamitronyeh, left it in another room18:48
hamitronfound it easy this time though18:49
hamitronearlier I took 20 mins to find it and it was cold by then :/18:49
jacobwheheh, i would have given up after about 2 minutes18:51
hamitronbbl, gonna get bacon butty to keep me going till later18:52
* hamitron gone18:52
* jacobw barfs18:55
jacobweating anything seems to be causing me a few hours of stomach pain these past few days:(18:56
AzelphurAnyone know where to get a cheap reasonably spec'd machine to install Ubuntu on?19:09
Azelphurideally looking about £20019:09
AzelphurLaptop, I should say.19:09
davmor2Azelphur: for about 300 any supermarket 200 is more your second hand market19:11
dmdrummond_Azelphur: How about a netbook?19:11
Azelphurdmdrummond_ mum doesn't want a netbook, she says they are too small19:11
Azelphurdavmor2: yea, I'm trying to get new for 200 :p19:12
Azelphurand I want dual core too :)19:12
* Azelphur is always really evil with his laptop budgets, I got my XPS Gaming laptop for £500, and netbook for £170 xD19:12
Azelphurboth grade A refurb with warranty19:12
davmor2Azelphur: http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/19:13
dmdrummond_Azelphur: care to share where?19:13
Azelphurdavmor2: looking like the business, although I know these guys have some really bad reviews19:13
Azelphurdmdrummond_ gasteiner computers in London, but I spent ages badgering19:13
AzelphurI called him every day for about 2 weeks :D19:13
dmdrummond_Azelphur: I guess it pays off19:14
davmor2Azelphur: I won't vouch for them serverdirect their sister company is great though no issues at all19:14
Azelphurdavmor2: I'm pretty sure I heard about them on the ubuntu planet as being a nightmare19:15
davmor2Azelphur: As I say no comment never used them only their server side19:16
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=== dmdrummond_ is now known as dmdrummond
dmdrummondI'm me now19:20
* paln has returned.19:22
palnSo, what are you guys up to now?19:26
BigRedSI think 'fragrance' adverts are the new cigarette adverts19:27
BigRedSin that they make no sense whatsoever, and don't reference what they're selling until they do so explicitly at the end19:27
FlashtekBigRedS: agreed..19:28
palnBigRedS: ;) that's kinda true...19:31
palnabstract ads, my teacher calls them19:31
mgdmBigRedS: yes, I was thinking something similar19:32
mgdmBigRedS: there's a particularly nonsensical one just now involving an interview with some bloke19:32
BigRedSmgdm: That "I will not be predictable" one?19:33
mgdmBigRedS: thassit19:34
mgdmutterly bonkers :)19:35
BigRedSyeah, and quite badly acted19:35
BigRedSunless it's supposed to be like that19:35
BigRedSbut I've no idea what theyre getting at with iot19:35
daubersChristmas tree arrived and installed!19:36
daubersJust need to wait for it to settle a bit before decorating :D19:36
moreatidaubers: Is it feeling nervous and tense?19:38
palndaubers: "installed"...really???19:40
daubersmoreati: Well you know, a car journey is a scary thing for a car19:41
davmor2paln: yeah, daubers heard about a mail client called pine so installed it19:41
daubersdavmor2: :p19:42
dauberspaln: Fitted into it's stand and watered = installed19:42
daubershttp://yfrog.com/gzfrenj \p/19:43
palndavmor2: pine, huh? hmmm... ;/19:44
palnthat one looks more like it's thinking than ;/19:44
palnthat's just a weird winky face19:44
AlanBellstop anthropomorphising trees, they don't like it.19:44
daubersIT'S CHRISTMAS!!! </noddy.19:45
davmor2AlanBell: wow you managed to bolt your tree to the wall :D19:46
* BigRedS is one of them heathens :) http://twitpic.com/3cldw919:46
jacobwchristmas makes me feel grumpy :(19:47
daubersjacobw: You need to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol19:47
jacobwi think that would make me more grumpy19:48
daubersjacobw: How can you be grumpy at Gonzo, Rizzo and Michael Caine??19:49
