
ochosicharlie-tca: hey07:06
ochosicharlie-tca: unfortunately the slider-screenshot is not online anymore07:06
ochosicharlie-tca: about the other thing: that's clearly thunderbird's fault :)07:07
charlie-tcaochosi: http://imagebin.org/12762113:07
charlie-tcaochosi: the shrinking icons appears to be something in xfce4.9 panel14:41
ochosicharlie-tca: hm, what exactly on that screenshot?14:54
ochosiah right14:54
ochosinow i get it14:54
ochosiyou mean the scrollbars14:54
ochosiyeah, that's the idea that they blend in with the background14:54
charlie-tcayeah, the area for them is blended14:55
ochosiit's a design decision14:55
charlie-tcabut the arrows help 14:55
charlie-tcaOkay, That's what I wanted to know. 14:55
ochosiyeah, i didn't have those in earlier versions14:55
ochosibut obviously without arrows you have problems with ooffice and firefox14:55
charlie-tcaand thunar, too14:55
ochosii mean: having no arrows *breaks* openoffice15:00
ochosiyou can't use the scrollbars anymore15:00
charlie-tcaThunar doesn't break without them, but it is harder to use the scrollbars if you blend into the background and have to grab the slider bar to scroll. I seldom hit those, it is easier to click the mouse to scroll.15:03
charlie-tcaMy hands are not steady enough to try and move the mouse to scroll15:04
charlie-tcamr_pouit: alternate 386 installs today! first time since the alpha1 release15:05
ochosicharlie-tca: right, well as long as they are ok the way they are now i'm happy :)15:24
charlie-tcaThey are quite usable the way you have them. :-)15:25
ochosiwhat do you think about the window-manager theme?15:25
charlie-tcaI like it. I would like a little more definition when looking at both active and inactive windows, but so far, it is real good.15:35
charlie-tcaIt isn't something that has to change, though15:35
ochosiok, it's just a preliminary theme, it could be modified/exchanged15:35
charlie-tcaI think the color is good. I have been using it and the icon set both15:36
ochosiok, that's good to heat15:37
ochosii think mr_pouit preferres elementary, because it's not as colourful as faenza15:37
ochosibut maybe i can discuss this in more detail with him when he's around15:38
charlie-tcahm, I don't know. I have to have icons that I can distinguish, and elementary doesn't work for me. 15:38
charlie-tcaBut, that is minor, I can go with either set15:39
ochosiwell for me the main point is that the theme we're using is xfce-complete15:39
ochosifor visual consistency15:39
charlie-tcaYes, agreed15:39
ochosibut i think we can achieve that for either theme15:39
ochosiso in the end we can have a vote or something15:40
charlie-tcaEdubuntu said they won't go with faenza now because too many others are using it15:40
ochosithat argument is a bit strange in my opinion15:40
ochosii think we should go with what works best, not with what distinguishes us most15:41
ochosiotherwise we could just as well use the highcontrast-theme :p15:41
charlie-tcaI prefer the idea it is the best for our use, not the best for everyone else.15:41
* charlie-tca would not mind the highcontrast, but it probably is not ideal for most people15:42
ochosiyeah, i agree15:42
charlie-tcabesides, that is easy enough to change. 15:42
ochosiyou mean for the end-user?15:43
charlie-tcaIf they really don't like what we give them, they can change it easily. Most won15:43
charlie-tca t, but hey, ...15:43
charlie-tcaWe just give them the best things we can for starting off. If they choose to keep them, that is great!15:44
mr_pouityay, +1 for finding an icon theme that nobody uses ;>15:54
mr_pouithey there15:54
ochosihey mr_pouit 15:54
charlie-tcaGood Morning, mr_pouit 15:54
charlie-tcaI heard a rumor that Ubuntu might use faenza, too, but it just a rumor15:54
ochosiseriously? where did you hear that?15:55
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: ah, good for the alternate cd :)15:55
charlie-tcaI don't remember, probably heard it on identi.ca15:55
mr_pouitis there a "shrinking icons" issue? In the systray?15:55
charlie-tcaGoing to try all the images today15:55
ochosimr_pouit: you once said that faenza is too colorfull for you, would you like to specify that a bit? (i mean the toolbar and the panel are obviously monochrome. so everything else? or just the apps?)15:56
charlie-tcaYes, mr_pouit. The icons shrink until they disappear, or get so small they are no longer visible.15:56
charlie-tcaThat is in the panel, not the theme15:56
