
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
MTecknologynewz2000: you around?10:00
MTecknology0420.. i should nap- i'll catch you later10:20
=== yaili__ is now known as yaili
newz2000MTecknology: yes, ping me when you're back14:42
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
nigelbhi, the feed on the right seesm to be broken, http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/careers18:36
nigelbit hasn't updated since nov 1818:36
nigelbnot sure where to report it though18:36
newz2000nigelb: thanks, I'll look into that, it's certainly not right19:32
nigelbnewz2000: great, thanks :)19:36
pleia2that reminds me, the rss feed in the header of planet.ubuntu.com is wrong (points to rss200.xml rather than rss20.xml), not sure where to report it, newz2000?19:59
newz2000pleia2: thanks, I'm working on an update to that site now, will ensure it's fixed with the next release20:14
pleia2thank you :)20:15

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