* jacobw grumbles19:49
daubersjacobw: Mulled wine and a warm mince pie?19:50
jacobwnow that does sound nice19:50
davmor2Is missing out on Xmas decs this year :'(  no time for them, need to finish moving in, and then boxing day they'd need to be back down to start decorating the new flat  :'(  is liking other people so keep the pictures coming please :)19:50
* paln is soooooooooooo bored...19:51
* BigRedS has error messages that he's quite sure are wrong19:52
* paln is backing up some files to floppy disk19:53
palnthe sound it makes when transferring makes a funky tune!19:53
AlanBellthat is very retro!19:54
palnretro music for the retro storage!19:54
* paln is becoming more bored...19:56
* paln is leaving...see ya suckers!19:56
daubersright, lets see if we can speed up this silly python script20:00
* DJones deletes half of daubers script to halve the running time20:02
safiyyahhey all20:04
daubersDJones: Tried that, didn't help :(20:04
davmor2night all20:06
balorAnyone else in Brighton/Eastbourne having *dreadful* connection speeds?20:15
andylockranbalor: there's a routing problem at LINX20:26
andylockrananyone give any tips why my z key has become really sensitive on the asus eee20:27
andylockrani've removed the key, but the plastic nipple underneath only needs a stroke for it to type z20:28
andylockrani've got a sensitive z nipple and i'm trying to work out how best to desensitise it20:28
balorandylockran: So the whole world is fscked?20:29
* paln has arrived!20:29
andylockranbalor: many places yeah20:29
andylockranhappened just past 4 i thinj20:29
palnHello Ubuntu UK people!20:31
* paln has arrived!20:31
mgdmwe saw20:31
palnlol :D20:31
palnSo, how are you guys?20:35
andylockrangood ta20:41
palnI'm cool20:44
palnbusy freeing up some HDD real estate for Xubuntu!20:44
popeyevening all20:52
dutchielo popey and czajkowski20:54
dutchiedefinitely need to unpack suitcases from university now, it's been over a week :S20:55
czajkowskidutchie: lazy fecker :p20:55
danfishdutchie: leave it long enough and all those unwashed clothes will ferment and explode the suitcases, meaning no unpacking :D20:56
czajkowskidear dinner please arrive soon21:00
dutchiethat will probably happen while i am sleeping in the bed next to them though, danfish21:00
danfishdutchie: probably....didn't think of that21:02
palnczajkowski: already had mine! lamb...21:03
palnhow long would u say it would take to shrink a partition by 8GB?21:12
popeydepends how fast the machine is and how full the partition is21:13
MartijnVdSwow flash is flaky on natty21:13
MartijnVdSit crashes every second reload21:14
MartijnVdSeven reloads of unrelated pages21:14
daubersseems my issue is entirley python related :(21:15
AlanBellneed more christmas tree pictures21:15
palnpopey: 128MB RAM -- as u kno -- and 9.57GiB taken, shrinking from 17.57GiB to 9.57GiB (8GiB off)21:15
AlanBellpaln: would you not have less pain if you used an actual computer?21:16
DanielRMHello all.21:17
popeyevening DanielRM21:17
palnAlanBell: I'm trying to get crappy Windows ME OFF it and put Xubuntu ON it.21:18
palnso that my sister stops being a retard who's 10.5 yrs older than me can stop bugging me by wanting to use my laptop21:19
AlanBellpaln: get a mini-ITX motherboard with an Atom 330 chip on it and 2GB ram21:19
palnoh, and she can't deal with speed problems21:19
AlanBellshove it in the same box21:19
palnyet, ironically, she has one21:19
DanielRMpopey: how are you?21:20
popeytickety boo21:20
DanielRMGood good.21:20
DanielRMAnd how's everyone else?21:21
palnwell, I'm getting 2GB RAM soon for it (most likely for Christmas...or this week) and a 1TB HDD for it asewll21:22
daubersHow can python be slower on the same task by 3m30s!21:22
palndaubers: wot's so shocking?21:23
palno right...21:23
palnjust read "slower" post21:23
palndaubers: well, u were slow at the task of revealing wot was so shocking about that log.21:23