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: I noticed that with xfce4-panel 4.7, icons in the systray are much smaller, but they are still visible here. Do you have a screenshot of that?15:57
mr_pouitochosi: it was only when opening the apps menu yeah15:57
charlie-tcasure, let me upload the image15:57
ochosimr_pouit: mm, so you mean the category-icons or the apps as well?15:58
mr_pouitochosi: when opening the menu, I felt there was no theme identity, only a set of apps icons (i.e. no consistency, lots of different colors)15:58
ochosiis that the same with app-finder?15:58
mr_pouitI'll retry faenza-xfce this evening then :)15:59
ochosiit's true that the ap-icon "consistency" mainly stems from the fact that they're all square-shaped :)15:59
ochosiokeydokey, thanks. i really appreciate some feedback here15:59
charlie-tcamr_pouit: http://imagebin.org/127713 are the small icons16:02
charlie-tcahttp://imagebin.org/127714 are the missing icons a few hours later the same day. Nothing was done to the computer, not even updates16:02
mr_pouiteek, ok16:04
mr_pouitI think you can report that upstream directly16:04
ochosibrr, doesn't look nice16:04
mr_pouitwith a 24px panel, my icon aren't so mall16:05
charlie-tcamy panel is 40px16:05
mr_pouitmaybe there's a miscalculation in the ratio16:05
charlie-tcaand here is today's size - http://imagebin.org/12771616:06
mr_pouithttp://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6950 maybe16:07
mr_pouityeah, it looks like your issue16:08
charlie-tcaIt does. I will attach the pics to it16:08
mr_pouitor http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=689216:09
charlie-tcalook like duplicate reports. They are both the same issue16:10
mr_pouitanyway, regardless of my opinion on faenza (:p), I think we should decide soon. If we put it in daily builds early, we should be able to detect more issues (same for the panel layout). And we can even do several experiments/switch several times before the alpha 2, it's only a config file change (well, several, but no big deal).16:20
ochosibtw, i think the shutdown-dialog-buttons are hideous in faenza :)16:22
charlie-tcaheh, it is!16:23
ochosii mean we can also mix the two icon themes ;)16:24
ochosibut we might end up having no consistency at all16:24
charlie-tcamr_pouit: if you prefer elementary, we can put it in. I don't trust my eyes that much on these16:24
* charlie-tca thinks highcontrast icons are the best for seeing, which limits how hard he would push for anything icon related.16:25
ochosimr_pouit: i don't mind deciding on the icon-theme soonish16:25
ochosii won't be around for the rest of the week though16:25
charlie-tcaochosi: the thunar icon is really bright, too16:26
ochosiif next week is early enough...16:26
ochosiyeah, i know, faenza has really vivid colors16:26
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I am willing to let ochosi decide what works best with the theme16:26
mr_pouit(well, we have to keep elementary installed not to break upgrades anyway)16:27
charlie-tcawe do?16:27
charlie-tcaI had tango in use when I upgraded to natty16:27
ochosihm, that's a strong argument for elementary16:27
ochosicause faenza would add an additional 20-30mb to the iso16:28
mr_pouitmmh, not so sure, because svgs and pngs are reoptimized on the builders16:28
mr_pouitit's worth trying16:28
ochosii already locally optimized the pngs16:29
ochosiit was still more than 20meg i think16:29
mr_pouit(and we can choose to remove elementaryXubuntu anyway, as long as we put a symbolic link to faenza-xfce, so people won't lose all icons on upgrade)16:29
ochosiwell, anyway, i wouldn't mind keeping elementary16:30
ochosibut feel free to test it for a while and we can decide next week, k?16:30
mr_pouityeah, no hurry16:31
charlie-tcamr_pouit: even the live desktop makes me choose the panel configuration. How can I choose keep the old panel on a live cd?16:48
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: because the xubuntu-default-settings still keeps an "old" (= 4.6) config16:57
mr_pouitand the panel detects that as an old config (as expected), and proposes the migration16:57
mr_pouitIt'll stay like that until we have decided on a new panel layout I guess16:58
mr_pouit(otherwise I'll have to handle a lot of moves of config files, and this is annoying)16:58
charlie-tcaOkay, that's good then17:02
charlie-tcaless work is better :-)17:02
charlie-tcaprogress... desktop 386 installed17:20

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