cyberanger | they gave notice on ChanServ quitting and why, suggested I grab op if needed (Another channel that could have been needed) and I was afk right when that happened | 00:01 |
techMiles | ahhh. | 00:05 |
chris4585 | out of boredom, | 05:18 |
techMiles | niice | 05:19 |
chris4585 | thanks | 05:23 |
chris4585 | awn with dockbarx plugin for the windows taskbar effect | 05:23 |
wrst | happy snowy morning everyone | 13:07 |
wrst | hello Xpistos | 14:05 |
Xpistos | hey | 14:06 |
wrst | how are you doing? | 14:07 |
wrst | hello chris4585 | 15:11 |
wrst | hey techMiles | 15:20 |
techMiles | hey | 15:20 |
techMiles | gahhh | 15:20 |
techMiles | 17 degress right now | 15:20 |
techMiles | feels like 3! | 15:20 |
techMiles | O_O | 15:20 |
wrst | ha ha how much snow techMiles ? | 15:20 |
techMiles | high of 26 today | 15:20 |
techMiles | <.5" | 15:20 |
wrst | in monterey where i'm at now looks like we have about 8" had 6" when i left the house today | 15:20 |
techMiles | geeze. | 15:21 |
techMiles | says 4.5" estimated in the last 24hrs | 15:21 |
techMiles | but that's probably the center of there | 15:21 |
wrst | its nice techMiles, oh yeah you are in the memphis area? | 15:22 |
techMiles | no snow in the crystal ball today, seems like. for here, anyway. *crosses fingers* i just wwanna get through my finals, and have my gf get back home to her family for christmas so she can be with them for that. | 15:23 |
techMiles | wrst: yeah. | 15:23 |
techMiles | about 45 min N-NE. | 15:23 |
techMiles | from memphrika | 15:23 |
wrst | ahh yes you guys don't get the white stuff in any abundance there | 15:23 |
techMiles | we did last winter | 15:23 |
techMiles | february | 15:23 |
wrst | yeah last year i think we had snow on the ground for about a month straight, not on the roads but just as soon as it would melt more would come | 15:24 |
techMiles | geeze | 15:24 |
techMiles | it'd be nice-- love snow. it's beauutiful. | 15:24 |
techMiles | but it tends to get in the way here as we aren't used to it | 15:24 |
techMiles | people don't know how to drive in it, what to do about it, etc. | 15:25 |
wrst | pretty much everyone here just stays home | 15:25 |
wrst | the hills do make it difficult in my area to get around if you don't have a 4x4 | 15:25 |
techMiles | yeah | 15:25 |
techMiles | here, the backroads with all the trees freeze over so easily | 15:26 |
techMiles | it's difficult to get around anywhere, even with a 4x4. it's just easier to get back OUT of the ditch if you have one | 15:26 |
wrst | yeah if you have ice nothing really helps :\ | 15:28 |
netritious | good morning locotn | 15:36 |
wrst | morning netritious | 15:38 |
wrst | happy snowy morning! | 15:38 |
Svpernova09 | morning | 15:38 |
netritious | howdy wrst, Svpernova09 | 15:38 |
wrst | how are you doing netritious ? | 15:38 |
netritious | pretty good...have a meeting in an hour or so | 15:40 |
wrst | great way to start a monday | 15:41 |
wrst | I gues :) | 15:41 |
netritious | it's a good thing | 15:41 |
netritious | hard to pin this guy down on a meeting, but worth it | 15:41 |
netritious | if things go well will have funding for a project or two | 15:42 |
wrst | cool netritious funding is a good thing | 15:43 |
Xpistos | what kind of project | 15:43 |
netritious | wrst: indeed | 15:43 |
netritious | Xpistos: open source project...I'm mum on the rest for now | 15:44 |
netritious | lol j/k | 15:44 |
netritious | it's really a top secret project :P | 15:44 |
netritious | netcosm | 15:45 |
netritious | A web application that allows an engineer the ability to design, develop, deploy, and manage networks and services for either local or remote sites | 15:46 |
netritious | sites=locations | 15:46 |
netritious | with bells and whistles | 15:46 |
netritious | drag-n-drop WYSIWYG web interface | 15:48 |
wrst | cool netritious | 15:48 |
techMiles | HTML5? :P | 15:49 |
netritious | it sounds cool wrst but it's a huge project | 15:49 |
netritious | no lol | 15:49 |
netritious | techMiles: it's all JS based...server side included | 15:50 |
techMiles | lol. that's a joke in my server class. | 15:50 |
techMiles | He mentioned emerging technologies and their support and examples | 15:50 |