popeypaln: I'd be surprised if a machine that came with 128MB supports 2GB or a 1TB hard disk21:23
palnit's direct hardware tho...21:24
palnpopey: And why is that?21:24
popeymotherboards have limits on what they support21:24
daubers17x slower!!!21:24
palndon't embarass me in front of all these techhies...21:24
paln...who happen to use Linux21:25
daubersPoxy thing. That means I'm going to have to replace all my Python stuff with C++ on the NSLU2 :(21:25
palnWohoo! Shrikage complete!21:26
mgdmdaubers: psyco or anything like that any good?21:26
DanielRMSo from this I gather that daubers is shocked today.21:27
* paln is shocked the DanielRM just realised the daubers is shocked...shocking!21:28
gorddaubers, or you could not use cpython?21:31
gordcpython is the slowest thing in the world21:31
czajkowskidutchie: go unpack21:33
dutchieAlanBell: ^^21:33
dutchieczajkowski: :P21:33
popeysooo diaspora21:34
popeynot very exciting21:34
gordits yet another social network isn't it? don't feel the need for another one21:35
AlanBellthanks dutchie 🎄21:35
dutchieespecially one with no-one on it21:35
dutchie:( my font is sadly lacking that character21:36
AlanBellnot many fonts include U+1F38421:36
daubersmgdm: psyco?21:36
dutchie!info python-psyco21:36
lubotu3python-psyco (source: psyco): Python specializing compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-2 (maverick), package size 139 kB, installed size 424 kB (Only available for i386 hurd-i386 netbsd-i386 kfreebsd-i386)21:36
gorddaubers, its a c module for python, it dynamically recompiles some python code, its good for lots of arithmetic21:37
gorddaubers, you should try in jython and pypy too at least21:37
daubershmmm, all I'm doin is reading an sql db and outputting a csv21:37
moreatiI think psyco is no more, cython is it's replacement21:39
gordmoreati, no, thats wrong in every way21:40
gordcpython is the default python, the one everyone uses21:40
gordpsyco is a c module that can be used by cpython21:40
moreaticython replaces something though I'm sure21:40
daubersHmmm... no psyco in the debian repo on that p[latform21:43
daubersJob for tomorrow I think21:44
otaku_coderhi. I was wondering if I replaced nautilis-wallpaper manager with the compiz manager, would I be able to span a wallpaper properly between 2 screens? native span doesn't work as previous and i know there is a big bug thread for it.21:44
otaku_coderthis is for maverick btw..21:45
palni was looking for something similar to otaku_coder, a wallpaper that spans over multiple workspaces21:46
palnr at least an Ubuntu themed/related wallpaper that repeats itself like a wallpaper in a room does21:47
paln*or at least21:47
dwatkinsI used to have images of Mars, the Earth and Venus as my wallpaper on three adjacent monitors.21:51
palndwatkins: that'd be cool!21:52
otaku_coderdwatkins: ive got a few downloaded like that, but span just plants them in the middle of the 2 screens, rather than zoom/stretch as it used to be21:52
palnbut i dnt HAVE 3 monitors...21:52
palnc ya guys22:09
Mezotaku_coder: *waves*22:14
Mezotaku_coder: you're referring people here now, instead of to me on twitter, right ? :P22:14
otaku_coderhi dude!22:15
otaku_coderhaha yeah, figured i'd ask in the right place this time22:16
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as Raptor-TP
=== Raptor-TP is now known as OmNomSequitur
KarlPoeAnyone care to help me out mounting smb share in Ubuntu Maverick?23:42
KarlPoeIt keeps saying this23:42
KarlPoeEm... can't find it :)23:42
KarlPoeHere we go:23:43
KarlPoemount error(110): Connection timed out23:43
KarlPoeHere's how I'm trying to mount it:23:43
KarlPoesudo mount -t cifs // /media/Seagate -o guest,iocharset=utf823:43
KarlPoeNow if I go to smb:// in nautilus, it works just fine23:44

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