techMiles | and I chimed in with HTML5. | 15:50 |
techMiles | so now, everything == HTML5. | 15:50 |
techMiles | and we laught. lol | 15:50 |
netritious | lol | 15:50 |
wrst | well neyritious thats what I mean cool for a user like me sucks to ve you :) | 15:51 |
netritious | hehe wrst | 15:51 |
netritious | I don't mind the work but it's a lot to tackle alone | 15:51 |
wrst | I bet | 15:52 |
netritious | I expect repairs to be non-existent until Feb 2011, so if I can swing it try to get something more than a prototype completed by then | 15:54 |
wrst | sounds like we will be seeing less of you for a while | 15:55 |
Svpernova09 | I saw a lot less of netritious this weekend when he landed on my rockets :_X | 15:57 |
Svpernova09 | But I think he ended up handing me my ass in UT2k4 | 15:57 |
wrst | ha ha | 15:57 |
techMiles | <3 UT2k4. | 15:58 |
techMiles | that's what every LAN party I've hosted has been centered around, pretty much. | 15:58 |
Svpernova09 | Nice, | 15:58 |
Svpernova09 | Our lan was a 13 hour L4D2 marathon | 15:58 |
techMiles | lol nice | 15:59 |
Svpernova09 | with a bit of SC2, UT2k4, Alien Swarm + WoW mixed in. | 15:59 |
techMiles | we mixed in a little supcom, and some Rise of Nations, iirc. | 15:59 |
techMiles | but most of it was UT2k4 | 15:59 |
netritious | wrst: nah you will see me no less than you already do...which isn't much :-/ | 16:04 |
netritious | Svpernova09: owned then got PWNED lol | 16:05 |
wrst | ha ha netritious :) | 16:05 |
Svpernova09 | yep :_D | 16:05 |
netritious | it was bad there weren't more players...evens the odds a bit | 16:06 |
Svpernova09 | yeah, a lot were mainly interested in l4d2 | 16:06 |
netritious | I had heard of that game but really no anything about it till I left the the LAN party.... | 16:07 |
netritious | my brother played it for a couple of hours Sat night on his xbox 360 | 16:07 |
netritious | *but really didn't know anything about it | 16:07 |
Svpernova09 | You can get it cheap on steam today I think, someone said it was $5 or $10 | 16:08 |
netritious | I think I am pretty much finished up as a gamer | 16:09 |
Svpernova09 | hehe Blizzard has far too tight of a grip on my soul. | 16:09 |
netritious | when the Atari master servers stop answering will hang up the hat | 16:09 |
netritious | I think the first third-person shooter I ever played was Wolfenstein 3D...the original, back in '93-94? something like that | 16:13 |
netritious | *first-person shooter | 16:13 |
netritious | windows 3.11 days | 16:13 |
cyberanger | now that the weekend's over, everyone starts chatting and I miss it, lol | 16:43 |
wrst | any snow cyberanger ? | 16:44 |
cyberanger | well, there is disagreement on that | 16:48 |
wrst | what? cyberanger ? | 16:48 |
cyberanger | but there is enough dandriff to cover the lawn | 16:48 |
wrst | we have 8-10" here in monterey and over 6 at my house | 16:48 |
cyberanger | yeah, the platau got more, less to dump here | 16:49 |
wrst | ha ha oh well we've had a nice one and way early | 16:51 |
cyberanger | idk about early | 17:07 |
cyberanger | but yeah, rare that it covers everything | 17:07 |
techMiles | lol. | 17:40 |
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netritious | lol techMiles | 19:44 |
netritious | w00t! idea sold. Now to cross my fingers and wait. :D | 19:45 |
wrst | congrats netritious | 20:22 |
netritious | thanks wrst...Jan '11 looks to be the month...if that doesn't change then I'm in like Flynn | 20:25 |
wrst | coolawesome netritious | 20:30 |
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wrst | hey william_ | 21:56 |
william_ | hey, what's up? | 22:47 |
cyberanger | not much william_ | 22:52 |
wrst | not much here either you doing ok? | 22:53 |
wrst | cyberanger: having a good afternoon? | 22:53 |
cyberanger | afternoon is over, but the day is well ;-) | 22:55 |
=== william_ is now known as Worldspice_Will | ||
wrst | well its afternoon and not midnight cyberanger :P | 23:02 |
Xpistos | l8s~ | 23:02 |
cyberanger | wrst: the word your looking for is evening | 23:15 |
wrst | yeah yeah cyberanger :P | 23:59 |
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